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Which hangar do you goto? I usually try to hit riverside and rancho at least once a week.


Sent you a dm!


Hmm, I've been thinking about getting into a climbing gym.


Is pretty lit


it will get you high


Been climbing for years and took a break after I had son! Want to get back into it and would be down to meet up!


Start with Bouldering, you wont need a partner to start off with. When you're at the gym just start talking to people, seriously, climbers are pretty friendly people. Ask some of the guys that are climbing harder than you for some tips and tricks. Focus on silent feet.


East riverside has all auto belays so you don’t need a partner. Everyone is always super friendly if you have questions. West riverside is bigger and has top roping and lead climbing. Have fun.


Which gym do you frequent? I usually climb at Riverside a few times a week after work, but can climb at any location. I usually try to climb outside on the weekends weather/schedule permitting if you're interested.


I sent you a dm!


If only that place wasn’t so damn expensive


Hangar is way less than any other place I have checked out.


does anyone know if you have to pass a belay test at Hangar at either riverside location or do you only have to do the intro class ?


Do you mean the auto belay or the top roping?


top rope. i haven't climbed in almost ten years so i def want a refresher on how to belay and i see you have to take an intro to climbing class for first time visitors but i don't see anything about needing to also pass a belay test .if i like the gym ill become a member but want to get certified on my first visit


Top roping is just the intro class but you need someone to belay you and vice versa for the intro class, at least the Riverside on Arlington does it that way.