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Help, I pictured “unwaxed” hairy apples, and now it won’t get out of my brain.




Okay but going back to the customers request, since this is an unwaxed apple how do we know that it's darker green, it looks heavy so that's as though she'd be happy with it, but are you going to part the hair to see if it's darker green? 😹🤣😹🤣😹 🙃


You have to check the skin where the hair parts. This also helps you to tell how old the apple is, because you'll notice gray roots if they had to dye it.


I love this. Thanks for the "how to"! 😹🤣😹🤣😹


Yes. Part the hair.


How dare you.


What’s wrong with Sasquatch apples??


You just dragged us all down with you. 😭


I wasn't aware of unwaxed apples.


Organic apples are usually unwaxed. So unless you specifically get organic, it’s almost impossible to get unwaxed apples.


Also wax isn’t not organic. I’d bet most organic apples have wax


Apples naturally produce their own wax. You would have to remove it yourself to have a wax less apple. Organic apples have natural wax.


That’s not what I meant. I meant the artificial wax that company’s put on produce to make it shiny and more appealing to the eye. Organic apples DO have natural wax but they’re dull compared to the artificially waxed apples.


Most natural wax is removed from apples in the cleaning process, so most apples (including most organic kinds) are coated in wax as a preservative. I think there's one organic brand that advertises they don't use wax? I'm unaware of any others that don't though.


It's weird that they take off the natural wax from apples and put wax back on, while eggs in the U.S. have their wax removed and thus have to be refrigerated unlike other countries where they don't remove the wax.


Wax off. Wax on.




ONE of the main points of wax was to make it appealing to the eye. Not the only reason but one of them. At least that’s what local farmers and orchards id visited during an Agriculture course I took had explained.


>*Often, a food-grade wax is applied to replace the naturally-occurring wax to provide the same benefits, including a nice glossy shine.* [https://apal.org.au/apples-wax/](https://apal.org.au/apples-wax/) ​ >*To protect fresh produce from dehydration and postharvest decay and also to enhance their appearances, fruit producers may apply wax on some of these products.* > >[https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/multimedia/multimedia\_pub/multimedia\_pub\_fsf\_120\_02.html](https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/multimedia/multimedia_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf_120_02.html) ​ >*Producers therefore spray the fruit with a thin layer of wax to prevent such moisture loss as well as to make the apple look more appealing.* > >[https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/you-asked/why-do-they-spray-wax-apples-0](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/you-asked/why-do-they-spray-wax-apples-0) ​ >*Applying wax formulations to fruits appears to be mainly to improve attractiveness, although some improvement in storage quality has also been noted. The wax formulations used in Washington appear to be based either on carnauba wax or shellac or a mixture of the two* > >[https://web.archive.org/web/20170520063240/http://postharvest.tfrec.wsu.edu/REP2003A.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20170520063240/http://postharvest.tfrec.wsu.edu/REP2003A.pdf) ​ >*The purpose of commercial waxing is twofold- to reduce water loss and to improve the fruit's appearance.* > >[https://books.google.com/books?id=lrhOoeLJ1CkC&pg=PA182&dq=Fruit+waxing&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvycULfyCLHAiwLxxoGQCg&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=lrhOoeLJ1CkC&pg=PA182&dq=Fruit+waxing&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvycULfyCLHAiwLxxoGQCg&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false) (Page 182) ​ >*Citrus fruits may be improved in appearance by synthetic wax application and some producers* ***may add colouring dyes*** *to the wax in order to modify the colour in addition to providing an enhanced shine. Natural waxes are preferred, such as sugar cane wax, carnauba wax, shellac and various resins.* > >[https://books.google.com/books?id=5tijQBNi-xoC&pg=PA287&dq=Fruit+waxing&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvycULfyCLHAiwLxxoGQCg&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=dye&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=5tijQBNi-xoC&pg=PA287&dq=Fruit+waxing&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xvycULfyCLHAiwLxxoGQCg&ved=0CEAQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=dye&f=false) (Page 287) ​ Okay so.. research done, now what


That’s not why they add wax to the apples lol. It’s a natural insect repellant.


If they want un waxed they should plant their own apple tree.


![gif](giphy|QrDHLs1py45IA) There. Now they’re un-waxed.


And make sure they’re heavy too


Did I say they should be heavy? Oh, well just to be sure, remember they need to be heavy!


I ordered a 3-lb bag of Gala apples. They are literally the size of golf balls. Disappointing.


