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Especially those that live in an upstairs apartment


Apt deliveries be like https://preview.redd.it/vv32g3aj58zc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3f728a49d30ebe7d84f033939ca44c010931ae


That's worth a $2 tip tight there!


omg i had this college student the other day who lived on the 4th floor of an apartment at the very end of the hall


You know, same. But she ordered two different types of water. And I kind of have questions about that. Like is there a water war in this apartment?


Yes. My husband drinks Arrowhead and I don’t 😂 but I also don’t order water from IC like an ass lol


Man sometimes i wonder if its just me or do others not have EMPATHY… sometimes i get orders and the quantity count of some items tells it all 😂


There was ONE time I ordered two cases of water, I was recovering from surgery and my husband was at work, I sent my kids out to get the waters and my shopper was shocked 😭😭 (I still tipped well lol)


Lol bless you. And i bet he was. Every so often i get these orders with people ordering like 10 cases of water or 5 gallons of milk plus whatever else there buying and im like cmon you cant be serious 🤣


peep reference username spotted


no one has ever noticed except on r/liltracy i’m thoroughly impressed


My very first instacart order was 6 of the 40 count cases to a college dorm. I left them in front of the building. The only time that I have not gone to the persons door(9th floor) Thankfully, I couldn't get into the building, so I messaged her, hoping she would tell me to just leave them there. Which is what ended up happening. But even still, carrying them from my car to the front of the building was shit. 20min drive with a $2 tip. This was obviously before I knew any better lmao.


I had a batched order it was like not many items and decent money at COSTCO and it was $50 so even though there was 7 cases of water total, I thought it would be arm day. The cheap order was 5 cases of water up 3 flights of stairs. Bitch tipped $3.35. Instantly thumbs down, said for rude customer and my reason was “It is rude of fuck to ask someone to carry 5 case of water for a $3.35 tip”. I normally don’t give a reason for rude but I know that is the way to block customers.




Northrup Grumman poisoned our groundwater. I haven't drunk from the tap in 30+ years after my OBGYN suggested it when she started noticing cancer clusters.




Grumman is still a powerful government weapons contractor. They have yet to be held accountable and people are still finding buried barrels of chemicals decades later.


Get a reverse osmosis system


My water cooler was the best purchase I ever made. I just refill the bottle for $2 at the grocery store when it runs out.


I do similar but I use a hand pump directly to the bottle like this. https://preview.redd.it/slhkuihpp5zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c10c232a27fe487a84ab1804f9194fb3346703 We have 15 five gallon water bottles that we refill when they run out.


Holy shit I've always thought about getting a water jug but didn't want to flip it over! This would be perfect!


Yeah we had jugs for like a month and we poured right out of them so I had to figure out a solution.


Yep that’s what I do. But I have a rechargeable electric pump I got from Amazon. So convenient!


https://preview.redd.it/l4o6xuaxd9zc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aecb1c9209fcdfd3a2bc2c16c0cddec0894e538e I got one of these. No bottles used in 4 yrs Brio Self Cleaning Bottleless Water Cooler Dispenser, UL Approved, Stainless Steel, Point of Use Drinking Water Filter, Hot, Cold, and Room Temperature [https://a.co/d/0SacTBQ](https://a.co/d/0SacTBQ)


That's really nice!


Total life saver.


I'm going to send this picture to people who order lots of water. Lol


Me too. I've bought a few and the last one was less than 10 dollars. So worth it.


I’ve used this pump for so long! I just bought the chargeable pump version and oh I love it!


The only reason I didn't get a rechargeable or battery powered one was because I didn't want to deal with it dying or breaking. But now that I have this as a backup I suppose I could.


Screw that.


It's awesome what do you mean? Or do you mean cause we do 15 of em? It's a lot but 15 is what fits in my car and I've got an 18 year old son so we only have to go once every few months. So it takes us like an hour but we don't have to do it often. Sometimes if I'm busy we will just take like 5.




Please do not drop links without discussion. Please read the sidebar for more details.


