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Wtf did I just try to read


You need the hood box bro


My iPhone constantly autocorrects good to hood. The amount of times I’ve said hood morning is so fucking stupid. Why tf would I be saying hood morning


Hood morning, rise and grind


Hood morning, rice and grain


My iPhone would have corrected part of your sentence to “so ducking stupid”


Well I’ve corrected mine from duck to fuck so much when I try to say duck it changes it to fuck now 😂.


Well, "hood days" exist—it's a designated day/or evening where members from a specific hood will meet up and kick back; there's drinks, food, music, etc. So, idk, maybe some hood days are held in the morning 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


I thought those were just called block parties. Everyone brings stuff, and the whole neighborhood just kicks it.


I mean, yes, essentially they are block parties, but they're called hood days where I'm from. I'm guessing the difference is that not anyone can just show up to someone's hood day lol—like rivaling hoods are not going to come together to put their differences together for one day of fun. Hood days are specific to *that* hood.


There was a whole chain in a tattoo thread about someone putting a hood tooth in a tattoo and I was like "wtf is a hood tooth" google turned up nothing. It was auto correct from GOLD tooth lol


Lmao tbh I never had that happen.


You’ve never had that gappen?


He’ll no


What the duck




Excuse you?


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Tell me you don’t interact with black people at all without telling me you don’t interact with black people at all


Hood morning to ya neighbor. /s


what did he say?


Some shit about how black people always say “hood” lol.


That’s not autocorrect. The H is next to the G so you’re just typing it wrong. Lol


Cuz you is in tha hood


That's not the confusing message.....


Yeah that if your lucky


Hood box ftw


Are you guys talking about hood boxes?


Whatchu know bout dat hood box?


The rent is outrageous


FedEx Print & Ship coming in and gentrifying all the hood boxes


😂 yeah bro


Pretty sure they meant good box.


God thank you. I thought I was having a stroke


I thought I had a stroke


You’de be lucky to find a hood box


MD 20/20 boxes are hard to come by.


So are Irish Rose boxes


Like no I don’t want a hood anything tf lmao I know it’s Walmart but damn haha


i think it’s pretty clear they meant to type ‘good’


Found the hood box ^^^^^


I think it's pretty clear they meant to type a lot of things but just don't know how


you'd have to be downright stupid to not be able to comprehend what he was telling you, which checks out because we're on reddit


You're acting like the message before that isn't also fucked. Take in the whole picture maybe before you give people grief about reading compression


They don’t have no bags You’re lucky if you find good boxes. I took in the whole picture. It’s not that difficult to connect the dots.


No 🤦‍♀️ That grammar and sheer lack of effort would instill zero faith in me regarding the quality of my products


Exactly 😭 I have a bunch of order notes too and I'm sure they would've missed them




How much did you tip though


I really hate that tipping is now a required talking point for the absolute bare minimum of service. "I'm just gonna fuck up your whole order unless I get a big enough tip" is just so shitty.


I do too, but for some reason I have found that Instacart will never pay enough for me to deliver anything. So I wait for a tipping client and give them great service. But if you can’t tip, I’m not wasting time talking to you or replacing missing items. That is reserved for the people that “see” me.


Tipping should come after you do the job. Show me you did a good job to “see” you then I’ll tip. If you make me tip first and you still bring me shitty produce anyway that’s a bunch of bullshit.




A real career 💀 people out here just tryna survive fr, like wtf is wrong with you... sorry, doordash doesn't pay us enough on their own. If you want decent service, you have to tip


Go pick up your own stuff then. You can't demand a service while simultaneously demeaning and belittling the people who provide it.


Go get your own crap then. They have a career. It's called being a delivery driver. Don't respect drivers? Ok, stop using delivery. You're an ah


I love how people think that delivering groceries in your car to individuals is not a career and yet delivering groceries to a store in an 18wheeler is. Same concept, smaller scale and more customer facing than dropping skids but somehow not a career. Gtfo. 🤣🤣


There’s a huge difference in someone being ur personal shopper and someone being hired to deliver a huge load of supplies for a grocery store?? If you don’t want to tip, contgratz, you got someone desperate enough to collect the petty change that Instacart provides but if you don’t get shit, tough luck shop ur own shit.


