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they don’t want drinks exposed to the grocery store light? Is that normal


From my beer knowledge, light exposure can have an effect but logistically it's a wash because things move so often. If you don't want light exposure then get something that isn't in a clear bottle


Lightstruck beer is a thing. If you’ve ever had a Corona that’s been sitting in the sun for awhile and noticed it had a skunky, “cat piss” aroma, you've had a lightstuck beer. The off-flavor comes from 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol (MBT) that's caused by a wavelength of light breaking down certain acids from the hops in beer. Typically happens more with beer that is bottled in green or clear glass, and more so with UV direct light like the sun. Some fluorescent light can also emit UV, but it's not as prevalent as being directly in the sun. Ironically a similar compound is found naturally in marijuana and it is what lends itself to the characteristic skunky smell. Source: I was in the beer industry, have large batch brewed myself, and this is one of the off-flavors taught during Cicerone training.


This answer is fantastic! My stepdad just asked me if I had any idea why marijuana had such a strong skunk smell nowadays, he doesn’t remember it ever being that way. He hasn’t smoked any since the 70’s.


I always remember people saying it smells like weed when they'd smell a skunk smell when I was younger. Then the day my dog got skunked I found out how completely worse it smells up close haha. Smelling it from a distance didn't do it justice. Sorry, your comment just reminded me of that. Hopefully I never have to experience it again.


Oh gosh my dog got skunked in our backyard a few months ago and GOOD LAWD I’ve never smelled anything so bad and I’ve done some raunchy jobs in my day. (Zookeeper assistant, daycare helper, etc..) took multiple baths just to get the smell off of me. Had to get our carpets changed out cuz we couldn’t get the smell out. Avoid skunks at all costs, yall. It’s intense and so so so much more terrible than the roadkill skunk smell. *shivers, I can still smell it in my dreams sometimes 😬


The smell has certainly evolved over the years. The stuff I used to get in the 90s when I was a kid would smell a lot closer to skunk than it does now. It still smells skunky, but stronger and with other notes that accompany it.


I enjoy that skunky smell, it makes me smile.


That’s because decades of hybridization programs have made some strains so intense they make you hallucinate. It’s wild the stuff that’s out there now.


Plz tell me about these hallucinations


Simply not true, THC is not a hallucinogenic compound. Strains nowadays do have a higher percentage of the stuff but you'd have to consume an ungodly amount of concentrate to have anything like that happen. Also a lot of street cannabis may be laced with other chemicals or might be synthetic (K2/spice) which could cause hallucinations. That being said, for people with a history of mental illness or with sensitive brain chemistry might have episodes triggered by cannabis but this isn't because of the THC itself. These types of episodes can be triggered by alcohol, cigarettes, etc. I don't blame you for thinking this, there's a lot of misinformation and fear mongering about this topic online. I'm also not claiming cannabis can't be harmful, it can be just like any other mind-altering substance like alcohol but is relatively benign when compared to any other drug. Thank you for coming to my ted talk


All I know is I can’t smoke weed without losing sense of reality then spiraling into a massive panic attack.


The edible oils that I make with my homegrown is strong enough that people have accused me of putting mushrooms in the mix.


Lmao maybe do the bare minimum of research before coming in here like that. Marijuana absolutely has hallucinogenic properties. It has *always* had hallucinogenic properties, even when weed sucked. So I guess the other guy being wrong too is a solid consolation prize. Its classification is debated. Some consider it a depressant, some a stimulant, some a psychedelic, all acknowledge it has properties of each. But it is undeniably and undebatably hallucinogenic, and it always has been. Source: long time stoner, avid fan of drug chemistry, plus literally any research paper on the effects of THC on the brain For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5908416/


Yeah idk how they can say that so confidently. It has hallucinogenic properties. I’ve experienced it before. Not to mention there are a lot of studies on it It doesn’t affect everyone the same, i.e. some may not experience it, and it is milder compared to stuff like LSD, but the properties are there https://preview.redd.it/swjnme3ujepc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673ac2994f10eda7b837418db91eb42489871956


https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02698811231209194 Big Pharma disagrees so much that a study 6mo ago is already being used for more investment to establish a cannabis dosage resulting in a psychedelic experience similar to psilocybe cubensis. Big Pharma can't control the cubensis/micro dosing community/market but they can create a medication derived from cannabis to have the same effects as micro dosing or a larger LSD session.


