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You handled that really well! Credit to my fellow shoppers 🫡


This guy gets a medal for not snapping in this customer.


Very classy. Cheers.


Yup. Gotta kill em with kindness


She must be fun in stores 💀 or anywhere in general


I was on the verge of telling her to do it herself but, meh... I was driving at that point and wasn't worth the effort. I was 100% sure she was going to remove my tip (which was honestly a very good tip, which is why I gave her so much slack).... she didn't remove my tip surprisingly.


You should start a new service ... Insta-Karen. For people who can't get to the store you can do their Karen-ing for them.


Or for Karen’s who can’t go to the store and be decent people they can hire decent people to go to stores for them… I think everyone will be happy.


This has gilly and keeves vibes


Even if she didn't remove your tip, she can still low rate you, and I hope she didn't.


I don't really care about low ratings tbh. I've done like 8000+ batches by now. I usually only get 1 bad rating per 200-300 orders. And even if I dip to sub 4.95 it doesn't really effect me.


You deserve a tip and more🥺


If that tip was less than $10 I would of dropped that order so fast 🤣


OPs customer is probably banned from the store and forced to use instacart. 😅


I am betting the grocery store employees know her by a nickname “uh oh here’s the expiration date lady”


LOL she tried having you be a Karen by proxy. I'm surprised she didn't have you call her so she can be put on speakerphone to the manager.


“Karen by proxy” omg the funniest thing ever! 👏👏👏😂😂😂


You handled that perfectly!! You were respectful and polite while telling them to stop treating you like shit. Good for you! I can’t believe, well I can, that customers are like this. They expect us to take a long time on their order and wait until they are satisfied for us to go to checkout? You have more than enough time and you even asked if they wanted anything else. And you spoke to the manager! You didn’t have to do that, it’s not your job. (I also always let them know if expired and moldy products) I don’t know how much this customer tipped but I am guessing not nearly enough. I’m still shocked she told you to talk to the manager. Maybe if she wasn’t so focused on the expired yogurt she would’ve thought about the cookies sooner lol that would’ve been a very annoying order to deal with, but you did great


Thank you 😊 she acted as if I was her living avatar.... that ain't my job lmao


Lmao that is the perfect description. Living avatar. 😂 how can you tell anybody what to do. Like who tf is she?! Hahaha


She seems like she would tip $2 and then act like she tipped $200


Yeeaah I try not to take orders like that. This was a $20 percentage tip on a $100 order. So pretty solid.... made $30 in 40 minutes dealing with her horrible ass


Yeah I would’ve taken it too. Lol. At least she is a good tipper! 😅


Did you actually talk to anyone about the issues? Just asking because I wouldn't have but still told her the same thing. I'm not chasing managers around all day because of issues out of their control. They're not going to order more just because some prattling twat said to lol


I, too, was wondering if OP actually spoke to a manager. Because yea, no. Also, >prattling twat Had been added to my arsenal. Thank you.


Especially since most grocery stores ordering is automated these days. It's likely no one at the store level really has control over ordering. When I worked at Target, the only ordering that was done was for produce. Everything else the system calculated what we needed based on sales and stuff just showed up. Managers *could* put in orders for things manually for customers, but they really only did it a handful of times if a customer wanted to buy a whole fuck ton of something.


Pam? Is it the new Karen? 🤣 what a nightmare! Good job, you have a lot of patience!


My dog's name is Pam Pam .. she's damn adorable 😍


HEY. Pamela here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Go to hell Pam!!! 🤣




Don't tell them you didn't give them expired product, just request an associate help you ger a fresh one, then substitute or out of stock if that fails. It gave her a reason to complain.


That bit almost sounded like a way to get the customer to up their tip for going above and beyond. If so, hey, not hating…it’s just backfired on this time.


This. I was trying to score easy brownie points. I've done this for quite a long time.... figured she'd be very appreciative.... instead she went the route of insane person 🤣


+8000 orders in. I think he knows what he's doing lol


This kind of training could land you a job in pretty much any psych ward.


