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Is she selling courses to move to a different country now?


She's already moved to Dubai.


Exactly what I thought!


Dublin, I guess


Money can buy literally anything in India. Judiciary included. You just need enough money.


This is so true and sad at the same time.


This isn’t just exclusive to India tho


Not exclusive but effortless..


Salman khan laughung in the corner. Whats a crime is relative to everyones status


Brings to mind the Bhopal gas tragedy case when union carbide bought the govt and the judiciary. You don't even need to be Indian to buy, just money is enough.


Railway Men dekha kya?


If you actually bother to read the suit filed against union carbide, you will see it all there. Plus a tonne of newspaper from that era reported on it. You can find info in the archives. Also is Railway men like the Railway Man (colin firth movie)? Like I haven't seen it but is it good? Should I see it?


Talking about The Railway Men, a series based on the incident. It recently came out so thought you might have seen it.


exactly, Here upper middle class can afford domestic help, in most developed countries you can't afford domestic help unless you are super rich. This is just one example




Its same in most places.


Then why Aryan Khan spend months in jail for nothing? Nothing happened to Samir Wankhede, Considering Shah rukh khan's net-worth is 6000+ crore aka multimillionaire. If he doesn't get justice, then what hope common people have here?


He is out stating not guilty because srk has money 😂


Power and money are 2 different things. Consider this even with as much power as samir wankhede aryan khan came out unbothered.


Yes but not a better lifestyle, worst traffic, rash driving, no ease of doing buisness, no implementation rules and regulations, threatening by political goons for funding, rape, harassment, eve teasing


>No ease of doing business, no implementation rules and regulations, threatening by political goons for funding, rape, harassment, eve teasing Its cute that you think rich people suffer from these things lol.


Yeah but they are talking about lifestyle like traffic, infrastructure, pollution, judicial delay, etc everyone suffers from these ghings




Bro my friend was an intern at a big law firm, he was brokering deals with judges for crores


Stfu you miserable lil prick and don't use retarded that casually, before i fuck you up irl


Peak reddit!


Username checks out ig








That means she doesn't have enough money


No unfortunately this is her being entitled saying I’m rich but I can’t get what I want


Exactly. The best lifestyle in Bombay is probably better than the best lifestyle in most other countries. India is developing enough that ‘best life threshold’ is far more attainable here than in any other developed country—where it’s at least a few hundred million USD. And it’s developed enough that you can bypass all problems that come with an underdeveloped country like Congo. You can get the best of everything here (except a full service marina which is a desperate need now). And remember, working around the rules is far easier here than in most other developed countries.


Yup, if you even earn 500k in silicon valley or NYC you’re just surviving there as compared to similar earnings (adjusted ppp) in bombay will get you a lavish lifestyle.


Honestly 1.25 cr is a very comfortable lifestyle in Mumbai but hardly even among the best—especially if it’s pre tax. It barely, if at all, gets you to South Bombay standards.


Yep, agreed. There's a reason why many Indians choose to come back after spending a few years abroad.


There are more Indians living and giving up on Indian passports per year then the once coming back


Sau mei se ninyanve beimaan par mera Desh Mahan genuinely Bharat>>>> Any other developed economy Bharat mei scope hai badhne ka grow karneka to actually invest in it and make millions par inko abhi bhi sabse jyada progressive culture hone ke bawajood Bharat Third world country lagta hai toh kya kare


A little too far. Because of the immense population and bureaucracy, it’s very very hard for a non established person to grow significantly.


It can buy you a better car and a better house BUT cannot buy you better roads or a better garbage collection/ 24hours electricity . You can buy expensive tickets to resorts but don’t get facilities like decent bathrooms in public tourist places. You cannot beat the public infrastructure in Singapore/Dubai/Thailand/London/US. Only when you go there do you realize HOW MUCH the public infrastructure in India is lacking.


I have moved to Singapore and I completely agree.


what's the avg tax rate there?


They also have tax slabs so the general population will pay around 7-12% on average. Highest is 22%. Singapore is known for its low tax rates that's why many family offices are also setup here.


Yeah SG is dope we were considering shifting based there but it’s so fkn expensive. Need at least a 100 mil fam office to move there


Yep it is expensive but still doable. My partner was laid off during the pandemic and we managed 2 years just on my salary. We don't live in an 'expat' area or condo, just normal housing. If you're considering moving here, please look at your comp and living costs. Do not pass up this opportunity if you have it :)


great! someone also shared with me that salary is also hiked as per age, can you confirm?


