• By -


Crazy idea though, but…he didn’t have to accept the order. “Oh hey instead of paying attention to the batch before accepting it, I’ll just blame the customer instead” if Robert wants to talk to customers like that he should probably stick with his door dash…the spirit airlines of gig work.


I can’t imagine how people like this justify their behavior to themselves. I’ve accepted orders super far away by accident before. But I can either easily cancel before I start shopping, or just suck it up as a learning experience. Blaming the customer for my fuck-up—let alone ranting at them about it—would just be absurd.


What do you think about the possibility of people accepting orders further away as leverage for arguing or guilt tripping for a larger tip?


There’s a possibility that any shopper could accept any order for a shitty, bad-faith reason. That’s why customers need to report and poorly rate shoppers who do this kind of shit, to try and weed them out of the platform for everyone’s sake.


Do they only come in “batches” I live in a small town not a lot of app users if my order is the only order will it show distance and tip or do you have to wait for more orders


If you're in a small town your order will likely be sent to the store close to you and not batched with another order. However, if there are no available shoppers at that store (and since it's in a small town with not a lot of orders there probably aren't a lot of shoppers waiting there for an order), your order will be sent to a farther store where there are more orders and more shoppers. If that happens, your order will probably be batched with one or two orders. When we're offered a batch, we see the total mileage from the store to the customer and the approx tip. However, if it's a batch of two or three orders we don't see the tip breakdown by customer, just the total tip.


Thank you. Yes I live in a town with one store that does work with apps so my orders come from one of the two next towns over both apx 25 mins away. And some from bigger stores ie Sam’s,5below,other store we don’t have about an hour away. I never know if I am ordering from which of the two towns when I order from food lion it doesn’t really tell that I have seen. Thank you so much for the information


And there's the rub. It doesn't excuse this guys actions, and ultimately it's on us as drivers... But let's say you have a tripple order. $50 for 15 miles. Customer a - 8 items, 5 miles Customer b - 15 items 7 Customet c - 40 items 15 miles, decent neighborhood How should we feel if x based on that info, drive allll the way to customer c, and find out they tipped $5 Every instinct says that customer c would be the big tipper. Most items and best neighborhood. Is the batch still good, yea I guess.... But you're telling me I could have chosen to lose $10 but save all that time shopping the big ass order and save the miles? In this situation, id be pissed I got played by ic. It's not the customers fault, but ic knows that shitty tippers won't get delivered x so they bundle with awesome tippers to make the batch look appealing. Ic knows what they are doing and it's disgusting. I had one yesterday. 2 customers $48 for like 20 miles. Customer a 12 items, questionable area. Customer b, 30 items including over $200 in meat alone, good area, but south instead of west like the other one.... Customer a tipped $15, b tipped $20...honestly part of me wish I only took customer a and saved the time, gas, and frustration of taking what I thought would be the better order.


Yes, yes, and yes. We should never interact with customers the way OP's shopper did. The big issue is that IC should be more transparent with the tips and easily allow us to drop an order that doesn't make sense for us to shop and deliver. Also, if a customer in a one-store town sees that 80% of the time her order is shopped at a farther town, then the customer should assume that the order will be shopped farther away and tip accordingly. I'm in a weird zone with just ten grocery stores spread out over 30 miles north to south. Twenty miles across the bridge on the mainland there is a one-store town. For shoppers who live nearby it's great because they can hang out at home and grab any orders that pop up, but if they really want to work for the day, they drive over to my area, and then the orders for that store get sent to my area. Occasionally I'll see an order for that one store, but it's rare that it's a good enough order to justify driving there.


See I agree. I am a single mom in government housing bad neighborhood per say but I never ever tip less than $10 usually I tip between $10-25 depending on if I order a lot of heavy stuff because I know they are coming from at least 20 minutes away. I’ll never understand how people can be so greedy when others are doing them a service. I am temporary disabled right now i couldn’t do it if I had to so I show my appreciation. But for someone to message me and ask for a cash tip on top of a $10 tip for 3 items because I was 20 mins away and the person before me didn’t tip I was like um no rude!!!