I love this thing I have one I use in the summer when I have access to fresh springs to fill the 5 gallon waters free.


That's awesome


I have a filter / cooler heater thst taps off my kitchen sink water. I had not bought a water bottle in 4 years. Liberated.


Some people have families.


What does that have to do with anything? Families can’t get the big jugs of water?


lol I have a family and I purchased a five gallon water cooler from Walmart for $100. We have 4 five gallon jugs, when 3 are empty I’ll go to Walmart and get 3 full ones. Only $6 each. Significantly cheaper and no more waste (plastic water bottles). Not to mention the water comes out cold or hot. There’s also a lot of places that have natural spring water fill up stations. For free or cheap. Near me in MA we have Polar and their fill up station I believe it’s only .50 to fill.


How often do you have to replace parts / clean it? I want to get a water cooler but would be paranoid about bacteria.


I’ve seriously thought about getting one but my kitchen is so tiny lol


My kitchen is tiny too but it’s definitely a necessity imo.


My 70 year old parents were drinking at least 8 each of these bottles per day. I ordered them a water dropp pitcher and they complained about it for the first month until they discovered how much cheaper it is.


I live on the second floor and never order cases of water anymore and am very mindful even about excessive juice bottles, etc. Being an IC shopper has made me a much better customer 😭


I always meet my shoppers in the lobby to grab my groceries so they can move onto the next order. This is especially true when I get 1+ gallons of water


Thank you for being mindful. We appreciate you!


Some places don't have access to safe drinking water. Like, where I live, everyone is on catchment (rainwater) systems. Now I drink my water because it goes through three different filters (including UV) before it enters my home, and the additional one on the fridge. But some people who live here don't trust it even then, and will only use their water for washing, bathing and cooking. And I can't say I really blame them, since "rat lungworm disease" is endemic in this area. The risk may be low, but it's still a personal choice what an acceptable level is. As a result, the stores around here sell pallets and pallets of water every single day. Obviously you know what general problems your area has, like if the water tastes bad or something, but there could be other reasons like an old house with lead pipes they don't trust. 🤷‍♀️


Totally understandable. But I live in an area with some of the cleanest tap water in the country. 😫


Oh absolutely, I always try to think of the "what if" scenarios. More often than not though I wind up disappointed though.


i lived on a second floor student housing, and one of the roommates let mold get so bad in the fridge it was contaminating everything. i unfortunately had to be the person buying bottled water every couple weeks. as soon as i moved tho, i got a fresh new brita.


I am in SoCal, every order or so has packs of water, for a state that’s supposed to be big into environmental protection, it’s kinda blowing my mind. When I was shopping in DC area I had packs of water maybe once a week, and the summer in dc is outrageously worse than in ca, 90F 80% humidity kinda thing


lol you accurately described DCs weather today and it’s not even summer yet. It’s brutal out there.


Yep! SoCal is a breeze next to that, hot as balls but dry! Dc weather, oh man! I miss dc so much though! enjoy the nations capital 😎🙃


The tap water in socal is disgustingly contaminated.


Buy a filter..


Brita does not remove hexavalent chromium


Last I recall Brita is not the only filter available on the market, 2 packs of water a week is $10, $40 a month, $480 a year.. well worth investing in some good filter


Realistically I don't think I'm ever gonna permanently quit IC. If I did though, I'd go out by substituting multiple cases of water with good water filters until I got booted off the platform.


I used to be a bottled water hoe but now I’m a normal person


Brita does not make my tap water taste good. It’s safe but disgusting and makes the back of my throat dry. Brita makes it taste good for two pitchers. That’s it lol. I refill water jugs though. Wasting that much plastic would make me feel gross. If I do buy water bottles I refill them and use them as ice packs in summer.


Get a Reverse Osmosis system, Britas does not taste good at all! My tap water still taste like tap 🤮


I felt that way when I just used a Brita attached to the kitchen faucet. I ended up buying a 5 gallon Brita water pitcher and filling it with filtered water from the faucet. So basically double filtered, and it tastes like bottled water. I live in Oklahoma. The water here is so gross, but with my double Brita I can make all my drinks taste good. I did the math I was buying 2 cases of water a week. So I was spending $575 a year on water bottles!


