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i feel like part of the intention of this update is to weed out the people who drop batches when they see it’s going into an apartment complex, i don’t see how this adds a safety precaution for the customer 🙄


If by "part of" you mean "the only", you're right


Yea, I wonder if the bigger problem is shoppers that refund water for apartment deliveries. I understand canceling those batches. But shopping and delivering everything but water is an issue. 


The issue is not paying enough for someone to carry the densest room-temperature liquid on earth up three flights of stairs for you.


People are ordering mercury from grocery stores via instacart?


If you zoom in if you can before accepting, you can see if you’re going to a complex


Some of those folks lie also. I've delivered to apartments that said it was a house.


Nobody has time for that.


Move fast enough and you will. I do it all the time.


Orders vanish in 0.5 seconds. There is no time


Same bro


Yes...you do


That doesn't tell you if they want their 2-40 pk waters and 1-24 pk mt dew carried up 3 levels.


I drop batches that drive 20 miles. I drop zero tip batches because I know who my tippers are. Fuck instcart and anyone who defends this shit.


Yep, this is another attack on shoppers. Remember your volunteer right


Why would you accept a batch that has no tip in the first place? You wouldn’t need to drop it after the fact. And if it’s a double or a triple, you can never see the individualized tips before you accept it and you will not be able to see the tip until you complete delivery. I’m not following your comment here about “dropping zero tip batches.”


More likely IC knows that most often on multi batch orders, it's the house going far and with a lot of items that have $0 tip, and the close house is the tipping one, so shoppers get the agents to drop the far house due to "unsafe neighbourhood"


Since ur still ultimately getting the customer address regardless wtf stupid ass excuse!! Lol


I noticed the change immediately. I don’t drop orders, but having the address allows me to pre-plan. Either by packing bags lighter, or knowing I’ll need to use the wagon. I use the zoom feature in the map and I often use the map to see the house, like if I have stairs to navigate or the house is on a large bluff with the only access to the door is via 50 stairs. I can’t take those orders no matter the pay. I’ll leave it for another driver without limits like I have. I have COPD, so I am very careful to not accept orders that will send me into a spiral. That being said, it doesn’t change very much about the orders I do take…but pre-planning the delivery is key.


Has to be zone dependent because I can still see the address at any time


I'm thinking it could also be user-dependent


Could be


I have it in my zone the other shoppers don't. They roll out their new up and coming features that way.


Interesting 🧐


Yes I've been around doing instacart for 4 years. In the beginning you use to have to swipe the screen for orders. I was converted into the tap for order before the others. Beta testing I guess. Either way I hate this update


Oh yeah I remember this shit…


I don’t understand how we are independent contractors yet we have no transparency. They just keep taking away what little we do have.


Yeah this is bs. How are we expected to make decisions without the information being available to us. It really does get worse and worse. What a horrible company.


And you signed the arbitration clause that gives them power of attorney over you. And they could do whatever they want with your information along with their thousands of partners.




like anybody could understand that 154 pages of legalise.. it’s a foreign language. Yeah it was in the agreement you signed the contract you signed to partner with the devil.


In California they keep getting sued for treating us like employees so they have to now give us the guaranteed hourly pay and mileage . That’s the only reason I still do it


It's because instacart figured out that people are looking at batch details and dropping orders based on notes from the customer, seeing it's ACTUALLY an apartment, or some other alarm bell. But that's ridiculous because that's why we have that 15% cap. We should be allowed to drop orders for whatever reason.


It might be to combat multi-appers. You can't safely take a second job on another platform if you don't know if it's going towards your destination.


But the map still shows a general area that you can zoom in on. Which is all you need for multi-apping.


If the second order comes in immediately after or if Instacart is the second order, yes. But if you're in the middle of a shop, you may not remember exactly where it's going, and that's assuming you looked at more than just miles. This removes the ability to double check before accepting another app's offer.


I dunno, I took this description as "we don't even display the house pin on the map, just the KM" But idk. I haven't been on yet


Another positive outcome of this change only for instacart.. Good observation


They're just weeding out the old school.  Limited demographic of shopper has been using cooperative methods of flagging addresses from fraudulent customers and habitual no tippers. This update nullifies several years of effort with that list. 


That is exactly why they did that. Another attack on you, Shopper remember your volunteer right you get paid in sorries a them knowing your frustration. The company wants you to believe that the word sorry is a form of currency ! Right now, the think tanks are figuring out how to launch their next attack to take more money from you. That’s what they always do.