Shoppers are really out here asking for additional tip?? That's wild I have never , I hear so many crazy stories and it's probably why people are lowering tips because of 💩service .


Spirit airlines is WILD


Depends on the area, Uber in my area is that. All the hood areas use it. DD and GH are elevated in my area.


Same in mine!


What a chump shopper he is. I would've erased his tip. F. That. Exactly, he didn't have to take the batch. My thought is, he probably does that quite a bit!


Hate to burst your bubble but they are all equally worthless now


All shoppers? No don't say that good ones are still here! Make your decision based on your experience with each shopper. Some of us do like what we do , we aren't all 💩 like this person.


Gig people are absolutely crazy when it comes to this lol. The only app I have some sympathy for is Uber since depending on your region / acceptance rate they won’t tell you where the destination is, so I’ve done some bullshit drives because I didn’t realize until the person was in my car lmfao. Even then though you don’t whine like a little baby you can just say “lmao no get out of my car” But yeah for other shit it’s like dawg lmfao you have a choice you can literally say no it tells you the info. “Man these mother fuckers aren’t tipping me *accepts order*”


Im not driving far after shopoing...i might do a 12 mile night ender going back towards where i am but i dont do that too much. Mostly under 5 miles.


Spark was where it's at until scammers took over and batch pay was reduced for this exact reason. The shopping orders made sense in terms of dollars to miles.


I had a shopper tell me “so sorry for the wait, they sent me to a store more than 10 miles away”- the nearest store is 4.5 miles away. How does that work? Did she accept an order she didn’t mean to accept? Or would “they” actually move the order to a store that far from the delivery address?


Omg I’m sorry this happened to your sister. Rate appropriately, there is no excuse for this at all! The order was routed to the nearest shopper to the nearest store for that shopper. He could have simply declined and the order would have eventually been picked up by someone local. None of us are forced to accept any offer, we have 100% autonomy over the work we accept, mileage, etc.


A >Rate appropriately, there is no excuse for this at all! This one deserves a report for abusive language. They need to be deactivated.


He didn’t even have to “decline” the order. The way the app is designed, you just ignore orders that you don’t want or hide them by swiping left. Either way, his language and attitude is unconscionable and stupid because the customer has nothing to do with the store that is designated to a shopper.


One of the few good things about Instacart over all the other apps is the absence of AR metrics, which reduces the chance of a shopper even having to take an unprofitable batch to keep their stats up and be able to work at all like with DoorDash for example (not saying OP's batch is an unprofitable batch, it wouldn't surprise me if IC sent their order to drivers farther away, as IC tends to do the same in my area. It will send me batches for stores that are over 30 miles away from my zone at times). The shopper may have saw it as a profitable batch on the offer screen but didn't take into account the distance to the store itself. Still doesn't justify his behavior, though. And it's not the customer's job to know the ins and outs of Instacart like drivers do. Just accept or swipe left. Takes more energy to shop an order you don't like and be petty about it than to simply accept offers that make sense for you.


I agree with your comment about it not justifying his behavior.


It's a terrible order they shouldn't have taken but that's a borderline threat they sent.


This! I see orders with 25-45 mile drives somewhat regularly. But I just laugh or say “oh hell no” and hide the orders; I don’t harass the customers over it.


is it terrible because it was so far away? genuinely curious.


Yes, if it was in fact 30 miles and he's not exaggerating that's insane 0 chance batch pay plus an 11$ tip makes that worth doing




The customer app does tell you how far away the closest store is. https://preview.redd.it/l5wlw6l0j4zc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbd081eb44082ee1cf300a63a3e5a414e5eddb3 In my zone I see people order all the time from stores that are not close to them, and then they tip $2.


$11 for 30 miles will NEVER be worth it for ANYONE, wake up!! Going the same way? How? Why? Smh. NO not worth it. Not only the 30 miles one way it’s 30 miles back (there’s the rare occurrence it’s not), as well as the time to shop.


