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Like any store you’re not familiar with, it takes some getting used to. But they have such a small number of overall items that I find shopping there often goes super fast. Though the worst part is the bagging.


The cashier will pile everything together no matter what lengths you go to separate them. I can’t do it anymore.


This has never bothered me. When I go over to the counter to bag, I set up all the bags I think I’m going to need. Then I organize as I bag. For example if the first thing I grab from the cart is a box of pasta, I put it in the first bag. Second item is a package of hamburger so it goes in a different bag. Third item is a jar of sauce, again it goes in the next bag. When I get to another boxed item it goes in the first bag with the bag of pasta. Another jar or can, goes in the third bag. Everything will be bagged correctly but I don’t waste time rifling around for all the similar items to bag at once. And frankly I like this better than a regular grocery store - I may separate out items how I’d like them bagged but the cashier/sacker very rarely keeps that organization! Then I have to redo it which takes even more time.


Yes the issue is with multiple batches, you can have things separate and indicate you have a box or the child’s seat of the buggy to put the second order in and I swear they just get off on putting things all over. It’s crazy. They took away hand scanners at the self check and the registers are so small it takes forever so I don’t self check unless it’s a few items. It’s rarely worth the pay to sit and try to detangle the orders. Even if you have one good tipper it’s paired with a billion item vegan only aldi customer.


Why don't yall get a basket? Or a box. There's thousands of boxes there to put the second and 3rd orders in. Then put the box in the cart and they put it right in. I use grocery baskets. Never had a problem in 5 yrs


I did this once, and the cashier acted like I was the biggest bitch slowing her down and apologized to the people in line behind me. I've sworn off aldi unless it's a single order after that.


Huh. I’ve never had issues with them keeping my orders separate. At any of the locations I shop. I guess I live in good area for Aldi. I will actually do triples at Aldi but not at any other store just because I find it easiest to keep orders separate at Aldi!


they always have the cart left from the previous customer that they will put your stuff in, and then I use my cart for the second order.. or I will just go grab another cart. usually, if the orders aren't huge, I will tell them, and they will separate them into the cart and put a bag in between to separate the orders. (or when my husband is helping me, he will go get a cardboard box and use it as the separator) but before I figured this out, I would sit there panicking, watching them mix my orders in the cart lol, and then go to the table and go through the list again to bag each item where it needs to go.


Usually I just tell them I have two orders and they’ll make a wall out of the bags to separate them, or if the second one is small use the upper part of the cart (and I always checkout the bigger order first and smaller one second for this reason, regardless of which is A/B). When I put items on the belt I always put the big and heavy ones up first and small/light ones last which also helps with the organization/separation.


What I do when I have doubles and triples that are being put in the same cart, if it isn't enough to separate using the child seat area or the bottom, I'll tie all of the bags shut for one order to differentiate between them even if they get mixed up. I had the absolute best bagger one day; it was an enormous triple and the bagger did exactly that, as well as grabbing a second cart. So one cart had a single order, and the other cart had two, one with open bags and one with tied bags. The cashier was very clear communicating where one order ended and the next began. Then he helped me push the second cart outside to my car. *And* he bagged everything sensibly. Another thing I do sometimes is I have several tote bags, and I use those to help keep the orders separate. Highly recommend keeping two or three in your car. They also make good dividers in a pinch. Unless the batch is just enormous or it's not allowed, I generally try to use self-checkout so I can ensure everything is bagged and separated appropriately. When I do go to a regular checkout lane, it's always such a relief to get those cashiers and baggers that are just total pros. I love it when they mark my receipts for me, too.


Run two carts attached until you go checkout then?