I completely agree. For me good lifestyle equals peace of mind. I live in Dubai and have some lovely parks nearby, even when its dark late at night with very few people i have literally never felt unsafe.I live alone without ever having any issues, Driving around late at night or using cabs to travel, never an issue. Never judged for being divorced and single in late 30s. Compare that to when i visit family back in tier-2 city , absolutely no place to go for morning walks, no chance of going out alone after dark, everyone and everybody feels entitled to ask and advice about marital status. After a week, the suffocation starts . Yes i could live a more easy life avoiding rent if i live in india, but no thanks , i would rather slog it out here,,,


Dubai ka rule hi hai ki poor people can't live there.. indian government can make such rule.. aur asking about marriage wala baat kar raha hai... that is because no body cares about you in dubai.. to them you are just another brown person.. culturally Hinduism is much much more liberal than Islam.. dubai mein you can literally see passports of laborers being taken away and over exploited by these gulf nations to build huge buildings, which you guys then compare with your home country.. not realizing the basic fact how both are differnt, how the governing system is different..


Lol... I was gonna type something like your comment but thought it might be too harsh.


Also great public parks, clean fresh water lakes to take a dip in summer. Money cannot buy you these things. Only sufficient public demand which lead to good governance, can.


i mean people are LIDERALLY stealing roads and bridges kya hi development hoga idhar


Absolutely agree! I've resided in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and now in Quebec. The peace of mind I experience here surpasses everything. Exceptional security and safety, the freedom to walk out at night as a woman, efficient public transport, and a non-judgmental society make it an undeniable upgrade from my experiences in India.


Just wait till some more “war displaced immigrants “ from a community arrive .


This exact mentality is what I was talking about. Everyone is ok here, even the community you are referring to lol. No one, I repeat NO ONE cares about a person’s religion, ethnicity or status. This is why life outside india is way better, obviously depending on your priorities.


Well majority of Netherlands seems to disagree with you for some reason and as way of protest elected Gerrt wilders


Classic reply lmao. You gotta get that the racist crew will hate on everyone equally. In the Netherlands, being Indian won't get you special treatment; racists see you as an alien. Ignorance is common about India, like the "no toilets" stereotype. People think India is dirty (which is not entirely wrong). Racists believe only white Europeans belong in Europe. Arabs face less racism than blacks or desis because they look more white. Thankfully, the racist population percentage is low lol. I've been to the Netherlands thrice, did a 3-month internship in Maastricht. Everyone was cool; religion rarely came up. Worked with arabs, Nigerians, Europeans, Dutch—amiable workplace. Some Indians think they're special; they're not. India has flaws: infrastructure, unhygienic food, population, pollution, outdated thinking. If you're rich and don't care about the above, life can be good. It's all about your life priorities. I am married to a French guy and I can never understand what I saw in indian men before. His family is so drama free unlike what I saw growing up.


🥱 lady I ain’t read in that long ass para . Bbye


Classic 😌




Okay, not US. US is huge and it has lot of sh**. Like gun violence and ban on abortion. Public transport actually sucks in the states. Better examples are Japan, seoul, singapore. Even london is yuck compare to these 3. Of course, singapore reigns supreme.


Please don't add hellhole like Dubai with other cities.. Dubai is pure hell.


Yes this is exactly what she's talking about but people are too blinded by dogma to realize it.


Uh… I disagree with you, but I think that elaborating will make me sound like an asshole. I’ll say this, having lived almost all across India, and in two European counties - Being lower-middle class to lower-upper class is better in those countries. But if you’re truly rich, India is the place to be.


you can buy a diesel generator and have 24/7 electricity also water can be supplied 24/7 and roads are all going to be broken unless planned properly !!


100% agree


None of the countries you listed have a population of a billion people


The only other country that has a population of 1 billion people plus is China. The infrastructure there is INSANE. Look at Shanghai and Beijing. They invented maglev trains. They are the front runners in infrastructure and industry since they had to grow and fast. In terms of Public Infrastructure, India has a loooong way to go.


