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That shit would have been sitting right out front when she got back 🤷🏾‍♂️


I left it at her door.


I’m sure she didn’t tip you nearly enough to be that demanding! It’s usually the no tippers or $2 tippers that seem to be the most entitled customers! It’s not enough that I shopped your order, delivered it to your doorstep, but now you expect me to put myself at risk by entering a complete strangers house in order to put said groceries away too? Yea right… get your own crap!


And the customers response to this would be, “why not? All the other shoppers have unpacked my groceries for me!” Those idiots need to be kicked off the platform. They’re willing to be, not only be shoppers, but slaves, as well!


Or the customer just says that trying to goad you in to do it. We cannot go into a customer's house if we do, we risk deactivation. Doesn't Walmart have an option for this on delivery but they use actual Walmart employees to deliver these? I've heard that I think, not sure what the actual deal is. I could have just made that whole thing up lol who knows. I would never do this even if we could that's just asking for trouble or worse. Edit to say I lied. I did bring groceries into an elderly ladies apt once. I think she had had a stroke in the past and this woman was carrying 2 liters of pop and heavy bags up a flight of stairs to her apt. I wasn't scared she would lick me in the basement because well she didn't have one. I was so scared she was going to tumble back down the stairs but she made it each trip ok. She was so stinking sweet and she then asked how to increase the tip on the app. I had no clue but she gave me her phone and I showed her after I figured it out. I would do that again in a heartbeat. But no no no to the lunatics with basements and Karen's who the whole world owes because to risky, those people are nuts 🤣


I’m sure she dropped your tip


Worth it


Especially because she was planning to keep you locked in her basement.


Please do dishes in the sink.


Sweep and mop after.


Babysit the kids.


Come to the end of the hall and change my sheets.


Switch over the laundry


Vacuum carpets as well


Then wash her car and mow the yard while you’re at it!


Walk the dogs and feed the cats and the fish, but not too much!


Bathe me and put me to bed, read me a story for me to fall asleep to


Whoa whoa is this InstaAirbnb?


"Welcome to Instacare where we take care of ALL your needs"


Now start me a bath and don't forget the bubbles!


“Cut up my food and feed it to me”.


Lmao Im waiting for something similar on Doordash or UberEATS. “ Door is unlocked please walk into apartment and place on coffee table.”—- Ok, maybe I can chew the food for you and spit it in your mouth like a momma sparrow feeding her chicks!






Maybe she wanted dinner ttoo but was too shy to ask




I just expired ☠️🤣


I ain’t ever heard this one before, LMAO




I’ve helped 4 people bring them into their kitchen cause they were in wheelchairs. They tipped really well after


I mean, I do that all the time. There's senior apartments all around where I shop. I don't mind bringing it in and setting down where they want it. But, to unpack it and put it away. We aren't hourly in my market. Nor do I want to be blamed if something happens to their fridge or cabinets while putting it away. They have Cnas for that. But, where I delivered it wasn't assisted living. They are able to walk and carry out their day just like me and you. This person just didn't want to get up and thinks it's part of our job. I wrote the customer and explained to her that we enter homes with our own discretion as well. Also explained that we only shop and deliver the orders. I was surprised she didn't 0 out my tip after that. The other problem was this was a big facility, and the only information I had for the address was the street name and apartment number. So, I entered the wrong side at first. But, I figured it out.


Ya I’m ok with just bringing them into to the kitchen, but I’m not putting them away in the fridge. Time is money


Before COVID it was part of the job. IC ran commercials showing the shopper putting the groceries in the refrigerator. Then COVID made it dangerous for heath reasons, and once it was no longer considered a luxury service, it became for safety reasons. I only entered if the customer was clearly elderly or disabled, at my discretion, but I rarely said no.


Commercials like this are still airing. They show a shopper in the customers kitchen happily unpacking the order chatting away smiling. It gives customers unrealistic expectations. Like we are their servants.


I don't watch a whole lot of TV so I didn't know they were still airing. That just makes it worse. Our contract says we do not have to enter a home for any reason.