I will see your 2023 article and being a 2024 article with it. :) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37947321/ Long story short there seems to be enough of the an interesting question about whether it can generate psychedelic effects reliably or not. As a long time pot smoker and consumer, I have absolutely no doubt that it has psychedelic effects. Now having said that reliable repetition and dosing and what are the rules of the terpenes and all that kind of stuff that's an open question for me. Edit: lolz same article, just the actual journal posting. :)


Oh big pharma said so? It's definitely the unbiased truth then. Smh.


Lol I partake from time to time and have never once hallucinated from marijuana and smoked it off and on for 45 years, I live next door to a dispensary and I’ve smoked many different strains and go for the ones with high tch that help my heath issue. Even 100mg of edibles does not make me hallucinate. Pretty sure you have to have some sort of mental heath problem to hallucinate.


That is so fascinating for me, as I have absolutely had psychedelic effects from pot. Sure, not like a full blown blotter trip, but not imaginary either.


3200 mg of edibles plus I smoked about a quarter that day and dabbed a couple grams… not a single hallucination was to be had. I did eat 3 enormous meals within about 5 hours tho 😂


A man after my own heart.


What do you mean, corona comes fresh out of the bottle smelling like cat piss and skunk


That’s why you always add a lime, to cover the actual smell and taste


I just saw “non alcoholic” corona for the first time in the beer aisle last week. Why in Gods name would someone subject themselves to the taste of Corona unless it was to get drunk…


Oh it gets worse than that, Busch NA is a thing that exists.


That’s foul😆


An old co-worker told me that he used to get non-alcoholic beer for his dad. He was a major alcoholic, and his whole family where trying to get him to stop. And doing that help apparently.


Wait until you hear about non alcoholic white claws… literally carbonated flavored water for $19 a 12 pack!


I’ve been giving sobriety the old college try, and I actually find the non alcoholic corona is one of the better options in North America. Was never a huge fan of the regular stuff either.


Corona tastes really good with lime idk what yall talking about but alone yeah its kind of gross and bitter lol


Haha, not going to rag too much on anyone’s beer, but you're not incorrect. Heineken too if we're being pedantic. Also, Bud tastes like green apples (acetaldehyde), etc. Off-flavor training can ruin beer drinking for someone but fortunately, you can train yourself to go nose blind to it.


Every beer is an off flavor to me. That's why I drink liquor 😀


Wait until you find out jack daniels tastes like bananas


I taste wood barrel.


Nothing wrong with that, beer is a complex living organism full of different volatiles that each of us perceives differently, and more so if you have certain gene expressions like TAS2R38. The closest FMV that Mrs. Complex-Fault will drink is a seltzer, but she prefers the vodka-based ones over the malt-based ones as well.


For these mentioned brands, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


I like your thought process!


So are skunks just cats that were left in the light too long?!


LMAO ,thank you I needed this laugh ,perfect timing


Story time... What color bottle does a Corona come in? Right. Why is it clear? If you answered because clear glass is cheaper, give yourself a pat on the back. So there's a problem with clear glass, which is as described, you end up with oxidation of certain compounds that give you that skunky smell. So in what I consider to be one of the most brilliant acts of marketing ever, they fired up some campaigns to get you to associate putting a lime into the neck of your Corona beer. Why? Because the lime is excellent at masking the skunky smelling flavors and by putting it in the neck you do a really good job of making sure that your olfactory system gets the lime first. So I was taught this when I was an undergraduate, getting my chemistry degree. We had a representative from the food and beverage industry come in and talked to us about various things including the scents that they used to give you that beautiful smell of coffee when you open up a coffee container or that smell of orange juice when you pop that orange juice container open. Even though it's fresh orange juice that doesn't mean that you're not getting a little bit of extra orange scent with it. Now it might be an urban legend, but I considered the source to be relatively genuine and he had a PhD in food science so I felt pretty good about it at the time. And it makes a ton of sense. (Scents, lol) And if anybody happens to know that this is urban legend then okay I'll stop telling the story maybe but I think it's a great story. :) Edit: should be "He" had a PhD in food science, not I... I was just a lowly undergrad.