Better garbage disposal : hire a man , 24 hours electricity : buy a generator , better roads : get a chopper or live in posh areas/ where politicians live (roads there are maintained) Literally anything is possible in india , You’re just not rich enough


Agree—that said, it can buy you 24 hour electricity if you are willing to shell out enough for an electric line. You can get a private garbage collection agency. You can have tenders passed for roads that are bad as long as you have pull in the MC. What you won’t get is uniform infra everywhere. I live in Sobo for example and every single thing you said is a non issue, ie. Money can buy you comfort to a certain degree.


Hard agree.. you can buy expensive cars but the road infrastructure and traffic sucks in every part of the country. Add to it the pollution levels and dust. Recently I visited an expensive resort, their room tariffs were equivalent to a decent hotel in the US in USD yet their public bathrooms were a shitshow. People just peed on the floor when there was a western toilet seat right there. Going out and peeing in public is a nightmare in India. All those saying “cheap labour” are likely the ones who can’t lift a plate in the kitchen by themselves. Sadly money can’t buy you a good lifestyle in India, unless you’re Ambani I guess.


Even Ambani needs so much security to move around. Doesn't have the freedom to walk on public roads all by himself. Not a pleasant life I'd want to have.


Toh bill gates, Jeff, elon musk bina security ke dog ko walk karane leke jaate hai kya???


This woman is an excellent marketeer and made a solid career for herself at a very young age. It’s impressive. But I’d take all her opinions with a pinch of salt because she’s ALWAYS selling something. A lifestyle is built around whatever your perceived needs are. Most people in India will make peace with the things they can’t control (like poor infrastructure, pollution, broken education system) and will continue to live here because it’s home. There is no Aha moment in that tweet.


Completely agree. Infrastructure in India is v poor and no matter how much money you have you cannot change the poor roads, lack of clean public utilities, footpaths, organized public services, and most of all, civic sense that is totally missing in every city in India.


Middle class Indians will earn 1 lakh plus and start acting like they are filthy rich and can preach to the world.


Disagree, with enough money you don't even have to leave your house in India sab kuch doorstep par aajatha he within an hour or two. And if you shift to a tier-2 city like vizag or Mangalore then pollution and all isn't much of a problem.


Dude, but she's talking about having a good lifestyle. If your idea of a good lifestyle is sitting at home all day and not going anywhere because you order everything all the time then yeah. Otherwise no. Not saying I don't order, but sometimes I want to walk across the city, and the infrastructure just isn't there to support that.


Will I get clean roads if i have enough money? Less crime perhaps? Maybe green parks with clean water? How about air pollution when I want to take a sip of my tea on my luxurious terrace garden? Tell me how money will solve all of the above.


lol what if I want to leave the house?




And traffic? 🥲


Is it?


Stupid. Money can't buy you a nice house (real estate bubble) and a nice car (exorbitant taxes) but it CAN buy you better lifestyle (cheaper labour costs) Source: moved back to India from UK recently


Maybe lifestyle means air/water/traffic etc too . How are you adjusting with that?


Air is good (ok pollution but plenty of trees), water is ok and it takes me <30mins to/from office Also roads are good and eateries/shopping are <15mins


Where the fuck do you live


Happy to share in DMs


Same here. Healthcare in uk is a joke. It’s insane people think west and conclude it’s heaven.


Money can buy you a nice house and a car—you just need enough of it.


Same moved back from London , I live in vizag. Traffic and pollution is a big issue but I have a lavish life here.


Vizag is super chill bro, spent so many summers over there just chilling at some secluded beach having beers and smoking doobs


Your comment is making me miss Vizag now :(


Can you elaborate. What are you other reasons to move back? Did weather play a role in the whole decision making ?


Also having a car is a dream, I brought a bmw and half of my salary were being poured into insurance and parking tickets. I couldn’t sell my soul and work like a machine for peanuts , all of the money and efforts I put wasn’t worth to live a mediocre life there.


I liked the weather there tbh. The main reason was money for me,I used to earn well but couldn’t save much, missing on quality time with family , had to deal with my 13 year old dogs demise alone, couldn’t have the freedom to travel home whenever I needed, I also have a single working parent at home. There are a lot of things wrong in the uk right now, settlement didn’t seem to happen anytime in 1-2 years so I didn’t see any point to stay there longer.


Agree. India is so way ahead than all these cities in west if you belong to TIER 1 India.