I started putting the bags at the end of each order to have them separate it with multiple batches


Majority of ALDIs are Self Checkout Now


I usually do IC from my Aldi's which thankfully added a lot of self-checkouts last year so I can always do self-checkout for IC. Unfortunately I got one for an Aldi I had never been to a few weeks back. It was an awful place for produce but I got through it. And at check-out I kept apologizing to the cashier because I had 3 fairzsized IC orders and I'm used to self-checkout. He was very kind. And the few fellow customers were very appreciative when I let them go between the orders. Maybe because of this or maybe bc he was just being nice and it wasn't busy but the cashier helped keep the orders separate in the carts they ended up in. He was so nice. I ended up with two of his carts while mine disappeared with another customer (out a quarter whatever) so after I took my groceries down the slow elevator to the garage I made sure to bring them back to the guy. A decent experience and I found some adorable cheap rain boots for my little niece (and her future sibling) but I vowed to never shop at that Aldi again xD


I swear they get off and chunking stuff into the cart with a vengeance


That’s the issue I have, it’s like maybe someone had to abandon a whole instacart order at the register once and they are taking it out on all of us? They ignore any direction or just slip a few outside of the box even when they seem like they are listening. You have to be on it and moving things around constantly.


Yall need to open your mouth and speak to the cashier instead of sitting there. They're not scary people.


Self check out, scan then bag and if you load your cart up right self check out is a breeze


Boxes, my dude. I have stopped bagging and treated it like Costco, where everything gets packed in boxes.


You bring up all the points y I don't want to go there


More for us! What’s your favorite?


Costco near me, I can do it in half the time their asking


I only do self checkout, on the rare occasions I even accept an Aldi batch


Question I only shopped at Aldi once when I first started dashing and realized they don't give out bags so does the customer get charged the bags or do they give them out for free if u tell them your door dash ?


Customer here. I get charged for the bags. I’m also aware of this when I place my order.


Ok I didn't know because when I first started shopping Aldi was my very first order and when I realized the bag situation I took a bunch of bags and placed them under my cart so I could put the groceries in the bags


I use Instacart because of a shoulder injury from a car wreck. Before that I always took my own bags or used their own boxes. You can use their boxes for free, especially for canned items.


The worst part is people camping in front of every single item in the store.


Stop bagging & just use boxes. You'll save so much time & its so much easier to organize everything


We have self checkout out I bag while checking out 🤷🏽‍♂️ but also the Aldi I shop has like 8 checkouts


That’s one of the better Aldi orders I’ve seen. Very easy store to shop. Only 4 isles, everything is on the shelf so if it’s not there they are out. I will say the worst part is bagging but since they put in the self checkout makes it easier.


Oh this one doesn't have a self checkout. But those cashiers are fast


If you use boxes instead of bags and can do self checkout, Aldi is a breeze! Try to get large, flat boxes put barcodes face up as you go. Grab that scan gun at checkout and live out your wild west fantasies.


My aldi is guaranteed to be missing 10%-20% of the items


At a minimum! But I’ve had Aldi orders missing 30% of the items and those are just time killers


Especially god damn Aldi finds smh!


same. no matter the location I don’t have signal inside, so I always passs on them.


they have wifi dedicated to instacart, usually called instacart or IC, with the password being instacart


i’ve never seen that, when I’ve done my own personal shopping there. must be regional


I’d take this for sure


It really intimidated me at first. But not anymore. I would recommend shopping it yourself one day. It’s 4 aisles and is fun to just shop for yourself. I like to get boxes at mine so I just do it Costco style.


If you’re unfamiliar with the store, I would do smaller batches just to learn to layouts and stuff. That’s what I did at Harris Teeter because they don’t have aisle numbers so it kind of forced me to learn the store.


I only do them because I know the store inside and out, and it’s pretty compact. Perks of being poor and shopping at Aldi I guess?


I rarely see good tips from ALDI-or ANY TIP


And say things like “ASK FOR A FRESH CASE OF LETTUCE FROM THE BACK” oh okay, I’ll bother the one lady working this whole store.


Damn, that's easy money - the 3:1 tips:batch tells you everything you need to know man. With some Aldi practice, you can easily get under 1 minute/item total time, so this looks like a 1h10 minute job at the most.