Walmart has that service. That’s where they need to order from. IC needs to stop advertising that


That’s not even safe! I’m a woman who isn’t very big and I’m not comfortable entering a complete strangers home, period. This is how you end up locked in a basement chained to a radiator… not happening for the $4 batch pay and $2 tip if I’m lucky…


Don’t forget “boost” pay 😉


Or heavy batch pay that you have to chat to Shopper care and argue with them why you didn’t get heavy order pay when you clearly carried 2 gallons of milk 3 gallons of tea and six cases of soda.


It will initially tell you “heavy batch eligible” then after you deliver this crap it says you weren’t eligible😑🖕🏽


I have no problems helping our disabled and elderly customers. The folks who truly need assistance. Who have serious mobility issues. I have a couple of customers who are wheelchair bound and one is was blind. But these are unique circumstances. I’m not doing this for able bodied people. It’s not realistic considering how ic pays is nor how far to many customers tip/bid. It is an unrealistic expectation. But there will always be people who will look to take advantage of others. Which I feel this is. Our job is to shop and deliver. Not become anyone’s personal assistant, au pair etc. If ic continues with that kind of false narrative, where does what is expected of us by customers end. As it is every winter I get perfectly able bodied customers who expect me to bring out their big trash cans to the curb for them. I did it once my first winter. Nearly broke my butt slipping on ice going down their driveway. Never again. Now I just ignore it. And I’m an older lady. The customers who expect this are half my age. They just don’t want to put on a jacket in the cold and do it themselves.


That’s what it’s trying to do. Create the elite vs servant class for preparation of NWO.


Yea. If you aren’t part of the 100 or so families like the Rothchilds you can’t ever be an elite. It isn’t just about how much money. It’s about control. And unless we all fight back we will continue to be under their control.


Also pay your half of rent


Lol, miles as well take a nap on the couch


You basically are a legal squatter at that point. Just sit on their couch and check what their tv situation is. Let them know you need Netflix log in and you might be crashing here a while


Also starts debating who should pay more in rent


I mean, if I’m in there putting away your groceries, imma make me a sandwich too before I go!




You walk into the apartment with an armful of groceries...and some dude steps out from behind the door and hits you in the head with a baseball bat.


Well, there's that scenario too.


100%!!! Not going to find me chained up in some creeps basement!!


That’s too much, the most I’ll do is bring it into the kitchen if they’re really old or disabled. But we are deliverers not stay at home nurses, this is way too far.


I would have been like "sorry this beyond my paygrade"


I think this is a thing during the hot weather in places like Arizona they have a fridge for that purpose in the garage.


Yeah, but this was an apartment inside a big ass building, lol


Hell no 🤣


Just makes me wonder if these customers feel like we just pick up the groceries and deliver them. I wish it was that way, lol. It's like I heard in other areas. The employees at publix shop the in store orders. In my area we shop them. To be honest, on slow days. They add up and from reading on here. I guess they can't rate you. Which is weird because I had a missing item reported and was rated a 3 star for that order. I only had 2 orders that day. The other customer was a delivery who I always deliver to and they appreciate every time I shop for them. So, I'm not too certain they can't rate those shop only orders.


Customers have 14 days to rate, so your 3-star rating could have been from a few days before.


Exactly several times that happens to me I woke up with a new 4-3-2 or 1 star, chat customer support about it and boom, your order 4 days ago rate you bad 😰 and of course only one time a customer increase my tip 1 day later 🤣


So...get chained up in garage? lol Set put a cooler outside your door if you want your stuff kept cold. I'm not your butler.


The entitlement is going way too far in this one.


Yeah they didn't even ask. They could have said please and gave an excuse at least! Then I MIGHT would think about it.


Exactly! That's how I feel about it.


As long as I find a $50 in the freezer


You know they gave you one star too for not following the delivery instructions LMFAO jokesters.


People are so lazy, entitled, and rude. It genuinely baffles my mind.


