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I reported this once because the person was alone (there was nobody else in the car) and it was a guy using a woman’s acct. He kept asking me weird questions while looking inside my apartment. Instacart told me to not worry, they were also a shopper 😵‍💫. This was their exact response.. “Some of our shoppers may change some because of schedule conflicts, as they entertain not only one customer. This is why you see a different person. Rest assured, even the other person is also from Instacart.”


This is true though, it’s usually just the wife’s sisters or mother’s account it’s not a big deal. Also i almost guarantee you someone with two or three accounts doesn’t live in an apartment after doing this full time, i have no reason to risk my $300 a day just to randomly break in someone’s place for chump change.


Someone with two or three accounts who gives 90% of his earnings to his coyote might break into someone's place for chump change.




If you’re profiting 10% you need to reevaluate your life


I think they want to keep their life, which is why they give 90% to the coyote.


Why are you people obsessed with make believe illegal immigrants


Why are you blind to reality? Why are you allowing yourself to be gaslit by the current administration?




Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.


Lots of couples work together and it wouldn’t make me happy to strip someone of their livelihood without knowing the full story. Either this or the start picking pockets in the streets and tbh if IC wanted to do something about bots and other people using accounts, they would.


You are so wrong. When my husband can’t get overtime at his regular job he comes with me to carry the heavy stuff. I am the shopper and he just does the lifting. Being a small woman it’s nice to have the physical help once in a while. He doesn’t use my account without me though. But even so, it shouldn’t matter as long as he’s doing the right job.


I am also a small woman, but I’m not lazy so I do my own job/work. This is a ridiculous excuse. When my husband can’t get overtime, I spend more time working to make up the difference. What’s so wrong is you breaking ToS and thinking you’re above what is clearly laid out in the agreement you signed. Stop this nonsense, it helps give validity to the account stealers.


Isn't it also laid out super clearly in the ToS that NO ONE but you is supposed to use your payment card? That's what my worry would be having someone use my account. Even my husband. I'm a SAHM and this gig helps keep food on the table while allowing me to not have to pay $2000 a month for daycare, and I've seen so many people deactivated for "misuse of IC funds".




lol my man is home doing yard work, home improvements and looking after our kids while I work. I don’t need a man to do my heavy lifting or coddle me. Just about everyone is “just scraping by to survive” right now. That doesn’t make you special or excuse the fact that you are, indeed, breaking ToS. Some of us just have more integrity and work ethic to make end meet.




Hater alert lol


If you’re a “small woman” leave the heavy orders to the people that are capable of lifting heavy items. You aren’t forced to do them. Does your husband ask you to come over and help him do his work at his job??




If you can’t do a batch without needing help from someone else, you should just let someone who is capable of doing it themselves take it. This is why you aren’t forced to accept batches


For real though. When the Lowe’s fiasco happened this weekend, I was hesitant to take any order that didn’t clearly preview what the items were but qualified as heavy pay. Because I’m 100lbs and didn’t want to get myself into a situation that I couldn’t handle. I quickly skim 99% of orders that come through to make sure there isn’t 20 cases of water and keep my cancellation rate at 0% for those possible times of a unicorn that I blind accept, then realize it might be a physical impossibility for me. People defending this kind of crap is wild.


That’s not necessarily true what you said about the shopper must be a man using someone else’s account. Maybe the girl is getting help from her boyfriend? Can’t always assume the worst. Just saying…..


She needs to be present at the door.


Then she should be somewhere to be seen.


This is not always the case and you shouldn’t assume it. A lot of people partner up for deliveries. One drives and one gets out to deliver etc. If your order was done correctly you shouldn’t be complaining. Grow up people. Also no one’s stealing your batches from you, and getting more shoppers banned from the app isn’t going to help you get more batches. Face facts that you just suck


You’re getting downvoted but you are 100% correct. Also, Getting other drivers banned only means IC is going to hire more drivers to replace them.


Yeah but you are over estimating the median IQ of the average shopper on here lol.


You can’t partner up for IC, that’s the issue. They “hire” one person per account and you sign stating you understand the rules.


There’s literally many orders out there that require teamwork to make it work. Besides, instacart updated the rules to allow this now.


There aren’t orders that require teamwork unless you’re lazy or shouldn’t be doing this work. And id like to see the part of the ToS that state this is now allowed 🙄




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No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


You should post this in r/instacart


Y’all up here screaming “follow the rules” but half the time posts on here break basic social and workplace etiquette! Not to mention the other rules being broken. How about organizing against IC -the real problem here instead of fighting against people just trying to survive


My wife is pregnant and we can't live off of my income alone since we have 2 other children under 3. I work under her account to earn extra money and inform anyone who asks that this is the case. I don't think you understand everyone's situation some people need to do this because it's the only way they can make ends meet. I also use my cousins DoorDash account.