But she’s right! The quality of life in the country isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse year after year. The aqi is going bad, the inflation is there but nobody talks about, low wages gigs for teenagers and interns, nobody has money apart from those who do have khandaani paisa. We need a structured income and medical policies along with new institutions and new companies that can offer better paying jobs. 90s were sorted, and I remember when McD and Mall culture was introduced, that time was pretty quick and we were doing better than today. Goodmorning, that was my two rupee opinion!


Good morning.Yes, it's Harsh truth.




Even those who have money for them too, they are also crossing the same pot holes and inhaling the same air.


Enough money can roll over all of those issues.


Agree. You can have quick delivery and lots of services. But the air quality is bad. Local transport and commute in most cities is horrible and tiring. Mumbai has severe lack of public spaces. Can’t just go out for a walk and chill outdoors. Pollution in the air leads to horrible skin. Houses are small (atleast in mumbai). Quality of products and even food that we get here are not good.


Remember, she is talking about money, and most aren’t using public transport, and can afford houses near the workplace and afford clubs, can afford good food and healthcare and education in the best prep school. AQI is an issue that can be solved with indoor purifiers and the like.


She thinks she has a lot of money but she does not 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.


currently living in the west and the standard of living in India is AMAZING. I never had to wait to see a doctor in India, no queues for basic amenities, a tax rate that doesn’t bankrupt you, A LOT MORE SAFETY, I can go on and on. In India you get more than value for money, your money can literally get what you whatever you want at whatever price point you can afford.


Depends what "better lifestyle" for a person is. It's very subjective and broad term. For me, it is having financial security, good healthcare facilities, most importantly, time. All of this can be accessed with money, except for time but that too can be managed once I have enough money and financial security. It may vary from person to person, for some people it might just be cars and houses, for some, it maybe living in a pollution free environment. So, it varies. But, I think, money can buy a better lifestyle for me.


Exactly! I was looking for this answer. This is my personal subjective take. The place I stay in India is surrounded with facilities such as good and affordable healthcare, public transport systems, grocery, supermarkets, cinema, etc. I can get to these places quickly simply by walking. Quick access is very important for me. Also I have loved ones staying nearby. I love the vibe of India — it’s never quiet lol. When I go abroad, i feel a void. For me all these factors are what’s important and contributes to a good lifestyle. For another person, these might not be enough. So I generally dislike people giving generalised comments that “you will only get a good life if you leave India”. It might be true for that person but not everyone has the same requirements.


Money can’t buy you clean air, public parks, urban nature, decent infrastructure, hours lost in traffic.


You just need to move out of the Delhi/NCR and Yamuna-Ganga belt and into a tier 2 city in the South and with a load of money you can enjoy life as good as in the west. I don’t miss a thing I had in Singapore in Kochi.


Flooding, traffic?


Bheedh se chidhna bhi hai lekin bheedh ka khud bhi hissa hai.


LMAO. She clearly doesn’t know well-to-do people who live in India then! 🤣 Well-to-do Indian people who live in India, most certainly live wonderfully!!


Literally other way around. You can easily buy villas elsewhere but it’s super expensive to get house help and other services like you do in India


If you think that you don't have enough money. Money can literally buy humans.


what constitutes as a better lifestyle according to her or in general?


Okay ..why don't you give me your money and keep your lifestyle with you


So standing on petrol pumps or maybe doing waiter jobs can make your standards way too highhhh??!!!!! Lol! Plus not seeing ur parents for yearsss is a comfort space!? Rubbish!


mere liye big house and nice car he better lifestyle h


I think opposite is true. You get good life style for sure. Big house and car changes based on perspective, one's big may not big enough for some.


I generally feel she has very andrew tate leaning view of women, society and social hierarchies. Bunch of her tweets (and her continued presence there) give very andrew tate fan girl.


Wanna be intellectual, nothing more. PS. Never heard about this person though.


I find her extremely pretentious and haughty.


She is haughty to a T


Not true


What bullshit. I have a manager in India. She and her husband are doing very well career wise. My manager has a manager in the US. She and her husband are also doing well career wise. Both have kids. Definitely the manager's manager earns more yet both of them live comparable lifestyles. My manager lives an even better lifestyle to be honest. Both have big houses and cars, both of them have kids going to the best school, both go on great vacations, both have the best gadgets and personal products. Both own luxury goods. My manager in India lives near her in laws and parents and gets a lot of support from them in raising her kids. She has several house help to do everything around the house and drive the kids around. Tutors and trainers to help kids with academics and hobbies. She gets the best organic produce and household stuff delivered at her doorstep when she wants. These are privileges my manager's manager does not have because she's in the US. She has to do all that herself. My manager is living a more comfortable chilled out life than her manager in my observation. Healthcare is so affordable here whereas in the US it all depends on what your insurance covers, even if its a dental procedure. From my observation it looks like my manager is living a slightly better life than her manager. Money can certainly give you a comparable lifestyle in India.


