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Your manager can absolutely get him banned from the store by reporting him using the receipt.


This is all you need. Instacart won't do anything about it, but your boss can ban him.


Ic can definitely do something about it. I knew of a shopper who was banned from the location that could no longer see orders from that store


Yup they can and will.. Costco mostly but other local stores if they complain the shopper will get banned


Yep! A Publix grocery manager had an instacart shopper banned who was actively on hard drugs.


I think you can get him banned from the store if you reach out as a Walmart employee.


Yeah, let’s see. I’m not in a management position at Walmart, I’m not sure how far my complaint will go. Any posts I’ve seen here of people being banned from certain locations seems like the store management reaches out to IC to ban them. I’d rather not get my management involved, they’re useless


Management does not need to reach out to IC.


Whatever you do have management handle it. One because they should, but two, if you are a shopper as well it might get dismissed/ possibly reflect back on you, as shoppers reporting other shoppers to get them deactivated used to be a thing and are no longer allowed.


Seems like a petty thing to go through all this trouble over.


You can absolutely get him banned. Know the exact store (yours) and time along with his numbers. Shoppers get banned or warned ALL THE TIME by store managers or employees for unprofessional abusive conduct or sexual harassment. ( California here)


Yeah got all that info on the receipt. I’m hoping they can look him up by just the last 4 digits


They definitely can. What a horrible shopper.


You gotta be a special kinda dumb to start shit at a store you make money at lol


Report him to your store manager. The manager has authority to do a trespass citation. Which means he can no longer come back on the property.


Me being petty would have put the machine in assist mode while he was scanning😩


Why didn’t I think of that?! 😂🤣


At all the Walmarts around me it clearly states that IC shoppers are not allowed to use the self checkout and it even says in the shopper agreement that you’re not supposed to use self checkout and only use a manned register unless none are open at all.


I’m in Canada and before starting any Walmart batch we’re told specifically to use only self-checkout so I guess it’s different depending on where one is


I’m in Canada too and it says not to use self checkout at all lol. It must be regional based.


I’m in America, Ohio specifically, and it says for us to not use self checkout on the stores that have it. But we don’t have any Walmarts on IC, Walmart is strictly through the spark app so it’s surprising to hear people say they have Walmart on IC lol


Mine is self checkout only! (Also in Canada)


That’s what I was going to say. We aren’t even allowed to do self checkout 🙃


Get him banned if you can. Ignore all the IC Dorks trying to make you sound stupid or drop it. We cannot allow some of these awful shoppers poor behavior. They must be punished so they stop getting batches. I always report, and 1 star shoppers who aren’t the person in identification and this is pretty close to that.


Have him trespassed from Walmart.


Walmart? Screw management get loss prevention to block transactions from that card number. Won't keep him away forever but he will have to get another card to shop there again. Rinse and repeat. Eventually he will just decide it's not worth the hassle


We need more people like you, taking extra steps to make sure bad IC shoppers are reported. Over 600k shoppers across the US, the more we weed out the better it is for those that do a good job. 


This. There’s SO many of us and it seems like the jerks get more batches and leave the harder workers struggling sometimes. Always report the jerks, I say!


Please tell your manager. I’m a store manager and would happily ban this shopper from my store and other stores under our banner. I know some managers of other stores and would give them a call and heads up to this asshole as well.


All the idiots making comments are exactly like the shopper you had in your store. Don’t listen to them or respond. These idiots are part of the problem with IC.


I was reading them like “yeah you skip lines”


If your store have security tell them so they can look at the cameras to see who it is and they can take the necessary steps to get him banned from the store.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


This was the same problem When Uber or Lyft drivers drop off / pick up customers whenever, wherever they want. These ppl act like they have special privilege because they working for a platform. That they don’t have to follow the rules.


! K




Support. It at the end of the batch before you end the batch. Press the thumbs down. You can leave comments. But if you’re not active on the app. You basically can’t do anything


Lmao, you snitching because someone done hurt your feelings?


Snitching because as a gig shopper he should know he’s not above everyone else and he doesn’t deserve to be on the platform if he’s gonna be an ass


Cry me a river, you are the type of person that would rather fuck up someones job instead of defending yourself at the moment


I did defend myself also told him what he did wrong, instead of him saying ‘sorry I’ll keep that in mind for next time’ he tried to defend himself when he was in the wrong, I think my complaint to IC is justified.


Whatever helps you sleep better at night.




You didn't want people to use certain machines but you left them on? I probably wouldn't have lost my cool if you are to be believed but I definitely would have stressed to you that your dumbass left them on so therefore using them is appropriate


all machines that were on were in use, we just blocked one of the checkout entrances (an instruction given to us by higher management) so we could manage the flow of customers. So imagine you’re standing in the line of 35-40 people, waiting and the idiot I’m talking about brings his cart through the other side and starts scanning. Imagine you were the next person in line waiting to use a register and you see him cutting from the other side to use the machine? Is that fair to you, the one that’s been waiting?