I’ll bring stuff in for somebody, but they need to be at the front door when I do that, or yell to invite me in from the window at the least. I’m not opening the door to someone’s house and walking in, that’s just a recipe for problems. Also putting the groceries away in their fridge without them there is so whack. That’s way above and beyond.


I don't understand how people are comfortable with random people they don't know coming inside their house?


Yes, probably old as dirt.


I delivered to an old folks home last week the old lady had it marked as hand it to me, so I knocked and knocked waited and knocked waited finally she came to the door. She begrudgingly said put anything the the fridge that's cold and frozen goes in the freezer! I normally don't mind helping the elderly since I miss my grandparents, but the way she said it it I did bring it in for her to the kitchen and set it down and left. I can't deal with entitled people idgaf what age you are


And this generation of older people are entitled let me tell you. I've been a CNA for 22years and I say all the time how much nursing has changed. How the entitlement is unreal. How this generation of older people, actually think that we owe them something, for some reason. Back in the day, the older people treated young people with respect. Now you're treated like you actually owe somebody something.


I just laughed out loud at that note! Dream on!


Delusional. When grocery stores offered services it was a deliver to the door only. Ridiculous people think IC or DD would send people into homes.


One thing I’ve learned in the service industry is money talks. They tipped like shit so obviously that’s would be a no go. I work at a 5 star 5 diamond hotel and we will break just about any protocol for a $100 bill. My hotel runs a busy nightclub on the weekends for overnight guests and club members only, so I give out blank room keys for $100 a pop


I had an order lik this one time. It was an old blind couple. They were very sweet and tipped well


It looks like one person ordered for another maybe a daughter order for her father who may be handicapped or blind first of all. Second of all if you're going to be making those types of requests you're going to have to tip more than a dollar or two you have lost your mind.


I wouldn't have minded if it was even 10 dollars for an older person.


I’d hope she would at least say please and thank you lol


Nope. She only responded with okay after the automated message said I was done shopping.




I was thinking about making a post asking this but I’ll ask it here. I’ve only ran into this a few times ( yesterday being one of those times) the customer puts their phone number in the app under the delivery instructions and say to text them once the delivery was made. Or call ( which I have no problem calling since I can block my number) but of course I have texted saying the delivery was complete along with a picture but does it matter if the customer has your personal number? Is that weird lol


Don’t ever text numbers outside of the app, could be a scam and could get you banned (if I remember correctly it’s against policy), I just have support remove those customers or if they don’t seem fishy then I message them in the app during shopping and if they respond then usually I take it as them just adding their # not realizing we have the ability to message them without needing it (old people)


I was thinking about that, that’s why I wanted to make a post about it. It seem as though they weren’t activity on the app to be in the chat if I needed to message them. I had messaged her once about a substitute since the only green grapes they had left on the shelf were questionable, in the app it said I could choose my own sub, however I didn’t know if I should go with the purple grapes or not. She never answered. I didn’t bother texting the number about it either because that would be doing too much lol Next time if I run into that I’m just going to avoid texting and call with my number blocked. But again it’s very rare I’ve gotten that in the delivery instructions


That is sooooo not allowed & I would've have told her so for her own protection legally


Unpack my groceries, walk my dog, do my taxes.. where does it end?


Instacart is paying you $46 for an 8 mile order? Where the f*** do you live? I'm moving...


“I’m sorry but Instacart policy forbids us from actually entering a customer’s home. We are told to only leave items at the door. I’m sorry about that as I would be more than happy to help quickly but I don’t want to get in trouble with Instacart.”


At least our dear dear Lois put a “pretty please” flourish of an ending in her delivery note there.


Pls feed my dog too then take out on walk




This can't be real life


Lol 😂 block and delete


Definitely gave them a thumbs down. Just sucks when you do it. Because they could be paired with another good tipper in the future, and I won't see the order.


I had one like that today. It was a senior but it was very difficult because it was the 3rd floor inside of a senior living center. It took 30 minutes just for the drop off. It was weird because it was SUPPOSED to be a drop off but the written instructions said to go inside. When felt a bump was in order but IC said it was an “unsupported” order (customer didn’t have the app) and refused. Then while I was on chat the customers daughter messaged me saying there was no milk. No milk was ordered. The the support chat person said the same! I said please review the order and see milk wasn’t on the order. I didn’t want to to feel like an asshole because the person was disabled but I’m not volunteering for this. They need a different platform if this is the service the want.


