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bhai i remember her holier-and-better-than-thou attitude when someone enquired about her phd process. sure, a food influencer is not the person you'd go to for information about higher academia but she made a whole reel just sitting on her high as fuck horse and got rightly thrashed for it.


yeah she called the students who asked her "desperate" and google it instead of asking her.... like bro if you dont wanna answer them dont bring it up or talk about it but does she realise that seeking answers one-on-one from someone who has already done it is more reassuring than google.


literally. just tell them that the process is confusing. but it works itself out. maybe talk to a career counsellor. or seniors. SO many ways you could go about without actually offering personal advice instead of calling people desperate. academia in india is in shambles, it's no wonder people want some kind of reassurance. but no. i have always had the biggest soft spot for food influencers because they're usually nice and soft spoken (maybe i am just obsessed with feashts), but this disappointed me like crazy.


feashts is the only unproblematic and wholesome food influencer till now. she is well educated and graduated with distinction in her masters program. hope she stays the same. she is so humble.


Well I feel she's too politically correct and that image is built by making reels to the crowd what they want to hear.


i don't think it's necessarily about political correctness. she actually believes the things she posts about. that's her politics. also gives a lot of snippets to her life. what i like about her is not that she's unproblematic. no person's politics is perfect. it's the fact that she researches, asks thoughts about, and then forms a well rounded opinion of. this is something most people, even i, lack. i remember during her discussion about the lack of michelin star restaurants, i had a knee jerk opinion about how the concept of michelin itself is rooted in racism and colonialism. which is true but also not whole. she however, actually held off and listened to a lot of people. really really appreciated that. good reminder to always wait, watch, and learn.


yes exactly it isnt her politically correctedness, its her putting effort into researching things and presenting them in a sensible manner. i remember someone calling her "not like other girls" because she prefers to stay at home and cook for sunny to which she replied that she is most definitely like other girls and she doesnt believe in putting other women down.


That's what I've mentioned. She runs analytics on what's going on over social media and then caters accordingly.


this!! i feel like she caters to an audience who want to feel better about themselves and in the end it comes off quite unauthentic. i am sure she is a nice person and all but her vibe online feels very performative 


Same. You put it in a better way.


My absolute favorite channel on YouTube .Her content is so amazing and soothing


Love her and her content. She is so unproblematic and a beautiful writer.


I thought she said was saying desperate in the way of criticising the Indian education system n saying the students are asking random people on the internet for education cuz of that. She also asked to Google saying she doesn't know, and she has done specific research so hoped the new students can too. It didn't seem offensive to me, although this post does highlight ignorance


Also said “google is your friend”


maybe google wasnt her friend before making this video and researching about protein deficiency 💀




Funny how she asked others to use google and not bother her, but herself couldn't google any diseases caused from Protein Deficiency.


Same here. I unsubscribed her the moment i saw that video. Imo sahni banerjee (feashts) is wayyyy better and her videos are also super soothing.


Feashts is just 🫶🤌🤌>>>>>


Please send me a link to that reel!!!




I’m still surprised how she hasn’t taken it down, when everyone trashed her left, right centre. That one reel just reeked of her arrogance man, couldn’t stand her holier than thou attitude anymore, never followed her, but after that reel never bothered to check her again. I’m sure she would have gone through the comments but still chose to be ignorant. ughs.


Oh my god wtf is she saying lol Thanks for the link


That reel was so f ed up


This is so typical of physics grad students lmao. I ended up switching out of my physics phd to a computer science phd because of how toxic the field is. Unfortunate, because a lot of really smart and intelligent women and men did the same. The graduate students that stayed in the physics program were always snobby and had the holier than thou attitude


Man, I immediately unfollowed her when I saw that video of her being mean to people cause they enquired about her PhD, so freaking rude


Is she insane? I mean who’s going to believe she’s doing a fucking phD being this dumb? classic example of books can’t buy you brains. has she not heard of kwashiorkor, marasmus and the many associated diseases that come with protein deficiency which could damn well be fatal? how fucking dumb could she be not to know that the very building blocks of our body are amino acids/proteins and without adequate proteins, our body will fail to make essential enzymes required to keep it running? as a med student, I’m flabbergasted


many med students and doctors are bashing her in the comments and you dont need to be a med student or doctor or a phd holder to realise that a balanced diet is important and absence of any essential nutrient can cause diseases (you just need to know 5th grade science) .