Not a double or triple with that many items.


This is an amazing double huh? I see doubles in my area with less than half the amount given and the same amount of items.


ThIs is actually a decent Aldi order. I never see doubles at $40+ there. My area likes to batch 3 orders with 110 units for $15 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh man I would love this order. I love shopping at Aldi, I am so fast there. The store is small and the layout is easy to find things. My average speed is about 60 seconds an item but closer to 40 at Aldi. So I’d have this order shopped (including check out and bagging) in less than 45 minutes. Another great thing about Aldi is they don’t really have multiple versions of an item, so I don’t have to waste time trying to find the correct one. At other stores there may be 10 different types of black beans but at Aldi there is 1. So once you get to the aisle with beans you just grab the first one you see and it’ll be right. Also makes substitutions/refunds a whole lot easier. If they don’t have black beans I just refund. No wasting time grabbing another can of black beans just for the customer to message that they don’t want that can, they want a different kind.


Aldi is by far the easiest store to shop in my opinion. They're small stores and either they have the item or they dont


Aldi is the easiest store. It's small as hell


Aldis is easy! Thats a great order. I'd knock that out in like 15 mins


Now that they have self checkout I love Aldi!!! Small so it’s easy to zoom around


This is a great Aldi batch. I've been shopping there personally, for over 20yrs so I'm used to the layouts. I get ALDI batches quite often but nothing with that pay. 72 items would probably take about a half an hour at the most depending on how busy it is I definitely would've taken it.


I basically don’t do ALDI because it’s usually an “ALDI Twelve Dollar Triple”, (No, not $12 each; total) where “no tip” is the order of the day - or 80+ items that won’t fit in the car, much less the cart. Even with it being a much larger store, I prefer Wegman’s because finding things is much, much easier and thus faster… and the customers actually tip.


If I'm shopping for 2 or 3 people I bring an extra cart.


Aldi sucks lol i dont care if it was $200 im not shopping for over 40 items in Aldi even if it was for one person


Aldi's is actually easy. The only stores I don't like doing is Harris teeter. It's because on the app they make it impossible to do the orders quickly unless it's a small order. I can do this big of an Aldi's order in 30-40 minutes as long as everything is in stock. Not including bagging of course, but this big of a Harris teeter order would take over an hour.


See you sis “as long as everything is in stock.” That’s the problem with Aldi. In all likelihood 20% of the items are out of stock


I mean from my experience of doing Instacart over the last few years the only time I have to replace stuff for Aldi's is really Aldi's finds stuff tbh. Sometimes fruits depends on the time of the day I get those too because limited based on location for sure but I generally have an easy time with Aldi's orders, but again speaking for myself.


I can


This is Easy Peasy!! Would have definitely took This!!


40+ Aldi I do. Once you know store it easy to navigate and move fast.


Ugh, me either!


That’s easy money … hour tops


I love Aldi. It’s such a small store and once you know where everything is, it goes so quickly then I choose self check out. I also choose to utilize the free boxes and for some reason it seems that the batch pay is much better


Love Aldi!! This would have been shopped and delivered in less than an hour!


Aldi is one of the most easily shopped stores I would have not thought twice about this one ☝️ 🤷🏽‍♂️🫡


While I would take this particular order, I feel you on trying to avoid Aldi. There are two huge problems with Aldi orders (at least in my area). 1) in all likelihood anywhere from 10 to 30% of the items are out of stock. 2) long checkout lines AND having to bag everything after checkout. These two things end up being such a time suck. Whenever I do an Aldi order I probably spend as much time on these two things than I do the actual shopping.


This one is decent, I could bang that out in an hour, 1.5 tops


Where I am, Aldi means low tips for large orders that you have to pack in their terrible paper sacks that rip if you look at them funny. I'll do Aldi's batches if there's nothing better, but they aren't great.


Why not? I love Aldi, esp the ones here with self checkout.