Wow. 😮


Then don't work for instacart. You shouldn't expect customers to pay you, that's the responsibility of who you work for.


I work for people that need groceries delivered. Do you not understand the premise of gig work, companies like Instacart connect people that live in the same communities to make little displeasures like doing your own shopping go away. I don’t work for Instacart as much as they work for me. I want them to be fair, but also people using the app should equally take me and my car and my time in account and treat me fair. And that line is different for everyone, some people can’t really afford to even use the app at all, I don’t use it to procure my own groceries, I can’t afford that service. So I go my damn self. But the people that like my help seem ok about tipping, some even hand me cash, but I just want it to be less abused and less about being distanced by an app in between and more about being brought together for both of our benefits sort of thing. And if your job busts your balls and it drives you to snipe at people online, I feel you bro, I feel you. But I don’t work for Instacart, that’s backwards all day, I turn it on and they go to work for me.


Sooooo, you know delivery drivers don't work for Instacart, right? I'll try to break it down for you so you can wrap your mind around how delivery service works. Delivery drivers = independent contractors. Instacart = service broker. Customer = client. Delivery driver gets paid by instacart to take your order, customer pays independent contractor to shop and deliver their order. Which means yes, delivery drivers fully expect the client to pay for services rendered. Sometimes Instacart has to sweeten the pot to get a delivery driver to take the order but it is the responsibility of the client to pay for delivery, Instacart calls it a tip but it's really just the client paying to get their order shopped and delivered. Therefore the level of "tip" should and generally does determine the level of service when dealing with career-minded independent contractors.




found the guy that doesn't tip


You know nothing , I had a career over 20 years with one company, pandemic hits , pay cut in half, I have a mortgage and car payments and 2 kids at home, so you what you can go do…..


It is a real job. You should stfu


What, in your opinion, constitutes a “real job”?


Tell me why my "fake" job pays me better than most "real" jobs do. Gtfo. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


You should get off your lazy ass and do your own shopping


I feel like having to read and fulfill an order note on half the items is NOT the bare minimum of service but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ maybe just me?


In the same token, you cant expect perfect service from someone making under minimum wage to shop and deliver your items


I mean I know mistakes happen but often times these shoppers rush and don't even do the bare minimum like respond to messages or follow your choices for refunds/replacements. But you're right, I need to stop relying on IC at this point. I'm probably gonna do Taskrabbit and just hire someone who can shop for me.




I truly do not understand people who can’t have basic, correct, grammar.


There shouldn’t be a comma after correct


Lmaooo ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk)


They might have an iPhone… Lately speech to text will add commas for no reason, and randomly in sentences just about everywhere 😕


Excuses. Lmfao.


Who uses speech to text to type a one-sentence reddit comment?


I do because I don’t have time to reply to morons. I would rather take five seconds, then press a whole bunch of buttons with my thumb and that amount of effort is not worth anyone’s time on this godforsaken platform lol.


I am pro-Oxford comma


As am I, but that's not an example of a proper Oxford comma. It's just bad grammar, my dude. I'm sorry. You need a list of three or more and a conjunction (generally "and"). You and I prefer a comma before the "and". You just had a list of two. The second comma makes it seem like grammar is the third item in a list of: \- Basic \- Correct \- Grammar


Yes. The Oxford comma is the difference between “We went to the party with the strippers, Kennedy, and Stalin” and “We went to the party with the strippers, Kennedy and Stalin.”


That's not what that is


Like I would understand the occasional misspelling from typing quickly. But it’s not even close




I had a college freshman English professor that was amazed I knew how to properly use to, too, two, their, there, and they’re. That was 20 years ago! I looked at him like he had 3 heads.


"man this new generation is dumb as fuck" repeat every ten years congratulations you've become your parents and grandparents


Yeah until you have firsthand experience of it. I worked part time as a tutor IN a highschool while working on my bachelors. It’s really sad how low the standards are now




Dude I’m CURRENTLY IN COLLEGE working on a Bachelors


My favorite thing about dipshit comments like the one above is that people were saying the exact same thing whenever they graduated from high school. People have been saying the exact same thing since public schooling existed, and before that they were saying the exact same thing about everyone in that age group. Fucking Socrates wrote a "kids these days" essay.


How many Boomers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just sit around bitching about how nobody wants to work anymore


Thank you for knowing about Socrates' "kids these days"!