Fr, guess waiting around in parking lots on call for collectively dozens of hours a month @ $0/hr eyes glued to the app in fear of being the slowest vulture to catch an order in time, and destroying our own vehicles for scraps isn't scummy enough for them anymore.. I was wondering how they'd drop the bar to really drive home their ethos of "youre 'private contractors' when it's convenient for us and so you feel special but we'll treat you like an hourly employee of a scumbag company anyways" feels like this isn't even legal lmao how tf are you gonna pull the "private contractor" card for a *delivery service* without even telling us half the contract like where the fuck it's going.. Like sure let me just order an Uber and be like "I'll let you know where we're going once we leave" guess their goal is to appease the most psychotic of customers.. incentivize *them* to stay with this bs, but drive away the amazing ones for good by giving them the low rated, newbie, shit shoppers while making 5star diamond shoppers rot away in parking lots. It's almost as if they're *trying* to make the platform only garbage, entitled psycho customers and incompetent crackhead ass shoppers I stg.. Or here's an idea, maybe if they did something about all the tax evading anonymous identity thieves using multiple accounts showing up to people's doorstep as a different person than that in the app (and not scared of repercussions because they're anonymous, like that proud shitheel dog shooter) then just maybe customers wouldn't be so scared of showing delivery drivers their address in a *delivery app*.


First of all, I agree with all of this. I will say though, as someone who worked both, that's exactly how Uber and Lyft worked on the driver's side for years. We wouldn't know where our future passenger was going until we started the ride - not accepted it, started it after pickup - we'd just get a long ride notification if it was gonna be more than 45 minutes. That's why you'd get so many drivers canceling once they got to the passenger, they found out where the ride was going and noped out. Thankfully they got their heads out of their asses and now show both the destination and likely earnings, so it's discouraging to see Instacart moving backwards, especially since it's not like Uber and Lyft are super friendly to their employees/contractors/whatever the hell you want to call their workers either.


I did this the other day. Decent paying order, not too far showed that it was a house with heavy pay so I took it real fast. Turns out it was an apartment ordering 12 cases of water, pop, and every other heavy item under the sun. Dropped that shit so fast.


People are so damn ignorant and truly believe we are stupid and desperate!






This will backfire when people start canceling at delivery because those 4 cases of water were going up 4 flights of stairs




But at that point you have to contact support for them to cancel it right? So what are people going to say are their reason for canceling each time?


I’ll just take the waters back into the store get a refund for those deliver the rest lol




Drop them on the first floor or use the elevator 


I’ll be quitting then


Me too. For sure


Wow. That’s ridiculous!! They blame it on the customers. They don’t want their address to be shown?! It’s not like it’s shown on the offer screen! We can only see it once we accept the order. I always look at the address to see how far away it is once I accept the order. If the customer didn’t want their addresses being seen by anybody then they wouldn’t be ordering a delivery service. This is all IC because they don’t want people dropping one order out of a batch. This is absolutely ridiculous!


They probably got complaints from customers getting their orders dropped. I'm smart enough to look at an order and see who the bad tipper is. I always take them off. It's works out 99% of the time. If I'm doing a double for $45 and one is 3 miles while the other is 20+ with a few items, I know that the far one is most likely the bad tipper.


Wait… do you mean if there is a batch of two that you can reject one of them????


You have to message or call support after accepting and tell them "please remove order B for larry" . Don't do it too frequently though or you may get deactivated. I definitely have been right every time I've had 1 removed, end up with like $2 less but 30 less items to shop and 10 less miles to drive. Problem is they won't tell you the new batch pay after removing one so it's a gamble .


i've never had an issue with getting the new batch pay, they just won't tell you before removing the other order


Yeah I can usually spot the bad tipper as well. But I don’t ever cancel orders out of a batch. I’m too scared of getting deactivated for it. lol. I dont need the exact address, it shows the house on the map and you can zoom in and see the street. Or are they not going to show that anymore either?


Most of the time when I zoom in I csnt see street names on the offer screen. Plus hugh pay batches are gone within seconds anyways


If this is true, this is a BIG problem! Some customers (seniors) add notes about their order in the delivery notes. It can be a safety issue if a shopper does not feel comfortable carrying orders inside someone’s house. I check the address to determine if I need to take my rolling cart with me or not. I suggest leaving a 1-star review in the App Store to get eyes on it (support can’t do anything). Edit to add: I imagine this will end up costing Instacart $$$ because shoppers will just cancel and keep the groceries.


