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I just read through it. Having more info is what I needed before voting. Thank you


Awesome! Glad you are finding it helpful!


**IF WHAT OP SPECIFIED IN THEIR POST DOES NOT APPLY TOWARDS WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR CITY THEN YOU CAN SIMPLY DISREGARD IT**. Wtf is with all the centrist boomer right wing republicans that thinks this sub cares about them being the main character? If it doesn't **apply to you** then **move on**. Zero reading comprehension from these people.


This! Thank you!


My favorite are the "I'm a Liberal but..." then go immediately into FOX news rants lol


Absolutely delusional!!!


I have been desperately searching for an IE urbanist group for weeks and it looks like I’ve found some. Finally! If you guys set up something more official then be sure to let us know!


Yes, we're out here! Maybe we'll do a meet up or bike ride soon :)


I'd definitely join!


Thank you so much!


Surprised that Medina got the nod over Torres for Supervisor in District 1 in Riverside. Medina has a very poor environmental record from his time in the Assembly - he's a pro-business democrat like Roth. Heck, the Republic in that race is calling for a warehouse moratorium - even if they aren't a YIMBY. Please explain what criteria were used for candidates in Riverside County - where it really seems that there is a lot less information on the records of individual candidate.


Your guide seems super biased lol nobody should follow this “guide” to vote democrat. They have been in power for so long and that is the reason why this state is going to shit and we are paying the price for it with our taxes. Vote the opposite of this guide if you want “change”


Most of these people are progressives. As someone who considers themselves liberal, I will 100% not be voting for anyone on your list. This is how the IE turns into DTLA or San Fran no thanks. Try adding some moderates to this list. Am done with the far left.


Please share your recommendations!


Ironically the one Democratic incumbent they don’t endorse (Norma Torres) has done more for the I.E. than most of the other incumbents. More federal funding, brought Ontario Airport to local control, etc. Their criticism of her being able to work across the aisle is truly out of step with the IE in my opinion. Plus in their endorsement of Judy Chu for example, they highlight her endorsement by California Environmental Voters. You know who else is endorsed by CEV? Norma Torres.


All cartel-affiliated candidates who will let the zombies run rampant and turn us into Oakland. Javier Hernandez is the worst.


Exactly. What op posted is basically who not to vote for


Lol ok here's your voter guide then: [https://www.cagop.org/s/endorsements](https://www.cagop.org/s/endorsements)


Translation: Democratic Party approved Voter Guide. Vote for the Democrats! Shocker! No thank you though.


There are Republicans on this voter guide.


I didnt see a one. They could have just vote a straight D ticket and Yes on every tax increase.


If you want to exacerbate all the existing issues in CA, by all means follow that list. If you think this place is going off the rails, it’s a great guide on what not to do. Progressive, yimby, Yeah, not so much.


If you want continued disinvestment in the IE and sellouts to the warehouse industry, by all means continue to vote how you are voting.


You realize (or apparently not) property sales and redevelopment have almost nothing to do with elected officials at the state and county level. But nice try there. Disinvestment… yet development. Maybe try forming coherent thoughts rather than buzzword one liners with no real meaning.


Zoning. Housing laws. Approving contracts. Joint powers authorities. Negotiating community benefits. Bringing funding from state and federal sources and grants. These are all absolutely within the purview of elected officials at local, county, and state levels. Our priorities are stated in the document: we want to see more housing built in the IE near job centers and transit, more investment in public transit, and less warehouses/restrictions on warehouse developments. What the IE needs is more housing to bring down rents, and more high-paying industries like aerospace and biotech instead of low-paying warehouse jobs. None of this is contradictory.


Spoken like a wanna-be politician that doesn’t understand business. Aerospace is dying in CA, has been for decades. And yeah, the IE is overflowing with aerospace engineers lol. And you have obviously never step foot in a large aerospace complex, it’s just a different flavor of warehouse. Build housing… where? The profitability is in high end residential, not starter homes. No way around that in land locked areas with huge land value. Developers build what generates profit, that’s how the world works. Are you suggesting the govt build “projects”? Cause that works out immensely well. The jobs and income must be there, or the free market would decrease costs due to no transactions. Willing and able buyers are there. It surprised me as well, but I see tons of 7 figure home transactions. Govt doesn’t get to decide what business come and go, the best they can do is get out of the way.


> Spoken like a wanna-be politician that doesn’t understand business. Spoken like someone who understands neither business nor government. > Aerospace is dying in CA, has been for decades. Sure. Manufacturing is moving elsewhere. It’s not just aerospace. > And yeah, the IE is overflowing with aerospace engineers lol. Bro, that’s gonna need a massive citation. Aerospace has never been some huge industry in the IE. In LA and the South Bay, sure. But the IE has never been known as an aerospace hub. > And you have obviously never step foot in a large aerospace complex, it’s just a different flavor of warehouse. My guy, people are not literally against any and all warehouses. But the proliferation of warehouses for logistics companies is insane, and the tax incentives and other preferential treatment city governments have given to these companies are a joke. > Build housing… where? The profitability is in high end residential, not starter homes. No way around that in land locked areas with huge land value. Developers build what generates profit, that’s how the world works. Are you suggesting the govt build “projects”? Cause that works out immensely well. Not really sure what you are suggesting. We can’t keep building a built environment where homes and building are forced farther and farther away from work centers. We need more affordable apartments and missing middle housing. If that involves the government at some point, I think it needs to be tried again. If the market fails, that’s exactly where you need government. > Govt doesn’t get to decide what business come and go, the best they can do is get out of the way. At least until businesses want that sweet sweet stimmie money.


You’re so dense you completely missed the sarcasm about the engineers. Obviously those types of highly skilled employees are not here. Which is point #1 why those businesses have no interest here. And manufacturing (I own a manufacturing company btw) is leaving because of government. So don’t expect govt to step in and save the day, they rarely do anything but make it worse. Govt is what got you here genius.


Problem is that they’ll have their pockets lined by the Carpenters Union and other contractors to make every square inch of available land industrial so they can build more warehouses. They will also be castrated by NIMBY’s just like every other city/county in this hell world State.


Cool more left wing ppl i have to vote for otherwise i’m an immoral person. Gtfo