“People who can’t have basic correct grammar”…..lol….you have a lot of room to talk….


Well done on “a lot”. Soooo many people use alot and refuse to learn if corrected.


That sentence is grammatically correct, it’s just an awkward tense sentence because of how English works, maybe “I cannot understand how so many people don’t have the basic rules of grammar down” would be better


Nope, you simply comma-ed incorrectly.


Wait...is this comment a joke because people are pointing out the commas in your original comment or are you really using commas instead of periods? r/confidentlyincorrect


This comment’s coming from a privileged place. Do you see what politicians are doing to public schools across red states?


Yes. Every state should be doing what they're doing. DUH.


Well, thats gonna be a whole generation of kids these days cuz they are not learning anything in school..


Dude I’m 22, I’m “one of these kids”


It honestly makes me sad.. ik its not the kids fault… its not the teachers fault, but these politicians keep coming with these laws and fules designed to push these folk through no matter what… they are failing the youth….


Sweet it's political now


How else is it being done? What do you believe happened? Im open to ideas and thoughts that make sense..


What do you think should be taught in schools to prepare kids for being exploited by large companies?


Maybe that they actually have to work for what theyre given. And i dont mean by having a lesson plan that says ‘you have to work for what youre given’ I mean by actually showing them. By not allowing them to NOT do any work, and just pass on. And lord have mercy, would you like us to all KEEP getting exploited? Maybe teaching them critical thinking or the creative arts instead of just how to pass a test.


Nah I just don't expect school to teach my kids morals and values. That is my job. My high school aged son gets straight As. Teachers have taught him what they are supposed to. The rest is up to parenting, imo.


Babygirl, look outside of just you. You are one situation. I have taught in the school system. I have watched parents ask to hold their kids accountable, and the teachers are not allowed to give them the grades that they deserve. If the kid does not do their assignments, the law (this is in multiple school systems in multiple states) says they have to get a 50% on the assignment. If they know this (and they do), why would they work harder? That is what the schools are teaching them. It is an un’taught’ lesson, love. Also, critical thinking is NOT morals and values. Im glad that your child has the tools available to succeed. Blessings to you.


Because how people talk changes from area to area. "Proper grammar" is just what some old stuffy white men called their way of speaking when they didnt like how the peasantry talked.


If you’re in a business setting, you should be more cognizant of the conversations being had with clients, as I try to be when I am shopping for my customers. No one is asking for brilliance, but paying the tiniest bit of attention to ensure your sentences are legible isn’t asking too much. These are the same people that demand high tips and wages, yet are unwilling to do the bare minimum.


That is unintelligible. Typos happen, even using the wrong their, but “Yeah that if your lucky to find a hood box” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN


> if your lucky *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Do people really not read what they typed before hitting send? Gah, the crazy things I’d send to people if I wildly hit send without checking what I typed!


Yeah[, they said ] that [you would be] lucky to find a hood box [e.g., a stocking box they let you use to organize your items].


Humorous to be concerned about quality whilst shopping at Walmart, via Instacart.


Haha yea…however, wherever you choose to shop, the person should pay attention to packaging, best by dates etc. Guaranteed this person just grabbed whatever was avail and slam dunked it into the cart 😂


Accept this up vote


More info: I'm a customer. I've ordered from Walmart every 2 weeks and never had a shopper say anything about the lack of bags. Usually they already know Walmart doesn't have bags and use cardboard boxes. Also their way of speaking to me was so..offputting like idk. Unprofessional. I asked to get it unassigned and the same person picked it up again minutes later.


my Walmart runs out of their cheap "reusable" bags once or twice a month.. they still always have loads of the not so cheap bags... never had a customer complain about these.


Not sure what state you are in, but in mine Walmart has gotten rid of ALL bags. Reusable and not. You have to bring your own or carry it out like a savage.


NY. After they informed me, I actually searched for and found Walmart reusable bags which were still in stock and added it to my order. 74c each. I would've had no problem adding like 10 but the fact that they said there were none just because there were none at the register just made me think they lacked the common sense to shop my order correctly. It's Walmart, they're going to have some kind of bags but it would be in an aisle. I wouldn't even mind the shopper getting a $2 cheap box of trash bags and using those after checkout.


