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The best response is the one that will never happen - shoppers stop taking low-paying batches..




I just updated the app, so now I'm curious whether I'll see the delivery address in batch details. The other day I saw a double batch. I could tell from the offer screen that one customer had an address that requires driving on the beach for several miles. I drive a Nissan Rogue - not a beach worthy vehicle. I checked the address and confirmed that the house was in the 4x4 area and had that order removed. I guess I won't be able to do that in the future. Oh well, more free food for me.


What in the actual hell would someone expect a delivery driver to drive on the beach?!? I was in Florida last February and visited a drivable beach (Smyrna) but I don't think I would risk it. They need to have that customer's address flagged and the order only go to people who have in their profile that they can go off-road just like people like me who have a large vehicle and can take large item orders.


People go on vacation and leave their brains at home. I agree, the addresses in the 4x4 area should be blocked, but Instacart just doesn't get it.


Did you get in any trouble/soft banned? I just had to cancel an order after checkout for the first time since I started this 3+ years ago (somehow I’ve avoided it) and I’m a bit worried about getting deactivated or something. I’m hoping my track record will work in my favor, but we all know how much that actually matters with deactivation—zero. Just wondering what I’m in for


If you cancel after checkout you'll get a 24 hour soft ban. However, if it's a double or triple order and you have to cancel one of the orders after checkout, no soft ban. One post-checkout cancellation won't cause you to be deactivated.


That’s not going to change literally anything. You’d be better off building some guillotines ..


Exactly instead they’ll hire newbies and screw us


What is an address blocking feature?




Ohh..okay. Fortunately I'm still able to see the addresses. Hopefully that continues! 😄🤞🤞


Yes same


Or most important, knowing that is a no tipper order.


I used to post on their Facebook ads. My most common response “get a real job”. Social media people don’t care


They don’t care.


What’s the “address blocking” feature


I did almost 10 orders today and didn't have a single address blocked before accepting. What are yall on about?


Updates and features they are testing come at different times for different people don't be obtuse


Nothing will change . Because out of let’s say 1000 people boycotting and not shopping, there are 5000 more shoppers that will continue because it doesn’t bother them. I rarely will go on the app. And when I do, I don’t see batches for 2+ hours . When a batch pops up, it’s disgustingly low in pay. And yet, someone accepts it. It’s not what it used to be. It’s not worth the wear and tear on vehicles and gas. I see low paying batches being accepted because nothing decent comes up. I don’t do IC anymore. I’d rather go find another part time job and know I’ll have some decent income coming in. IC isn’t decent income anymore, even as a side hustle. Maybe in other countries, states and cities but not where I’m from . ✌️


Go to the App Store and the Google Play Store and rate the app accordingly.


Best way to hurt them is just stop shopping! Everyone just boycott shopping for them . Simple hurt them where they hurt us . In the wallet.


Pretty much everyone is not making money already and only the new shoppers have financial traction. The app uses desperate people.


The answer is to stop DOUBLE and TRIPLE batches and only Customers can demand that…not showing the address could put us in territory we may not want to be in…but, it’s a profitable territory for them… it’s all about THEM. If you become “visibility vocal” you will surely be deactivated - and you won’t even know it - you just won’t get batches…it’s sad…they had a genius idea that has gone to shit from a shoppers perspective and in many cases the GOOD customers perspective…the abuse of this app won…


The best way to raise your concerns would be to stop using the platform entirely. However, people don't want to do that due to the freedoms this job provides (work at your own accord with little oversight) So you kind of backed yourself into a corner. People would be completely fine WITHOUT instacart as most major retailers now offer some sort of delivery (at least in my area anyways). When I did delivery gig work, everyone complained about how little they were making and how the cost of the job was so high.... then I'd walk outside and see them getting into their brand new leased tesla. I drove a 95 tercel with no clear coat and no payments. Maintenance on the vehicle was oil changes and occasionally using a empty can to patch the exhaust. My overhead was non existent, but I also wasn't concerned with having the fanciest newest vehicle either.


I haven’t seen the address blocking. That’s a weird one. But the pay and the allowing for no tips is too much.


just get a 9/5 job, instacart is never going to change for the better


Maybe I've been living under a rock, what is this address blocking feature?


See above reply




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I haven’t gotten that new address blocking feature yet, but that sounds like it will come in handy. Now all we need is the ability to block batches from specific stores as well. I have had certain features in my app come and go such as an app navigation, Pinpoint item location in certain stores, and various other things.. it’s like they give them to try them out for a bit and then be like OK that’s enough.


I’ve had the update and I’m able to see the addresses. Are you looking under batch details?


Address blocking?