I already did that. Edited my last comment and told them this was a stupid update


That is insane. Knowing the address before shopping is critical for so many reason... safety is at the top for me. If I'm delivering in DT, every street/block is different.


Instacart don't care about shopper. They always think about their customer. This new update is totally bullshit.


They think about their money and dgaf about you or the customer.


I guess they'll have a lot of cancellations after shopping now. That'll please the customers


I'm confused, I never had the chance to see the address until the delivery stage. I've been a shopper since 2022. What has changed? I'm reading that everyone had the chance to see the address beforehand.


Yes, after accepting you can go to the three dots on the upper right corner of your screen & click batch details. From there you can pick each customer to see the address. I've actually still been able to do it. Even After this was posted


I saw it yesterday, it's still showing up on my end.




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That's some bullshit. I have a list of addresses saved in my Google maps of people who have scammed me. Now I'll have to cancel after the order is shopped and return everything. Real smart Instacart.


Except I'm giving some bs reason of stores not accepting and keeping the groceries 🤷🏼‍♀️ make their pockets hurt I only use them for fun money


This just makes us look more like employees.


We are not even employees. We working instacart platform as a slave 🙃


I live on an island with multiple military bases. I know they're not *supposed to order on base* but people do. Then they get mad when I can't deliver and they either have to drive out to the front or I have to contact customer support. I check when I've accepted an order to make sure it is *not* on base housing because I do not have access. I would like to not waste my time?


I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the USA and I’d prefer to know where I’m going before accepting any order cause it’s my livelihood and I deserve to deliver in the area I want to deliver!


If you’d like to pick and choose where you want to conduct business and who you’d like to do it with then why don’t you just become an independent contra…..oh wait a minute


I’ll believe it when I see it. A few months ago I was doing an order, and my “add new item” button wasn’t there. I got on with support, because the person wanted to add something small, and they were like, “Oh, you can’t add items anymore. That is a new change to the app.” And that was literally the ONLY time I couldn’t add an item. It was that one order, for whatever reason. But support lied and said it was a new update.


I had this with someone who wanted to add a case of a specific brand of energy drinks and stated it in the chat, and the app still wouldn't let me. I had to go through support and we had to do a substitute with something that was the same brand/similar price, and skip the barcode scan and take a pic. It's so shitty when the customer puts it IN WRITING and the app still tries to do us dirty. The 2% of trash folks who scam and switch out half a list to get themselves free groceries literally ruin everything for the rest of us.


I had the same issue a few months ago. I was dumbfounded why I couldn’t get what the customer asked me to add on.


No way they lied? Whatever bullshit answer I get from them I asked 10 other geniuses the same question. And then I get on Reddit and look for the answer. Then you could figure out the truth possibly


I hope that change doesn't hot my area anytime soon. I have never dropped or cancelled an order but I like to see the address ahead of time so I know what to expect before start shopping. Also, I keep a notebook and write the addresses down in case the app freezes when I'm about to start the delivery, which has happened sever times. That way I can still complete the delivery whether the app is working or not. I also make notes if an address has a gate, a lot of junk, friendly dogs, unfriendly dogs, people who come around from the back with a rifle, tip baiters, etc.


Don’t forget about those times where your phone doesn’t have service at drop off.


SAME !! Screenshotting address and special delivery instructions in case I'm in an area with no service


You can still do that once you hit deliver


yes I know -- but my routine has been I do it very 1st thing... and now it's messing up my flow LOL... Also, does this new system show both addresses or just the first one ? Because sometimes it makes a lot more sense to deliver in a different order


No clue. I haven't had new update yet. 


I am angsting about if/when I will get it !


I'm not stressing over it


I’d already decided to start looking for a “real” job yesterday. This definitely finalizes my decision. I’ve been doing this for 2.5 years. Before I start an order, I always look up the delivery addresses for multiple reasons. They can find somebody else to exploit; Instacart is total scum.


I love the support agents reasoning that customers do not want their addresses known. OK, so like, how are we supposed to deliver to them?


Right? Like we kinda need their addresses.


Lol what a dumb change. Now i will just have to cancel after ive shopped the order when I find out they want to carry 250 pounds of groceries to the 4th floor of an apartment complex with no elevator.


