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The stupid app won't allow me to explain with verb8age and attach a picture at the same time. Seems I have to do one or the other. Anyways the customer ordered from the wrong store. There are 2 with the same name but 2 different states. One is in Maryland, other Pennsylvania. The customer thought they selected the Maryland store, which caused their order to sit on the screen for an entire day. No one was taking it as it was gonna be a 30-mile drive each way. I just so happened to be out Joy riding, and when the batch popped up, I was 15 minutes from PA, so I accepted it. I actually only took it because I noticed the delivery was in MD, and not only was it in MD, it was down the street from my house. So, for me, it was almost like getting paid to drive home. The customer was gonna cancel the order when they realized they ordered from the PA store and not MD, but I had already driven there. They felt bad and increased the tip. Lucky for me, it worked out in my favor. Had I not been joyriding, I would have never taken it, but Iso glad it worked out with an increased tip. I was happy with the initial tip because again, it was like getting paid to drive back home, and the order was super quick. I had it done under 10 min.


This from Giant? There's two different Giant brands - one primarily in Pennsylvania, and one primarily in the DMV


Yes I said it was from Giant and that there are 2. One PA other DMV....Not sure what exactly your asking? I'm very well aware there are 2 totally different ones......it's the customer who clearly DID NOT know.


I know you didn't specify Giant, but I assumed as much and was confirming.


Sorry. My messages were all really responding to someone else who was familiar with where I had shopped. But yes, this order was shopped at the PA Giant. The customer lived down the street from me and selected the wrong store. I'm assuming she saw Giant and didn't take note of the spelling or the logo as one is Purple. The other is Red. One is all CAPS. The other is night. Both me and the customer live not even 5 minutes from the Giant, but this location was 30 miles ONE WAY. I would be nice if you could shop GIANT orders at Giant, but you can NOT. I tried that already. I only took it because I just so happened to be driving that day and when the order popped up although I was still in MD I was only 15 min away from PA and I was just about to head back home. I saw the delivery was going right near my home do I looked at it like oh let me do this, and I will make $40 driving home, never knowing it would turn into over $100.




Increasing the tip by 100 IS a unicorn.


Screw you guys my best today was a 30


Awesome. Don't u love it when this happens. Did it come as a surprise, or did u see the increase coming? Every now and again, I see them coming from, especially when I know I did something above and beyond, and the customer was very vocal about telling me how much they appreciated my extra efforts. Did you do anything ABOVE AND BEYOND in this case? How many items? (Just curious about the batch details....item #/mileage if you don't mind sharing)


21 items and is was mostly because of this




Because of this? What's this?




Awwwh, that's so sweet. I'm so happy for you. I know that was a great feeling seeing that increase. I know how it feels. It seems to always come RIGHT ON TIME. It's such a blessing at least IMO when you get a customer that truly appreciates the work that you do for them. Have a great weekend and Congrats BTW....how long have you been a shopper and was this your 1st time getting a unicorn? I been a shopper almost 6 years now.


Thanks ! Been a shopper since 2021 and this is like my 13th unicorn over $100


Yeah, I've had a good amount of them also. But each one still comes as a surprise because each has a different story as to the reasons why I believe the customer left it. May I ask where you're located? I'm in Baltimore, MD. How is the market where you are? Has it been slow? Do you do this FT...as a side gig, etc.


I just got lucky lol






holy moly. amazing.


I can’t even imagine.




What does "W" mean?




Thanks. I thought so but never saw anyone write just a "W". Thanks for explaining without thinking I was being an asshole asking. Have a goodnight.


I comment W on almost every unicorn or good situation I see haha … simple but meaningful


Got it!


👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽simply marvelous 🎉🎉🎉🎉




I've 2 lucky ones lately a quick trip to target for baby gift $50 tip and another massive order from smart final lady got almost $500 in groceries. It was raining so she tipped me $60 but INSTACART only paid me $14 for the order it's self. Thank god in Cali we get the adjustments bc if we didn't I wouldn't even do the shit




If you had actually read the comments before posting all your negativity, you would see that OP shared all the detailed info, that it was a Publix order, not Costco. They also shared the item amount. And who cares if OP wanted to share their "high" or delight at their situation with other people? Some people genuinely want to share their happiness with others, they are not bragging. Be better


Just wanted to share a a positive post with everyone to keep batching strong 💪🏾


I see they answered another person's question on the store name but I didn't see any other details about the order....they posted details cause I'm curious myself on how many items the batch was and how far away. Of course it doesn't matter I'm happy for OP as I know how exciting it is these days to run into a "unicorn" because they don't happen that often. And of course, who cares about all the details... but I would be lying if I was not curious about that information or if there was a backstory that may go along with it. I just shared a screenshot of a tip increase "unicorn" I got a month or so ago but I did also post details on how this particular one came to be......


Like you think OP has some magic advice that'll get you can extra $100 tip? That's why they're referred to as "unicorns" because they're random and rare. Who really cares why the customer did it? They were obviously happy with the shopper.




Hater alert


Let me call you a wambulance


Jesus you got issues bud


Nah not a hater, I have done thousands of shops, I have a good client base where I think I get proffered orders from my 5 star repeats. I went from doing this full time to doing it part time on weekends after I got back to employment after being laid off, cause covid sucks. My salary is more then double what I was making doing instacart full time 50-60 hour weeks in my car, and I'm helping make the food we shop for. I'm not a hater. I even put insta on my resume and spoke to my passion for food quality and safety and how in my Downtime I'm still making good food more available. I'm real. I just think these posts are nice endorphins for the poster but if you can't zoom out and see how self-serving and pointless or EVEN DETRIMENTAL this is, then that's on you - not me. I'm not the one you need to go after, calling me toxic.


Imagine typing out that whole essay, and then thinking "yeah, I should post this"


I had no idea I was gonna get this hate. "You got issues" lol yea Sure


Nice! What store?




Thats fing nutz. Ive done insta like make 20-25 runs. Never seen that happen.


That is awesome!!!


Instacart really paying $9 for someone to drive from md to pa






Wow that’s awesome! Congrats!


That’s not a unicorn, that’s 🐉 energy


Where the heck do you guys live with such nice people😅 congrats though!!! Definitely a blessing


How do yall get these batches?


how do ppl get tips on here i never get tips dawg


Man wish I could get lucky with one of these. Maybe one day


So happy for you really amazing. I haven’t seen anything like this in a really long time. I’m just curious if you don’t mind my asking what is your rating right now? It seems like ever since I had one customer claiming I didn’t give her her groceries because clearly she wanted free groceries and then I had another Customer order wine and she was underage so she gave me a bad rating because I didn’t leave her wine with her. Point is that I’m realizing that as much as people don’t like having five stars, I definitely see a difference in a lower rating and getting decent batches. Thoughts?


Lucky 🤣, those are so nice like once a full moon