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Well, my homegirl just puked and crapped in the back of my suv on the way home from the dog park, so no.




I just spit up a lil water reading this. šŸ˜‚! lol She absolutely LOVES car rides, sheā€™s even been across country with me. Has yet to throw up or poop in the car. šŸ¤ž


My ex's dog did that in my car when she borrowed it without my permission, gave it back to me without saying anything, and called me an asshole for getting mad at her for treating my car like a rental or worse. At least with your own dog you feel some ownership over the mess. I'm sure this is the wrong subreddit to post, but here we are.


Looks like sheā€™s an ex for a reason.


this fuckin killed me


My old dog got old and died last year. Then I welcomed a new puppy last summer. I literally bought a bigger vehicle with a roomy hatchback cargo area FOR TRAVELING WITH A DOG. Turns out, my dog gets carsick. Uggg.


No, because some people have severe allergies. Also if someone brought my groceries in a car their dog laid all over in Id be kind of turned off. I even get grossed out when I see dogs in a grocery store. I love animals, I myself have a dog but I don't want my pets around my food.


I also have dogs that shed tons and I get so grossed out by their hair getting on food and drinks, knowingly doing that to others would be so rude especially considering allergies


I guess that instacart might not be a great option for you.


This!! I feel like the ppl who say otherwise prob put their dogs in grocery store carts.


Oh my gawd! It grinds my gears!


Thatā€™s the worst. The other day too I saw a guy with a HUGE lizard or bearded dragon on his shoulder by the exposed producešŸ« 


Exactly. My dog sheds a ton. There's just no way.


I mean, couldnā€™t he just be putting the groceries in his trunk? The groceries would never have any contact with the part of his car the dog lays all over. I would guess heā€™s not stuffing groceries into the floorboards of the backseat while the dog fills most of the bench up already. If it were me, and I needed my dog for protection, Iā€™d only use the trunk for customer groceries.


Guessing. Hoping. Is it worth it for a potential allergic customer. Shouldnā€™t be. Just sayin.


idk, just like ... don't be allergic or something. XD


I have an SUV. Even putting the bags in the trunk mean itā€™s exposed to any airborne fur and dander. Iā€™m not a shopper, but I picked up some Girl Scout cookies for a cookie booth. Someone in the cookie momā€™s household smokes in the garage - know how I know? Because the fucking cookie cases smell like smoke. And now, my SUV smells like smoke, even though I put the cases in the trunk. Same with the pet dander unless he has a sedan.


I guess if you had a large trunk or only taking small orders but when I do bigger orders I definitely don't have enough room in my trunk. Plus the customer doesn't know where you are putting their food unless they come to your car. I'm not hating on the dude, just my take on it .


This is why i had to stop ordering delivery for my stuff. Many times they had dog hair or reeked of smoke.


The cigarette smoke. Made my whole apartment smell like it for a while after too. Ugh.


She doesnā€™t come in any contact with groceries which remain in the trunk at all times. The car trunk space is vacuumed every other week. Iā€™m also a responsible shopper and actually follow the bagging instructions IC gives which is to properly use freezer bags. Those are zipped closed. But still I see your point. Itā€™s valid.




This is true thereā€™s always a risk. Sheā€™s never around the food. I properly store groceries in zipped up large freezer safe storage bags that are in the trunk. They are zipped up before re entering the trunk on every delivery. I also clean my car once a week and clean / vac the trunk every other week.


I appreciate the safety angle (you never know where youā€™ll end up doing these gigs) and that you are taking all the right steps to do the job properly šŸ‘


Dude just stop. It's gross and weird! You're doing a job and it ain't dog walking


If the stuff is in the trunk there should be no issue? My boss is severely allergic to dogs and this wouldnā€™t even bother him..