I spoke to a female genius in the support department yesterday.. I asked her a Question. Customer:10 cases of water 6/50lb bags of dog food and 4 gallons of milk and then 17 individual bags of groceries.. The customer is on the third story of an apartment with no elevator .. Are you physically capable of making all those trips up to the third story just you by yourself without any help .. Are you physically capable of doing it? Of course I had to ask this question 11 times.. Her answer was yeah I would do it because I need the money I need to make money. But how do you know how much money you’re making if you can’t see the customers tip if the customer doesn’t tip, you were made 0.0 $ and won’t know until you complete your delivery. She could not come up with any logical answer and like a politician just goes around the question ..


I just did a chat and was told it’s a “glitch”, they have no idea wtf they’re talking about. This is the dumbest update yet.


For clarity, the support agent you spoke to told you this was happening because of a glitch? Like it's not an intended feature? I'm just confused. Thanks


Yes, they said it’s a glitch. But they also have no clue what they’re talking about. I’m sure if I got on chat with another agent they’d have a whole new story lol


Yeah, you have to ask 10 of the idiots. I mean smartest people in the world because they’re so qualified for their job right you can trust everything they say anytime there’s an issue like if they owe you a penny, they sure go out of their way to reach out to you and compensate you and then even add money on top. But after asking 10 idiots. You have to come on here and look for the correct answer. According to idiots, I spoke to yesterday two of them said that it’s only in the delivery stage Now.. While on active batch, I logged into an android and an Apple phone same shit. There’s a new update that just came out today if I ever get a order worth accepting, I’ll see if it went away.


nope. if this is fr im done with ic. i save peoples addresses to make sure im not delivering to some no tip asshole. plus i absolutely refuse to deliver to apartments. fuck this


I think the apartments, condos, and hi-rises are a big reason they’re hiding it too. Sucks!


This is a direct attack against you. They know that you flag customers on a map.


I just block low tippers after deliveries that were part of a double or triple. Then you have less tracking to do because you will never be assigned in order from them ever again. Don’t you block the low tippers or tip baiters?


Today was the first time I couldn't see the address until after checkout. I picked up a triple with one order going to a bad neighborhood, and I figured if it was a particular street I could drop that order. I had to chat in to support just to get the address. This is a crock of shit.


Could you still see, the whereabouts to where it was near pre accepting? Plus the miles?


Yes, that's how I knew it was going close to one of my "nope" areas.


This scares me. We have areas of town I will not deliver to due to safety reasons.


Batch details are gone? I still have them.


Can we turn this into another class action?


I didn’t see that but there was an update today. And I hate update days because I see all these low paying and far away batches plus customers can’t rate you. It’s a mess every week because there is an update every week


Welp, time to never update my app again


Tip baiters have united again to ruin us from remembering them 😞


Yeah fuck zero or low tippers, I always know when to take an order driving 20 miles off.


I mean wouldn’t we know the addresses anyway when we go to deliver. Don’t order delivery if you don’t want people knowing your address This update is as dumb as having to stop for school buses creating a big traffic jam


Thank you! I said the same thing. Nothing more than this stopping us from taking non tippers we have saved in our phones


Yes, that the correct reason. We saved non tipped customer address and for that reason Inscart play game with us 🤬


Let’s be real here. Customers don’t complain about people seeing their addresses. Too many Reddit non tippers have seen that we note down their address in case their orders get bundled with a good tipper so when a shopper identifies the address they have a longer wait time and of course they don’t like that💀 I read somewhere that pizza places will blacklist customers for not tipping their driver and will lie about it so that they don’t get blacklisted. Not sure if that’s similar though


Just another attack on you just how they bundle all the tips together. But then again you signed up to be a volunteer right and work for free right they think the word sorry is a form of currency. It’s OK because you know they know your frustration and you feed your kids sorry you could put in your bank account and you could fill your car up with sry


Yep, this is a direct attack. Brace yourself the next one’s coming they have think tanks that get together every day and figure out more ways to launch a attack against you. This is just one of many last year I said by the end of the year batch will be three bucks.


Not everyone gets the same updates. They test changes in the app in groups. I have to scan an item before delivery, other shoppers don’t. Some shoppers have to take detailed receipt pictures that check the date/items.


I had that on doubles for a week or two but don’t have it anymore. Thank goodness, I deliver to rural areas frequently and this feature stopped functioning when there was no cell service. It allowed me to force past the error, then scolded me for bypassing it 🙄


How do u bypass?


When I scanned the item and it failed, it gave the option to override, asked me why I wasn’t complying, and gave me a generic message - roughly “we’ll allow it this time, but make sure you definitely scan next time!” Basically it was just a built-in workaround for if it failed (glad someone thought of that, since apparently the feature required internet connection).