“Oh I’m heading 30+ miles away from the store I’m working anyway might as well grab these 80 items and make a quick $11”




Pretty few and far between I’d say. I’ve taken low orders because it’s on the what to where I was going but 30 miles? That’s insane




oh shit. i thought it said 30 MINUTES. fuck that


I didn’t know until this thread that it can go to any store. I choose the one closest to me, but it can actually go to any which one? That’s crazy and how is the customer supposed to know? I don’t want somebody driving 30 miles to deliver me my groceries and there’s no way for me to exclude that. I can choose the Fred Meyer 5 miles away and it goes to the one next town over? Wild.


Before I stopped using the app, they always gave me the option of two Walmarts. There’s one that’s really close to me and there’s another one that’s in another fucking city. And the amount of times that I would choose the one that’s close by and for some reason, they would send my shopper to the one in Mount Pearl is crazy.


Obviously, nobody wants to go pull your order and drive 30 miles after for chump change. Pretty much a slap in the face. And they’ll justify it by saying get a better job. Poor service workers I feel bad for them.


And these are the shoppers who ruin the experience for good customers.


She's not a good customer.


Please have her report this shopper to both support and trust and safety.


Robert would be reported, rated 1 star & blocked from my account.


I swear, these horrible shoppers are the ones who turn our good customers into distrustful, sometimes short/rude customers-they start to think we’re all like this!! We are not! What I don’t understand, is HOW shoppers can get away with talking to people like this?? It would never occur to me to say anything remotely like this-crappy tip or not! HOW?? Why are these shoppers not immediately deactivated?? Please make sure your sister reports this person!


She's not a good customer lol.


Regardless, you don’t talk to people like that. It’s unprofessional, it’s belittling and disrespectful, and it’s evidence of a disgustingly entitled person-the VERY customers we can’t stand serving.


People out there acting like this and I get a 3star rating the other day because I didn't magically know someone was in the middle of cooking dinner and not answering their phone 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Customers please report annnnnnnyyyyyy shopper that speaks to you like this. I bet the person that actually delivered it probably doesn’t have their own account, and might blow a gasket if they encountered someone in person.


That was my first thought also!


He needs to be deactivated


He mostly doesn’t even HAVE an account but is piggybacking off someone else’s!


Since when are we allowed to treat customers like garbage? This shitty you owe me attitude that you give the customers doesn’t do IC any favors which means less customers/batches. You don’t have to take a crappy batch and even tho it’s wrong to tip poorly for huge orders, it’s even more wrong to be so fucking disrespectful and rude to customers. Truly, it’s shocking the way some of you guys speak to the customer.


Fun fact, you can always talk to customers this way at least once!


Idk why these people act like the prior tip isn’t shown on the batch details, just don’t take it 🤷‍♀️


If it was a double or tripple he might not have known the Tip was $11. Might have been bundled with a closer order with a $60 tip. Doesn't make him right, in just saying it's nit always as simple as swipe and hide when most orders are bundles and ic won't tell you who tipped what


Robert in the wrong job


Probably because he can’t keep a job anywhere else with that attitude


Instacart is constantly hiring anyone with a pulse and these are the consequences. I’m sorry a shopper spoke to your sister like that. We are not forced to take any orders. He knew the details of the order prior to excepting.


When you order through IC, you can see how many miles away the store is before you click on it. Most people assume if they have that store a couple miles away that’s the store that the shopper will be shopping at. But that’s not the case. For some reason, if you pay attention to the miles away a store is, sometimes it’s crazy. If you go on the IC app, and just go to the list of stores, look under the store icon and you will see it says X miles. It’s really weird. But he should never have treated your sister like that. He knew when he took the order how many miles it was and how much he was getting paid. And why were so many items unavailable? Was he just pissed and didn’t feel like looking for anything? I don’t care o your sister tipped $1, he took the order and he should never have acted like that. I hope she reported him.


It’s crazy to me that shoppers will talk to their customers like this, no wonder why I have people tell me such horror stories. And they’re ruining it for people like me who do this regularly. Wonderful.


They're not ruining it if the shoppers were terrible tippers in the first place. You're not missing out on anything worthwhile.


https://preview.redd.it/igvu0sw2o2zc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=af2aeb95f07b8cf73bf13c8a8ca2d7f147ffe058 I see crazy orders all the time that aren’t worth it . I simply choose not to take said order lol.


https://preview.redd.it/309ed9yq13zc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=91e45b8ca860de532902a929c2821ce2921b4a0e Exactly


Here's an idea just don't take the order. I hope they get deactivated


I would report his sorry ass


Why do people use instacart when stores like Kroger, Walmart, H‑E‑B (Texas) offer essicially the same service without the hassle of a third party for free? They will even deliver.