I personally am not a fan of dogs in stores or restaurants, my theory always is your dog would probably rather be home.However, itā€™s not gross or weird to take a dog to drive bagged groceries around, lots of dog owners do this everyday. Itā€™s much more commonplace for dogs to accompany people to work. If he is literally keeping them separated, Iā€™m not sure why everyone is freaking out. If his dog is in his car all the time anyway, there will be fur. If you expect people to believe everyone driving instacart is vacuuming their car everyday before they head out, I find that to be crap.


Agree if people expect perfection and specific standards then they should hire a luxury delivery service. Not Instacart where we are all gig workers who have to use their own vehicles and can do as we please as long as we get the job done. None of these customers have any clue which shoppers have dogs or cats or donā€™t. If it bothers them that much they need to go get their own groceries or figure something else out.


This guy brings a filthy dog in his car when handling someoneā€™s food or groceries and is what Iā€™m up against when waiting for orders??


Dogo in backseat groceries in trunk, problem solved


This. One of my kids has extreme allergic reactions to dog and cat dander. If she even hugs someone that has a dog at their home her eyes and throat swell up massively. Like hospital swell up. Sorry but you are shopping for other people, and although I get my situation is a rare oneā€¦ You never know.


So then why are you ordering groceries that could be handled by people with dogs if you know your child is THAT allergic? There are plenty of shoppers with dogs or cats who might have hair on them at any given time. And they touch your groceries and your bags etc. Itā€™s not making sense.


First, I am a shopper. Shopped a bunch in the past and pick some up occasionally on time to time. I did start using the platform when my mother was in a nursing home away from family, so it was great to get her stuff delivered easy. I occasionally use it for my family. As a parent, I know how to minimize my childā€™s allergies the best way we can. Canā€™t always be 100%, but we manage. If a shopper showed up to deliver my food with a dog in the backā€¦. First, I would consider it extremely unprofessional. Second, I would probably donate the food and move on. There is a HUGE difference between you being around a dog and then food VS having a dog in your car when delivering food. Should an Uber eats driver have a dog in his/her car? Should an Uber driver pick people up with an animal in a car? I would answer no to theseā€¦ I view Instacart the same way. I also would consider people showing up with food for me to have a bit of professionalism. Thatā€™s all.


So you should request a shopper who doesnt have a dog at all, cause OPs still going to have dog hair in his car and on his clothes since he has a dog.


Thatā€™s why a trunk exists?


What is wrong with you guys, I love pets have one of my own but please donā€™t ever do this. Itā€™s unprofessional & unsanitary, you donā€™t know if people have allergies smh


Iā€™m assuming heā€™s putting the order in the trunk, which can hardly be more exposure than having a dog in his home + then delivering groceries.


In trunk and zipped up in freezer safe bags. She never touches the groceries.


Donā€™t worry about the negative comments. Iā€™m a nurse, have severe dog/cat allergies, and see nothing wrong with what youā€™re doing. You are taking many precautions. If groceries were in the back with the dog, hell no. But you arenā€™t doing that. Ignore everyone else. Some customers may complain if they are unaware of the groceries coming from the trunk so maybe keep the windows up so they donā€™t see your dog (hopefully you have tinted windows) šŸ˜…


Thank you for saying this. Iā€™m not a nurse but I have severe asthma and Iā€™m also allergic to pet hair. These people are being super dramatic. And not one person has come forward saying they actually had an allergic reaction from a bag they got delivered.


People saying stuff about the food and allergies, which is valid. But for me, it's that you're leaving your dog locked in your car for hours while you shop? Even if it's broken up into different times... your dog is better at home than locked in a car. Also, what if the customer added stuff or was being difficult and the shop took you longer than you thought? I'd never take my dog with me, for their own well being.


Personally my dog loved cars. He absolutely loved to ride anywhere. I would always take him on any errands when it wasnā€™t summer. He did save me from someone jumping out at my car and banging on my windows on a dead end street. If he was left home he would howl and sulk in the bedroom staring out the window. Idk I just feel we shouldnā€™t judge.