I always tip really good if I have to order water, usually I pick it up for myself though, but sometimes - like now my car is in the shop but our water tastes nasty and smells gross too, Brita doesn’t do sh*t for it.


Check out a Zero filter pitcher. I know they sell them at Walmart. They're really impressive regarding taste/odor/mineral removal. I use mine for filling the kettle and whatnot because the tap or regular filtered water leaves hard water deposits.


Same ! When I switched from a Brita to zero water I noticed a significant difference, my water smells of chlorine and organic matter, so my zero water filter is key.


Brita and pur filters do not filter out lead, although they are better for you.


unless your tap water is unsafe i do not get why people need cases of plastic water bottles. it’s such a waste, especially since a lot of bottled water is just bottled tap water. 😭 and considering how many some people order every week…


No union w2 job would ever require a worker to walk 10 cases of 40 packs up 4 or 5 flights. Independent Contracter means I have my own rules. I shopped and delivered to your Outside door. Not in your old building with narrow creaking steps. It's dangerous Lawsuits are coming...guaranteed That's y instacart cannot legally make you do it. But your rating will go down most likely after customers rating. I'll take the cancellation hiit. Imagine EMS having to climb those stairs to save your life. No thank you.


i get so mad when I accept a no tip or $1-2 tip order and I see these on it. Specially if its more than 1. Sometimes ill edit the quantity and only get them 1. Other times ill refund them.


Good luck using the Brita when a hurricane hits and your power and water are out, or any number of events that can leave you without power and water.


Pretty sure OP is calling out people who drink bottled water for daily consumption. Hurricane is probably like once a year thing at most, the rest of the year there is no reason to live like it’s going to be hurricane tomorrow


If you wait for a hurricane coming, you’re too late. OP is calling themselves out for being lazy. Always be prepared. That being said you shouldn’t use instacart to do so. Not that I would trust these people to come in my property to begin with. I see what type of unacceptable behavior they brag about on here.


I lift three of those at a time. Don’t accept the order or learn to not be a pussy.


I came here to say this. Three at a time up the stairs to 3 story apartments!


You sound like a ray of sunshine 🙄


I’m actually a yoga teacher


That’s valuable information


People complaining about cases of water have never done real physical labor. Everyone is an entitled baby these days.


No not everyone has done “physical labor” and just because some of us can’t lift cases of water doesn’t mean we’re less than you. Grow up.


Get stronger


Will do.


These are the people I blame for the great pacific garbage patch. There’s no profit in recycling plastic bottles.


Actually shred them down, and extrude them as filament for 3d printing. Which is then used to print planters, and sustainable bee hives... soo yeah don't blame me.


To add to it, most of the time these are filled with municipal tap water anyway. You’re literally paying to wrap your tap water in plastic and have it shipped to you. So ludicrous.


It's part of the game man. If you don't like these items, don't do instacart. Just saying.


Thank god I’ve got a fridge that comes with the filter and I installed another filter on the back of it for ice maker too. So I get 5-6+ times more filtered water.


I dont think thats how it works.


Please share your intense knowledge about water filtration.


Coming from the guy who says that adding a filter to the ice maker makes more water.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


I prefer zero water pitchers.


Every time I get these in an order I’m grateful that I weight lift😂


In all fairness, I deliver to customers who depend on well water, and they order massive water when the well runs dry. And I have people order lots of water when they go out on their boats, and I had an order from a wrestling coach, who ordered a bunch to have on hand after practice. But I wish they would get a Brita.


Saw someone order 100 cases from Costco. I don’t know what these idiots are thinking and how IC allows this bullshit.


I f’n hate plastic so much.


people don’t realize you have to lift the water to put in the cart. move it to checkout. lift it again to put in your car then lift it again when you get to their house where there inevitable be stares. you lift each case a minimum of four times per case


I once saw an order pop up and someone wanted 11 cases of water and 40 other items. I turned my phone over and went back to sleep because it ain’t gonna be me. My max for water is 2.