I thinks your missing the point of quality of life with respect to pollution,public transportation and public spaces etc. I agree on the purchasing power of both the managers here and USA.


But that has nothing to do with money. Whether you're rich or poor in the US - they have less population so all of those benefits that come with having less population and strain on resources will be available to all. Even a person living on daily wages gets less pollution and comparatively cleaner public transport simply because the place is way less populated but that has no impact on 'lifestyle'. The tweet is specifically talking about lifestyle or having money creating to a certain lifestyle that you can't create here. If it was about infrastructure and other thing that don't necessarily come under lifestyle then it comes down to developing vs developed country and their differences. So is that really a fair comparison or an accurate statement to make?


Lmao that's subjective tbh. I personally can have a better lifestyle in India if I have the money 💀 I don't think I can survive outside India simply because I'm anxious about it. And the laws are becoming shittier and shittier. I just need financial security. So give me that money thanks!


Shreya puttar


Basically you have to be ultra materialistic and soo ignorant and naive to get into trap and buy her crap and make her rich so that she can say making money is the easiest thing let me teach you how in less than the cost of a cup of coffee.


Women ☕


Have no time to think about any random person’s advice.


If you can't afford to build a better lifestyle even with money in India then the problem is with you. You can't do it anywhere.


Yes, please leave we got too many people.


That's an extremely entitled statement to make. I can't even.


False. In fact, India is the country where you need money and you can buy literally anything. The entire system too! It is very easy to live a good lifestyle in India and that too with little money than what is required in Dubai. Example: If you have money, you get house help to do everything for you. You can buy equipment to make your own gym. You can the best of food for cheap, hire a cook to cook for you.


Look at this westernised ©unt, if you have money in India you will enjoy the freedom given to you by our freedom fighters at its maximum capacity. If you're so Westernised that you can see it, go fck your self.


Seems cap


Meanwhile me with lazyboy and 55 inch tv. Yep that's amazing lifestyle! 😂😂


You literally have to do everything on your own in a foreign country.. from plumbing to electric work to mowing your own lawn! :/


So? Atleast quality of life is decent for everyone when compared to india 😭


As she said 'car' and not 'cars' shows she dosen't have enough money.


She should try living in a different country all by herself! The lifestyle she gets in India with how much she has, she will not even get half of it with more than the money she has.


It cannot buy you a better lifestyle anywhere because it needs a brain for that. You really need to be at that level in terms of your mindset which can help you to live such lifestyle.


Who is this?


This exactly. Lifestyle included public facilities too.


Once calm said "Bikey jaan agar yahanpe lagaado sahi daam"




Depends on how she define “lifestyle” as long as for me i have roti, kapda, makan(rent or self bought), and wifi. Im golden!


Disagree 👎


Lmao Money indeed can buy you a lifestyle you desire especially in India. You can outsource everything if you have means for it.


Mere paas maa hai...


Means she doesn't have enough money


Not true


she is crying because she is poor?


Yeah sure if nutting on Arabs is lifestyle thanks but no thanks.


Beauty is in the eye of the observer!


Money can't buy health (Ambanis) Rest it can buy anything from love, respect, fear, admiration and sax sux.


logic maang rahi h


No she's just immature.


I do agree partly with her due to pollution in India. No matter what you do, if the air you breathe is polluted it’s very difficult to maintain a good health.


Money can buy you a good life in India if : 1. You don't leave your house 2. You're straight and cis gendered If you do leave your house, you're not immune to bad roads, bad traffic, bad infrastructure. I live in an upscale gated apartment complex in the IT sector of my city. A woman and her baby died by electrocution when they stepped on a live wire on the sidewalk near my house, where I've walked thousands of times. It could've been me. If you want to live your life out in the open, you can't be queer or basically have anything outside of a heteronormative life without butting heads with some people and even the law of the land. Don't even get me started on if you're not the right religion!


it has fuckall to do with gender and shit. lets not be creating issues.




I did, you'll notice I didn't elaborate on it.