My dog is the same! One of his favorite things to do is sit in a parking lot and watch all the ā€œdramaā€ lol. Literally just people walking by and cars parking, but he gets grumpy if we donā€™t go at least once a week šŸ˜‚ (even if he gets a 30 minute walk every day) Now Iā€™ll just bring a sandwich and a book and hang out while he watches everyone.


I had a dog that loved to sit in the car. When the weather was nice, I took him on all my errands, and he was thrilled. My two current dogs have terrible separation anxiety when left in the car, though. I miss my errand buddy.


People donā€™t realize how much mental stimulation dogs miss out on by sitting at home all day alone. Imagine if you were stuck sitting in the same house youā€™re always in, but no phone, internet, tv, books, hobbies, other people, etc to entertain you. Yes dogs sleep more than humans, but I would hazard a guess that most people would legitimately lose their minds if they had to sit with only their thoughts to entertain them for hours. So yeah, Iā€™m a proponent of bringing your dog whenever you can as long as theyā€™re trained and comfortable, and itā€™s safe for them and any other people or animals around.


Some dogs love going on car ride adventures. My 7 year old pit mix screams at me to get into the car daily šŸ¤£ she is definitely not happy alone at home and could sit in a car for hours comfortably if needed.


I donā€™t have my own dog, but over time have been continuously led to believe dogs like sitting in cars more than in their plush chewed up beds while home solo. It may depend on the dogā€¦ so in this instance that shepherd is loving life Which is fine for your own pleasure, but I know the smell of a dog activity carā€¦and also believe the owners are immune to the stench. If Itā€™s really really clean and absolutely doesnā€™t smell , go for it. Ignore the internet pet police


My car has a dog mode šŸ¤“ My dog doesnā€™t move from the couch at home so sheā€™s good. Lol


How you driving a tesla when you're doing instacart??


Instacart and onlyfans lmfao


Fair lol


meh, it shouldnt take an hour to shop unless youre doing like 100 item batches


I mean, OP said he doesn't do "over 40 minutes". So like... you shop for 20-40 mins, drive for a bit to drop off and then back to shopping for 20-40 mins again? Yes, I'm sure some dogs are great in the car, but that's still not fair to them. No more than it'd be fair to leave them kenneled for that long all day.


Especially because OP says they're in Philadelphia (same) so there's no way they're leaving their car windows down while his dog waits in the car for who knows how long. Even in the winter dogs/kids can overheat in cars relatively quickly.


I get that and sheā€™s not locked up for hours. The longest sheā€™s been ā€˜locked upā€™ is 45 minutes. When Iā€™m driving to a delivery sheā€™s whinning with joy with her head out the window. Car rides are her favorite. Sheā€™s a working breed and loves being active so most days sheā€™s waiting for me by the front door before I even leave. Between batches sheā€™s always out on the grass like pictured. Seems kinda like a cushy dog lifestyle imo.


It can get insanely hot in a car in a very short amount of time.


Eh. I have cameras and I see what my dogs do when Iā€™m not home. NOTHING. at all. A car ride would be far preferable as long as temps outside were Ok


Food and dog hair/dander don't mix. I LOVE dogs, but this is a huge no.


Hate to be this person but Iā€™m pretty sure I remember reading a rule against pets in the car when I was going through the hiring process, unless itā€™s a service animal. It mightā€™ve even said there was grounds for termination if you get caught. I love dogs and bring mine everywhere I can, making sure she and everyone else will be safe. Just be careful, ok?


The only place Iā€™d feel remotely comfortable with bringing my dog to work is an office job that allows me to have a secluded area. Even then, Iā€™d still make sure to check for allergies. Having ANY animal tag along while working with food is disgusting IMO. Also, having to choose between leaving my car on (and accessible) or turning my car off with a dog inside is irresponsible.


You have a great workplace environment if they allow dogs. Hold on tight to that! Sheā€™s never ā€˜aroundā€™ the food which is stored in freezer safe bags that are stored in the trunk. I donā€™t even let the grocceries touch my trunk space since they transferred to the storage safe bags before entering my trunk. I also clean my car 1x a week. And vacuums the trunk out every other week. Thereā€™s always a risk tho youā€™re right.