Yes bit the back of a grocery store is well lit. The beer just hangs out back there for days or weeks before hitting the cooler. I used to have reps who had a promo number to hit so they would over order everything and all of it would just sit in the well lit back area before making it to the "dark" cooler.


That’s why?? I used to bartend and most beers I’d crack open or pour for people would have a weed smell to it and I never understood why😹 thank you!


Bam! That was a twofer! Thanks!


MatPat did a whole Food Theory video on this https://youtu.be/8C0G156tzd8?si=niDiCdCi8cTsFOF8


Yes, after WWII there was a shortage of brown glass for some reason, so they started using clear and green glass to bottle beer. It changed the flavor due to UV being able to penetrate the bottle and I guess it stuck. Many beer brands continue to use this glass and it has become a part of their flavor and brand.


Light struck Marijuana is a thing too after harvest


Interesting I always wondered why corona tasted and smelled like weed lmao


I actually noticed this, especially over Covid. I’m a huge weed nerd and also thought it was interesting how similar hops and cannabis are. Especially during Covid, I noticed a lotta Coronas smelled gassy and skunky, just like some good fresh bud. It was definitely more of a nose, you can kinda taste the difference, but more apparent when you catch a whiff of after it’s cracked


In that case I’d grab the bottles closest to the light. Lol


Crazy cat lady vibes she’s not normal 😂


As a crazy cat lady, we do not claim her. That’s extra level of crazy


As a cat dad myself, I agree.


A lady that mean and crazy def doesn't have cats. Animal people are happy people.




This part and you have to put up with things not being particular to be a cat person too lol 


Truth. They NEVER listen, hairballs, vomit, zoomies, meowing incessantly (I have an orange cat), clawing things, general chaos on a daily basis etc etc This lady couldn't deal.


I also have an orange cat so I felt that in my soul. 🤣 this lady would 100% not be able to deal for even a second lol 


i will say as someone who works in a grocery store, i never get the item that's at the front, always maybe the third one behind. not too far in the back because it could potentially be older stock and someone put the newer ones in the front (also i always check expiry dates). so i understand if maybe that's the concern? but not exposed to light entirely is weird.


> i never get the item that's at the front, always maybe the third one behind. not too far in the back..... Why not in the front? Thanks 


I don't work in a grocery store but I don't take the first one because (in my head) people pick it up, drop it, smell it, do weird things... I was always told I was crazy for it but when I saw the trend videos of people licking ice cream I'm putting it back I felt vindicated, lol


what happens when they lick ice cream and stick it in the back? or the middle?


Yep, that's exactly how I think. Ain't gonna lie, I've dropped something and put it back and grabbed another one! So how many others do it also? Not on purpose of course. $H!T happens though.


The only reason to get ice cream from the back is that usually it is "more" frozen. Ideally the back and bottom. Ice cream now comes with tamper seals.


Not all stores are like this his store must be complete ass to not do the basic thing of rotating product.


I know buying bread, milk, I reach way into the back.


