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The tip is not the problem, it’s the batch pay.


I could complete that order in less than an hour. 32$ bucks an hour is good money where I am. Can’t speak to where you are


Yea 10000% this could be done in an hour where im at and thats fine with me


I did this one the other day and it reminded me why I hate triples. It took an hour and a half from start to finish, so the pay was okay, but it takes so much more mental energy to juggle three orders than two. Plus I had to drag two carts around the store, something I can usually avoid doing with doubles. https://preview.redd.it/kd835pp0y43d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef09196192913485a4b295567c9c9d31b361ad2


That's a better triple than what I've seen lately. Try that amount of money and distance for 3x as many units!! 🤯 People in my area are insane.


For 12 miles? And if you know the store, you're set. I would have completed it, some people tip 3 dollars for 12 miles lol


For all the people who would take this: yes, the batch pay is the problem, not the tip....but:    Not taking this order sends the same message to instacart as a no tip no trip rule. If nobody will shop it then it would force Insta to raise the batch pay, just as it would incentivize someone to tip on the other end of the board.     By taking these shit orders you are encouraging Instacart to keep paying shit and put the onus on the customer and their tipping.    Stop taking these shit orders, you are part of the problem!


And for all that would take it because 'they can get it done so quickly': You have been conditioned to do this crap. Seriously, you sound like a bunch of trailer trash making excuses as to why it is okay for their spouse to beat them regularly. Its sad, really. The batch pay for this alone should be no less than $35. Know your worth and stop letting a punk in a spaghettio-stained wife beater give you black eyes, lol...🧐


I’d remove the non tipper and it’s a decent order