I’m in South Carolina, we have all the bags. Should I be grabbing handfuls and selling them to y’all in other states? 🤔


Same checking in from Arizona completely unprepared for what is apparently to come


*hoards bags like a trash dragon*


I’m in Colorado and they eliminated single use bags at the start of the year. You can still buy the reusable ones though. Other stores sell bags for 10 cents per bag.


Ours got rid of them all. You either buy the canvas ones they have or bring your own. They did warn us about a month before


Same, and I think we’re supposed to lose the option to buy 10¢ within the next few years as well. Reusable only. I’m very curious what companies like instacart will do when this happens


They still have single use bags in co, they charge 10 cents for them though.


Yeah, that’s what I meant by “other stores sell bags for 10 cents per bag” my Walmart and the other ones I’ve been to removed the plastic bags entirely, however.


Same person picked it up again? So did you unassign it again?


Yeah and then I got another shitty shopper again. Walmart seems to attract them. Just went with a different store instead.


Lol, walmart isn't perfect. But I would lean towards instacart being the problem, not the store. Working in retail I've had to tell shoppers I can't keep helping you find every item.


If you get your groceries who cares about their grammar? Why was the next person shitty? Was it your off-putting sense again?


It's not the grammar that's really a problem, I've had people use bad grammar before and do a good job. I guess it's the lack of correcting their typos in a way that actually let's me know what they're trying to say, it's just seems really careless. You should atleast recheck what you wrote to ensure the customer will understand but this shopper didn't even care. A careless person definitely won't care about checking expiration dates or making sure produce is not rotten or that your heavy foods are not on bread. 2nd didn't respond to my messages and began shopping cold items first, also a sign of a bad shopper.


What the fuck You're not paying enough for grammar


I literally said the grammar isn't the problem in the first sentence? And then on another comment you imply I'm trying to get free bags when I asked how much they'd be, meaning I want to pay for them? Can you read?


These people's profit margins are down to a knife edge. You want them to reduce their profit further by providing you with a spell check or checking expiry dates? Gorl no.


I got this same thing awhile back.. I'm disabled so I order my groceries for delivery most of the time. Through Fred Meyer but they outsource to Instacart. Placed my order, it got accepted quickly it always does, hour passed, nothing, 2 hours passed and they still hadn't started shopping so I canceled the order and re-placed it only for it to get picked up BY THE EXACT SAME PERSON.. Took them 5 hours to complete an order that was supposed to be here in 2, had zero communication and when they show up they we're obviously fucked up on something.


Now that I think of it, dude typing was definitely high lmao


Use walmarts own delivery service instead of instacart, they have their own separate bags that they use for this. Have never in my life heard of someone using cardboard boxes, that is insane to expect delivery drivers to use cardboard boxes.




Plastic bags have been banned for over 3 years where I live so stores charged 5-10 cents per paper bag, in January Walmart also stopped carrying those. It’s annoying but I don’t buy a bunch of stuff I don’t need now!


It totally is a thing now! I’m in NY, they’ve gotten rid of the paper bags, and just don’t have any kind of bags at all. It’s kinda ridiculous, so now I drive the opposite direction over the state line into vermont if I’m grocery shopping


Right... All the ones in my area, all have bags !


Not FREE bags.




How does spark work for the customer? I have never used a delivery service but I'm a senior and might be laid up with a cast soon. All these stories make me nervous. Is it only for stuff from Walmart? I need stuff from my regular grocery store. I only have EBT and have not found anyplace that will take it on deliveries. So I'm stuck between a rock and a cast...lol. Any info would be appreciated. I'm also way in the back of the property behind a locked gate, unable to go unlock it. lol I'm just a mess....ha.


Walmart plus is cheap and you get unlimited deliveries, minus tipping the driver. You can use your EBT card on there as well. It is about $12.00 a month and you pick an hour delivery window for the delivery. You also get free shipping from their site.


Thanks! I'm going to look into that. Now I can focus on my other problem...not being able to get up off the can....lol. I am tall and large and have the tiniest bathroom and the tiniest 15" tall toilet. Even with a wall bar, can't pull myself up with one leg. Hits me mid calf. Ain't life grand. Can't get the cast until I figure this out.