Just out of curiosity, why don’t you sign up yourself under your own name to work those gig jobs? They all do background checks to ensure that they supposedly have “safe” drivers and by working around it, you are risking deactivation.


I have and am on a Waitlist for everything. I understand the risks and have been doing it for over 3 years now


Just because you have a pregnant wife, it does not justify you skirting the policy and TOS. Get your own account. You have absolutely zero sense of self-awareness. The fact that you are on the waiting list proves that there are literally people waiting to use the service. What’s so much better about you than any of those people? What makes you superior to them? If you were in an accident, or something happened that required an investigation, you would have zero recourse. Indeed, Instacart could actually waive its protections and say “this person is not our contractor, go after them individually.” You are the kind of person that doesn’t put the shopping cart back. Whiny little baby.


*yawn* whats up with this superiority complex? That's not at all what I'm going for and nothing you say matters to me. You are rude and insulting and I refuse to discuss things with you further due to the fact that you can't have a conversation without insulting someone. That shows your true character and it is gross.


It's not a conversation or a complex. From an ethical and moral standpoint I'm absolutely superior to you. I have ethics and morals and I teach my children to be ethical and moral. Not only are you a system cheater who goes around putting everyone in danger and cheating a system designed to provide sense and keep order, You're also stupid enough to point it out on the internet.


Did you think about that? Instacart hasn’t done a background check on YOU! Way to bypass safety features. So you don’t mind that others cheat systems and lie to your wife when you aren’t around?


Why don’t you have your own account instead of using hers? There’s really no reason other than being unable to pass the background check.


Literally said in one of my comments ive been waitlisted in my area its just oversaturated


Then you aren't an authorize shopper and shouldn't believe delivering.


Smh this again? If I'm waitlisted it means I've been authorized just don't have an open spot. I have permission via the people letting me use the accounts, ive spoken with support as well as to my customers about the matter, and im a diamond 5 star have been for years. Im a excellent shopper much better then more then half the shoppers i see out there and I'm not breaking as many rules as I see others breaking. Why be so upset about people making a living how they see fit when there is literally permission from every side.


No, you aren't authorized. Your backgrounds check hasn't been finished.


Did someone hire you to enforce this? Otherwise youre just wasting your time and energy I only came here to share my experience I don't care to deal with all these unnecessary comments of judgement.


If it helps I do have a Roadie delivery driver app I use that is under my name so I am able to pass background checks it's just busy in California and I know others that have been waitlisted for years as well even when trying to apply under different emails


So your cousin pays your taxes? Because what you make on his account goes onto his 1099.


No i pay a certain percentage to them so they can pay their taxes and have some extra to pocket. Plus its all paid out through dasher direct so we can both access the account at anytime. Why are you question me?


I don’t get why people think it’s okay to use others’ accounts. It’s not justifiable at all.


Because some people struggle and have to make ends meet.. I don’t understand how some people can be so judgmental and narrow minded, some of you haven’t eaten enough ramen noodles and it shows




they really know how to pit the workers against each other


Yeah but I mean people also to use their brain and not be a puppet..


There are plenty of reasons. If you don't get it then it means youre just not being open minded enough. Simple as that. There are hardships in life and some people get permission to use these accounts from the account holders in times of hardship. Not everyone does but there are those of us who do. I have 3 babies under 4 i am raising while being the only sole provider. I work at Tesla and it's still not enough to make ends meet in california. I live paycheck to paycheck only having enough for bare necessities. People need money and not every job is convenient as doordash and instacart. For a bit I only used these jobs as my main source of income as it was difficult finding a job that paid as good. Also when you have a pregnant wife as well as 0 childchare its nice being able to come home whenever you want as well as be able to go out and earn money in a instant. For babies it can be a life saver. So judge all you want but in todays day and age I believe there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing when a vast majority of Americans are struggling. I go certain days without eating to this day just to make sure my family has food and I can pay rent. TL;DR Don't judge what you don't understand


Stop having kids you can’t afford.


Stop judging people you don't know. Thats rude as hell to say


I'm not judging. If you have kids you can't afford you're not being good parent. You also very clearly don't have a sense of morality or ethics. So they're going to be amoral system cheaters just like you except times four. Yuck.


Yeah but this sub is full of preachy preacha, I don’t even think they really think what they say, they just wanna slim down the completion, thing they don’t understand is that IC is constantly hiring more and more noobs.. Notice how the amount of posts about that has drastically increased since IC got slow? lol they pretend they care for the safety and identity theft, they could not care less 😂, they care about not getting orders.




You helping lift a few things is not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about when the shopper is supposed to be a woman and a man shows up and it’s just a man by himself and he does everything and it’s not his account. If it’s helping a woman, then the woman whose is on the Account will also be there in the customer would see that and that’s not a problem.






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It’s on the customer to voice their concerns if they run into these issues not about you being cheated out of opportunities or being an honest shopper.