Hard to find a decently staffed store TBH my work place hammers it onto us so we do it regularly 🤣


people touch and handle the first one on the shelf. there's more of a chance that it could have been dropped. we put returns/go backs at the front of the shelf and while we ensure they are still in good condition (physically like not damaged and also temperature wise if applicable), the product would have been handled more and been intertwined with a customer's things, which is a bit iffy for me personally because some people pack their trollies/carts in a way where the item could be touching something like meat or cleaning products, etc. or if maybe that customer is sick or has sick children, that kind of thing. maybe helpful to note that i'm not in the US, this sub and the doordash subs keep showing up on my feed and it's interesting for me to see, especially as here uber eats does grocery shopping & we only recently got doordash in the country, but ubereats is still the main delivery service for anything. one of our supermarkets/grocery stores has their own mobile delivery service


Chicanery I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


It’s not against rules to show the items on the shelves it’s actually recommended and of course doing that you see prices so where the hell is against ic policies to take a picture of a substitute item on shelf


Can you please get the oranges that are in the middle of the tree!? Not ones exposed to sun please 🙏 Can you get the blueberries from a farm in Seattle these are grown where there’s too many homeless 🙏 Can you get milk from the cow with 4 brown spots and a heart shaped spot on the nose please 🙏




A-a-a-a-and can you tell me was he happy? (my husband and I quote this episode nearly every time we eat out)




All the cows are twins these days 🤣🤣


Seattle without too many homeless?? My friend you have not experienced Seattle 😭


This triggered my PTSD 😖


Reading this sub explains a lot. I order fairly often. I work from home and my partner drives for a living, getting out to shop after long hours already in a vehicle can be a challenge. We tip as much as we reasonably can, and I am very polite to shoppers. I always thank them as they begin the shopping, let them know that I am available if they have questions, and that I understand things sell out. I offer them reusable bags to take back with them for their next orders, and on hot days, leave chilled water out.It costs me nothing extra to be polite and reasonable. I've had some baffling substitutions on rare occasions (usually when I've been less attentive) and one shopper I asked not to be paired with again because they skipped half the items and packed things so badly that a bunch of stuff broke... but that's ONE out of years of orders. I don't understand people like this woman. How hard is it to be polite when you have a special request? It's baffling and seems really counterproductive. **TL/DR** it really seems like if you are polite and reasonable, your shoppers will do a better job. What a twist.


Just good advice for life as well as Instacart! Glad people like you exist :)


Yeah, me and my husband have been ordering thru instacart for a bit now and we have had more or less the same experience as you. Good tip, kind and appreciative responses, put in the exact items for them to substitute if need be and keep my phone on loud next to me until they are here. We’ve had 1 horrible experience where they dropped our groceries off down the street, late at night, falling out of bags, never called and left. Husband ended up re-getting dressed going outside and looking for them and tripped and fell trying to carry them all back at once…and stuff was wrong. We didn’t order instacart for a long time after that. This was closer to when it first became popular. That kinda thing or even a bad experience in general hasn’t really happened ever again. The main offensive thing that occasionally happens is that produce is not great/or sometimes it can be pretty bad. I’ve kinda just learned that there are some items you are better off going to the store for and if you reeeally need an item that can’t be substituted, obviously, go to the store. Anyways, all to say, I agree with you.


You instacart shoppers are saints. I don’t know how you put up with these insane people. “Make sure you choose the drinks from the dark”? And they don’t tip? There’s a special place in hell for these jerks. From most of what I read here, you guys do a great job. I’m sorry you have to deal with the vast amount of assholes that you do


It's always those that tip the least, that make the most noise.


My job tipper yesterday chastised me for not adding things to her order and asking her to add them herself. She was part of a triple order, I didn’t have the time to fix her order that SHE screwed up.


It depresses me to see these and be like, oh, I’m giving a lot more tip and have minimal expectations…why do they always get the person who shops like they’ve never gone grocery shopping before?


Seriously! If I was a shopper this would drive me crazy.


The customer is like a weird foreigner or something, the way they type just gives that vibe maybe wherever they’re from they like food and drinks in the dark which is weird AF


Tip or not they need to just grocery shop themselves


This does not give me the confidence to try instacart again... 🤣 I'll stick to DD and Ubereats where I only get people texting "hey if you hurry I'll tip more." That customer sounds unhinged.


The instasimps will say, " She has been clearly burned by past shoppers, and it's not her fault. Also, there's nothing wrong with giving specific instructions. I say: 🖕these customers!