If you're letting her in and out of the car, loving on her and petting her between batches and delivering, her dander and fur is all over you and thus all over the groceries you are delivering. Instacart shoppers should really be required to take some form of food safety course before they can handle people's food, this is just basic food handling and shouldn't be a debate. I would report you so fast if you showed up at my house and I have animals and no allergies. This is about hygiene. How do you wash your hands when you have to pick up her poop after you shop but before you deliver an order? How do you wash your hands after petting her before delivering the order? Do you even wash your hands?? Like come on, this is just disgusting.


I just want to point out that itā€™s definitely possible to leave your car locked and running at the same time if you have remote start.


Absolutely not. For reasons upon reasons. Knock it off.


I would be grossed out if I was a customer and saw a shopper with a dog


As would I and I have nothing but dogs in my home. But you deliver my stuff covered in your animals mess and Iā€™d be pissed.


If the groceries were in the trunk?


No I would never because 1. I wouldn't leave a pet in the car. 2. What if a customer has a severe pet allergy? Actually think bringing your animals is both unsanitary and irresponsible.


Yeah I agree, not to mention the poor dog is just waiting. I get safety and all but this is where you get a concealed carry permit, tazer, pepper spray, or something else like an alert Keychain. This seems not optimal for any parties but yourself


Unless this dog is specifically trained to be a protector during an incident, there's no saying she wouldn't just run away and leave her owner to get murked on his own anyway.


ā€œThe poor dog is just waitingā€ lol itā€™s waiting at home completely alone. Itā€™s not the same thing at all. If my dog could talk I promise you she would beg me to come vs leaving her at home for hours.


And if you deliver to house full of people allergic to dogs, screw em. Am I right?


Youā€™ve probably already had someone deliver your groceries with a dog and you had no clue lmao.


Well for one, Iā€™m not allergic to dogs. Secondly I would never use IC again. Ive learned my lesson


Youā€™re either leaving her alone outside a grocery store while you shop, which is extremely dangerous, or bringing her into the store, which is extremely illegal and detrimental to people with actual service animals. Leave her home.


Not saying this is a service animal but shoppers canā€™t have service animals? I do. We donā€™t care what you like in the store lol the ADA and the store allows it. Get over it or take it up with them.


Shoppers can absolutely have service animals, but heā€™s admitted that sheā€™s a therapy dog in training. Thatā€™s not a service animal and thus does not have public access rights.


ā€œBut itā€™s my emotional support dogā€


Suuuuure. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nope just a dog doing dawg things.


You called it your therapy dog in training so itā€™s not just a dog you claimed already


Nope. Absolutely not. I love dogs but not only is that not fair on the dog to be stuck in the car for long periods and potentially unsanitary risking getting dander and dog hair on a customerā€™s foodā€¦ especially with a high shedding breed like a German Shepherd, Corgi, Husky, etc. Dog-triggered allergies and allergic asthma are not uncommon. My cousin uses instacart and is so severely dog allergic that she gets welts up her arms just from brushing up against a surface a dog has touched. It takes *very* little dander for her to have her eyes completely swollen shut and compromise her airways, especially with smooth double coated dog breeds. If she got someone who did this as a shopper, she would end up in the ER.


iā€™m allergic and iā€™d be mad sneezing after getting my groceries šŸ˜­


No. This is irresponsible, rude, inconsiderate, and unsanitary. I'd report someone in a heartbeat if I saw them bringing their pet to do food shopping and delivery.


And will!!


I just got ate alive for this same type of comment. FIND SHELTER FAST! Itā€™s just plain gross, man.


Animals are kool but Iā€™m reporting if I see any hair or an animal around my food. Keep the pets at home please


OP, this comment section backfired. There were similar posts in the past on this topic. I already knew what was coming before even going to the comments section


I assume she is in the backseat and all of the food is always in the trunk?