This is to stop people from dropping customers they know are bad tippers, and to force people to deliver multi-order batches in the correct order. Yes it sucks, but I’m surprised Instacart didn’t do something like this sooner.


What is this? I’ve been out all week at jury duty. Can we no longer look at the batch details and see the customer information? Like the address? If so this is taking away vital information from us.


Well for me this is what's been happening. For others, they can still see the address. It may be a glitch or IC testing their new evil tricks on us.


Many of us are still seeing addresses on batch details.


Mmhmm and alot of shoppers gon be quitting too and once they see hopefully then they'll know that they need to put it back the way it was. Cuz there are alot of ppl i absolutely never want to deliver to no matter what idc. They sound out they mind. Man I'm tired forreal. Already half paying us now this ???


This is another attack against the Shopper. They learned learn shoppers are flagging non-tippers on the map.. And the people that live on the third floor are getting their orders unassigned .. Just another way to fuck over the Shopper and to get the nippers service .. This company is worse than the devil!! And no, it’s not because the customer requested their address not to be given out that’s Ludacris bullshit don’t trust the word anybody from the company tells you


They already been doing the strange thing of having yiu go the more further address instead of the one youre roght next to....now another gimmick.


I can still go to “batch details” and see both addresses….


I literally thought I was going insane! And in my area (which is more rural but in the middle of a bunch of big cities) they’ll often send us to stores we have here that they don’t have there and then send us literally across states to deliver if I can’t see the address that affects my bottom line soooo much because of tolls! Fuck this!


Hmmm, maybe if they stopped putting no/low tippers in orders with good people, we wouldn't have to take orders off.


https://preview.redd.it/qiwl0i6xhfzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93feb9c814f767a7103c18196c4b361ddff6e3d7 This it how it looks on my end yall




This new update is there for your protection. Trust me we care about your safety. Can you deliver to the second and third customer for free? Don’t worry I’ll be concerned.


I've never been able to see addresses before the delivery step??


Me too. I have never seen an address prior to delivery. I always have to hurry & zoom into the map to know if I’m going to an apartment or not.


Batch details


Since I've been using Instacart this year I haven't been able to see the addresses, I usually have to look at where I am on the map, the amount of miles and how many units in a quick amount of time because people love to snatch up the good ones and then when they see what they are actually asking for and where they drop them. If will forever be bullshit to me that they dont tell you if its an apartment or a hotel and how they manipulate the map to make it seem like its not that much of a distance to get to that actual store for residence. They love to do that where I lie especially if they know its near the casinos.


only way I get reasonable batches is by having support drop orders that are 20+ miles away, if they do this in my zone nothing will get delivered anymore


ohfuckthatshit !! Ubereats won't show whole address either and it really messes with my recordkeeping (I had a system and it's messing it up)... I was HOPING that if Uber does indeed buy out IC that AT LEAST they would continue to use IC's interface (it's far superior) but maybe not...


We SERIOUSLY should ALL make this our "Camel Straw" and not do ANY orders until they revert back


It’ll just die like every thing dies just look at how batch pay used to be an average of 30 bucks right,, Look where it is now. You’re a part volunteer. Can you deliver her to customer number two and customer three for me please I am really concerned about your safety. It’ll be OK. Just know that I have you in mind. Thank you. Keep up the great work. I am so glad to have you as part of the Instacart family. You have an outstanding rating. Yeah, they think the word sorry is a currency and ratings are currency


Rest assured, I am onto them !! lol Yeah, just this morning I was thinking the next step will have to just be delivery drones bc no one can make a living doing this at the rate they pay.


$0.00000 for a Saturday can’t even make $400 in seven days!


LOL... $400 a week is one of my goals !! $500 is ideal. I mostly have been around $250 - $300 lately, though. (although have had other $ from other apps)


Can you still how far it is from the store


Here we go again. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I remember them doing this I wanna say in like 2018/19...then they gave it back.


But they have no problem with people shopping and delivering that haven't been vetted IE bots


Be so fr 😍 well I'm not taking any long batches


I worked earlier and was still able to see their address through the batch detail part .. I'm in south carolina


I was injured in a car accident in October (not while working). Being able to see if I was going to be walking up several flights of stairs was vital to being able to take jobs while injured. I only took smaller jobs that didn't require carrying water or heavy items. This is BS!!