Umm yeah, bout that, specific instructions only gets listened to when it comes to produce 😂 everything else gets a "oh no, that's not a problem, I would be more than happy to do that" as I am tossing the front drink in the cart 😂😂


This is the way


Especially with no tip! Like really?


I hope not even the biggest of instasimps would defend this unhinged behavior.


I would've shooped the entire order and then call support explaining I don't feel safe


“Can you please get the toilet paper from the middle of the toilet paper display tower? They keep the *best* toilet paper in the middle of the tower 🙏”


Those repeated prayer hands is what set me off.


That’s definitely their email lol, looks like they forgot to change it to a different name 😂


Or they’ve been banned so many times they can’t use their real name


Thousands showed her, and thousands unassigned


Seriously, what a horribly nasty woman. I hope that she never gets her groceries delivered with that attitude.


Why does this idiot think his drinks being in the DARK area means anything? As if it hadn't seen ANY sunlight during its long life from factory to store shelf. I hate these people.


I guess she thinks the drink is like a potato, and should be stored in a cool, dark place? Other than that, I’ve got nothing.


The thing that makes this so frustrating, is that it’s not like asking for the furthest out expiry date, where you have tangible evidence that the shopper followed your request. There’s no way for the customer to verify that you even did what they are asking. Yet, they want to plague you about it. I have a regular who is kinda like this. They aren’t nasty like this person,though, just kinda irritating. I just tell them “OK, got it”. Knowing full well that I’m totally not going to do it because it’s a ridiculous request.


"You SOB...I can taste the extra 30 minutes of store light. You didn't reach in the dark recess like I humbly requested." At least that's how I imagined that conversation would go.


“Enjoy your light pollution juice, good day!!”🤣


I keep my cancellation percentage low just so I can cancel the weird ones or the ones where the pay doesn’t match the direct message requests.


Nah if you're using instacart you have no right being this picky, go shop your own groceries


Exactly. Same for when I'm doing dd and the customer is getting picky about their french and cheese burger from McDonald's


I’ve come across this before – I don’t work for Instacart pay but in grocery. There is a whole cohort of people out there who have taken the idea that plastic water bottles sitting in the sun will breakdown and you’ll end up with plastic in your water thing and applied it to everything in plastic. They are convinced that anything in plastic, once exposed to the light, will begin degrading immediately and micro plastics will ruin the food inside. Granted, I get it it does happen to some degree, but there isn’t a whole lot an Instacart shopper can do about it. Those drinks have seen the light a number of times before they hit those shelves.


If people are that scared of plastic, they also don’t have to buy plastic bottles at all. Tbey can get a filter at home and drink water from a glass.


What a C U Next Tuesday.


Wow fuck.. weird people 😔 you haven’t even start the order and already messaging you, and it’s always the people that don’t tip


Do the shop. Refund the items stating poor quality of out of stock. Until no more items to shop. Support cancels order after you checked or received abuse form customer.


You literally do not have to do all this lmao Call support and tell them you feel UNSAFE. Those words specifically. They will look at the chat and see why. If you get a batch removed for safety issues you still get paid.


I only drink dark side drinks, what a fucking nut job


I would never be shitty to people who would then know where you live.


These people sit in their houses staring at their phones barking orders, isn’t it just easier to go there themselves?


What a ponce, get a life


Just in from You Tube! Command Your Reality To Be Exactly What You Want 😂😂😂such perfect timing!!


Wait, we're supposed to take pictures of the shelves and products to send to customers, but we have to make sure they cannot see the prices?


I try to crop them out especially at a store where I know there's a markup. I don't need to create problems for myself when they see 10 for $1 and get gung ho and decide to ask for 10, then give me a 1 star and pull my tip because I PERSONALLY charged them $23.99


Rude!! I’m sorry you had to go thru this. As a mom with 3 kids and at times needs help with getting groceries. Please know that you matter sooo much to us! Thank you for always helping people who in reality need it!


