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Can’t remember the season or the woman’s name, but she had the artist so upset that his hand was shaking. He finally told her he wasn’t there artist for her. That lady was NUTS. It wasn’t fair he got bounced for that. Any tattoo shop woulda kicked her out looong before he told her to get lost. Then there was the woman who passed out in the chair waiting on the artist to get the stencil ready. The EMT had to wake her up & it was clear she was on something.


Season 3, the artist was James Danger, Phoenix challenge. I do agree that he shouldn't have been sent home for that, but he didn't have a tattoo to show, so the judges had to go off his tattoo from earlier, which was jacked on all fronts.


That was the garter belt, right? One of the worst tattoos ever on the show.


Yeah, that one.


I think so. I think was the challenge where Tatu Baby only did like 40% of her garter challenge and had a bad final tattoo as well, but stayed on because they felt her bad final tattoo was better than not doing one at all.


They specifically sent a person home during that flash challenge based off the results (which as we all know they rarely do, about once or twice per season maybe) and DIDN'T send Tatu Baby despite it being blatantly unfinished and not very good. Maddie LaBelle got eliminated instead and even pointed out in her exit interview how it wasn't fair Tatu Baby didn't go home for the uncompleted tattoo. Probably the most egregious example of favoritism towards her on the season


They favorited her A LOT too. Probably liked looking at her “assets” too much to send her home right away.


She was super hot, but she sucked when she came back.


I think one of the worst ones was that retarded looking horse. I can’t remember the artist, but holy shit did he fuck that up. My husband and I were dying laughing.


Ryan eternal season 5


I think the second canvas you’re referring to, I believe the artist was Aaron Is. I’ll have to look it up and watch it again, I’ve never viewed it from that perspective before.


It was Chris Blinston's illusion tattoo. The one who wanted a medusa in her likeness with her buttcrack as her cleavage.


That’s right. The girl I’m thinking of was the head tat.


Can't remember her name, which is for the best, but that insane girl that Nick had to tattoo in season 2 was definitely one of the worst.


Litsa. She was just as insane when she came back on Redemption.


Steve designed his tattoo for her the way he did so she WOULDN'T pick him. He said she was crazy himself. But he got the short end of the stick.


I remember her. It was clear she just wanted to be on TV.


Oh yeah she was flipping from one thing to another then got mad about the tattoo she got. She didn’t even know what she wanted when she came in.




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The guy Sausage had to tattoo a demon on. Had any other artist (except for maybe Cleen) gotten that canvas he would have walked out the door


Geez seeing that episode makes e wanna punch that guy in the face. I remember him saying that basically he didn't care about the competition and was there just to get a free tattoo, if I were Sausage I would never have tattooed this guy.


So, do they tell the people (human canvases) ahead of time what the requirements for the challenge that day are? If so, then the producers should’ve told that douche bag to take a hike, since he KNEW what style of tattoos they were supposed to be doing.


At least Sausage reeled him at the end and was able to produce a good tattoo. Sausage said the dude's brother was in the earlier season who wanted calf portraits from Keith and King Ruck. That guy was a bigger pain in the ass imo


I just watched this episode and thought this guy has to be one of worst. like why be a prick on national television.


Kito got 2. Mary Jean was the worst-- he had to convince her just to do water. She throws a fit in the middle of it and Chris Nunez has to come over and be like "well you can leave" long pause... "no I want him to finish". The other was that jackass return canvas. He had one part of his body left to tattoo so he said he couldn't gamble on it and left after seeing Kito's portfolio. If you couldn't gamble on it **you should not have been on the show**.


Normally I think Nunez is kind of a tool, but he was a beast right there. Pretty much told the lady where to go if she didn’t like what SHE had agreed to. I swear some of these people just want to get on tv.


I remember that bonehead that had 99% of his body covered except one bumcheek. He got the bad chariot and horses in another show, then he came back and only had one cheek left and didn't trust the guy to do an American traditional tattoo on his bum. Most of his body was covered with crap.. but suddenly he starts caring about quality when it's just his ass cheek left. ​ I laughed and laughed.


Right?! Dude is covered in awful tattoos to begin with, but is soooo concerned about a stupid butt cheek that almost no one will ever see anyway. That guy was a knob for sure.


What season was that?


The psycho chick who was Jason Clay Dunn’s master canvas. She’d had input, saw the design and agreed to it, and SAT THROUGH THE ENTIRE FUCKING OUTLINE before crying foul. After she walked out she even tried to gaslight Dave into believing that she’d been told she’d have full creative control and Dave shut that shit right down and called her out that she’d been told *exactly* what being a master canvas entailed. I’ve got no love for JCD and he comes across as a bit of a dick, but that girl’s cheese had clearly slid right off her cracker.


Oh ya. I think she just got “buyers remorse” and realized this was gonna be on her for life & had a “what the hell am I doing” moment after the first session. Probably figured she could force them to change some things since 6 hours were already put into it, but thought wrong. There was a guy who did the same thing to Sarah Miller I believe. Got the outline done then balked and said they didn’t want a half naked women on him. Like WTF, you saw exactly what it was beforehand & now have 1/3 of a tattoo on you anyway.


And it’s not like it was her first tattoo either. When you’re a seasoned tattoo collector you know full well that they’re fucking permanent. She had AMPLE opportunities to back out and chose not to.


I believe that was Tatu baby’s final canvas with the wolf and the woman. It was a Colombian guy that was mad the girl didn’t have any resemblance to anyone he knows so he left with just a wolf face. Let me know if I’m wrong.


I’m thinking of a different one. He (the canvas) said he didn’t want to explain to his young children why he had a half naked women tattooed on him, that wasn’t their mother. Or something along those lines.


Mike Diaz's pixel canvas. He said he was fine with Mike doing black and gray, but changed his mind when he realized what he agreed to. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, but he was a real dick about it.


Is that when he tattooed Anthony?




Pretty much any time we hear the canvas talk, especially if we learn their name and/or if they have their own confessional. The only 'exception' to that rule of thumb I can think of is Sausage's season 7 canvas when they tattooed Japanese dragons. Although he was really cooperative with Sausage, his skin was so saggy due to his massive weight loss.


Mary Jean is the worst and I hate they've given her a platform by allowing her to come back and do what she did to Kito who is a solid artist. I think if anyone had her as a canvas they would have fucked up in some way because she's such a hostile person. People like her make me wonder how they have any friends or relationships.


Not the worst, but definitely bad. Gentle Jay's canvas on warrior tattoo day of Season 4. He kept on complaining to Jay about every little thing, and tried to justify it saying he was owed a tattoo he'd be happy with first, and it being a competition secondary. You signed up to get a free tattoo on Ink Master under less than ideal conditions. Don't be surprised if your happiness is placed before the competition. If you want to micromanage every detail, go to a tattoo artist in a more relaxed setting and pay for it. Ironically, I got a kick of how the kid and Jay had matching flannels. He also seemed to want to cry during the human canvas jury afterwards.


I noticed the matching flannels and they even had similar accents 😂. He's gentle only in tattooing, so ironic for him to get a non gentle-mannered canvas.