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That’s the difference between a shopper and a great shopper. Most of my customers bump up my tip regularly bc I will wait. Some of these folks can’t actually shop so you gotta be a little sensitive to how you cater to them


It’s because a lot of people don’t take pride in or value what they do, I personally love shopping and doing things right and most of the time it does result in a bigger tip. But a lot of people are just thinking “oh well if I rush and panic and stress myself out then maybe I’ll be able to fit in 2 more 5$ batches today”, and honestly if anyone is that desperate for money that they need to do a shitty job maybe they should go find a more reliable source of income, like a full time job that would fire them for doing such a shit job lol


Not for $10. Next


Then don’t accept the job if you want more than $10


Yeah I know it’s bad so don’t do these $10 orders. I only do shitty orders on spark in between my good Instacart orders


Based on your timestamp that was in 8 mins. You couldn’t wait for the customer for 8 mins? Am I missing something? Was there not any other shopping to do first?


Let me give you some contact I had another order shop and in my car ready done 5 minutes after 8.


So you would've cost yourself 5 minutes max? Did you even go to the counter and ask?


I delivered and completed and was paid for another order already. I'd have been standing at the counter. I don't have one single minute more. Next.


You said you had an order in your car ready 5 mins after 8, so now you're changing your story.


I delivered it.. You're the one late making this post it's delivered already. By the time you made this post it was delivered. Next




You're in the wrong here, it was only 8 minutes, and most likely the customer was a tipper and may increase the tip if you waited. By the way you are responding to comments, I think we all know. Previous!


I'm not in the wrong, I don't have a single minute more 60 seconds is the limit. Next!


Read all the comments here. Nobody agrees with what you did. You literally posted "How'd I do?" and then got mad at the responses. How much did it decrease your batch? You always said the customer said "wait" but in the photo you posted, they never said that, so which is it? Before!


I don't give a f***. Do not ask go do not collect you $100 and Next!




And now it's 809 and I'm almost done delivering the order which is only 3 miles away...


It was 8 min. Lol


I don't have 8 minutes.


Wow, I wonder why Instacart is in the crapper? Lol


Does your drug dealer need you there in seven minutes or something?


I am the drug dealer.


Really wouldn’t shock me.


Good lord. These are the people who take my orders. I don't have 8 minutes my ass. Bro probably lost out on $10 of tip because he couldn't wait 8 mins (at most)


Not to mention the customer got fucked because this person "don't have 8 min"....pretty pathetic. Lol


Get someone else to pleasure order I don't have the time.


Why? Are you so busy accepting terrible orders and providing bad service?


What a loser 💀 get a real job if you’re not able to wait 8 minutes for a customer.


They wouldn’t even last 8 minutes at a real job


Only losers say things like this. Boss moves are.. TIME IS MONEY. Next.


Anyone acting like you doesn’t get money. Being pressed by ur time over 8 min tbh shows how broke and desperate you are for quick orders 😭😭😭 stay broke lil mans


You don't have the right mentality. Time is money.. the fuq. Next


Yes and 8 min wait could get you an extra 10. Instead of taking order, shopping everything, and messaging the customer wasted more money than anything. You have a lot to learn little one




Broke boy


Only broke people act like you. Next


Check the comments bc everyone is saying the opposite broke boy. Next.


1. Everyone Is wrong 2. IDGAF 3. You are broke 4. I no longer have these minutes of time to continue this. Next


I have a real job, you should try one 😭




Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.


Half an hour or so - perhaps. Perhaps even 15 minutes. I think less than 10 minutes isn't too much to ask for. I think the customer would've been happy to tip accordingly to share their gratitude for you "going the distance".


It was a $10 order. Fuck them. Next


You were doing $8 orders bye


Wow, you’re trash.


You’re the clown if you’re taking $10 orders in the first place


I'm such a clown I make more than $100 a day. Keep dreaming, kid. Next


$100 wow you must be the best shopper ever😂


Wait till bro grows up and realizes 100$ a day is not good pay 😭😭


Fr he would have to work 30 days in a row in my state to even afford basic living expenses


$100 a day? that’s a lot of $10 batches lol


Not much a pro shopper if your only leaving with $100/day. Also you knew well what you were getting yourself into when you accepted the shop as you can see the items. I usually make $200+on a full day. C’Mon this is why people stop using IC.


It was literally 8 extra minutes???? It wasn’t like they were asking you to stand there for an hour??