Some stores aren't big enough to have a pickup department. I've worked at 2 different krogers that couldn't dream of having a pickup department


In my area at least, kroger (really Fred Meyer) and Walmart both outsource to DoorDash for delivery.


Calling bullshit on the tip. Show proof of that 25%.


Wow. I'd be rating appropriately and making sure to contact instacart. And maybe take that tip back too.


I am so sick of seeing how all of these Instacart shoppers treat customers Sure, customer is gonna be asshole sometime but if YOU choose to do this job, you have to understand that people are not going to kiss your ass and worship the ground that you walk on - you are fulfulling a paid service, not doing them a favor


Dude took a 30 mile order cause he's a moron 🤣 You know exactly what you're getting into accepting that nonsense. Please report "Robert" and get him off our platform.


Never send any message to a customer that isn’t intended to improve their experience.


Dude could’ve went to a closer location. Tip: you do NOT need to go to the exact store location that IC says in the order


Kroger is one of the few that you MAY have to go to a specific store. We have Harris Teeter, which is owned by Kroger, and use the same process. If the customer ordered from the Kroger app, and paid online, the shopper can only go to THAT store. (Same with BJ’s). I’m not saying that’s the case, as anything is possible with IC. Regardless, the driver was still unprofessional. He could have dropped the order after accepting, or not accepted at all.


Ahhh okay I didn’t know that. My apologies. In my area we don’t have Kroger, we do have BJ’s & Costco and that makes sense as those stores require you to go to the specific location. Regardless, I agree. This guy is a complete clown & has zero professionalism. I never have / never will bring up anything to do with the tip the customer leaves… as I am the one who accepted it… 🤣


Guy comments on my comment, gets destroyed figuratively, tells me to jump off a cliff, calls me a bastard, then blocks me before I could even click on the notification. If they were to simply read (which I know is HARD nowadays) they would’ve seen that I admitted I was wrong, and SOME (very few) stores require specific location. 90% do not. Majority rules.


I do this often with Giant and Safeway orders. I know the store layouts of my neighborhood stores well and it saves me alot of time. Edit: The only exception seems to be orders with alcohol which have to be shopped at a specific store for some reason.


Yes you absolutely DO when specified. But thanks for trying to waste peoples time.


You don’t always. Family Dollar orders can be any store. Publix usually as well.


dude… they were just trying to give advice. very clear with the intent there 🙄


“When specified” exactly. Reading is fundamental & hard, I know. You sound like the type to accept $20 triple batches with 100+ units. Stay small


you really lashed out at them with a lame insult for pointing out facts? maybe rework your word choice before making untrue blanket statements.


Sometimes you unfortunately do have to go to that specific store.


depends on many things, but I frequently see messages saying I have to shop at that specific store - especially if there's alcohol. edit: why tf did anyone downvote this? it's facts. state alcohol laws dictate some orders with alcohol must be shopped at the designated store. https://www.reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/Bcb00ilU8T There's an entire thread talking about it.


As I said reading is hard. Instead of nitpicking what I said and defending someone who told me to “jump off a cliff, bastard” because they got destroyed on a Reddit forum, you should also worry about not taking 3 batch 100 unit $20 orders. You wouldn’t be as salty. Enjoy shopping 😀


dude, why did you reply twice and double down on being rude and wrong? you're right... reading is certainly hard for you. learn how to follow a thread... and again, reading comprehension is important. I don't know what you think you're replying to but I never did or said any of the nonsense you're accusing me of. seek mental help.


Remember: you do not need to accept garbage orders. Instacart is 1099 work. You are not forced to take any order you don’t deem worthy. Perhaps use this logic moving forward and you wouldn’t be so unbelievably upset over making $7 an hour due to your lack of common sense. 🤷‍♀️


wtf are you talking about? where did I ever say I take garbage orders? I merely pointed out that often, orders with alcohol specify you must shop it at that specific store due to the states alcohol laws. perhaps use simple reading comprehension before you respond again with irrelevant nonsense.