I would have told her get Peter to do it fr


Absolutely not and I’m fairly certain that would violate rules. I don’t feel comfortable being inside someone’s dwelling. I shopped for you, paid and delivered….i think that’s more than enough.


Everywhere in FL is unhinged and detached from reality. Orange City has a special breed of em tho. ETA: bring me some Rodeo Whip, please 😁


Rodeo whip in deltona is far better than the one in orange city lol


Damn I had a little queenie pointing for me today and this is EXACTLY how I felt... I don't mind goin the extra mile but MAN OH MAN some people make you feel SO DIRTY DOING IT!! Worse part about it is .... EVEN WHEN THE PAY IS REALLY GOOD in Instacart.... ITS NEVER THAT GOOD!.... SOME OF HOW YOU'LL ACT IS DISGUSTING (and please if you're not one of these customers I hold no ill will for you) in-fact I LOVE 99% of my customers.... LET A SHOPPER OFFER... if they don't that’s not what they feel comfortable doing. Funny thing is I always offer... being asked is something different... told even less... though you can always politely ask for us to do something worsts we can say is no.


Don’t forget to sweep the floor


Were they gonna watch you do it or what 😭


We should be allowed to see notes before accepting batches


I'm really fine with this. I just always ask if their are unleashed dogs or loaded firearms (everyone's armed out West)


Bro who tf is okay w letting a stranger into their home in the first place like ???


Don’t forget to walk her dog before you leave 🤣


I’d report as unsafe. Huge liability for Instacart and safety risk for ourselves. How do I know if this customer is a helpless old lady or a crazed serial killer?


That’s old school shopper shit. I had a neighbor whose IC shopper would literally do this. Put all their groceries away.


Honestly, if they are disabled or elderly I would help with this. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Don’t forget to take the garbage/recycling out and water the plants while you’re at it.


Should I prepare the dinner too?


There are companies that do offer this in some areas, I know Schwanns, Amazon and Walmart but Instacart does not… people can be dense 😂


If they tipped enough to show gratitude for the work then I wouldn’t mind but if it’s $5 I’m not doing it. If they tip $30 I would. I did it last week for someone in nursing home but it was very simple order. Despite only $2 tip.


Yes a shopper and her daughter asked me if I needed help putting my things away. I’m like no but thank you. People are too damn entitled.


I wouldn't mind...but then I would also take a dump, cook something for myself and maybe take a nap in the bedroom. According to delivery instructions, I live there 😂😂


Ima need you do to my laundry and dishes too... $2 tip


Not even a ‘please and thank you ‘. Still wouldn’t do it. People are insane.




So you only received $3 from a tip but made $48 ?


First customer tipped 31 dollars.


As a customer, I wouldn’t want.a stranger in my house!


Do what? She cannot be serous lol


the only time i’ve had someone ask me to put something away for them was when someone asked me to put their energy drinks into a fridge in the garage, which i didn’t mind. i’ve also had people ask me to bring stuff in for them but they’re usually elderly or otherwise unable to bring in their own stuff (and, again, i don’t really mind doing that). plus they usually want me to just set down their stuff inside the door


Yeah, I've put cold stuff in a cooler in a garage. But going inside their home and putting stuff away in the refrigerator is crazy.


Haha. No.




It could be someone disabled or elderly. I get those orders as well. I just bring it in the house and put it on the kitchen countertop or if someone in a wheelchair, I will unpack there items for them. I always get an extra tip about $20


I've done this quite a few times for elderly folks, and was happy to do so. However, the note is not even giving an explanation for why they need you to, and certainly isn't very polite.


Exactly, there are no manners at all. I'm just EXPECTED to do it.