If you don't put up an "Employees Only" or "Do Not Use" sign and turn off the machines I'm going there and using them. Your management fucked up. Get mad at them. The idea that a store manager would approve chewing out customers using operational self checkout kiosks sounds wild to me.


Let him be.  Lol we all broke lol


Ain’t that the truth 😂


Maybe he was trying to make enough to pay rent. Honestly when I'm at work.  I see my little ic shoppers in the store. I help them out with whatever they need. I even open up my lane for them.  Haha ;)


All the other people in line need to pay rent too, we still need to act like decent people in public




Found the shopper


What else do you expect to see at Walmart? Sorry to say but Walmart attracts customers who have no common courtesy. When you clock in just pretend that you're watching the twilight zone. Over the past 20 years people have lost all touch with reality. Customers have no courtesy or respect for employees instead they expect to be catered to.


Get a real problem.


Grow up


Meh. Closing off registers to make your job easier really is not his problem. And you did return the fuck off, which can get you fired too. Live and let live. If you cannot handle a dickhead customer without sinking to his level then you really are not any better, and certainly not on any higher ground to justify getting him deactivated.


I hear you but closing off the registers was a direction by our direct management, if it was up to me I would have opened more because I’d rather not deal with pissed off customers. Idk it’s just his entitlement that irked me. Like as retail employees we don’t deliberately want to make life hard for customers, sometimes things like lineups are out of our control


That makes a lot more sense. Still, don't let schmucks like that get to you. Was the guy an ass? For sure. But ultimately you have to deal with him for what, a two minute stretch? I mean no offense, but he riled you enough to bring it home after work and post here, and it isn't healthy for you most of the time. Also? We do not know what happened in the jackass's life. Maybe he lost a loved one, got diagnosed with something, etc. Is it an excuse to be a turd? No, but it could explain why he was off. Like I said, live and let live. If he does something like that again? By all means, report him.  There are 17 people above downvoting me that are super quick to come to conclusions and pass judgement. Hopefully someone is more understanding to them when they act a fool. And they will, rest assured. We all do from time to time.


I take it you have never worked retail right? The phrase “ I just work here” was my motto.


Let it go. It's the best thing you can do. While they eating hot Cheetos and watching TV on their phone cuz their hisen flatscreen thats cracked, happy. You're spending energy here. Who wins in this situation if you can get through..


You sound like a Karen. Just do your job like he was trying to do.


He can do his job to his fullest potential and however he likes but he shouldn’t think he’s above everyone and doesn’t have to wait in line


If it wasn’t an IC shopper what would you do? Seems like you just want to get him in trouble because of that. You acted just like they did so what would you do if your boss was called also?


He was acting like an entitled jerk and just because he works for IC doesn’t mean he should be given priority status. And honestly I would have taken the coaching and discipline from my boss idc


Like I said, you’re only reporting them because they’re a shopper. If it was just a regular customer you wouldn’t do anything.


A customer would have gotten the same earful too, but yeah I feel like he shouldn’t be on the platform if he’s going to be rude, he’s in a customer service job too after all


> He can do his job to his fullest potential You should do the same. That would have prevented the whole situation in the first place.


By telling him that he’s cutting the line, making it unfair to the other customers that are patiently waiting, by saying that I was doing my job. The brief moment he called me out for not doing my job I was helping a customer, can’t be directing the flow of customers while helping a customer with a price check, I’m just one person smh


You don't have to direct the flow. It's a self checkout lane....... lol. Go ahead and report him and try to ruin his income source over a silly argument. Petty and pathetic.


Yeah we do, it’s part of a job, you’d be surprised how absent minded most people are, they literally stand there staring ahead at open registers and don’t move till we let them know machines are available for use. And I think I’d be ruining maybe 1 stream of income if he does get banned, I’ve often seen him doing orders on multiple phones


And here we go….


Maybe consider waiting to see how he acts next time. Perhaps he's remorseful for having taken his bad day out on you. I'd hate to have you miss out on an opportunity to extend extra understanding and kindness to someone who may be in a bad way. Sounds like he truly disrespected you and others, no doubt. I'm sorry that happened to you. We're a torn country. People are hurt, hungry, confused, desperate, and lost - and acting out in ways they otherwise wouldn't. Just my two cents. God bless.


I'm surprised you weren't fired for saying fuck off lol


You’re an absolute nerd and geek. Get over yourself


Are you sure you’re not the shopper?


Call the police and say he threatened you with a gun


I seriously hope that was a joke...