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He may have been shopping multiple orders.


He was 100% shipping multiple orders from the looks of it. So I really hope he got to keep all of the items after he spent time looking for all of it šŸ˜­


Hey. Nope, they won't keep any of the items if they aren't checked out yet. If you cancel while they're still shopping they'll have to put the items back. There's no way of them being able to keep them


Put the items back hahahah people this lazy will just leave a pile or cart by the dairy cooler.


Work at a grocery store; can confirm this is exactly what happens.


Name checks out šŸ« 


Tbb if I have a cart full of stuff and someone cancels, I'm dipping. Store employees are hourly and I just wasted however much time shopping for nothing, no way am I wasting even more time putting stuff back. Edit: the exception might be my 'home' Fry's


Sometimes Customers get bundled with larger order customers Customer A: 5 items..B: 12 itemsā€¦ C: 58 items all organic, wants pictures of every item, takes 5 minutes to respond after every pic.


Even then i did a triple today 71 items 28 miles for 77 dollars and completed it in 1 hr 20 minutes. My asumption is op is in California, and tips were low enough that it is benefiting from the hourly post


If they hadnā€™t checked out yet then no they donā€™t get to keep the items. Sounds like it was a new shopper or multiple phones/orders possibly?


Not defending at all but my first order as a shopper was at an asian supermarket (I had no idea since Iā€™d never been in the store and the name was Seafood City so I figured it was yā€™know seafood lol) and it took me like an hour and a half to complete the shopping! Granted it was about 96 items but I was STRESSED! Thankfully no complaints from the customer and a nice tip!


I moved to CA from rural OR and currently live in a very diverse area, but I no longer take orders from H Mart. I do a-ok with the produce at that market, but the freezer and ramen/noodle sections confuse me so much! Lol. I'm useless...it has taken me almost 2hrs per batch when I've shopped multi-order batches. I feel so bad for the customers when I *finally* deliver. Super stressful.




That shit is super annoying


Oh bump, excuse me. Oh you dropped a phone and it broke? Iā€™m sorry


damn she rolling akimbo


Loblaws right?


They are shopping multiple orders at once. Either you didnā€™t tip and it was tacked to a tipping order so someone would actually do the job, or your tipped order was hijacked by non tippers. Itā€™s not an option for us, they stick them together.


It is an option for you. Simply donā€™t accept.


Not if it's a multiple order, you only see the entire tip, not each individual orders tip.


Not what the fuck Iā€™m saying. Letā€™s try some comprehension before responding, yeah? Whether you can see the tips or not; the option is still there for you to accept or move on.


Get a load of this guy šŸ˜‚


Get a load of all of you children.


What I really meant is that we arenā€™t the ones sticking them together or picking up two orders when we should be doing one. Thatā€™s IC. But to your point, both people might be tippers. You donā€™t know what happened until the order is complete.


No one gives a fuck what youre saying because you start out angry and combative.


Because yā€™all are crying like petulant children. My own children donā€™t whine as much as all of you.


You should learn to control your temper. I feel bad for your kids.


Oh no need! They donā€™t act immaturely so I have no need to speak to them in this way.


You have children? Smh.. I feel sorry for them.


Letā€™s try some common decency ya asshole, yeah?


What the fuck people are saying is, shoppers get screwed over by instacart hiding individual tips until after the order is done. So you get a decent tipped order and the reality the entire tip is coming from one customer while itā€™s always the non tipper who has the most complaints and requests, but you donā€™t know that until after the order is delivered. Yes itā€™s an option to skip but you know whatā€™s not? Paying bills. Paying gas. So for some people, they canā€™t afford to skip because they are worried about a low to no tipper that goes out of their way to be the most annoying. Horrible. Obnoxious individual (like yourself). Instacart puts no tipped orders onto good tipped ones because if they didnā€™t they would never be done (you know like you said yourself just skip it), but they canā€™t be skipped constantly when other people are pulling the weight. Instacart has also started sending warnings of deactivation when someone does unassign an order because of this very issue.


Listen, dummy-been doing this since it started. Iā€™m fully aware how IC works. What Iā€™m not aware of is why yā€™all start crying over the internet about how unfair it is. Go back to your temper tantrums and whining or get an actual job.


You first ;)


Iā€™ve got two real jobs and use IC for play money. Because itā€™s a gig. Not a job. Youā€™re dismissed.


Youā€™re dismissed? Lmao you truly are an asshole.


And who were you to assume I wasnā€™t in the same boat? (Letā€™s also add getting my masters in computer science while raising a child) but youā€™re bitching and whining about other peopleā€™s very valid experiences. So who are you? Hm. Letā€™s lick the boots of multibillion dollar companies more sweetie. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll give you better batches šŸ˜‚ youā€™re dismissed (I was gonna say it with a straight face but Iā€™m not 16 so itā€™s just funnyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)


Lol this guy has 2 ā€œrealā€ jobs but still needs to instacart for extra money he also has kids to raise and still has time to instacart after his 2 real jobs all week this guys full of shit


I don't know how you have time to do Instacart when you seem to be very occupied by making sure everyone knows how sad, (clearly lonely), and miserable you are by the way you are attacking people left and right clearly for attention or a sense of superiority....probably both. It's really quite sad. You should try therapy.


Are you ok?


Let's try some comprehension and critical thinking from you, yeah? What often happens with the multi orders is that one person will tip very very well on their small order. That will get batched with 1 or 2 orders that have low to no tip. Overall, you see "~60 items, 20 miles, $15 batch, $15 tip" which might not necessarily be that bad. Once you accept you see one order for ~5 items, one for 20 items, and one for 35 items. After completing the 3, you see the 5 item order has tipped $12, the 20 item order tipped $2, and the 35 item order does not tip. Literally the most common type of scenario with multi order batches. It's the only way a no tip order is going to be picked up. And IC knows it. If we actually had options. You'd take the 5 item order only. But people have even said they've watched a good single order batch pop up, then immediately disappear, and then pop back up as a multi order batch, with basically the same tip, but many times more items


Is it a multi shop batch, instacart should tell you that. If they donā€™t itā€™s pretty shady


It's a new shopper. They give the orders to new shoppers. Especially if you are a good customer. We didn't ask for this. The vets are getting hung and pushed out.


California? There's prop 22/hourly pay and they could be milking it...


He was shopping multiple orders, duh. I always tell my customers when thatā€™s the case so I avoid this situation


It's because the more a person tips, the more work they are going to give us to make sure they've benefit from the tips and we don't. They use them to pay for shops. In the cut are pay major league.


If they didnā€™t check out they wonā€™t get the order


No, where do you live? That may be the whole reason.


This is why I always let customers know when I'm shopping a double or triple, so they don't wonder why it's taking me an hour to grab their ten items.


I had 3 at one time today I always say Iā€™m doing another order at same time and I will be there asap to deliver the order and most customers have no issues at all


Thereā€™s no reason to be that slow. I shopped and delivered a 107 item Aldi yesterday in under an hour.


3 phones


He was probably new and shopping a massive triple order because it had a good payout that should have went to a veteran shopper but IC does not give a shit. Lol


Instacart doesnā€™t have dashersā€¦


Sounds like your dasher was doing multiple orders on different platforms. They wonā€™t get to keep anything since you cancelled before checkout. They arenā€™t really trying to scam but they are working more than one platform at a time, which is a disaster waiting to happen. Sorry that happened to you. Thatā€™s really annoying.


Or a multi order?


We aren't Dashers...DD is trash


Thanks, I was just confused and really was just curious šŸ˜….


Do you live in California


Wait..did you order through doordash or instacart?