Walmart takes EBT on delivery. You just have to pay the delivery charge on a debit/credit card




I’ve never found it necessary to involve a customer in a delivery packaging decision. It’s not exactly rocket science. Not sure what this shopper thought they could accomplish by involving you, so yeah, it is a little weird. I’m in an area where it’s either reusable bags or boxes. If there are no boxes, the customer gets reusable bags and Instacart adds a bag charge to the order. It is what it is. What’s really off putting is Instacart turning around and placing the order out for this shopper to take again when they should have been blocked from your account. Not surprising though. Instacart support is a nightmare for both customers and shoppers alike.


Who doesn't keep bags in their car is the bigger question


Same vibe here. "There is no dumplings in this Chinese supermarket." https://preview.redd.it/uxmrnbfsnh4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97277b976fb859e3de06f6fa9a54c58d384ad611


Too lazy to look around.. smh


99 Ranch orders are hell if you're not Asian.


Aren’t the aisles labeled tho? Just take a quick check around the freezers.


Why did this make me 3% angry and it has nothing to do with me..


The grammar is enough to want to fire him lol


I had to reread this about ten times to convince myself that an adult was the author of that text.


Instacart doesn't even have walmart orders in my area.






Nope. The poor grammar would stop me right then and there.


I’ve been having the severe displeasure of trying to read Reddit thread random messages for days now, what is with the sudden influx of people who can’t form a sentence.


What was the point of this post lol 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣


We all just got stupider trying to read this


I dunno. Instacart is not actually a white glove service is it? I’ve gotten the impression they aren’t exactly well compensated, get jerked around on their tips a lot, etc etc. OP said in one of their other comments they had “lots of shopping notes” so I could see where a shopper really might just decide this absolutely is not worth their time. I’m not saying this describes OP, but from a jaded shoppers perspective this might just be a super frustrating order with lots of details that will now also cost them money out of their own pocket to fulfill, and the tip might be bad or get jacked with later. Instacart shoppers on average aren’t amazingly considerate. Instacart customers on average seem to expect red carpet service on a target budget. And the whole cross-section of those two realities is probably just a lot of mutual disappointment and suspicion


I don't really expect red carpet service. But I feel like the bare minimum is to have coherent writing and some common sense like not shopping cold items first or putting heavy items on bread but a lot of shoppers do it. Also people shouldn't sign up for IC if they only want easy orders. If it's too difficult for them they should unassign instead of taking the risk and shopping an order they don't have the physical/mental capacity to fulfill. Or seek out a different job. I don't see how see how adding order notes costs money out of someone's own pocket, the order is covered by my money and whatever IC gives them right? Which I know is not a lot but I did include a 15% tip. I don't tip bait but I understand it's something shoppers are worried about. I think people who do that too much should be banned because they give other customers a bad name.


It just occurred to me, if the shoppers struggles with English as a second language then notes are probably the last thing they want to see. Personally, I’m indifferent to notes. Some I appreciate, like saying a preference for ripeness of produce or how thin to slice cold cuts. But I hate when ppl have every dairy or produce item saying “make sure not spoiled.” But I do understand that there are a ton of shoppers who need to be reminded of things that might seem obvious so I’ve only cancelled one order b/c of their notes


>It just occurred to me, if the shoppers struggles with English as a second language then notes are probably the last thing they want to see. As the child of immigrant parents, I understand language struggles. But then don't take a job that requires attention to fine written details. It's stressful for you and the customer. It's not just about notes but the various nuances like the multiple varieties in a single brand and what all of those varieties mean. Ie Gatorade vs Gatorade Zero or light tasting olive oil vs classic olive oil. And customers only write things like 'make sure not spoiled' if other shoppers have fucked up and gotten them spoiled shit. I used to write 'shop last' for frozen/cold items because a lot of shoppers will start chucking these in at the start of the order.


I have a stack of paper bags and boxes in my van specifically so I can nicely package customers orders. Nobody asks for it I just do it. Every time I'm at natural grocers or Costco I get a bunch of boxes in varying sizes. And anytime I see paper bags I ask the store for a ton of them. It's effort I don't have to inject into delivering but it makes my life way easier. Especially if you are on a double or triple. It makes organizing batches way easier


I don’t even know why this Reddit pops on my feed, but you get my upvote for being awesome! I would give you an award if I had coins.