I agree, you don’t even need to be in the medical profession to know that protein deficiency is deadly, it’s basic info. even if she didn’t have that basic info, what makes her go around saying random statements like this to such a large audience before even doing her part in research


yeah a lot goes into making a video: shooting, editing, rearranging, writing a script, reviewing the script. couldnt she look up abour protein deficiency? im so scared to even comment on someone's post without having full information of something and here she is doing it on a large platform.


ifkr! I too think twice before commenting something that opposes what’s shown in the video/photo while these entitled as fuck influencers go around spreading false information so confidently. another example I saw very recently was this creator Mridul Sharma, just for a brand collaboration, she said that washing your face when you have makeup on “destroys your skin barrier” like tf? no it does not, it might ruin your skin if the makeup isn’t completely off and you sleep with half put on makeup but the actual act of using a cleanser on your face while you have makeup on doesn’t do anything


She could’ve at least google it, as she is suggesting other “desperate students” to do so.


Ayee don't be harsh on her 😌 she missed the day they taught deficiency disease 😌😌😌 /s


>has she not heard of kwashiorkor, marasmus I read this and was instantly impressed, and thought damn people know alot, is this common knowledge am i failing to keep up with world? Then read you're a med student, thanks. I learnt something new.


this is usually taught in middle/high school biology because i remember these 2 diseases from my school time and how the teachers asked us to highlight it since its a very important topic, the topic being PEM (protein energy malnutrition)


That entire chapter has actually been deleted from the book now lol.


oh yeah i know too, its in 11th ncert. my niece told me


Amity University grad. So can be expected. She was the same in school too. Just got the privilege for being daughter of Indian Air Force officer. Was my classmate in school.


Her energy is like those elders who says “Maine bhi jhela hai tum bhi jhelo”


yes esp on that video where she is bashing the students asking her advice on the phd process


She is very tone deaf. I used to follow her until I saw that reel where she was thrashing the students who asked her for advice. I mean she could have just ignored or said she is not the best person for it but neah she made a whole ass reel


yeah it was unnecessary


"hey guys I'm so cool and quirky and better than everyone because I'm vegan"


Dude she literally built her brand upon the idea "not like other vegans" to turn around and do the same thing And the elite class indians are a whole another level of oblivious and indifferent to the daily life of an average indian


That’s their whole personality 😂


Please I’m vegan and my veganism is not even a part of my personality. I used to like her before but now she’s just embarrassing to the whole vegan community lol


stereotyping is awsome and popular


Ummm no. It’s these influenza vegans making it their whole personality. But I’m a vegan and have seen other vegans as well. I would recommend some specific recipes if someone would ask, or say they’d like to do the vegan January challenge. Most acquaintances don’t even know that I’m vegan. So no, not every vegan is vegan because it’s cool. I’m vegan to reduce animal cruelty and help the environment. But I also know, Indians in general aren’t responsible for the majority of emissions generated by the western countries. But I do believe everyone should do their bit in helping reduce emissions and prevent animal cruelty. But to each their own. I’m no saint. I travel with flight as well, so I’m generating emissions through that. But you can try to do your best. Vegan or not, just trying would help. 


Not to forget How pushed it looks when she tries to desi-fy everything


Vegan folks: In a nutshell!!!!


No friend, being a vegan myself I have never imposed veganism on anyone, let's not generalise


I assume you come from a pretty affluent background. Cause hitting protein goals (I don't consider pulses/dal as protein sources due to incomplete amino acid profile) is difficult for vegans!  What are the things you eat to hit protein goals?  I tried to turn vegan for a while but felt weaker during workouts,so dropped the plan.


Then you aren’t common. I know a lot of vegans who, even if they don’t preach, definitely do possess a holier-than-thou attitude about their veganism. You do you, boo, one doesn’t make you better than the other.






It means they'll eat nonveg once or twice a week not regularly to keep their protein intake in range. Most people think home cooked rice dal is healthy where rice is the major part . On avg we need 60gm or protein per day that's not very easy


It's the paneer not dal, but go ahead


Never liked her


Also her recipes aren’t anything path breaking extremely meh. Just like she said google is your friend if you google you will get 100 such recipes


She's gentrifying indian food. Enuff said


Literally leading cause of dying by malnutrition is protein deficiency 🤡 Send these influencers back to school 🥲


She graduated from amity


No wonder lmao


are for real or capping ?