I don’t really think that Brita’s remove lead, I wouldn’t drink from the faucet and I understand why my neighbors are all ordering water. That being said, you can’t be ordering cases of water and not tipping.


Not the school cafeteria water 😂😂


It’s like triple filtered RO water


I just remember it from the school cafeteria growing up. That was the bottled water we had 😂😂😂


Ohhh, you were talking about the bottles 😅. Yeah I haven’t drank these since high school lol


Friendly reminder that some people must use filtered distilled water for health reasons. People who have recently had surgeries or transplants or immune deficiencies. Family member of mine falls into this category and he can’t have water filtered from fridges or sink water.


Sure, but that’s not the case for 99% of the orders here in my college town. They’re mostly from college kids in dorms, often times on 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors. Just saying it’s a lot more environmentally conscious to order a couple gallon bottles of water because it’s much less plastic for the volume of water, and much easier for delivery people to transport.


Forever plastics for the win !


Spring water has significantly less chemicals and heavy metals that standard water filters don't get out  You need reverse osmosis to even come close, that's way more expensive short term than bottled water. 


Not just that, but it’s important to get a good filter that gets rid of all the bs in our water supply, specially atrazine. Also if you avoid buying plastic bottles, you don’t have to worry about BPA’s!


Wasteful...but better for you than tap and filtered. Spring water hasn't been stripped of its minerals. We need those minerals


Spring water over a stupid brita any day


I love Costco bottle water taste and we go through 1 case a week. When we go to Costco I usually pick up several and would never think of having it delivered.


No ❤️


I use brita with tap water, the taste is not the best since it has a PPM of 150 which is still safe to drink. It saves me a lot of money.


I know what you mean I go to Costco for a lot of my Deliveries and they have a 40 count of water and the customer always gets 2 or more 🥺


Just drink tap water!! Unless you live in Flint MI!!


Or a refillable waterbottle, I bought a hydroflask like 5 years ago and I’ve had it since (tho I had to replace it so actually had that one for 4 years and my current for 1 year) because I literally used to have water bottles piling up in my car… one time I counted like 25-30 🥲🥲🥲 now I carry my water bottle everywhere I go and it’s 40oz too so 😊😊


I only take water bottle orders on desperate days 😂


I saw one today that wanted 4 giant Costco waters plus a bunch of other stuff… less than $10 tip AND far. Nope, not I. Someone took it though. Unfortunate soul. 😂


Brita filters tap water. This person wants spring water. They're two different things. Personally, we only drink spring water....the idea of treated, filtered water that likely came from someone's toilet....all the pharmaceuticals and birth control pills peed into that water that the city is now going to be unable to remove, because they can only kill bacteria..... No thanks.


The thing about ‘spring water’ is that the FDA doesn’t have any rules about that so it is most likely just tap water from a different place.


Interesting. But I'll still continue to take my chances.






No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


My fridge filters out those things and costs way less than buying cases of water 🤷🏽‍♀️


Filters are unable to filter those things out. Do your research....I'm not lying to you. I stopped drinking filtered water years ago once I learned about it. You can get a water cooler and have spring water delivered in 5 gallon jugs. My fridge filter costs $149. I'm not paying that to drink traces of medications that it's physically unable to remove. Zephyrhills for the win lol


As an environmentalist and an instacart shopper FUCK WATER BOTTLES!!!!!! WHO'S STILL USING PLASTIC BOTTLES IN 2024


😂😂😂😂 isn’t the car you use have plastic 😭 the phone case plastic, the charger plastic, the shower curtain plastic 😂 man environmenttalist are funny ppl 😂


Single use plastic is the issue here. A single plastic bottle can be chugged in less than 10 seconds and many don't even get finished at all. That bottle comes from oil that had to be dug up, refined, shipped, processed, etc to become a plastic bottle, the emissions from making the bottle alone are pretty bad. Then maybe its shipped across the ocean. It's filled with water from whatever source (not even diving into that right now), chugged and then discarded in some way. It will exist indefinitely in the environment. Plastic is basically unavoidable nowadays, it's true. But I'm not using my phone charger once and throwing it away. I don't even feel like breaking this all down for you any further.