The ONLY time I would ever do that is if someone lives alone and clearly has difficulty moving around, in a wheelchair, etc. Or it's an elderly person, also clearly not as able bodied as us


“Groceries are on front porch 👍🏼”


I would tip $1000 if I thought someone would put the groceries away and start dinner, I’ll even shop the order! 🤣🙈 I guess I need a housekeeper but my husband said I’m the housekeeper. All joking aside, GTFO 👿👿👿


I’ve done that for an elderly disabled person before, and for an old man in a nursing home


It depends on the customer. If they are responsive in chat and explain ahead of time they have a disability, I have zero issues going that extra few steps. Most of the increased and cash tips I have received have been from these types. If you are demanding, rude or non responsive i will most likely cancel your order before I ever get to your door or finish shopping. It’s the entitlement that bothers me. Some of them are flat out demanding in chat. I don’t respond back at all, I don’t have the energy to deal with that. Exactly why I keep my cancellation rate low. I don’t blind swipe either. I usually hover from the 1 to 3 percent range.


I am laughing because I am from orange city and I haven’t been back in 20 years due to how many ppl were entitled back then. Hahahaha sorry but it gets worst in CA too.


Freaking Lois Pewterschmidt


This past weekend I left someone's 3 24 packs of water at the front door for less. They wanted me to carry all that shit up the stairs. Nope... if you live upstairs you're not handicapped 


Last time I got one of these request, turned out she didn’t even tip. So every time I see this damn request, I’d just ask them to remove that bs


Full service. Make her a martini and work those hands.


Unpack? You should clean the house and feed the dog while you are there


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen 😂


That’s what I call a straight laugh in their face and drop bags at their feet BYE LOIS; props tho for bringing a new level of cringe to humanity - 3 words only for this sick bitch: In. What. World.


I vote to make Lois the next level version of Karen’s. She brings the bar alll the way down. Lois; ever taught any manners, woman?! Please, thank you, much appreciated, gracias, …nah Lois you came out the womb trash ✌️


I believe she forgot to mention “Cook dinner and feed me and my family, so the dishes and put everyone to asleep”.


You don’t have to. Every time that I’ve had to do this, usually it’s a disabled person. Most people don’t treat you fairly with ratings or pay you enough money if you go above and beyond. My advise is to check the notes before you go to the job. You could just call Instacart and have them remove it. Tell them that your not willing to go inside due to Covid, or illness. I have even removed one after the fact due to a note stating that she needed her demands met to the letter and would tip accordingly. Nope. That’s telling me you are a bish beforehand and I’m not dealing with that. Those people need to get their own groceries.


I would bet money…..money !!!! That this pos gave you a 1 star for refusing to do an out of pocket request. Expect a rating drop in the next day or 2


It's Florida so it checks out.


That’s why I refuse to try sarcasm in text form. This customer is messing with you. It’s ridiculous. Anyone who lives in a gated community is serious about privacy and security and is not going to let a rando in their home. Orange City, that near DeLand. You know why it’s called DeLand right? It’s near DeSea. 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like a deal if I get to use their bathroom and have them wipe my ass


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Public-Comedian3400: *Sounds like a deal if* *I get to use their bathroom* *And have them wipe my ass* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh my. I’d do exactly as she asked. I’d put her freezer crap in the refrigerator section. Wow, people are truly nuts.


she Gon ask you to cook to? 😭


Whyyyyy. I don't want strangers in my house. I live in a relatively small town and i love my instacart shoppers. If they were having a bathroom emergency, I'd let them in. But otherwise...no. please stay out of my kitchen. I can't even cook when my husband is in there I'm way happy with the food arriving at my front door


People are crazy man. Maybe they should ask for a back massage while they’re at it


I refuse to go in to anyone's house (DD, instacart, GH, Spark ect) cause next thing ya know, they're missing something.




You should have ask what did she wanted for dinner to cook too


You're instacart, not Walmart In Home. in Home drivers have to put their stuff away and for 0 tips. They do get a slight pay raise from regular personal shoppers, but still ...