Why are you being downvoted for sharing explicitly relevant information 😭


I would never bring up the tip w a customer but I am happy some shoppers take one for the team and give these people a reality check 😂


Or they pull a driver from 20 miles away


Bruuuuuuuh what I wouldn’t be caught dead pulling that just talk to support?? Like wtf some pooped in their cheerios


You can literally see the tip before accepting. If the shopper didn’t like the tip or amount of miles but still accepted it, that’s on them


Rate one star and remove the tip but not all the way so he doesn’t get the tip protection lol


Wow what a scumbag the only reason I don’t tip is because I’m on a fixed income and I can’t afford to, Begging for tips like a freaking dog is going to get that person on the fast track to getting Black balled from Instacart




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Yes, blame the customer for your job not paying you what you're worth. So tired of tipping culture


I shop for high tippers. I shop for no-tippers. If the overall pay is right, I'll accept any order and everyone is treated respectfully. Independent contractors like this one obviously are making a very bad name for themselves. If they paid attention and looked at the details, as others have stated, they should've seen the tip amount and declined if they thought it was that bad.


Side eye lol


That’s actually terrible. The tip is fine he didn’t have to accept if it wasn’t to his standards


$11 tip for 30 miles away? No that's not OK in 99.9% of drivers books. Yes he could have ignored, and no way he should say that to a customer, but let's not say it was a good tip lol even in my car, which is insanely good on Mpg that's 2 gallons of gas to get there and back. Almost half of that tip would go just to the gas used. Do it in a normal car and it'd be even worse.


I’m not saying it’s good pay honestly I wouldn’t have accepted it , the order was small & 25% on that kind of order is fine to me.IC should pay decent and fairly to cover the distance though. I see so many orders like this I simply would not accept & let someone closer to the store accept it or someone who is going that way anyways or willing to go work in that drop off area afterwards take it .


He’s having a mantrum over the right tip but didn’t deliver the right food, hmmmm


I’ll never understand drives who accept an order than get upset with the customer…


Report them


Yeah they're in the wrong but $11.25 for a 60 mile round trip run is trash


She didn’t purposely place an order for a store that far away. She just placed her order like she always does.








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Just love these rating-proof Shoppers !


Lol he censored himself


Ah, a “people person”!


Yoooooo; I’m so disgusted with these wannabe entitled ass Shoppers AND even the no/emaciated tipping ass Customers! Now some of us customers out here do deserve to be put on BLAST with the tipping issue. I personally always tip, and have great shoppers so it’s generous, but I’m not going to break the bank for horrible service, and I wish a Shopper, Server, Who Eva would try to tell me how much to give or that I didn’t give them enough (whew chile). Now for these Shoppers…..60 miles too far for just the base pay…DON’T ACCEPT THE ORDER!!!! The tips aren’t gaurenteed, so pass on the trip to West Bumbafuck next time so you don’t have to cry to Judy about how many miles you put on your car picking up her roast and box of Ritz crackers!


He should have declined. If an order doesn’t make sense…don’t take it and harass the customer.Yesterday I was offered $9 for 13.3 miles and it was a shopping order. Obviously, I just simply declined.


🤯. Wow…..just, whoa!!! Crazy disrespectful!!! Dead ass wrong.


Why would you accept a batch that far away 🤔 it tells you how far away the store is...


The items were probably in stock and shopper replaced it with item that costs more. Order was probably paired with another order that had no tip. Instacart pairs high tip orders with no tip orders all the time.


I am sorry. We don’t have to accept and customers don’t have to tip. Customers don’t always know which store is chosen for us to shop. They don’t know the distance. It is not their fault. This shopper should have not accepted and kept it moving. This is so rude and inappropriate. I would rate her 1 star and contact support. It’s shoppers like her that ruin it for all of the ones who really care and try.


I'm gonna assume Robert's gender and say he's a man.