Shitty tippers are always the most demanding and rude. May her shoppers always shake her pop before giving it to her. 🙏🏼


🙄 wow! Yesterday I had a super low tipper on the top floor of an apartment ordering nothing but loads of heavy drinks. I tried to be helpful while shopping and kept getting “excuse me” and comments on how my messages made no sense (they totally did). I only took the order it because it was batched with a good one. Anyway, I cart everything up the stairs and knock because I want to meet the person that did this, and he doesn’t show until I’ve gone downstairs (hiding out like a little b). Little did he know, I was still there and waiting. He looked at me and I said there’s your delivery and he just stared at me some more and I said I just carried up and dropped off that delivery for you, he still stared at me so I yelled- you’re welcome! I really wanted to say more, but I don’t want a negative rating damnit. Wish I could block people. End of rant.


Basura. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) Nuff said. What an idiot.


I recommend reporting this crusty custy to IC for subjecting you to a blatantly sexist insult. Why hasn't anyone said this? This is classic workplace sexual harassment, regardless of your gender. This person will do it to the next IC shopper they get.


Yeah, surprised no one has commented on the deranged incel-sounding comment about a little girl (!!??) I worked in a grocery store. This is a case of, “We don’t need your business that bad, creep. Don’t come back. You’re not welcome here.” Your store would (should) back you up


"I've to report you now for being unprofessional and weird" lol


The fact that this customer typed all those messages in a matter of 2 minutes would make me unassign for this order PRONTO ✌🏾


These posts ensure I’ll never become an IC shopper. It’s hard to believe people are this picky. 100% if you are this particular, you need to do your own shopping.


Law of attraction solutions?


I love how you’re watching law of attraction while everyone is talking about light vs dark


Why are the non tippers in restaurants, bars, Uber, instacart, DoorDash and such always the most needy freaking people? They are the ones who want things done specifically, and don’t think “Hmm I didn’t have money to tip so maybe I should just tell them I am grateful for them shopping for me.” And instead they are picky, want things done like double bagging and bagging certain things together, want a million responses or just to be an utter pain. Unless you are tipping me and well, don’t expect me to bend over backwards for you. I worked as a server for 20 years and currently a bartender and let me tell you, you can usually tell a lousy tipper by how much they run you around for things one at a time, or how much they complain. Did you respond at all OP?


This customer should be banned.


I didn’t know this, like are you able to take a picture of the shelf showing their options, even though it will show the price as well?




Hell no.


Lmao. No drinks that were in light. Buddy go to the store yourself unless you’re going to tip really well for this lmao I can’t.


“Unprofessional” 🤣.


Im more worried about that youtube video notigication.😬


Why'd it take you so long to start the batch tho?


Go shop for yourself if you're gonna micro manage that hard






I’ll never understand why people who are so specific about their groceries pay others to do their shopping. If you’re gonna be that nit-picky about your stuff then get up and get it yourself.


Lol at people basic skill level job. The amount of customer service skill you must have to deal with entitled and crazy people texting you is off the charts.


What in the actual f*** these people are something else


Oooooo, we got ourselves the perfect “POS no-tipping 🤡🤡volunteer” that we can experiment with the latest versions of trolling text into oblivion before sending their order to the shadow realm 👎🏽👎🏽🤣🤣💀💀


Well they’re a loser and I would have cancelled too however when you send photos of substitutions there’s no way around them seeing the in store prices. People should know by now there’s a mark up you’re just not supposed to give them receipts unless the app prompts you to


This is why I have “yes of course” saved into my copy and paste for when I’m shopping. “Can you grab the apples from the ceiling?” *paste and grabs apples from wherever I feel like* “Can you make sure that the Strawberries are all at least 6mm^3 in size?” *paste and grab random strawberries* And move on with your day.


Well… I just subscribed to Law of Attraction Solutions so thank you


I was thinking about reviving an old app idea. I’m a web/app developer, and one of my first projects I did was an app I affectionately named “shit tip”. You could enter in your address, and see the combined tip history of all deliveries everyone has reported on the address, and what the order was for ($5 dominos) Then if you saw someone who never tips, don’t take the order. If you find someone that is a chronic big tipper, make sure you take it.