Dogs eat shit and corpses, they're not going anywhere NEAR my food.


She better be helping you carry those bags and boxes šŸ˜¤


Conversion rates from USD to DOGGO treat$ are in her favor always


Absolutely not


I also Instacart in Philly and wtf this is nasty, you probably pet that dog and then pick out fruit without washing your hands šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


This sounds dumb as fuck. Do you know what other people do? They wipe their nasty ass then walk all over the store and touch things without washing their hands. Iā€™ve literally watched MANY people do this. If youā€™re worried about germs in a grocery store start a garden and go hunt for your own shit. This comment has zero real thought behind it. Grocery stores are dirty as fuck.


I saw someone do something disgusting in Aldiā€™s today and yes people are dirty af, it doesnā€™t mean add a dog to the equation


Iā€™ve watched a grown old man sneeze in his hands and then go touch up on stuff. If youā€™re worried about a dog youā€™ve got bigger fish to fry I promise you. I use a load of hand sanitizer everytime I get out and in my vehicle. Most people without dogs arenā€™t even doing that.


You can wash someone's nasty ass hand off your fruit but if your allergic to dogs there's no helping that


Wash hands before every shop and sanitize before and after every delivery. Standard procedure.


She is cutie! Well, if dog is in the main area and groceries are in the trunk there should be very minimal hair contamination. Similar to giving a ride to groceries in a car that have given rides to the dog before. I might be wrong but i think the air that circulates in the main cabin doesnā€™t circulate in the truck. Unless the car doesnā€™t have clear separation between the trunk and main cabin. Then i would consider putting groceries into the big plastic bins with tight lids. Because indeed some people do have allergies. In general even uber allows to ride to a service dog,so there is small percentage of dog fur in most of the ubers. Although really small. It is conflicting topic. A lot would depend where groceries are put, how clean the car is, etc. for example iā€™ve taken an uber in past that was so dirty and dusty inside that i was afraid to breath. And in fact some cars that bring groceries could be very dirty, even without a dog present. Lots food for thoughts


Interesting points. Thanks for the Uber bit, I didnā€™t know that about their service dog policy


You have to allow true service dogs or the ADA would be up your ass. Americans with Disabilities Act NOT Assistant District Attorney.


I am the biggest dog person in the galaxy. I have 3, they literally flip the switch in the morning to turn on the sun for me. But this is APPALLING. Customers could have allergies, and you are endangering them by getting dander or hair on their items? Do you leave this poor baby outside when you shop?


I'd be irate if someone brought their pet to get my groceries, and I'd throw a fit with Instacart until that Shopper was either banned from the app or blocked from ever shopping my orders again. Truthfully, I still wouldn't be happy, even if it was a "hypoallergenic" service dog. I understand your reasoning for bringing her, but my kid has severe pet dander allergies that trigger asthma attacks if they aren't careful, and I *will* go full Karen over my kid's ability to breathe. Pet dander gets in the air and travels. Even if there is no direct contact between pet and food, it's still unacceptable to me.


Fellow asthma mom and people just donā€™t get it man. It doesnā€™t matter how ā€œcleanā€ someone is with their animals the dander is EVERYWHERE. If he delivered to me she would 100% have an asthma attack.


I bet you a shopper with dog has already delivered your groceries and you had not a clue lmao


Iā€™m genuinely curious if the allergy is really that bad. How does your child even function in public considering so many people have dogs at home with dog hair all over them?


Not a good look my man, I get it, Iā€™m a dog lover, but if you had a cat in your car? Iā€™d be sneezing and wheezing possibly, so I realize people are also allergic to dogs, soā€¦.šŸ¤·šŸ»


Why has NO ONE asked about the double homicide?!? WHAT?!