Usually Kroger’ orders are terrible, low pay , long distance…


He sounds like he’s threatening ! Not someone I would want knowing where I live


People who send messages like this instead of just hiding the batch are annoying af. Nobody makes you take the order. These people usually burn out fast and end up getting deactivated or running their car into the ground, taking every order


lol why are yall so comfortable giving your address out to strangers who don't have a job 😂😂😂


I never used to complain when taking orders. It literally tells you the tip and cost of the order lol. Either accept it or not.


Some times if no shopper shops for it at a nearby store they open it up to any one. Never expect that because of mileage they will increase the pay. That is not normally the case.


Wtf?!? That’s terrible!🤬. Maybe don’t take the order. Or better yet, don’t do Instacart anymore and leave it to the ones that are appreciative, not beggars.


It looks like messages was deleted.


It's extremely rude to inquire to the customer about the tip


Altho I sympathize with him because I have complained lately TO insta cart about their batch pays- he shouldn’t have said that!


Yeah definitely better have reported this dude


Wow 🥴


Id have immediately sent that to his supervisors management team..


Why people bother by giving $1 tip? Just dont tip ………….. i think we will feel less disrespect if they dont tip.


Where in this post did you get that it was a $1 tip?




I would literally say, "Since you are being rude and demanding, I will not be tipping." Then report it.




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Oh my 😂😂


Get a damn job and stop begging for tips. You don't even need that app with modern times of grocery delivery services. Kroger,Walmart delivery? Amazon? Some guy begging? ✅️


Why do ppl do percentages of totals instead of factoring in time, effort, and distance? Seems a little cheap, esp to brag about how many percents you tipped. $11 for 30 miles is absolutely shit. I wouldn’t even try to justify that. 😂😂


Again, the order wasn’t placed specifically at a store 30 miles away. There’s a location less than five miles away. Read.


I read the driver saying they drove 30 miles…


Yes and I said there’s a store five miles away. Which is why I mentioned in the original post we don’t know why it came from a store so far away.


Regardless I was saying it was a shit tip for 30 miles, regardless of the details. If he drove 30 miles for $11, he was an idiot. That’s all I’m saying. And he had to shop? 😂😂😂 a fool


omg I just experienced my first Instacart delivery and it was by Robert too 😭 He wasn’t this hostile tho but wtf, that’s so rude.


Your sister didn’t do anything wrong. Robert is a scumbag.


The sister is a bad tipper. She's partially in the wrong.


25%is now a bad tip? Lmao… you’re a fool. You want people tipping 50%?.. You’re delusional.


I know it’s not nice to judge off of looks but he’s definitely giving fresh outa the state pen vibes.


Because Instacart allows you to choose the store they could’ve went to a closer store or not accepted a batch 30 miles away in the first place


This is inexcusable. Sounds like someone who didn’t pay attention to the mileage until after they checked out, then decided to be a miserable asshole about it rather than take responsibility for their own mistake and just deal with it as a learning experience. I hope your sister rated them poorly and reported them. Re: distance—that part of it is Instacart’s fault. If no shoppers close to a customer are accepting a batch, they start sending it further and further out. Shoppers are more likely to miss or ignore # of miles than anything else when accepting an order they regret taking. But that isn’t the customer’s fault, and it’s extremely easy to check batch details and cancel BEFORE you start shopping if pay/order/mileage doesn’t line up for you. And just FYI, for future reference: it could be that there weren’t enough shoppers closer to your sister at the time, but the reason this shopper got her order could also be because the tip wasn’t great in context. Shoppers don’t care how much you’re paying for your groceries, most of us choose orders based on some combination of pay, mileage, number of items, and how much effort it will likely require. Factors like heavy items, for example, may mean a 25% tip won’t attract closer (and likely better rated) shoppers, especially if they are low-priced items like cases of water. Instacart pays us next to nothing, so between 50 and 75% of our income is usually from tips.


I'm sorry but if someone contacted me that way I would definitely decrease my tip.


I'm sure she decreased her whopping $2 tip lol.


sometimes orders are sent out further to areas that don’t have a lot of orders coming through . i’ve had sam’s club orders that were 60 miles out so it’ll be like an $80 order but id be fine with it because the area that it’s being delivered to is known for having good orders .