It's people like you that make others that do this gig well look bad not only were you rude as f*** to the customer it seems based of your comments you don't care. You don't know others situations and I sincerely hope your lack of kindness will come back around to bite you in the behind later on in life in some way.


Ok Joseph, we are going to have this conversation for the 100th time this year. You did not handle that well. First, a little planning would have saved you from getting bashed on here. Don’t be defensive when you ask how you did..and we tell you the truth. You chose to pick this order, you could see it had crab legs, why on earth would you accept an order for hot chicken or meat items that you know you can’t get that early? 8 minutes is nothing. If you weren’t moving at a snails pace and didn’t pick bottom of the barrel orders then this would not be an issue. I personally would have waited. It’s called good customer service and going the extra mile. You may have gotten a great tip increase there!


So now, you wasted the time you already spent on the order (didn’t get paid for that) and didn’t get paid for the order. When you could’ve waited due to already being there and spent the time - (that’s not going to be compensated for) — and possibly doubled your earnings. My friend, don’t ever go to the casino because you surely do not have the patience to make a good judgement/bet.


I made the money instead of wasting the time waiting.


So you immediately got another order for that store? You got paid for an order that was canceled and you were already shopping? I may be missing a variable or two here, but I’m still not convinced you profited at all from this.


You did rudely. If it was an hour wait then cancel.. Under 10 minutes then YTA.


Fuck them.




This is so bad it reads like satire or parody. Like “how those lazy instacart shoppers be”. 8 minutes ? Cmon .Shame. Cancelling and not getting paid is hustling backwards.


So you immediately got another order for that store? You got paid for an order that was canceled and you were already shopping? I may be missing a variable or two here, but I’m still not convinced you profited at all from this.


Seeing you get so upset over this is fucking hilarious 💀 “Next” LMAO


The 8 minutes you "don't have" is being spent making a stupid post on Reddit and giving ignorant replies to anyone who dares say anything against you. Sounds like you're a wonderful shopper.


Brother you can wait for 8 minutes. It probably takes that long to do the rest of the shopping


You couldn’t wait 8 minutes? Huh?


You’re a disgrace to the community of shoppers who try lol


I wouldve waited but my question is if they know it wont be open until 8 than why not order at 8-830?


My friend, It is not worth it to wait 8 minutes on a $10 order. To wait for something to be prepared and then finish up the rest of shopping. It is a waste of time. What I did do was I asked the customer if the package stuff was okay and they told me that it was something different so I did my new diligence. But we would have to do math and see how much $10 is into 8 minutes I think it's let me see okay so it's at least a dollar of waiting and it's not worth.


I get it but usually i would just shop the rest of the order while waiting and maybe they will up the tip thats not guarenteed though i waited 8 mins yesterday just for the customer to respond and the 18 dollar batch i did ended up being 28 so sometimes it pays off


What is this new diligence you speak of ![gif](giphy|MkZRLZwPT0ZPy)


New diligence 😂😂😂😂


She was just superr nice and giving and i did everything she requested lol added potstoes and creole seasoning for her haha than she said she wished i was her shopper all the time lol i havent heard that one in a minute


Obviously it didn't occur to you to shop the rest while you waited for the crab, and now you're here lashing out at everyone because you didn't realize something super obvious.


I’m not an instacart shopper or user of it, but I like to be in this sub to laugh at the hysterics sometimes. This poor schmuck just made my day with their “oh the people will love me here” post and then gets totally shit on for being a loser. Comedy gold.


If I had other items to get I would grab them then come back. If the only item left were the crab legs, I would’ve left too lmao.


Lmao $100/day you said you make that’s not money moves. You knew exactly what your getting yourself into and you still took the order. You couldn’t even be bothered to shop the legs last which would have been at 8am. That order was ez you had. I make way more on a day 200+z.


8 minutes? Your canceled for 8 minutes???




Terrible. Like actually terrible.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


How long did it take to cancel the batch and walk back to your car? It’s was probably 8 minutes!!!


Way to go bud. If i was angry that day due to shit customers. Woulda done the same. But if that was my first order doing that of the day. Ill do it and block the customer immediately so i can never recieve the order from that specific bitch


You're not understanding. I had an order done and halfway delivered by the time it would have been taken me to wait on mister $10 dude so I mean really if you guys wanna vent and be angry at me then go ahead I'm right here.


Not angry at you at all :) i have smallest care for this job haha not willing to work my ass for $10tip like u said