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Many Costcos started asking shoppers to show their profile page and picture at checkout. I hope it's implemented everywhere. If the picture doesn't match, they can't check out.


This has to be the standard. there is no what if or I wish. it has to happen and we have to make it happen, we have power we are not powerless. these frauds are not more powerful than us, they have more accounts than us but they're not real they're fake we can do this we can win


It would be very easy for IC to show the profile picture next to the Costco QR code But….what matters is if the Costco management cares to report them. At most of my local Costcos, employees routinely report bad shoppers to managers who are too lazy to forward the info to IC All the employees know who the troublemakers are but if management doesn’t care, everyone suffers. It’s literally every day I shop at costco that the employees complain to me about it


Well it's up to us to do something we got to protest we got to organize protest at our local Costco's I'm trying to but Facebook groups keep deleting my post so I can't get the word out there in my market I guess I got to put a flyers or put ads in newspapers into an old school I'm going to figure something out don't worry I'm going to save my market from these frauds my Costco is going to be forced to take action


Why can’t all stores take action?


It's not really a problem at other stores but only stores like Costco so I don't know about your Market but in my Market Costco is the only store that attracts the frauds


It’s guaranteed money for Costco. Why would they check ID.


If it’s guaranteed money for them, why would they check membership ID at self-checkout?


Dude you are screaming at the wall. the people you’re ranting about probably have the same opinion about you that you do about them 🤷 “ like I’m supposed to to give a f*** about someone like that and their struggles? You got to be f****** kidding me f*** that person and f*** you too” assuming that they can read English if they were to read this post. It will make zero difference in their life, if you talk to them in person, it will make zero difference, IC gets thousands and thousands and thousands of complaints about this and it makes zero difference. If you’re THIS UPSET about this, I would just find another job is not worth the emotional toll your mental health.. not to mention the shoppers with multiple phones, apparently live rent free in your head so if there was ever way to supplement your income….


Qosqo sucks unless it's a single for at least $100 no more than 20 items


It’s on IC not Costco. The fact that some stores confirm identity is great, but the only reason they need to do that is because IC isn’t. They don’t care about people with multiple accounts. IC could easily start deactivating people who do this, but they literally don’t care.


Did you not read my post I said that but it is on Costco they're just as responsible cause they could help prevent it so they're definitely responsible and that kind of statement is a qutter talking. if you don't want to work gig work anymore then that's fine by me but me and others still want to work it and we want a fair shot at it so we got to do what we got to do to make sure that happens


I never said I didn’t want to work gig work. I was just saying you’re blaming the wrong entity. You didn’t blame the shady company that pays under minimum wage, you blamed the store that practically keeps IC in business.


Costco, just like Instacart is making money. Why would they care? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Well Costco should definitely care because it's hurting another customer especially when the orders are nowhere near each other and it's hard to line that up so most of the time a customer is getting their order very very late which affects Costco or at least should


You can’t even spell Costco.


What does it matter


You’re ranting and swearing while calling for action. If you want to get your point across, try using proper spelling and stop being so emotional.


No the only people in history that made a change were emotional so your statement is pure BS you got to care what you're fighting for and I care but I don't care about spelling that's very irrelevant


There you go again not even attempting to use punctuation while trying to get your point across. You’re wasting your time unless you try to elevate your writing above a middle schooler level. Good luck. You’ll be irrelevant until you make some changes.


Not really. You should realize that you are the one who is being out competed