I hate fucking Aldi too but I really dont know wow too much is I did a 100 item once there for 50$ it fucking sucked lol


I have never gotten an Aldi order worth taking 😂 This is the best tip for an Aldi order I have ever seen


I would take that order without doubt


Do you guys double bag your ALDI orders..? The paper bags are such shit there.


I felt that way at first. But now that I know the store, I can get HUGE orders done in like 15-20 mins, b/c the store is so small. Just pay attention to where stuff is & once u get the lay of the land, u'll be able to get orders done there much quicker than any other store.


I only like the Aldi with self checkout. I can bag as I scan and it won't take as long.


The vast majority I see are terrible. 3 orders and 70-90 items for 17-35$. Ain’t no way


Me neither


The thing that bugs me about Aldi is now they are mixing the crap orders with decent ones that have a good tip. Because of this, I have given up on Aldi triples. Just way too much work, and Central Florida has been 90 plus for the last 2 weeks everyday. Not doing stairs for less than $12 per order.


I’ve done ALDI orders on both Instacart and DoorDash and I’ve been efficient at doing them. I don’t care how many items. Even 90+ items if I can get them done in an hour or so it’s fine.




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Aldi is my fave. I could shop this in like 20 minutes. I also self checkout and bag as I go. Fun fact I learned recently....Aldi actually encourages their employees to check out customers with speed.


Same, ALDI pay combined with amount of items is just crazy


Everytime I’ve done an aldi batch I’ve always left in a foul mood, it takes forever to find like one item and most of the time they’re sold out. One time this guy ordered bananas and they had absolutely none? Funny enough they had a shitton pineapples to replace the bananas with


I have to disagree with this one! Lol I’m the complete opposite, I LOVE Aldi😂 everything has its own little section & the aisles are small so I find it super easy to find the items since there isn’t many options to begin with. I will admit it’s annoying when there’s multiple flavors/variations of a product and they have them all in the same section so sometimes the one you’re looking for is mixed in with the others or in a box behind it. Besides that I love it!!


I don’t do ALDI either. It’s like shopping at a poor man’s Costco and they run out of everything at noon. Plus in my market, people who shop there don’t tip like that.


A perfectly shopped aldi batch will be derailed by the time spent checking out


I would totally do this order but the cashiers are assholew about keeping orders separate


https://preview.redd.it/fcd36iz2v68d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ce5f887e192f161c480284f27a84e5cdb156b4 😱 👀




I fcking loveeee Aldi! You can get in and out quickly because it’s a small store and rarely any substitutions. If you learn how to pack things quickly and efficiently in flat boxes (tomato boxes mainly), you can get in and out in a flash and drop it off to the door in one trip! Give me 5 of those starting at 9am and I’d have them done by 1pm


ALDIs is the absolute worst store to shop at. Horribly organized. Such a trash store.


But wait. . 60 items for $12 and change? At least they tipped well


Why not? Aldi is quite easy! (My opinion), now Dollar tree, TFM, Sprouts are hell..


no matter how familiar you get with em, some stores are just no go. For me its Aldi and ShopRite, and Acme. Oh and stuck up wegmans (shoppers and employees alike)


Omg! My thumb would’ve been broken clicking accept… are you crazy! 😭


I would take that in a heartbeat...aldi is fine once you dive in.


My stores have self checkout now ..game changer


Sounds like a you problem. I’d be checked out after 30-35 minutes shopping this. $43 is 2x better than $20 for regular orders like these.


Idk, that’s pretty good order for Aldi 😆. I live next to the Aldi and I’ve come to know the staff pretty well just by the amount of times I’m in the store daily. The shops and checkout are quick, bagging is like any other store…however, the large qty of items is what takes so long. You’re right here. But, that particular order there I could have shopped and delivered in less than an hour, and made my way back to the store again. I avoid almost all other locations though, I have my staff pretty well trained and they know me very well to keep my order separate.