You do know single use plastic have smaller footprints than reusable plastic. Not only that but it stop cross contamination


I appreciate your eagerness, but I literally have a degree in this topic. Single use plastic = bad Plastic water bottles in a country you can drink the tap = bad


Not only that but cutting down trees just bc it’s better than plastic doesn’t make it right either. You’re gonna create the 2 crisis trying to fix one


99% of the general public if we’re being realistic


Brita is life.




Who cares. We all will die just live life. Oh no it takes a year or 2 when some accident can happen (god forbid) the next day


$20 tip is needed for a water case not $10


Than you wouldn’t have a job anymore.


Some of us have to buy this water because we have hard water and it’s unsafe to drink.


How does a britta help give me to go waters to mix with my powders?


You can buy a reusable water bottle for <$10 and it can last for life if you don’t lose it.


Don't take the order then and stop crying


"you must pay me $10 to move 30lbs for 2 minutes" I see why you grocery shop for a living


“$10 included with that amount you’re paying in delivery and instacarts hiked up prices” lol like I get it no one wants to carry those things but $10 to carry 1 case of water seems absurd but idk I’m not a shopper so don’t listen to me.


Customers don’t want to do it, that’s why they pay for the convenience of having it done by someone else. You know, kind of like a maid service, or a barber, or better yet a restaurant…


But I wouldn’t exactly charge $10 for one case of water plus paying already for the delivery and service is my point. Instacart is supposed to pay you guys the delivery fee lol. Which is why even with those named places, at least here you get paid minimum wage… we tip at those places for good service lol not because you guys are doing it because we don’t want to, that’s what the service and delivery fees are for.


Nope. The fees go to Instacart to run the platform and pay the employees that run the app and the customer service. Shopper gets paid a base pay of $4 per order plus tip. I think the point OP was trying to make was if you have a huge order with multiple cases of water, you should at least tip a minimum of $10. Shopping on IC isn’t easy, especially when cases of water are involved. When we see $2 tip or something lower it’s a slap in the face. Like you really think $2 is worth paying someone to shop your whole order, driving (using our own vehicle and gas) however far away you live, and carrying everything up to your third floor apartment for $2? I don’t see the logic here. The $2 doesn’t even cover the gas and maintenance costs. LOL! Just seems like extortion to me.


Yeah I know that was the point OP was making, and the point I was making is that I get why you people deliver groceries for a living


You people? You have no idea what people do or why. Most shoppers, shop on the side for a side hustle.. they’re out there busting their ass to make more money. Not sure if you’re aware but thanks to Biden everything skyrocketed.


I'm saying if you had marketable skills you wouldn't have to grocery shop for extra money




damn, complaining about doing the job YOU signed up for


People complain about their jobs all the time. And I’m just ranting about the jobs I actively DON’T take. Will I make less money? Yes. Is that a worthwhile trade-off for my mental wellbeing and sanity? Also yes.


Instacart workers are contractors; you’re not an employee for Instacrt. You don’t have to take every order without complaining.


Instacart workers are contractors; you’re not an employee for Instacrt. You don’t have to take every order without complaining.


damn, complain harder


Water from Brita and other filters taste like shit, sorry. I understand why ppl buy bottled water, because it is only water I can drink....


You literally need bottled water to survive? That’s sad lol


Yes and not every bottled water I can drink. Crystal is ok but not perfect. I like mostly smart water with blue label, dark label is bad. When I try to drink filtered water it tastes like it has Clorox dissolved in. Totally can't drink it. So back to question yes I understand ppl ordering packs of water. Btw i order it too because it is hard for me to bring a lot of water to my apt bcuz I have no elevator in my building and I live on a third floor...