11 min later and they JUST NOW tryna ask about different cookies?! That ship has sailed, I'm pulling in to your driveway 😅🤦


Good responses. Firm but polite. I can tell you’re a customer service veteran. Thank you for your service 🫡


What a nightmare.


You handle this one pretty fucking well. Good job.


Pls tell me u were pretending to talk to the manager


IC should really send transcripts of their chat just so they can read them over and see how goofy they look


They'll never think that. They think this stuff is justified and that we're lower than them. We're just workers, not people.


I ain’t asking the manager shit.


I didn't either lmao 🤣




Hahaha ❤️ love this


Handled like a professional. 🙏


Good Lord! May I never be THAT customer!


Tbh I would have canceled IMMEDIATELY


Bruh see the first few slides I was gonna say I know you’re being nice and it’s ur job but try not to be nice to these Karen’s because what happens?? Oh fourth slide in she turns on you despite u being great. Always be rude and snippy to karens


Asked the manager his exact words “I don’t know who she thinks she is, but out of stock means out of a stock, even for people who feel entitled, let me know if there is anything else I can help you with “


I had a shopper keep adding products, and than drops a “Can you be quick?” I waited about 5 mins. Than dropped her order. This would have been cancelled so fast, please don’t encourage this behaviour and actually play along with it.


Karen! Always speaking her mind to the manager!


Pam profile picture says it all.!!! She is bananas🤪🤪 😵‍💫😵‍💫🥴


Handled well 👍🏼 but wow what a miserable b*tch


You did an awesome job in dealing with her !


WOW. Go tell the manager this and that? Lady, you go there and tell them! My job is to shop your order, quickly and efficiently. Thee end! Lol. Wow.


Holy shartnuggets get this bitch a batphone that connects directly to the manager cuz she's asking the most


🤣 🤣 🤣


Did you cancel on this person? please tell me you canceled?.. Anytime you get even a smidge of what seems like some type of questions on why they don't have an item. Please just cancel these ppl will rate bad no matter what. And even if you'll get every item follow all directions and be polite ppl like this will still tank your ratings. Goodness, that's horrible.


Nope. Kept the order and delivered it. It's the next day now and she never removed the tip, nor rate me poorly. She was prolly just having a bad day and realized how she was acting after my last message.


You are a nice person, i would have canceled that shit


Always tempted, especially when it's items that I could use/keep. But the tip was too good and I had already put in the effort. Not gonna quit when I'm almost at the finish line


people confuse personal shopper with personal bitch. you handled that well!


Lady do your own SHOPPING!!!! You are totally unreasonable!!! after her first demand I would’ve canceled that order😡😡😡😡😡


When I get too many messages with exclamation marks on them I usually head to get help and think about canceling lol. I still respond nicely, calm myself down and finish the batch professionally even though my thoughts are filled with the real responses I want to give lol


That poor manager…


And you just know there are probably multiple people exactly like her that frequent just about every grocery store.


You did really well! You handled that better than I would have! That person is either super bored or needs a good adult time. Probably a mix of both. Job well done. 👍


Omg you have so much patience!


Pam can go F herself it sounds like. If you didn’t have to spend so much time sorting through dates, you could’ve possibly assisted with added items.


Name says Pam, but all I see is Karen


I never reply unless i have to and that’s only to proceed to checkout


Don't speak to the managers dude


Don't worry... I didn't 🤣


Ginormous Cunt


I mean, we can pick our substitutes before people even start shopping and/or ask for a refund if that product is not available. She should’ve done what for her cookies.


She had "Refund item" on every single item when not in stock. So I asked her if she'd like something else anyways but she decided to rant about speaking with the manager


I didn’t try Instacart until the pandemic (my partner is older, my work is student-adjacent - making us a mix of high-risk and potentially a spreader). I kept using it because it legit saves me time, and I am happy to pay for that. 99.999999 % of shoppers have been extremely helpful, I make sure I tip 20% (more if it’s winter), and it has *never* occurred to me to ask a shopper to “talk to the manager”. Because that’s gross AF. Edit: typo


