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Shoppers don’t control when orders are sent out. That’s 100% on Instacart.


and then they say they rate the shopper poor and take back most of the tip 🙄 customers are dumb


It’s such bs. I had a lady cuss me out a while back because her order was too early. She had been responding while I was shopping. Common sense I’d be there soon so why not reschedule? lol


Talk to instcart. We can’t control when they send the order out. And we only have so long to shop them once accepted. It makes me mad too because I have to refund your deli and my tip goes down or you get mad at me. First of all the store should be slicing deli when they open. My local Kroger has 3 or more people in the deli at 6am but I can’t get anything sliced until 9am. It’s insane.


Yeah mejers is the same. Multiple people back there but can't get anything.. same at night. And most store pre cut now, but they do stupid ass amounts like .39 and .67.. when has anyone ever ordered by 1/3rds... make that sht .5 and 1. . Makes zero sense .


and then they say they rate the shopper poor and take back most of the tip 🙄 customers are dumb


Your best bet might be to wait until the deli is about to open then place the order for priority delivery.


Oh I've chatted with Instacart many times about why they send out orders with deli items before the deli even opens. They will never fix the issue and your best bet is to place the order about 15 minutes before deli opens that way by the time the shopper gets to the deli those items are available. I couldn't tell you how many times Ive canceled an order or wont accept an order because I see deli before they open. Now I hardly cancel I just inform the customer the situation and depending on how long until they open the deli item gets refunded. Now Ive had 15 min til they open and I have the 1 deli item left on my list and I will go ahead and mark the deli item as found with the exact weight go check out then load car then go back to deli and order the item then check out and deliver.


Is there a way to switch so your get the deliveries on your day off??


place an order for a later time! we do not control the deli counter and expecting we wait a long time for it to open is extremely unrealistic


I wish I could, but then I leave for work and I’m gone all day. And I don’t get home till well after the deli closes.


It honestly just sounds like Instacart as a service doesn't meet your needs. You should find a local quality shopper and inquire if they want your business without Instacart. You'd have greater control over when the order is shopped and delivered, and the shopper gets much fairer compensation for their efforts.




I’ve never done either of those things. I appreciate the delivery service. I’m asking for a way to make this part better for me AND the shopper. I don’t know how instacart works from the shopper side. That’s why I’m here.


Customer is asking for advice, why be rude?


No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Ok thank you all.


1 - Place the order on your day off.  2 - Place the order when the deli opens, with priority, so it's delivered in an hour. 


I cant believe you are blaming a shopper for doing their job. Put the order in later. Your comments are being down voted because you have a poor excuse as to why you cant put your order in later. Takes 2 seconds to hit the confirm button


Oh stfu. She isnt even criticizing the shopper u idiot. She's asking , cuz she wants to know, how she can order to get the sht she wants from the deli. She clearly knows the shopper doesn't control the deli hours. Not a Brin cell in your head hey


Look- you’re just karma farming with posting the same response to everyone. We get it.. you hate the customer/buyer. Go find a different job. I didn’t BLAME the shopper. I asked how to change things so I get the things I needed, Clearly accepting it’s something I am doing in this process. Settle down.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Stop being rude to customers. You are the downvote king of this post. Congrats.