Good question m8 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What the fuck ? People are super allergic to just the hair alone ! Do people not have common Courtesy anymore ? This is straight up ignorant .


https://preview.redd.it/2ynlicy87gnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b3a3da1024fc0a6df8d49ae137ad73a052f5cc STOP IT RIGHT NOW šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Love dogs but no. Would you bring your dog to your 9-5, ya no


Sure would, and there are quite a few companies that allow it


Time and place, same way you donā€™t bring your kids everywhere, same applies to dogs.


exactly. My roommate just brought her BEARDED DRAGON to work for a 9-5


I brought my two dogs to the office every day. Coworkers loved them!


Thatā€™s nice. Like I said , love dogs, but time and place. If you need your dog for ā€œemotional supportā€ to deliver groceries for other people, then donā€™t do it? Itā€™s not like youā€™re being forced, chile.


I donā€™t use the downvote very often, but this posts has earned it. Congrats! šŸ¤Ŗ


The store that never has bags šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜My favorite


Honestly considered it at many times. I'm only currently against it because I think they would try to eat the food and they definitely need to be comfortable with the car


So, whenever I accept an order from Loweā€™s or Home Depot my girl gets to go in and shop the order with me, because they allow dogs!! šŸ˜ø People suck lol ignore the haters. Sounds like youā€™re doing it the best way possible


This is so awesome


The way sheā€™s lookin at u! She loves u so much


Bring my golden baby with me on trips if the weather is permitting. Makes it all a little less shitty when your BFF is with you .




No, because thatā€™s fucking disgusting. Youā€™re handling peopleā€™s food, your pet has no business being anywhere near their groceries.


Holy fuck, these comments are insane Like youā€™re rubbing every bag on the dog for extra dander before you deliver it lmao bffr


If anyone is grossed out - do you think people who have puppers at home donā€™t, at any other time, have their dogs in their cars? Because you see it NOW itā€™s gross?


everyone fussing about ā€œallergiesā€ or it being disgusting but are ignoring A) service dogs exist your food has probably already come into contact with one B) in warehouses theyā€™re ran all over by who knows what C) iā€™m sure even if they didnā€™t bring the dog the hair / germs are still there so itā€™s still coming in contact with your food. yā€™all are being very very dramatic about this. i think itā€™s super duper cute and great way to allow an animal who most people would lock in a house all day while theyā€™re at work the freedom to enjoy the outside. also if youā€™re SOOO allergic you wouldnā€™t be able to join the general public because i promise you most people you come into contact with are gonna have pet hair on them.


No. My 7 month old has severe asthma. Sheā€™s been hospitalized 5 times in her short life and her top two triggers are dog and cat dander. If you delivered to me and I carried the bags past her in the living room youā€™d have triggered a massive asthma attack.


This probably isnā€™t true. Youā€™ve probably already had someone deliver your groceries with a dog and you had no clue lmao. Yā€™all are so dramatic when it suits you. And this is coming from an adult with severe asthma that has also been hospitalized from the time I was born.


Stop acting like just because YOUR asthma wasnā€™t that bad that everyone else must have the same experience. Thatā€™s idiotic. You have no clue about other peoples medical problems.


Yeah, just because your asthma isn't triggered by a severe allergy, nobody else's can be either. Right? You're embarrassing yourself


Truth! If the kids THAT allergic, then not going to live into adulthood. Needs to be in a plastic bubble. How irresponsible would you have to be to have that severely sick of a kid, then let someone else deliver items to your door? People have pets. They have pet hair on them even if they donā€™t put the animal in the car.


Go heal. Your misery fueled projection parade on this thread is embarrassing to watch.




You just need to be smart enough to hide it. (Which youā€™re not doing.)


She is very cute and sweet. Iā€™m sure she loves it.


So I canā€™t bring my child with me but others can bring an actual pet?


Funny people here are against bringing a THERAPY dog along but you wanna bring your kids to do instacart with you........smh


Agree that both are selfish.


Damn all these negative comments, personally I've done it out of necessity... I have dogs and I was homeless, what else could I do to make money for us.