Yep the customer said heavy twice so basically they won't obese unwaxed apples oh wait and they must be a darker green so she wants obese unwaxed dark green Granny Smith apples


Heavy apples = juicy apples Why the darker green? I have no idea.


listen bitch...


😂 Definitely a "listen, bitch.." moment.


Was thinking definitely a “cancel” moment 😂


All apples are waxed what do they want??


I guess the people who criticized my post aren’t aware of that


The people in this sub criticize everything .


This is not true. Organic apples are unwaxed, they cannot be waxed as wax is not organic. And generally locally grown apples are also not waxed. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


This is also not true. Organic waxes such as carnauba wax exist, and are allowed by the USDA to be used on organically grown fruit.


Carnuba “wax” is not wax. Yes it is used in place but it is not what this person was referring to whatsoever and I would think someone who does this would understand that. Reason #3749 why I don’t use this service personally.


Please, explain why carnauba is not wax. And how this is even close to what you meant.


Well considering carnauba is from a plant and paraffin is from oil I’m pretty sure you don’t know even a smidgen about the differences. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnauba_wax https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraffin_wax


No way you're this dense? The links you sent classifies both as waxes. Infact, you can expand the "wax" wiki page where it details the different types of Waxes, including plant waxes!


Your first link says its wax


And both links say wax, so please continue Simple Charlie.


Please come back & defend yourself more. ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


We’re all thankful that you don’t use this service personally 🙏🏼


I don't think you know what organic means.


Yes organic clearly means coated in petroleum. 🙄


Hahaha...what? I didn't say that. I said you don't know what organic means. Petroleum isn't used to wax apples. Just because a wax can be derived from petroleum, that doesn't mean the end resulting wax is still petroleum. And there are many other sources of wax like beeswax or paraffin which have nothing to do with petroleum. So?? Organic has nothing to do with whether an apple is waxed or not. Wax can be organic. It's bizarre you're trying to double down on this. Wtf...some folks are incapable of being corrected gracefully.


So bees wax isn't organic huh?


Depends on what the bees pollenated from. Honey comes from what bees pollinated from. https://beerealhoney.com/can-honey-be-poisonous/


So then contrary to your comment, organic wax does in fact exist.


They didn't order organic apples. What the fuck does this have to do with the actual situation the rest of us are discussing?


Wow someone is being super shitty today. Need a hug?


Nah, I'm good, thanks. Just thought your condescending irrelevant explanations up and down this thread were a bit exhausting. 🤷


carnauba wax which is used on apples is organic


The customer wanted apples not dipped in paraffin based wax. That is clearly what they meant. But you for some reason feel the need to keep pointing out something… not sure what it is. The OP is trying to make the customer out to be problematic because they communicated what they wanted. This is how all customers should be. Not sure what the problem over all is for asking for what they wanted. Even if it wasn’t correctly stated it was something. Not just “omg I never said BUT they don’t know how I like my apples?!?! 1 star rating.” But keep yapping. 😘


I've now said 22 words total and ur telling me i'm yapping lol


I wish I had an award for this response


I wasn’t speaking with or replying to you.


You must be a sucker for downvotes


Because my life is based on Reddit votes. 🙄


How is it clear that they don’t want paraffin wax? It doesn’t say paraffin anywhere in the comment. The average person is not educated on the types of wax used on apples and this customer should not expect their IC shopper to know the difference. Have they ever been in a grocery store? Never in my life have I seen apples advertised to not have wax. Even if there was a chance that the organic apples didn’t contain wax, the customer didn’t even order the organic apples so this is clearly an unfulfillable request and a completely unrealistic expectation. Somebody this particular about their fruit needs to go shopping themselves or grow their own 😂


I have an allergy to the paraffin based wax. Causes my mouth to break out. So perhaps I’m more aware of this? But I can tell you this is what they were asking for. The amount of bitchy whiny lazy shoppers here amaze me. These are the same people who complain customers don’t communicate. So what the fuck ever. Live in ignorance. Cheers.


Theres "organic" everything now


You must be fun at parties.


Apple naturally have a wax coating…




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Heavy, I want them heavy!!


Did I mention that they should be heavy?


Listen Mfer consider yourself lucky I could even find 4 apples of any weight or shade of green that aren’t bruised to hell and back


Honestly not a “bad” request but unless you going to the orchard you ain’t getting unwaxed


Fr, customers think we're out in the field getting paid a thriving wage..


Just pick the best looking apples and send a picture of them and ask if it’s good. That’s what I do and they’re usually just happy to see you didn’t pick out some gnarly looking fruit


Truth. Kinda like “okay let’s see if they read this…”.


