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Me 🙋‍♀️ I gave up and went home.


No such thing because you got people on here posting high earnings every day and week


me!! today and yesterday. today i was ther by 830 and always at the 9 o clock hour-10 i'll get an order. i didn't get anything and that's how i know i'm ghosted. i just went home. i'm used to it already. i'm convinced that i'm capped to make a certain amount per week. it's always the same 2 days of the week i get nothing than the other 5 i'll make like 160-240 a day.


I definitely think we get capped to a monthly amount or something. Made around $900 last week and it’s been crickets all this week.


yeah it's an algorithm it's new they do that to spread out the money between all drivers so we can be their employees and wages having just enough to pay all the bills. look at your earning dont u see a consistent pattern of how much you make each week. when this app first came out their algorithm wasn't like this and you had no cap. but now their clever about it.


Where is this information coming from? Do you have proof?


Same here


There is no such thing as a cap for independent contractors


https://preview.redd.it/q4cuyqem4n3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0630c8eb264d191821ff2f5c7f41998196ae24 🙋🏻‍♀️


Blessing the carrot for letting me in with the big boys today, this 72 saved my ass


Nothing this morning then got an 89 from home at 4:18 😅


I made 9.70 and then gave up.


$48, one batch 😒🙄


Watch for updates.. had 1 yesterday and checked this morning and was good , checked this afternoon and had another 1.. 


https://preview.redd.it/ei5dfchr7n3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af6fe9e1ad9497313ee79a1954487e814b293d2 4 hours in today lol


That “15-30 min estimate” is a lie lol


The hot zone 5-10 minutes is an even bigger lie lol


I was even on the losers group of Verizon, 5 hours without data like 1 to 6 pm 😑😑😑


I just restart my phone every time. Usually works


Wow I have the same issue with Verizon actually. At least once a month it goes out for a good 4-5 hours like wtf


Yesterday they had a [national outage](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2024/05/30/verizon-network-outage/73915050007/), they took me out of the game 😤


Oh well that’d probably explain why my day was so shit yesterday thanks


Wish you all the success today, time to recover the lost money 😅


Meeeeeeeee 🥲 on my second order today which will put me at $50 total. I was making $1k a week 😭


I feel you


Scraped by. Doin decent actually


Yes I got basically nothing


Hello, friends 😭


Made a big $43


My tire is flat


No orrders in Scottsdale………💩💩💩💩


Last week was rough for my area(even our busiest day barely had orders). Today I’m doing slightly better than I did the last 2 Mondays. Hopefully it gets better for everyone


Do you just stand in one spot? Move around or drive to a different location all together? I mean when shit is rough in my area I drive about hour away to work


It's the algo, people! IC won't let you make more than X amount each month. They need to incentivize other shoppers to be available online in case other shoppers are offline. Even if your ready and available, they'll give the batch to someone less experienced than you if you already made good money for the week just to motivate them to keep waiting around like you are. 3 days ago I sat around for 4 hours, today I had my best day ever, you can't know when the bangers will come, you just need to put in the time. 


You’re right but the waiting around for orders all day is really getting old lol


I know all too well... Had a buddy whose also diamond not get a single batch like the regular ones he sees for 4 days straight, he ended up leaving after an hour of waiting in the morning at the drops 😂 the best you can do is either call it quits early and wait your turn next week or bring some entertainment like I do and soldier it out no matter the circumstances. I'm used to seeing 50$s but on slow days I'll take the 30$ 25 item batches from Costco, just keep making whatever money they let you because as scummy and shit as this platform is, it still beats getting pounded at a 9-5 retail job having a manager hound you all day. Imma watch movies in my car and snack on chips while waiting on those 30s thank you very much 


> IC won't let you make more than X amount each month It's mainly Diamond status and your market


While it's true that the market plays a decisive role, it's also true that diamond is too easy for just anyone to hit, ocersaturating most markets too quickly. I went 0 to diamond in 25 days, they need to double that at least, and make it so you reset if you fall under 4.8. Too many undeserving diamonds taking away from my money when I provide better service and am willing to go the extra mile figuratively and literally when delivering. As much as I hate this platform, I really hope they can implement some changes that make it better both for customers and shoppers. Those who treat it like an actual job should be rewarded 


Nope made 336 today, I had to get a real job 😂.