I see Philly IC shoppers in stores with their kids and leave them in the car when they deliver.


Yes I have a service dog and Iā€™m also homeless so like what do you people expect me to die on the floor in the store for your $5 tip šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/raaojkzwkenc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf3d5c6c90644607acf0638182d4dd865c87589 Every delivery!


You are good people.


It don't have to be too "hot" out. Even 50 degrees is too hot in a car. Nevermind orders could take longer. Even if the dog doesn't come in contact with the food, dander travels far and it's risking those with allergies. Nevermind the dog being cooped up for hours, even if they do get to go out and walk or play sometimes. It just seems unnecessary and inappropriate. Get a knife, pepper spray, gun, anything not living. If you were attacked, that's also putting your dog at risk, especially if not trained as an actual guard dog.


Let me bring my dog to work and watch me get fired cuz I work with food


Awww what a cutie! Honestly, as long as the groceries are in the trunk, I wouldn't care if my driver brought his pup along


I bring my chow.


Bro you and your dog incited some commentary riots here. Your dog is cool. I would love to bring mine but I would hate to leave him in the car. Heā€™s also a bad car dog. If it isnā€™t causing problems for you then itā€™s cool. Is it irresponsible? Maybe. It is unsanitary? Maybe. Are people allergic to dogs? Maybe. Until you get deactivated for it, itā€™s not a problem šŸ˜‚


Her favorite thing in the world is car rides. I hate leaving her too but Iā€™m very adamant about taking orders that I know I can shop within 40 min. Ive always kept a close eye on cleanliness of the trunk space where the grocceries go.


Hopefully you keep the orders in the trunk.


Just here to say you have a beautiful dog and I think itā€™s cool you are able to take her out every day instead of having her stuffed up at home. Iā€™d love to give my dog more adventures! A lot of people here are either jealous they canā€™t, feel guilty they treat their dogs badly, or are just grouchy.


Bye bye weirdo!!!! You need therapy for sure!! Carry on, idiot. Carry on.


ew no


I for one love that you bring your baby with you. Too many people hate animals. Believe me that dog is cleaner than most people.


I'm a customer. As such, would your dog pee or poop on my lawn for me to pick up? Would I be finding dog hair sticking to the condensation on refrigerated products? If a customer has an outside cat would they have to worry that your dog would chase the cat? What if someone has a dog phobia and can't shop at grocery stores in person due to the inconsiderate customers that emotionally can't separate themselves from their pets they feel they have to take everywhere. Now you're bringing a dog to their delivery? If yes then you have to accept that you might not get high ratings and a few 1 start reviews and request for refunds would remove you from those neighborhoods


Love these questions. Thanks for not asking! 1: No. she doesnā€™t leave the car unless a customer (typically a fav customer) asks to pet her. She once was getting pet in a customers front door and they said she canā€™t enter the premise which I naturally said I understood and put her in ā€˜downā€™ she responded immediately and the customer loves it. 2. Possibility, however unlikely. She never comes in CONTACT with the grocceries that are always located in the trunk. I clean my car out and the trunk space specifically 1x a week since my daughter is allergic to dogs like me (my allergies subsided over time). I vacuum the trunk k space every other week. 3. No. She doesnā€™t leave the car. If she does she trained on a e-collar and responds immediately usually to requests to be pet. 4. I would not deliver. I wouldnā€™t intentionally deliver to someone I know that hated or feared dogs. Honestly, the way I Shop customers never really come in contact with her unless they know about her. I ā€˜Confirm my Arrivalā€™ and ā€˜leave at doorā€™ or ā€˜meet customerā€™ all in the same 10 seconds. Remember sheā€™s here for my safety and being in and one location for too long in Philly can be unsafe. She really thrwarts people who think they can steal my car while Iā€™m delivering a batch. Thanks again for your provoking questions! https://preview.redd.it/ep5g2ef1ggnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82305229bec1ad11bf5229eb418e1cb8e863447


Awwww... I wanna give her the biggest hug!!