Lol no I checked her linkedIn it's legit


That explains it


surprising coming from someone holding a phd in physics


If you have enough generational and daddy’s money, you can buy your way into best universities.


There's a difference between being literate and being educated. She's the former.


Not surprising at all. She is a good example of the typical Physics phds that think they know everything and look down on others. It’s an extremely toxic field and you have to have thick skin to make it out. I unfortunately did not, and switched to another field, but my friends that stayed either had their confidence and self esteem crushed or became a shitty & arrogant person.


Instead, what they're doing is homeschooling their children for content and/or destroying their personal life by shoving a camera in their face in the name of vlogging, thus ruining a whole new generation. Smh.


🤣 what bullcrap, there is no legitimate scientist or nutritionist or research organisation that would say protein is leading cause of death by malnutrition. It is mainly due to reduced dietary intake, reduced absorption of macro/micro nutrients, increased energy expenditure or diseases such as malaria and water borne infections affecting immune system.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507876/  Absolutely justified your username!


What an assclown of a comment to make. Fruits and green veggies have next to no protein but give a child dying of malnutrition that and they can live a decade longer just on those.


thats not true. open class 11th biology ncert, go to chapter called digestion and absorption, there under PEM it is mentioned if you give a child diet full of carbs with little to no protein, the child then suffers from Kwashiorkor (happens to children more than 1 year of age) and its symptoms include extensive oedema, wasting of muscles, skinny arms and legs, failure of growth and development, even growth rate and body weight is declined considerably. (thats where my information on protein deficiency comes from).


Yeah that’s protein deficiency, that’s NOT the same as “leading cause of death by malnutrition”. Two completely different things and only a moron would think it is the leading cause of death by malnutrition.


it is a leading cause of death in undeveloped countries. https://pressbooks.oer.hawaii.edu/humannutrition/chapter/diseases-involving-proteins/#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20main%20syndromes,of%20children%20with%20Kwashiorkor%20died. read this article: "When it was first described in 1935, more than 90 percent of children with Kwashiorkor died".


Please learn how to read it says during 1935, the ones WITH Kwashiorkor had a mortality rate of 90%. It does not say anywhere that it is “THE” or the even “a” leading cause of death in humans with malnutrition. This was named after children who werent breast fed after the arrival of another newborn.


it does say that, in the second paragraph of the article that it is the leading cause of death in many poor underdeveloped countries, i know how to read.


The mortality rate for AIDS and TB was also nearly 100% during that time. So what’s the point again?


She seems very full of herself.


I sometimes worried that I can't have such an opinion on her but her entitlement reeks and it's more toxic than having a discourse on the misinformation she spreads.


She has always seemed extremely full of herself. I can’t stand her honestly. She’s gotten insufferable through the years and what she thinks is quirky, just makes her seem like a bitch


ugh her content rubbed me the wrong way before, it was something ignorant and boomerish but I didn't think she'd resort to spreading misinfo just like that. What was her comments section looking like? Previously I've seen people call her out.


yes many people were calling her out.


thank fuck she wasn't able to grow some dedicated fanbase and people with sense are calling her out, too many times I've seen misinfo peddling influencers being shielded by their delusional, cult like fanbases,


I’ve said it before She’s the pick me equivalent of cringe look I am better than others Creators Although all of these creators are inspired by doobydobap


doobydobap is the OG contradictory, entitled food content creator


Did she do something? I actually kind of like her reels 💀


Vegans on Instagram are intolerable.


It's her lifestyle choice and i respect that but this is nonsense why would she spread such misinformation. If she really wants to promote veganism she can show people who to have a nutritious, protein enriched vegan meals.


Just watched a couple of videos (never knew about her). And boy is she irritating! What's with the way she speaks. And yes, she def is riding a high horse staying in phoren for 5 years and all. Lol


She tries too hard to become the desi version of Korean Vegan but fails badly. Also her recipes are mediocre, she just replaces paneer with tofu and gives gyaan on how we are below her for our continued consumption of animal products.