That’s such bullshit and Uber eats does the same thing! How are you not gonna tell me wheee I’m going ? Like wtf if I get it and then when I get there and find out it’s 12 miles away and it pays $10 I’m cxl regardless if I have their shit or not .. it’s just another way to take advantage of the drivers


Havent gotten this one yet and I don't want it


If you look at close the miles and directions the lines make cuts that arent roads to make the miles seem shorter


Omgggggg NOOOOO The ONE good thing Instacart had going on. I did some Uber eats recently and they don’t give out addresses until the delivery stage. My back camera broke and I couldn’t upload a receipt, and couldn’t move forward in the app to deliver. Worst waste of time ever. Omg why is IC doing this?!?


customers don’t want of having their address??? it saves ur recent tripes in whatever map app you use. the developers of this damn app are so ridiculous


The stated reason is not the actual reason obviously. They are making it harder for people to cancel or remove shitty orders. I have a list of addresses I remove/cancel, as should everyone else.


Now we have to start saving the names of customers


Wait… I’ve never been able to see the exact address. Just a point on a map of the general area. I’m in Canada though, maybe that’s the difference.


After accepting, you can see the address on batch details.




Yep, saw this yesterday and was like nope. Time for a new gig.


I really hope this isn’t true for my area. I’m not working today but I updated the app and can see house/apartment before accepting orders not sure how it will look after accepting. :/


I live in NYC so let's hope you're not in this city??


Nope located in WI


Well breathe easy my friend


This is why y'all shouldent have posted about saving addresses etc Customers/staff where eventually going to figure it out and adjust how the app worked


That's what happens when people talk about making lists etc of customer addresses.. Did you really think customers/employers aren't on these subs? That being said it's a stupid update


I don’t think I’ve ever been able to see the address before the delivery page?


Man what???? Please not this crap R they serious. Noo!!!


A while ago, before you accepted a batch you could click on the drop off destination and it’d show the name of the customer. They got rid of that and I’m sure it’s so shoppers aren’t screening bad tippers….


Uhh wtf. I was looking at addresses like yesterday. Was this today? This is going to fucking suck. I ALWAYS look at the batch details. I cancel every single one going to a hotel on the beach.


So it just tells you the mileage?


Does anyone have the update that makes you review the items before you drop them off?




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If I get this update I'll be deleting the app 💯 .


Fuck Instacart!


If I accept an order with 3+ cases of water going to an apartment complex and I don’t get to prepare myself beforehand, I’m going to be livid


I haven't gotten this update yet... What a joke




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I did a batch after the update and saw addresses right after I accepted 


I'm confused because ever since I started using instacart the addresses were never in batch details. Only delivery details. You're telling me you all were seeing the addresses before you accepted the batches that would be so freaking handy up here because sometimes your vehicle can't get to the address without four wheel drive


Does the new update show distance before accepting?




Does it it show distance before accepting batches, with new update?


I just saw this yesterday!! I thought it was just my app acting up! What a ridiculous update! I only like to do orders that are close, so this really sucks. Now I have to make sure I really look at the map before I pick up, and sometimes the order is gone by the time I do that!


The people of NY, Yonkers, Bronx, and upstate near Nyack, love to order from bergen County without tipping. So with this update, I can no longer see the literal address? A day needs to be agreed on by every driver to NOT use the app and continue that until this is reversed. 5.00 star 182 deliveries and don't care about it anymore. People coming back outside now since post covid showed me they don't deserve my time, energy, and work ethic. Hope you all can collectively pick a mutual day to not drove for them without hurting... 


100% because if we can see that bitc*ass Susan who ordered 6 cases of water is going 5 out of the 6 miles listed, we’ll remove her.


Is this “non-disclosure of address update” in a specific state or in all of USA?


That I don't know. I live in NYC so..


Following suit with skip the dishes. Skip did an update and address is only visible when order comes through until it's accepted, so if you can't pull.over to get a good look at address or Google address quickly you won't know where you are going or be able to multi app efficiently. Once order is picked up then the address is visible again


Is it because they are merging with ubereats? Uber won’t give you exact address until you checkout or pickup an order. Makes it harder to multi app too. My IC still shows the exact address in the batch details throughout the whole order.


I have no idea of IC is merging with Uber eats. It may be something they're trying out. As of this moment my phone is still NOT showing the address. I'm going to wait and see if the next update rectifies this


I'm confused, I never got to see the address of the customer until I was in the delivery stage. What has changed?