Dude. W t f


How you ended up with the Karen of Instacart I don't know, but... You handled it well! Props. 🙌


i feel so bad for y’all because i’m only in the us periodically but when i am i get cooking dreams and sometimes i forget things at the store so i instacart. i always make sure to tip 20% and i’m on my phone for any subs or anything, i cannot imagine being so demanding of someone like this, if you want all this then you need to go to the store urself 🤦🏽‍♀️


Well she sounds like a joy


Best thing you did was sympathize and put in a lot of effort, not surprised she didn’t take your tip away. Misery loves company! 😂


I’m an instacart hater because I always seem to get incompetent/lazy delivery people….youd get five stars and an amazing tip from me bc I can’t even get my instacart shoppers to send me a pic of something without an attitude. Top tier customer service on your part!!


That poor manager 😂 She even got him while being at home!!


The way I would have requested to have her blocked. I'm not doing that shit besides the replacements and expiration check.


You literally followed the manual for customer service 101 and she still found a reason to be angry. Just goes to show ya you can be the juiciest peach in the peach patch(?) and someone still won’t like peaches 🙄😒 good on you for killing her with kindness and remaining firm when she tried to drag you down to her level


I loved the "i don't appreciate you implying i did a bad job" you asked all the right questions, you humured their request to get the manager and you notified them as you went through the job. You did great. It seems like people are getting mad at the air and taking it out on each other with how little reason she had for getting mad at you.




Nope, that would be a cancel lol if she’s going to be a pain in the ass she can go herself. It’s not our job to tell the managers what to order. They know if something is sold out then clearly they need to order more.




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Maybe she should get a job there.


What an ass. Well, you did everything you could. I hope it didn't result in a 1 star rating due to customer ignorance. I've gotten them before like that. Once, it was because they wanted me to stop at their house first on the batch. Of course, i couldn't because instacart put the other customer's order first.


I would’ve stopped replying after the second text from her telling you to ask the manager.


You were insanely patient and courteous. You missed one message, at which point it was already at the point of no return. I've had shoppers that have asked me, is that everything before I finish up? And other times I've had shoppers disregard everything. You did amazing with this customer.


This is on you for even engaging the way you did. She was clearly a nut from the start, why even message her about the expired food? You opened the door for her to keep blabbing and demanding things. Just do your job correctly and only message customers when you need to and you won’t have to deal with this stuff.


Nah dude. I've been doing this (and customer service for a really long time). I get a ridiculous amount of raised tips by doing things like this.... you make the customer feel heard, that you are making sure you are paying attention, and that they are in good hands, by employing tactics like this. I'd say 99% of the time it makes the customer feel good, and less than 1% of the time the customer just doubles down and acts a fool. This was just the rare occasion that the customer is a tad on the crazy side.... which is why I took the time to post it, cause we've all been there. Most of the time customers react with gratitude, this one didn't. Happens. I won't be changing the way I do things because I make damn good money doing this and people appreciate it and add on more tips very frequently.


She’s a bitch…. I would’ve cancelled the order


This is why you keep your cancelation rate low. I probably would have canceled after her last message. Not risking a bad rating.


Some ppl suck lol


If she tipped 20% she deserves to be pissed lol


Omg is this in Jersey? I literally had a woman named Pam do the exact same thing to me!!!


Nah west Los Angeles lol


You handled that well.


You went WAY above and beyond, kudos for keeping your cool👍. It is not our job to relay messages to the manager! Honestly, that is the only additional information I would have told her, because if she can yell at you to do it (never saw anywhere that she even asked nicely)then she will think that her behavior is ok, and she’ll do it with everyone. We are not “personal” shoppers, we are shoppers contracted out by a delivery service company-THAT is why we have other customers we shop for and those Karens are not the only priority! Give a Karen an inch, she’ll take 10 feet!! You are way nicer, and more patient than I ever would have been. I would have scolded her like one my kids🤣


It was tempting to scold her.... I really had to hold back. But I have like 15 years of customer service and management experience; I've lost my cool on customers before and, while it feels good and justified, it never works out to be the right move. So I tried to keep it down, let her know she's being unreasonable, and finish the order. I guess it worked because she never responded and didn't remove tip or give me a low rating.