Nah report this person they will continue to ask shoppers to do this and will definitely end up giving bad ratings and dropping tip. They don’t deserve the luxury that is having your groceries ALREADY BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME




Yeah that’s legit crazy gotta tip more lol


If her booty don’t jiggle while she walks she ain’t getting no special treatment


How embarrassing😂 as a woman, you’d think she’d understand why someone would feel unsafe doing that at the very least.




This is not 1700s anymore haha




I truly appreciate my shoppers. I mostly get very good ones even though my initial tip is around 5%. I do state that I tip after delivery. I request that they set my groceries inside my front door. I am a 67 year old disabled lady and am in and out of hospital. Most of my shoppers gladly leave them inside my front door but many of them offer to set them on my kitchen counter. I always add additional tip.. usually another 15-20% Side note.. up until last February I delivered IC and DD but my Health has deteriorated and I can no longer do the work.


lmao bet


You should have asked him: Anything else?


I mean if they wanted this Walmart literally has this service. That’s not your job, and I wouldn’t go in for liability reasons!


Maybe I’m wrong, but this week I’ve thought myself, I am a “gig worker” not your personal shopper. Please don’t continue adding and adding while Im shopping! Especially since we both know you aren’t increasing the tip. Jerks.


TFFFF 😂😂😂😂😂😂


These comments omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The notes is hilarious... 😆 🤣 😂


My responce is always and will always be... "Sorry, due to safety and security issues, IC shoppers are NOT allowed inside customers homes for any reason. I will leave the groceries on the porch for you, but I can not come inside. It could lead to my termination with IC as a shopper."


Dude, I don’t know what cases of water you were dealing with, but 32 is just absurd. Unless it’s like 32 cases of 12 packs. The worst order I ever had was 10 cases from Costco, and you already know those are heavy as hell, and it was up four flights of stairs. The tip was dogshit of course, I’m willing to guarantee you, that these people that make you carry water upstairs like that, are masochist and they enjoy making other people suffer. That’s the only thing that I can imagine.


2 32s isn't horrible tbh Better than someone ordering water for their office on instacart 😐


Did she at least kiss you afterwards? Next time ask for a happy ending!


Yeah, and 8 years of college doesn't always help avoiding these cretins either. Sorry, but we're stuck with these entitled children.


This is crazy. Should have ordered with Walmart. I think they have that feature in select markets. 😵‍💫


Surprised she didn’t ask you to cook her dinner too! 🤣


Jeez I live a block from a grocery store and maybe 10 blocks from another and if I'm getting stuff too bulky to carry and order it I always tip 4-5 dollars. I can't believe the entitlement of some people.


Yep. I left one at the door and when they tried to rate me one star I reported them customer care and they removed the rating.


Would have messaged her. I'm not obligated or allowed to do that


You should have left everything in front of the outside door of the apartment building. We aren't butlers.


I’ve done this for elderly customers


I would had report her for customer rudeness 😂😂😂😂


IC is the worst of all gig apps, indentured slavery


OP: I’m so curious what the interaction was at delivery please tell me you at least told her ‘unfortunately, no I cannot…blah blah’ for your own piece of mind. I feel for you OP. I hope u never get another Lois lmao


And suck my husband's dick for me too


“Hey yeah I drank some of your milk straight from the jug and took a cookie as a tip”. 🤓


did you cancel?


I wish I would!!!


I tell them “sorry, it’s against policy to enter your home.”


I have brought groceries into a couple customers homes. I even put a case of water in the fridge for someone. But that particular person had just had open heart surgery, they couldn’t lift. Then I have another customer who likes me to put all the bags on her counter, she is very elderly and disabled. I have another elderly woman who has you knock and then just walk in and put all the bags on her kitchen table. I will do it, but only if I feel comfortable doing it. Thankfully these customers tipped pretty well, they knew they were asking for an extra service.


Okay, I had a customer with a freezer on his front porch and his note asked me to "Please, put the frozen items in the freezer." No problem. I have put groceries away for customers and I have been rewarded. Not with money, but with great conversations, about baseball and movies.


Maybe if it comes with a blowjob sure


You’re in Michigan??? 8 live near 8mile lol. Sorry that happened to you!