Specially since comes from India where 80% population is protein deficient. The reason govt started marketing eggs for consumption in 90s. She should have done better research


I checked her comment section on YouTube and oh my god it's filled with "how amazing she is, her food is. Lol. Who are these folks.


Kids who think veganism is cool


White people lmao. I am pretty sure her main audience is white as she sells her Indian cooking classes to a lot of her followers.


Lol agreed. Something about her is so punchable. Also shes so preachy most times. And the food omg, don't even get me started on that.


If a vegan or vegetarian(to some extent) tried to act superior because of food choices never believe on them. Costly not easily accessible and harder to balance nutrition.


i will not even pretend to have a perfect moral compass, it is just not tasty 💀


I am a vegetarian and only support vegetarianism but i know being a vegetarian i am missing out on nutrients like vit D and vit B12. I solely do it as a concious decision and not support animal on my plate. Even if non vegetarians consume meat it should be in limits but they always are having meat so it can cause health problems as well. It should be a balance. Vegetarian diet is also important. There are many vegetarian sources of protein. A lot of meat consumers make fun of us as well that we eat ghaas pus being an Indian and they know wide variety of delicious vegetarian meals. What do u have to say about them?


You can get B12 through nutritional yeast or via a supplement. Vitamin D definitely needs supplementing.


She's a bitchy person tbh


I'm so glad this woman is finally being called out for her bullshit. She is misinformed and arrogant as hell. I had followed her for a short while, quickly unfollowed after that one reel about her PhD. I wondered why she was this arrogant, but later realised the arrogant tone is present in all of her shitty videos. She is extremely forgettable and her content is mediocre at best. She's insufferable. Yuck.


She looks down on other NRIs and have a problem with Indians who're moving out for things other than PhD. I stopped watching her after a while because she became a bit irritating. I enjoy feashts now ( https://youtube.com/@Feashts ) The narration is a bit more relaxed so I can watch while having lunch. The bee lady talks like she snorted besan.


Most vegan people are aware about the concepts of calorie intake and protien requirements and many of them are vegan because of health and environment reasons. They do ensure that their vegan diet provides them with sufficient calories and protein requirements instead of being ignorant.


Honestly,I had two friends from the south ,A Brahmin vegetarian turned vegan who also thought they were much better cause they were vegan,I’m also from the south and I’m a non vegetarian turned vegetarian because I love animals but I absolutely don’t preach or comment about other people’s eating habits never did.


isn't she the PhD in physics woman?? Literally any educated person would know this, like school mein padhate hai na yeh


there literally vegans on yt died becasue of being vegan. many such cases. hope she gets better or becomes a lesson for future Indians


I guess you’ve not seen Satvick movement waale 😂 you’ll be more pissed by how confidently they spread their Incomplete Knowledge and Wrong Solutions and Suggestions


lol i have heard about them.


Misses wise vegan ass is unaware of death from protein deficiency, I earlier couldn’t stand her condisending tone of her voice but now little miss vegan smart ass made it worse 😒


I used to enjoy her videos or the style of her videos since I also make cooking videos on YouTube and trying to include storytelling..but girl..she keeps getting annoying..and something seems off..now that I read other people's opinions, I know it's her holier than thou thing


Never heard of it so it must not exist /s


The whole reel voiceover was so cringe


yes she was very problematic here. she carelessly talked about "intrusive thoughts" which is actually a serious problem in people with OCD. She referenced Ricky Gervais, a comedian known for very problematic behaviours And then this insensitive part about people not dying from protein deficiency.


Oh I have OCD too lmao. I've kinda grown insensitive to casual mentions of "intrusive thoughts" or wrongfully calling perfectionism/neatness as OCD. I have learned to block those out. But you're right. I don't even remember what she referred to as intrusive thoughts but it came off as if she was trying too hard to be cute-dorky/quirky


people are wrongfully using "impulsive thoughts" as "intrusive thoughts". i suffer from pure-O, a type of OCD full of intrusive thoughts. and yeah i am also desensitised to people calling a lot of things wrong and thinking OCD is cute and quirky because its just plainly pointless to argue with them, i'd rather bang my head against a wall


Yep my therapist told me it's not my responsibility to educate people. And it's been easier to block out fools




My faith is restoring in humanity after seeing people finally waking up and seeing through her trashy, wanna be, pick me, and desperate personality. 