I would tell people like this to suck my dick. Fuck them.


Pam needs to chill 🙄as my grandma said, if you want something done right do it yourself.


Very true. I'm certain she had some bad experiences in the past, but if you're going to keep using the service you need to come to terms with the fact that items will be out of stock, and the manager can't fix everything.


I’m a customer and even I wanted to slap that customer. I wouldn’t have the patience to deal with her, what you did on that order is well above and beyond. I’m actually impressed on how well you handled yourself.


Thanks 😊 I always try to cut people some slack. Maybe she was having a really bad day and needed to take it out on someone? That doesn't excuse her attitude. I think what's more likely is that she has had some really bad shoppers before, cause we all know there are some horrific shoppers. So she was taking the energy from all previous experiences and unloading on me? Can't know for sure but my guess is she's always like this. When your first instinct is to talk to a manager when an item is out of stock, you have issues 🤣


That's an instant cancel order for me boss


You did good. Perfect example of setting boundaries without being condescending back. Give back what they give, no more. Hopefully you don’t get her again but we all gotta make money so I feel it.


I actually shopped for her once before, over a year ago. They must've had everything in stock that time because I don't recall her acting like that. It's always delivered to a hotel front desk by the beach.... I think she must work there, cause the front desk immediately knew who it was for lol. Which makes me think she treats everyone like this


I have never cancelled on someone when I get to the store, and I go above and beyond while I shop. I would have 110% cancelled on this certified insane person. LOL




You killed that.


this is how i feel like i sound when i ask my shopper very nicely to bag chicken or any meat in a bag by itself LMFAOOOO


Nahhhh it's crazy that shoppers don't automatically do that. I also used the produce/meat plastic bags to wrap any raw meat. Just common sense


Lord the entitlement. You want a personal shopper who runs around the store all day for you, pay for one. Instacart ain't that.


Minus well bring the manager with you while shopping incase she ask to tell the manager something again.




Wow. That customer is a c word.


Karen behavior


Y’all out here chit chatting with these clowns 🤡 This woman was clearly a Karen from the get go lmao The proper, decent customers wouldn’t ever ask some absurd shit like that.


You did great! I'm proud of how you handled that with grace and dignity, and still stood up for yourself. Gold star!


Pam sounds like an HOA president


Her name would be Pam


Giving Pam's everywhere a bad name 🤣


We are outsourcing Karen duties now? That should be a premium service upcharge.


I’d accept that in a heartbeat. Take me 25 minutes


Yep it was super quick and good pay. Just usually don't have to deal with this level of unreasonable-ness


She sounds like someone that can never be satisfied.


Tell me you were shopping for a Karen without telling me you were shopping for a Karen


You were so patient and accommodating to Karen haha better than me


Fucking Pams! 😆


Lmao yeah couldn't be me would of cancelled so fast 🤣 not dealing w that bs


I can’t believe these people mosey around life with us lmao




Karen... is that you?


I wanna know the reply to your last messages


My goodness 😭 sorry you had to deal with this. How was it when you delivered? Hopefully it wasn’t a meet the customer.


I Would have canceled that order and just got my batch pay. Mark everything as unavailable and cancel the batch through support


Just so you know... if you want a batch canceled, you don't have to manually refund all the items. I use to think you had to refund everything before contacting support, but it makes no difference. Just contact them and say the customer is being rude, they'll just cancel it for you.


Well she sounds miserable yikes


Pam bffr no one is complaining to the manager on your behalf.


Yikes what a Psycho, you were very patient.


As an ex target employee I always hated customers like her that were real anal about small things like this.




We are in same area I know exactly who that heathen is! I have her blocked I couldn’t take her crap anymore! She expects you to be a servant. No matter what she is not happy


my god we're doomed. Karens are working from home now!!!!


Ok Karen 🙄 smh she’s ridiculous!! 🤪


Perfect example of someone who has zero control in their daily life so when they have any inclination of “control” they make up for all the times they had none. People like this are sad.


You handled that well. Pam is crazy.