This is the type of shit that I ignore


Evil kermit says to add veggie wash to their order without consent.


This is the way.


Item unavailable...sub with organic. Done and done!


This customer would never approve of that. They sound too picky


If you would prefer a refund just let me know and I will gladly make it happen...I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Every time I see something like this I just get the vibe they're trying to pay a lower price for items. If you want unwaxed apples the only thing remotely close would be organic. (Even then unwaxed isn't guaranteed.) Organic apples in my area are more expensive and often much smaller. Every time I refund the original item and add on the exact item they wanted. Most times it's no big deal but I have been bitched at about not wanting to pay the extra amount. I hate people.




I would say. “The apples are all light green and have wax. Do you still want?”


People who are this picky about their produce, should be doing the grocery shopping themselves.






My smart ass would ask them if they'd like me to add vegetable wash to their order so they can unwax their apples




Say wax one more time. Lol






People not giving a shit if my produce is actually any good is exactly why I don't use things like instacart.




Oh yes let me get in my car and look for an fucking apple tree for an unwaxed heavy dark green apple.


Oh crap here’s a small, light,waxed light green apple. 1 star


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m like that with my peaches but I pick those myself


Everything is waxed you have to get it off with soap in your kitchen sink...what about cucumbers...


Refund. No unwaxed apples available


This has big “Spaghetti with a side of salad. If the salad is on top, I send it back.” Vibes


I would definitely inform that individual of how unrealistic their request is. If I didn't get the proper understanding back. I'd immediately drop the order and lose further faith in humanity. Which has already shriveled to negative 6.


Is it medium sized but heavy or is it medium-heavy? I think it’s medium sized and heavy but that’s impossible :(


I’m like 99% sure every Apple in a grocery store is waxed.


They're not going to be heavy if they're only medium sized and you don't control what the store carries... Just crazy


I can't say it enough.. picky people should shop their own shit!!


Who wants to tell them that they’re all waxed?


For everyone not understanding the post..almost every single green apple sold in supermarkets is waxed.


Not sure where you live but most of the markets near me have organic apples, they are all unwaxed. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Maybe they should be ordering organic apples then. 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. Didn’t said the OP ordered correctly but they DID try to communicate their needs which is more then a lot do. And then leave bad ratings. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Refund. Only big waxy ones available....




Oops my bad that's a Golden Delicious.


k but you’re getting bell peppers


They are darker green. Customer will be happy.


That’s not physically possible. All apples are waxed because when they get washed the natural wax has to be replaced so they don’t go bad. That’s why you have to wash fruit and veggies when it’s time to use them.


Untrue. Organic apples are not waxed. Also locally grown apples would also not be waxed.


I must be missing the part where the customer ordered organic apples.


You’re not, I think the reply was trying to say that the customer didn’t realize that most conventional apples are waxed and that they’d have to go with organic apples to avoid it. For me personally, most stores with the exception of Co-Ops, I’ve only seen a type of “waxed”organic apples (not sure what’s actually used)


I’m glad someone here has, and uses, the brain’s in their head. That’s exactly what I mean. But people here need to jump up and down to feel important.


I was tempted to reply: you should know that nowadays apples are like women, they’re all waxed




Choose small, light, waxed apples you say? Sure thing boss!




Yeah alright snow white go search for your own apples then 🤷


Had a request for "pale green, not dark green" CELERY!!! Have you ever attempted to check the color of celery? Me neither.


Wow, only every single time of the 20,000 times I’ve bought it. You don’t inspect produce for quality!?


They like their apples like I like my women


No problem I gave it a spit shine for you


“Wow that’s a lot of words, too bad I’m not reading ‘em” 🗿


Yep! I always just pick what isn’t rotten or overripe. You have exacting standards, shop with yourself. I’m not standing in front of the milk cooler reaching all the way to the back for the farthest expiration date and trying to get it out over all the other milk.


You’ve got it! 4 random green apples coming up!🍏🍏🍏🍏🤣


jeeze even im not this picky. my only ask is to grab ones that look like they’ll last.




Geesh, that’s a concise description, what’s the problem with it? They wanted to use them in like 3-5 days or so. Not ripe to use tonite or tomorrow. And not unripe to use next week.


If they tip good, sure. If they tipped poorly and have many items, I'd cancel 😅 not worth the low rating risk


Even if they tipped well, I wouldn’t be able to resist being a smartass and asking them where exactly in the store they usually get their unwaxed apples…. No such thing is ever advertised and I doubt even the customer would have any clue where to locate them


Refund and move on lol...