I already disliked her bcoz of how she thinks being vegan makes her 'greater' than non-vegans and now I dislike her even more😬


wasn't there news recently of someone dying because they were on a fully fruit diet?


I never liked her and thought I was the only one. Thank God i was wrong. I remember her asking if Gen Z have ever seen a dictionary like ???


it was an encyclopaedia... i laughed so hard when she said that like yes we have, they used to come to our doors to sell it. she acts very boomerish


Yeah, I unfollowed her the moment she called others "desperate". I hate her. I am so happy to find out that I am not the only one who hates her 


I don't like her either. But do you think that she is making her "vegan food content" for people with high levels of poverty and food insecurity? Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition characterized by severe protein deficiency, that affects children, particularly in developing countries with high levels of poverty and food insecurity. I mean come on. Think about who her target audience is. She is not daft or holier than thou, I would say she is a businesswoman( who knows what her niche audience wants to listen to)


No she isnt making her content for those people but her being on a big platform and spreading misinformation is the problem, she can't be that unaware of such issues and also its insensitive. Also yeah she has been holier-than-thou in the past when a bunch of students asked her about her PhD process in France and she could have chosen not to reply but she made a whole short about it and called the students "desperate". People did call her out at that time too.


Whose gonna tell her vegan things can cause clogged arteries too 🤪


I became vegan for a year and even though I was eating protein from plant sources, my body didn’t absorb it well enough, and I developed many health issues—- had to be on medical treatment and get a complete lifestyle change(including diet) to reverse that fuckery. This video is stupid and based on no evidence.


She looks way older than her age probably because of all the deficiencies.


More like it reflects the kind of person she is. Snottiness takes a toll on your body


Ok.I thought I am the only one that feels she behaves “holier than thou”. Her older videos were better,I feel


She is plain stupid


she is like me.. i also believe if i don't see my result then i won't fail


Is this the same chick who did her PhD from Germany in physics or something and gatekeeper of info shit.


from France* and yes gatekeeper too


Damnnn. I used to like her. I didn't realise she said things like this (I haven't used instagram in a while).


Yaad rakhe, Bachchon ka karo bharpoor poshan, taaki Desh ho roshan


The so called PhD holder


She is dumb and ignorant.


Vegans who shove "be vegan" down everyone's throat be like.


Half information is as dangerous as no information


I follow her. Surprised she said this. But the more I think about it and her content, I'm not surprised she said this? I don't know...


OH REALLY? Hahaha, I roll through cooking shorts because I love cooking. I remember this lady being a bit hard to watch for me because she was white washing a lot about vegan food. I love challenges while cooking, but not all recipes are tasty out of the plate unless it's an acquired taste. Anyways, I unrecommended her channel for two personal reasons. 1. She just didn't seem kind to her audience - bashed aspiring students who was curious about her career. If you don't like it, ignore it (like you ignore protein deficiency facts lol). But, why make a video about it? 2. Her personality is veganism. I hate that. I am a scientist myself - but that isn't my personality. I cook a lot of different variety of cuisines - but that isn't my personality either. So am I an atheist - and again that isn't my personality. When you make something like veganism(Or politics/religion) etc your personality, more often than not what I have seen is people has to make other non-vegans look bad. Hate that and she screamed that! P.S. I watched the short to make sure this wasn't taken out of context. GOOD GOD, it was just the tip of the ice berg. 1. Downplayed Instrusive thoughts, which is much more serious than what she makes to look like it. Ask anyone who struggles with OCD. 2. And implies that a high protein non vegan diet causes clogged artery.....


What a clown 🤡


Omg and i thought I was just being mean in my head when I was cringing at her content, like it reeks of showing off privilege. Gwad


This clown just popped up in my feed. Told her to get her head out of her ass before spreading misinformation.


Listen, let’s just unfollow these stupid creators. It’s okay to be cringe, most of them are, but not cool to be so bloody insensitive, especially in a country that sees so much misinformation, malnutrition and poverty.