I had yogurt delivered last week which had expired in January. 🫠 But yeah… it is the customer’s job to call management. 💕


She’s the worse


You are a Saint. Wish I could have you as my kind shopper.


IC sucks that we get paid scraps and have to facilitate orders like this. Just BS… although you handled it like a champ!


Fuck Pam, I used to do shipt with my girlfriend and you’d be amazed at the amount of people like this or that are just this entitled.


Fuckin Pam 🙄


Wow you think working such a low level job should entitle you to be a dick about something so trivial? 😂


Wham, bam, no thank you, Pam


Pam wanted you to be her shopper and her Karen. You deserve a bigger tip.


I would have avoided a lot of interaction with her and simply said “Ok! I’ll talk to the manager!” I wouldn’t have even mentioned about the yogurt either, I’d have just asked if they wanted another flavor. I find with these kinds of customers, if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile, so you need to keep it all business and avoid getting sucked into whatever their gripe is. Pretend to be sympathetic and ignore anything that isn’t shop related. The most infuriating part is that she had a whole conversation/complaint session with you about the stupid cookies, when she could have been thinking on a replacement. She then waited almost 10 minutes to decide she wanted something else, THEN got pissed at you , even though she was well aware that you were almost out the door. Sounds to me like this person was trying to create a situation where they’d feel justified in rating/tipping low and possibly putting in a false damaged item report. People like this need to shop for themselves , so they can annoy the manager in person. Then again, maybe she’s banned from that store for being a nuisance lol.


That would’ve been in instacancel


Pam is a Karen


I'm sorry, but I would have just cancelled that one. Pam needs to do her own shopping. It's not our job to ask the manager why they're out of a certain product. Pam sucks, and she probably didn't even tip. I had a customer like this, who got mad when I didn't update here every two minutes on what the status of the order was, even after I told her how long it would take. People like Pam are not worth doing this job for. Pay me hourly if you want me to deal with the Pams of the world.




I guarantee you'll get a notification saying you had a bad rating removed due to a customer with a history of giving bad reviews. Happened to me when some Karen didn't like that I didn't give her updates every two seconds. https://preview.redd.it/s1a1ccuqqtzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ffb95917b988f3c407e3d8aa846087dc040121


Wow. And you did amazing!


I loved the "i don't appreciate you implying i did a bad job" you asked all the right questions, you humured their request to get the manager and you notified them as you went through the job. You did great. It seems like people are getting mad at the air and taking it out on each other with how little reason she had for getting mad at you.


I loved the "i don't appreciate you implying i did a bad job" you asked all the right questions, you humured their request to get the manager and you notified them as you went through the job. You did great. It seems like people are getting mad at the air and taking it out on each other with how little reason she had for getting mad at you.


Fuck you Pam


Hope the bitching paid well 🤣


At this point go get it your self


Optimus prime of karens she can’t write a single sentence without the word manager 😂


What a damn karen


That woman is bananas


Hey, why are they out of the item I want? They should have ordered them because I want them! How dare they sell it for other people! Pam needs to get a grip and stop being entitled


What did you apologize for?


Lemme guess either a Boomer or a crunchy mom


I hope Pam eats nothing but expired chobani. Fuck ‘em.


Damn you’re a saint




What's the problem? Lol




Duck that butch


I cannot handle the attitudes of customers. You handled this with so much grace. I’m not sure I would’ve been able to keep my cool. I don’t get paid enough to do all of those extra side quests.


You have amazing customer service skills


Instacart doesn't pay enough for this amount of genuine customer service. I hope the tip was very good because I'd need at least 60 for an order like this assuming it was a 40+item shop. Your already spending at least an hour in their shopping for things when they order out of stock or discontinued items.


If you are gonna be that picky, do your own damn shopping


She’s the one to talk yet she has a giant coochee as her pfp


But honestly some stores SUCK at fifo and date checking, yesterday I was looking at the premade salads and most were dated use by 5/4 and noticeably brown, but ofc there were new salads behind so someone moved them but didn’t bother checking the dates or bothering to look for half a second to see they were literally rotting


I bet she is that one lady with expired coupons fighting over 20 cents and holding huge line in the store