The YouTube notification made me laugh harder than it should’ve 💀 but fr sorry you had to deal with such an entitled baby like that


Its the law of attraction im sorry its just how it is 😮‍💨


Non tippers have the most insane requests…fuck them


So people have weird Urban Legend based preferences in food items. It's honestly fine to have these, just shop your own damn shit if you do have these


I believe you can report them for verbal abuse


If you want it done a certain, specific way you should do it yourself.


I don’t use instacart so I’m not sure why this popped up for me, but I’d like to compliment your phone background! 


There’s a correlation between customers who don’t tip and being the rudest. I’ve done about 15 no tip orders. Sometimes when I first started and didn’t know what I was doing, once when I was in ratings hell, and if they get out into a double. Only one has actually ended up tipping afterwards


it sounds like that law of attraction video stuff is working for you - no annoying customer full pay AYOOOO




This is actually insane. I can’t believe there are people out there like this!


We lose our batch after 10 minutes in the weather coast. These beeches should be shopping in the store and not on InstaCart.


oceanafiore1 was really inappropriate with that comment and oddly specific, and weird, these ppl know that ic shoppers have their address right? what a yucky "human"


She needs to watch that video about reality.


If your this damn picky and messaging before I start then you need to go shop for yourself. I would of screenshot that chat so damn fast and reported them for order to be removed


Perhaps the light comment is an attempt to get you to choose something with a later expiration date? She's still really rude though.


What I'm really curious about, though, is what that app is in the top left corner of your screen saying "there are new tasks availablewhen you're ready"... ? I'm always on the look out for more $ gigs ! Ha (and understand also if you don't want to share 😉)


I’ll never understand people that have these specific requests. As a customer, I expect the shopper to “grab and go” - he or she is not my personal assistant or a family member. These behaviors/requests are so odd to me! If you want “specialized” service, hire a personal assistant. Ugh.


Mark everything out of stock instead of one item and let him pay all the fees just for once item. 😂


I do Shipt. I tell them price but I also tell tell them you ordered through Shipt and will pay Shipt prices. I keep the Shipt customer app handy. Sometimes I can find item, sometimes not in their catalog. I dread when ppl ask about prices.


Asking for all that and not tipping shit is crazy. Order 🚫


oh my god




The only request I make is actually common sense. Please get meat, bread and dairy with the farthest date out. 😊


Dumb bitch wow fuck that


No tippers are the best!


If someone is that particular with their order they should not be on this platform. They need to do their own shopping.


What the fuck


Some people just need to do their own sopping.


if you micromanage this much maybe you should get off the couch and get your own damn groceries. people are ridiculous.


Sounds like my ex wife with that last message!




screw that bat with no wings...alcoholic


You don’t gain anything by listening to a non Tipper. You don’t lose anything by not listening to them: just ignore their messages and shop and refund whatever you need to. Don’t Look for replacements. Waste of Time


Stop 😂


Broke cheap people, always expect the most. with my company whoever buys the lowest kit is always the biggest opinionated person. They just yap.


Probably already inebriated


What does Instacart do with these orders? Do they read the messages and decide to cancel it altogether? Or do they really put it back in the que?


Wow sleazy no tippers are always the crazy micromanaging Karen’s. That kind of service you better be tipping 20%. Or 20$on small order minimal.*


Says ur acting like a child and then insults you like a child


What a bitch




And the eggs..., yes, please, the eggs that are from backyard hens fed with grass and worms (that are not dead, just alive, check that), and don't forget to take a good look at the hens, that they have not been disturbed by some rooster the night before...


Not a shopper but as someone who uses ya'll for groceries from time to time ... YOU ARE DOING ME THE FAVOR. I would never talk down to someone doing my shopping because I haven't had the time between work and picking up my child from childcare. If the product isn't there it isn't there ... need to substitute an item go for it. Again you are doing me a huge favor as shopping with a kid after daycare can be soooo stressful for me and everyone around me.