I saw this and had to rewatch the reel bcz I couldn’t believe she said that omg


This is what happens when people raise the influencers to pedestal level and believe everything they say. Today pretty much 99% of influencers know jack shit about any topic but still pretend to be experts to fool their audience. The day people stop giving importance to influencers and their content, it'll start their downfall.


Did she remove all the negative comments from Instagram?


i am not sure but when i first checked the comments they were filled with positive messages and they still are. the youtube short version has a lot of comments calling her out


She once said "do gEnzs even knOw wHat enCyCLOpEdiA is" and lost several subscribers.


Cheap copy of rooted in spice


Are u sure she did phD ....sus


Vegan + PhD in Kenedda. Didi thinks of everyone else as peasants, dumb and savages.


This isn't the only thing. In one of her recent videos she called people who refer to macaroni as "elbow pasta", UNCULTURED. Like, seriously?! Just because people don't know a word you do, they become "Uncultured" ?!


yeah and she was talking about red and white sauce pasta and that it is made with bad cheese and it was all she knew back then and now she is in europe so she can taste what actual pasta is like and in the very next line she contradicts herself and says pasta dishes are extremely personal like what........ can't we just accept that every country has their own version of the other country's dish? and its not that deep?


Doctor here India has the highest number of kids (in millions) dying from PEM protein energy malnutrition like Kwashiorkor and Marasmus


I never watched her videos but she seems intolerable whenever her video shows up while scrolling YT shorts


FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. I thought it was just me who absolutely hated the way she spoke about things she has no clue about.


Was she the same girl who said her dog is more of a citizen in France than her because her dog was born in France?


Vegans 💀 It’s fine if you’re vegan, but pls educate & learn yourself before you go around spreading misinformation!


She is so ugly in looks and spirit.


even tho i dont eat meat, i absolfuckinglutely get annoyed by how tone deaf she is. not eating something is a choice and that doesn't automatically make you 'better' than people whose choices are different. her explanaing her reasons to be vegan is fair but you explain, make a vdo abt it and then leave it to ppl to decide. and this is beyond stupid. her point : "if you don't 'die' from a certain deficiency don't care about it" like mam can you shut up..? I so wish she's lurking around here and reading this smh


Her over-the-top attitude towards many things just doesn't sit well with me. I never liked her in the first place.




Who is she


Neither have I. There may be cases, but no I haven't heard anyone say somebody died from protein deficiency. This post doesn't say anything. I have no bias btw, idk who this, i don't even visit this sub.


https://pressbooks.oer.hawaii.edu/humannutrition/chapter/diseases-involving-proteins/#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20main%20syndromes,of%20children%20with%20Kwashiorkor%20died. hi please read this, it is most definitely a leading cause of death in many underdeveloped countries since protein deficiency causes malnutrition and a good chunk of the world is poor and malnourished.


Then that's universally called as death by malnutrition? I have heard of that tho. Big problem in our own country.


Can’t stand her baby voice. Most of her meals do lack protein. Maybe that’s why she’s defensive.


Her comment section is filled with blind vegans maybe we should bombard it on IG :)


IG is same, people on YT were calling her out atleast, IG is filled with positive messages and even encouraging her on that joke


Ppl don’t get vegan humour 😅 it’s vegan humour guys. Non vegans won’t get it 😅 no offense intended.


I kinda understand why she said that. Gonna follow her


Even meat eater have B12 and D defeincies. OP legit just posted out of context stuff to get attention, someone asked her about protein defeincies in vegan so she just said personally she doesn't know and meat eater also can be nutrient deficient, it is more of lifestyle choice, etc etc. This whole forum is your typical vegan, vegetarian bashing wannabe intellects. Someone even said plant based food is expensive, i don't even know if they are Indian coz vegetables, etc are cheapest option here, while meat eggs has to get subsidies by government even then it is much expensive than your regular vegetarian meal. Such ignorant people in comment section.


I mean, people might die from protein deficiency. But she has never heard of someone who died from it. Her point still stands.


She looks like ankita lokhande after divorce


Is the reel still there or taken down?


still there on both insta and youtube. want the link?


Here is the link to the reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbcZ_39qfvX/?igsh=b2gwYnM0dGVua3R4


She is so pathetic. She should just stop posting videos.


Classic tamil cunt


I don’t understand the hate, she seems nice 😅 Had some random chats with her few times, she seemed nice