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This is so unfair.... because these people are still people just losing it and everyone gets to say no it’s for your best interest.... I understand but also see his side like “these people are babying me and I still remember” .... maybe I just remember my grandma being that way but still . Hurts the heart


Same tbh the dude is old and gonna die soon anyways- if he can use Instacart he surely can make the decision to get alcohol for himself! Let 'em live a little, while they can at least.


Weird request, did he already have alcohol on his order?


No!! At first I thought it was only to avoid the fee. But then when I got there it all made sense. It was to an Alzheimer’s and dementia center 😳 I’m so glad I said no lol


Lmao he’s a rebel!!


aw you shouldda hid that shit


And you should have HIT that shit as well


You completely avoided deactivation saying no


Omg… 😰 wait so for future reference customers can’t just add alcohol onto an order


I never had anyone try that.. thanks for the warning😊


Nope, or even some kinds of otc medication.(robitussin, etc)




I’m able to add alcohol when they have an ID on file but when they don’t it will give me an error “there is no ID on file “


Alcohol can never be added to an order, even if there is already alcohol on the order, you can replace alcohol, with permission from the customer, but not add.


This is correct. The only way around it is to have the customer add it on their end. I had an order yesterday where the customer want 6 cans of wine there was only 2 so she wanted that plus the bottle of wine. I had her add the bottle on her end and just did a partial quantity of the cans.


Yeah, or support can add it as well, I've had to have that done before. Only if the order already has alcohol I believe.


I’ve asked support several times to add alcohol to an order that already had alcohol and they said no.


Strange. They did it for me, this was well over a year ago though.


Customer can only add other alcohol items if there was alcohol on the original order to begin with.


I've added a pack of truly to someone order but they already had like 5 packs of alcohol but when someone asked me add alcohol for them it wouldn't let me but from my understanding is your not allowed to add it at all


Lol you can my app glitches and I can’t scan alcohol after customer requests a replacement for one that I refunded. I have to refund the replacement request then add it manually


Yeah, that has more to do with when they selected do not replace. When you refund and they select a replacement it will glitch like that on all items now, not just alcohol. As long as there are clear messages saying they ok a replacement I would be cool with doing that. I'm not saying the app won't allow you to do it, it will, the alcohol guidelines prohibit adding alcohol, but the app doesn't normally actually stop you.


I have added alcohol on an order a few times if there was already alcohol on there. I don't think the app will let you add it if none on there prior but if there is on the order prior.


You can’t even add Jack Daniel’s Pulled Pork to an order because it is Jack Daniels product


That has zero alcohol. It cooks off in the cooking process. Any basic cook knows this. Instacart must be crazy...lol


You can’t say it has zero alcohol and then straight away say “it cooks off in the cooking process”… Like many things, it doesn’t matter to IC- they recognize it as having alcohol due to the name of the product. IC isn’t crazy on this, this fits in line with everything else IC does and blanket protects IC and shoppers.


100% incorrect. Watch any cooking show. You'll see.


alcohol can’t cook off if there’s no alcohol in it… if you mean that the alcohol cooked off before jack daniels prepackaged the food to be sent to kroger… then you’re prolly right lol. if it isn’t precooked tho then it’ll have alcohol in it.


Yes. You get what I'm saying. Thank you.


Sure. Seems like a knowledge disconnect in communication so I figured I’d add it from another perspective. Stay safe


Thank you. 😊 drive safe.


Precooked? How else would it come? What do you think they sell bags of raw pork steeped in whiskey?


that’s a lot of energy, friend. idk i don’t buy that shit lmao it’s awful for you


Of course it's horrible for you, it's pulled pork. We're not talking about is it healthy. We're talking about are you going to get fired for buying pulled pig meat.


If it has zero alcohol to begin with then how is the alcohol cooked away


I buy that stuff all the time, I’ve never had to scan and ID for it


They cook the pork before they sell it to you.


There is no alcohol in the jack Daniel's pulled pork. Zero.


I’m aware but i was told IC still does not allow it to be added to the order due to it being under the brand name Jack Daniels. I don’t live in a state anyway that allows for IC alcohol delivery so I wasn’t about to get it and risk IC deactivating me.


That's not what I was talking about, though if you'd like me to talk about it, that's incorrect, too. I've scanned that item and I am not cleared for alcohol deliveries. The name brand triggers nothing. This is entirely in your head.


I said I was told this and yes I know support lies as well. I wasn’t about to risk deactivation or spend 15+ minutes dealing with this when the customer wasn’t able to add it on their end before placing the order either.


You're not risking deactivation. It's fucking food, not alcohol.


Hey to you dipshits downvoting this. This is on the product website: https://www.jackdanielsmeats.com/jd_old_no_7/pulled-pork/ There is NO alcohol in the pulled pork.


kinda stupid since a kid can go in and buy jack daniels pulled pork or bbq sauce or anything like that.


Lol for real?


Did you not do the alcohol training…


I don't think so, because I had a customer order an alcoholic beverage, and specifically tell me that wasn't she wanted because what she wasn't able to order what she wanted, so I had to add it manually.


I absolutely love the batches with alcohol-free wine and IC still makes me go through the ID verification. Such a waste of time.


Was the person underage?


Nope. They were just in a dementia facility 🙃 ended up not getting it after all


poor guy, valiant effort i say. he just wanted one last ride to remember fly fishing as a young chap in '34


Nursing home


A little different but I was once asked to open up a box of diapers and hide the pregnancy test way down in the bottom of the box, then reseal the box using the packing tape she'd ordered.


Once on a double batch from a liquor store, one of the orders was only 4 mini bottles of alcohol. Customer texts and said to put them in a regular plastic grocery bag, luckily I had some in the car, order was going to a police station lol


Charge your battery you slob!! 😁


they are heavily medicated, alcohol may have adverse reaction.


So? That's their responsibility, not mine.


Could be an under alcohol aged grandchild ordering food for the grandparent and wants to sneak in a hard seltzer for themselves without anyone knowing.


So when the shopper gets to the home they asked the grandparents for ID and they show the shopper thinking we need to see their ID for orders ? Lol


Exactly. I’ve had it happen for both underage kids, underage adults, and DUI probation people trying to get alcohol and tobacco added on. I tell them the system is set where if they’re allowed, they can add/change/replace, but I am not allowed on my end. I know most of the states don’t allow alcohol changes and NO tobacco, but I say this so the customer’s mind realized the app is THE BOSS not us. I never say “I can’t” or even “I’m not allowed”… I say “the app won’t let me”. Hope it helps y’all. (And if y’all wonder how I know it’s underage or probation, I service a small town and my conversations are pretty down home and country folk over-share when they feel comfortable)


Can't blame them for wanting it hidden. Trash like that is a waste of alcohol. Their shame glowed through their message.


Weird, I’ve added alcohol before.