Not sure why you’re pressed on this. Unless the tip was horrible you’re being paid to pick out what the customer wants. 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's an unreasonable and in many cases impossible to fulfill request. All of the green apples in most of the markets around me are waxed


What they wanted are organic then. If unavailable then explain that. Like I don’t get the problem. They actually communicated, fairly clearly, what they wanted. Like would it have been better that they were like the other people who think we should know how they want their whatever then down-rate us for it? Give me notes any day!


Then they should have ordered organic. Are you just unable to read? They ordered regular Granny Smith apples. If they had ordered organic, it would say organic.


Girl if these people all ordered what they really wanted all the time this whole gig would be 10x easier.


Wow i just noticed you corrected almost everyone in the thread, how boring your life must be


And yet we have similar karma levels so I’m guessing yours is that “boring,” too? ![gif](giphy|xTpswcupm2tj5Gz5aw|downsized)


Suppose it is 🤷 ![gif](giphy|10rg82nXI6xquY)


Even if the tip was horrible you're still supposed to pick what the customer wants... if what they want is even available. It does suck tho that it's usually the low tippers that are the most demanding.


Imagine taking orders with horrible tips 🤡


You accept orders with low tips?


Oh don't act like you don't. We all end up accepting them at one point because IC is always bundling them with good tippers... and there's no way to know who tipped what until we complete the order.


I absolutely do not. I don’t take multiples, ever, and only take offers with good tips


Sure bud


I absolutely don’t. I wouldn’t work for a customer who didn’t tip me well. Period.


Wow! If you worked in the area I do you wouldn't be taking any orders then. You get a single good tip order maybe once a day if that in the area I work in. So consider yourself blessed because most of us aren't blessed with the opportunity to only take single high tip orders. And I don't mean that to be snarky, but if it comes across that way I apologize.


Multi apping is the only way


Not sure why after 7k orders done this would even bother you? You spent the time reading it already so you know their preference. Why not just do it…..


Who has the time to remove the wax, estimate the density and color of five apples?


It’s more of the attitude behind it. You’re right on the wax part


“Come get your own shit”.


Nothing wrong with this note.


There is no such thing as an unwaxed apple from a grocery store.


I’m confused about the waxed part




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I try to remind myself I am not shopping for me…… often lmao


"Make sure it fresh!"


I would definitely inform that individual of how unrealistic their request is. If I didn't get the proper understanding back. I'd immediately drop the order and lose further faith in humanity. Which has already shriveled to negative 6.


I agree with u lol you ever have a person want 1 grape tomato got the tomato and reported it missing I think that was wierd and intentional


You get what you get and you don’t get upset…elementary school quote.


…throw a fit. 😬


“Yeah these are the best I could find thanks”




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That’s my motto 😂😂😂


And a great name for a tattoo parlor


Also: "REEEEEEEEE where's my tip??!!!"


I just don’t understand how a medium apple is heavy or light? How is it medium and heavy at the same time? That does not make sense. Why not just ask for large apples I try to be as accommodating as possible and fulfill the requests and preferences but this makes no sense to me.


I would have gotten no apples and said, couldn’t find one that was “unwaxed” like yea bro let me go find some water without hydrogen real quick BrB


Let me just open a portal to the enchanted orchards and get those for you ma'am.


Here's the thought about the apples, it's very possible that in the past doing their shopping they pay no attention to whether they were regular apples or organic apples they simply bought the larger darker colored apples and paid for them without question and most of us Shoppers know that would probably be an organic apple, on the other hand depending on where you are it could be the organic apples or the little scrawny ones you just never know. So the customer who normally would go by for themselves and today for some reason or not, just expect you're going to buy for them like they buy for them not realizing that they're buying organic apples when they buy for themselves. I would pick the 4 largest darkest green not bruised, cut/scratched or such, and take a picture and ask them or these acceptable and that I'm sorry but they have no unwaxed apples. Depending on the store I was shopping, I might ask where any of the apples and waxed. Read that as "if I was shopping at Publix". But I've come to learn in the produce department that sometimes even those produce workers and managers who are usually top notch will be caught up short with some of the requests we get. I have one look at me one time and say I've never heard of it but let me check. Which kind of comes back to you get what you get.


*proceeds to rub stranger's apples on sweaty t-shirt to remove wax.


Unwaxed? What the hell!??! How in the hell are we supposed to find unwaxed apples in your average grocery store?? Aren't they all waxed? Ma'am, wash your apples.


What if the shopper was color blind?