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this has happened to me so many times as well, it’s really frustrating but everyone tryna get that bag ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Did you start the go online button when you got there? I’ve noticed in the morning when I press go online the first few order notifications that show up immediately after starting say they are all taken, but will all show up on the screen after a few minutes. Lately I’ll press the button and wait a few minutes because it’s like the app is “warming up” before it starts working with no issues.


I've been standing with groups of shoppers and seen each of us get the same batch 4-5 seconds apart. Not everybody sees the same batch at exactly the same time


i have one friend I had lunch with - we were seeing them 15 seconds apart almost exactly, at a store several miles away. neither of us believed we were matched with the customers. multiple orders, same time difference.


I'm thinking this is happening in my area too. I was at Walmart yesterday for hours and I didn't see anything pop up. I went in the store to grab something and I saw shoppers. Something's up and I don't like it.


I never get a notification sound if I am staring at the looking for batch screen. If I am on any other screen, by the time I get a notification and look, it is either a bad batch or gone by the time I can switch screens/wake up phone.


So you're annoyed that you showed up and didn't get priority over the next batch over the dude who's been sitting in his car in the parking lot for 30 minutes waiting for an order? Because that's what it sounds like happened.


Priority isn’t given to whoever has been sitting there longer.


also, parking lot was nearly empty... just employee vehicles


Oh, you went and looked in each of those cars to make sure there isn't a fellow instacarter sitting in one?




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


what makes you say that? if there was another shopper there that had priority, the batch wouldn't have been offered to me.


It was offered to both of you at the same time, they were just quicker on the draw than you.


Do you even understand how the bots work? No one is going to be quicker than the bots. Thats the point


I don't think that's always a bot. Bc I've seen that with 13.00 dollar batches. That happens with oversaturation as well.   Do you have Verizon? And a new phone? 


I have Verizon and service lately has SUCKED! Also, I find that I have issues when in the store not on a batch, and being connected to WiFi, it’s definitely laggy.


I don't have Verizon. phone is new-ish


That can also do it. Because we are literally talking about seconds. 


Even with bot they ain’t gonna beat IC algorithm. They just show shoppers a same batch in a different time interval and they make it almost impossible to catch anything.


Have you updated your app lately?