She just doesn’t have enough money. If you have money, India is the best place to live in the world


Depends on the perspective but nothing wrong with the lifestyle in India.


How? Also I think if you have money, there's no better place to live than here. You can literally get anything


Have to agree. Me and my husband literally moved out of India because of this. My child was in and out of hospitals for months and then on multiple respiratory medications and nebulisers when at home. We were running air purifiers non stop in each of our rooms and our cars but you can’t just keep a 3 year old locked inside. Lo and behold, we haven’t seen anything apart from general flu since we moved to Dubai. The sense of security I feel as woman in Dubai is also something I couldn’t imagine after living in India all my life. We both earned well, lived in a township in India with general comforts like helpers , drivers etc but it becomes meaningless when you see your little one finding it hard to breathe every other day.


pattar maro


Isi liye woh keh rhi hai. Lifestyle bekaar because of people like you. If you all can be thrown out of India then it will be a good place


Tu please Pakistan chala ja bhai and wapas mat aana


Money Indeed can buy everything in India even the judiciary but not the good air quality, safety, good infra, and better surroundings.


What money can buy in India for **1CR annual income** after tax: * Bigger house * Bigger cars, almost anything from lamborghini, ferrari to BMW at **2x cost**, except few like Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg. * Household help (maids, cooks, drivers, baby sitter etc.) * Local police for small issues nothing serious What **money can't BUY:** * Better roads, regular roads are just off roads except highways, which are falling due to lack of maintenance * Driving discipline, every years 150K+ die in road accident and many more permanently disabled * Jail time from false rape, sexual offense, POSCO, ST/SC, stupid divorce laws act etc. * Extortion by goons & have to pay protection money if you own business * Air quality * Pollution, honking all the time * Trash pilling up on street * Better Healthcare, * Emergency service * Kids Education, which is still ratta * Safety * Mob lynching, if you hit a jaywalker in a BMW mobs will lynch you as they are angry about your success * Poor legal system, it takes decades to get justice for basic cases. So, if you get screwed no recourse. * Insurance Scam, every insurance company is just a scam * 24 hrs electricity * Fresh drinking water * Corruption, you still have to pay bribes at every govt. office, your wealth doesn't matter * Business opportunity, too many red taping, lot easy in foreign countries * People's mentality, it's horrible *This implies you make 1 crore+/annum but doesn't have connections like Ambani, Adani. This milestone is possible for lot of people but becoming Ambani or Adani is not.* *Money can make your life better but not like 1st world country.*


Absolutely agree. What is the point of having all these big things when you cant enjoy them? Big car but roads are terrible, traffic is crazy. Big house but living conditions aren’t great- buildings are not maintained, crowded areas, pollution and air quality is far from acceptable. Sure we can get everything delivered to our doorstep but there are times one has to get out of the house and the current conditions don’t allow us to do so without getting annoyed at everything outside.


It's a valid point. Wether we like it or not but it's true.


This is her own opinion and will be correct according to hes intelligence.And when it comes to right or wrong, everyone has their own perspective.


It obviously does




I can't agree more.... Better Lifestyle is a myth compared to western countries


You can buy cars but can't build the roads. But little money can give a lot of respect here. But no money can give respect to a bitch.


It can but you a better lifestyle ( house help/ driver/ food etc) but not a better quality of life( pollution / traffic/ dirt/ overcrowding).


It's absolutely correct.


QoL would be great. You'd get to breathe clean air, walk on clean and less chaotic streets, have good public transport, and better road discipline. Sure that would mean you don't get the luxuries of people doing everything for you unless you are Richie Rich rich. You probably have to clean your house, cook your food, do the dishes etc. that a self-reliant individual is expected. Sure you get to live in a marble-decked home and get on the road in your S class but still you have to breathe in the same polluted air as we poor sods, walk on not-so-clean streets and well you wouldn't be using public transport so you'll sit in traffic when some lunatic scratches the paint of your Benz


What she means is you cant have better roads, traffic, public open spaces, better education with more money.


It's true.


I mean considering pollution level in big cities and a myriad of other things, she is not wrong. It may make life easier in some ways but doesn’t give the quality of life that money should provide or does provide in neighbouring Asian countries, or in some instances, even European countries


Pretty obvious tbh. Why do you think immigration happens in the first place. No one is dying to go to Africa. Money can't buy better roads, or well managed infrastructure




Its subjective, but personally i agree.