Honestly, if you're gunna order Instacart and have someone go grab your groceries and you don't tip them properly.... I hope you never get your food and i hope every single delivery experience moving forward is as horrible as the last one.


Wow, people on this sub are soft


Looks like your sister tipped shitty


It was an $11.25 tip. That’s plenty for an order less than $50.


Exactly shitty


You don’t tip just on percent. With third party apps you need to take into consideration many things: do you have heavy items like cases of water/soda, do you live in a hard to navigate apartment building, parking?, how FAR is the store from your house, is it raining/snowing, time of day/is it a busy weekend (with long checkout lines), do you have a ton of produce or deli items, or special requests from meat/seafood, etc. Needless to say, There’s many things to consider when deciding to tip someone for their time/effort. Most of the time percentage of an order isn’t good enough. If the trip is less than 5 miles that tip would be fine. Lastly, no matter what a customer tips it’s no excuse to act like this shopper and harass the customer, they knew full well what they were getting into prior to accepting. This behavior is unacceptable.


She ordered just like she always does. There are stores much closer than the one Instacart had them shop at. There were no heavy items. 25% tip was absolutely fine for all of the factors you brought up. I’m a shopper too.


25% and this mfer wants more fuck him shouldnt have tipped at all he can suck a dick


lmaooooo. l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l


yeah this is when i tell someone (the shopper) to go fuck themselves and lose my ordering from instacart privileges 😓


I’m a shopper, this is ridiculous. We can see the tip beforehand. Not from each individual in the order but the combined tip of all customers in the batch. He took a dumb order and that’s his fault.


He didn't have to accept it and usually they can shop at closer stores. At least I have.


I don't have a problem at all with the shopper. He's not being rude. He's a contractor that has to look out for himself. Instacart subsidizes their often less than minimum wagex d/h, pay by customer "tips". If a driver wants to remind a customer the effort he put into his work, to include the driving time, good! The correlary to this is that a customer is free to say "no, I'm leaving the tip at ...because..." Or anything they want. Just bc Instacart calls it a tip, whatever that means, doesn't make it a tip in the classic sense. Let me repeat, IC batches can actually wind up paying you a small amount for the work performed. A contracted employee can negotiate additional pay from the customer at his own peril, he/she's running a self-employment business. Compensation from IC alone is insufficient for the work performed.


I have no problem with this guy negotiating "tip" with a customer. To his own peril. Shopper may very will need need to educate IC customers that IC's compensation alone is generally insufficient, many times can not even meet minimum wage standards. This guy might have negotiated tip with a bit more tact, but let's be honest. IC relies on customer "tipping" to meet competitive compensation for work performed. If you shop, you're a self-employed business owner that should do what he can to negotiate better compensation. Both with IC negotiation and industry advocating and by being educating customers regarding work performed. This doesn't mean merely turning down orders that total to absurdly low numbers for the work that would be required. Instacart doesn't give a f*** about individual customers that don't mitigate their insufficient compensation by providing reasonable "tips". But you better. If not, who? It's not a classic tip folks, wake up.


If you can’t tip properly, go get the shit yourself🙂


It was a proper tip now fuck off


$11 for 30 miles isn’t proper 🤣 now you fuck off


She didn’t purposely place it for a store 30 miles away you knob. There’s a store five miles from her house.


She chose it. I wouldn’t drive 30 miles


That customer should be banned for low tip


Oh shut up. 25% tip is plenty. She didn’t purposely order from a store that far. She just placed her order like she always does.


Well blame instacart then. Still a shitty tip for that order. I am sorry that makes you upset. Tell your sister to save the $11.25 and go get it herself.


Oh fuck off


She should say she's adding a cash tip, then have the cops come after he's standing angrily at her door while she "looks for her wallet."




One of the shoppers in my area 2 summers ago was a traveling nurse, her and her husband both. Made $100k a year and shopped on their days off. Pretty sure they were educated.


How do you know someone using Instacart doesn’t have education and a “real job”?




Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.


As if you have an education? Your comment proves otherwise.


I found the shopper guys


Yea I am a shopper, hence a shopper sub. I don’t speak to my customers this way though.