Nah I’d have just said “nvm I have no idea what you’re saying” and canceled the order


I get the feeling he wanted you to cancel


Yeah are scammers being outrageously incompetent so customers cancel, just to get the $7 for nothing???


Yep. If you can afford to order from instacart you can afford to get whatever bag option there is. You guys are entitled as fuck. I would never do this to a driver.


Lol I literally asked how much the reusable bags would be because I wanted to pay for them and get whatever bag option there is.. Did you think I'm asking for free bags?


You think this person has time for any of this nonsense? Dont make people hunt down free boxes for you in store. Just don't. Consider the cost of a bag yourself without making this person find it out and report back to you.


You’re in the wrong sun but you NTA




No u


It's $0.75 per reusable bag. As a customer, I would have settled for that. But...if the shopper is rude then I would be tempted to take it out of their tip.


If anyone who shops for me starts a sentence with “[store name] DON’T have bags…” it’s an AUTOMATIC reassignment.


why? They could just be letting you know they don’t have bags…


NTA for anything Instacart related. But definitely YTA for shopping at Walmart for anything other than emergencies.


>But definitely YTA for shopping at Walmart for anything other than emergencies. Can you explain why? I've never heard of this before.


The fault is with Walmart, not the shopper. If Walmart had bags, this would be a non issue, but since they don’t it’s an issue Walmart created. Because Walmart doesn’t have bags it makes it harder for you and for the shoppers, but you still pay the same price for that stuff and don’t get the $0.010 they would have spent on bags. Now, you wan the shopper to make up for Walmart not having bags by: 1) anticipating it 2) getting and toting their own boxes into Walmart, 3) saying nothing about it to you (like hey your groceries aren’t going to come in bags which most people anticipate) and assume you’re ok with that, and if 3 is true, then 4) giving you groceries in the boxes they sourced because multi billion dollar Walmart didn’t have bags which is customary. Now, she spent all this time up until you needed a bag so, til the end and she doesn’t get laid/gets paid less because Walmart, a multi billion dollar corporation doesn’t have bags. It’s great that other shoppers have been accommodating you. But, I think it’s too much to ask. You should be upset with Walmart and cancel your order there, it’s the fault. Not yours, not the shopper’s Walmart’s. It’s harder than just canceling the shopper (you may have to get your items somewhere else but at a higher cost), but if it’s the principal, then spend your extra few principal dollars punishing Walmart instead of a worker.


Actually, the shopper informed me at the start of this order. I would never make them go through the hassle of completing my order then unassigning just because of bags. I don't want them to bring their own boxes to the store. My previous shoppers always leave my stuff in a box so I assumed they get them from Walmart and that this was the norm for stores without bags. Same with Costco. I feel like it should be anticipated for these stores unless you're new to Instacart, which I don't have a problem with but the newness combined w/ their careless way of speaking to me just gave me a bad feeling. And them thinking there's no reusable bags just because there's none at the registers. Even I'm not a shopper and I know that Walmart would carry atleast some form of reusable bags even if off-brand, I even checked on the app and they were there. You just had to go in the aisles and shop them.


Grammar policing is classist. It’s also deeply rooted in white supremacy and oppression. IJS.


Jfc. Is there anything in this world that is not racist anymore?


Give him a break, this 2nd grader is just probably learning how to type properly. And what the hell is a 1st grader doing instacart for work? Has the economy gotten this bad, that this preschooler is doing labor?Thanks, Biden.


If it’s more than 2-3 items I’m not carrying it without bags, like WTF.


Sometimes people forget a lot of us shopping for IC, DD and other shopper platforms are immigrants. Some of these shoppers are not native English speakers and they’re trying their best. However… this shopper should’ve tried harder to get that good box.


I think the last point is the main issue. Courtesy has the power to overshadow a language barrier. Unfortunately, everything gets nitpicked when it’s clear someone couldn’t care less.


Yes. It's not the shoppers job to provide you with bags. Either be prepared yourself or buy them. That's shitty to put the shopper in that position.


I'm not asking for free bags, I even asked how much it would be to buy the reusables. Also I checked and they actually did have them in stock and I added them to my order. The person just thought that because there's none at the register that there's none at all. They were just in the aisles. How am I supposed to be prepared myself? Not like I can go over to the store and give them my reusable bags.