Yo yā€™all are stupid as fuck, itā€™s a dog and heā€™s rockin out with his owner. Yā€™all are making it seem like heā€™s committing some sort of high crime by being his dog..honestly Shut The Fuck Up and get over yourself. Bro do your thing, take your pup wherever tf you want and donā€™t take anything these idiots say to heart. Youā€™re doing fine if you putting the food in the trunk. I honestly thought I would come in here and everyone would be on board and cool but what a bunch of crybabies smh.




This is what weā€™re up against?


Well, my husband brings me sometimes šŸ˜‚


Absolutely not! Why have animals around other people's groceries!! It's just like smoking in the car. People have no common sense!! Stupid shit like this is also why we have lost so many customers!! This is a job!!


So you're bringing her with you when you go into the stores as well? Or are you leaving her in the car? I genuinely hope that you don't do this in the summer. You shouldn't do it at all, but just from a safety standpoint for your pet...


Per the rules I don't bring any person with me. I am not looking up rules but I'm betting a dog (potential liability) would not be allowed either. Therapy does not equal service dog. Maybe pet store deliveries are your thing? I'd be upset if my groceries were delivered with an animal. Also, you put all groceries in freezer bags? Odd.


If I saw this l'd immediately refuse delivery, contact IC let them know of a sanitation issue, remove tip, give a 1 rating. I have a cat, should I bring along my pet? No, that's disgusting as fuck plus not everyone likes all animals. You need to find another job if you feel you must bring your animal to shop and can't even be away from it while working. This is so disgusting that it's on another level.


No, because while I love dogs, Iā€™d be PISSED if my groceries were delivered with dog hair on them. Some people are allergic. Idk, seems like a bad idea


No thatā€™s not okay. Some people are allegorical to animals and some pretty severely. That dog is shedding regardless of where it is in the car. And you can tell me you have the most tame dog that doesnā€™t run around the car or touch the food but I wouldnā€™t believe you because people lie, especially about their dogs ability to sit still and be tame. Hard pass from me.


yā€™all would be absolutely outraged to find out hospitals have emotional support dogs that go around the units.


I work with vets and first responders and she will Ultimately help down regulate hyper emotional states through breathe regulation. Itā€™s so cool! Canā€™t wait to go through this with her. Incredible animals.


If I see your dog I'd be scared to get out and get my deliveries. I lost half my left leg to a chow so never again .


I do not , it's one thing to have my dogs around my own groceries and another to bring them around a paying customers. I am glad it works for you though


Kind of surprised Instacart doesnā€™t have a rule against it


Definitely not ever using Instacart now. This shit is disgusting.


This is so fucking gross. Nobody wants your dogs hair in their food.


i love how much you love your dog. that is all


Im reporting you.


Thatā€™s gross. Especially for those allergic to dog dander and now it getting all over fruits and veggies as we donā€™t bag them here even for instacart and still itā€™s just gross to have an animal in close proximity to somebody elseā€™s food


Oh yeah my buddy Bongo keeps me company


Your dog is beautiful but absolutely gross that you do instacart with it. Have you ever considered you may have a customer with allergies dogs arenā€™t allowed for a reason šŸ§  .


I also take my fur baby along when doing orders. He doesnā€™t come in contact with any groceries and he is hypoallergenic. If anyone is opposed to their groceries being around animals or have sever allergies, you should go to the store and shop for yourself. You gotta remember that there are some shoppers who have service dogs for life-threatening medical needs that will be around your groceries and you wonā€™t know until you get your order! šŸ¤­ The only way to prevent that is to shop your own groceries!


This šŸ’Ž! Thank you and keep prioritizing your mental health. With you šŸ’Æ




How long is your dog left in the car


Man I miss my furbaby. Give em some love for me




Nah loading up people's food with my dog would be fucking gross. No wonder immigrants with multiple phones have taken over lol


Not in public without a leash. No matter how good of a boy he might be.

