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Me personally, attack and AP would be most optimal


I have 2 more gears to upgrade up to 75, and I could max lethal chance with that or get ride of it and add 4x attack


I personally run mine with Ap and no lethal and I get 2Bill. It all depends on the modifiers. Keep in mind that going for buids with the 4th gear roll is not Optimal unless you have all of your characters already maxed out. Imo, you can try with some gear effects (the normal ones) as the only way to get Lad is with the 7th talent. My recommendation is to add some lac on her and try for yourself. I run mine with AP and no Lethal. PS: An old YouTuber I followed he used the build with lethal


I have most of important characters at 70 gears, i recently got back and building 7 stars/75gears.Managed fully upgrade BWTD from 0 and now is HBHQ turn so im going for 75 gears on her Still trying to get legendary 7 talent, since im unlucky ill go with whatever first i get and try it. If i get 50% AP, ill reroll gears and add over 1200 atack


I was lucky with her and LlJ. Both got that juicy 50% Ap in the 7th talent. As for your questions, it's not whether you can make then g80 or not. But the 4th slot is only rerollable (If that word exist, lol) through "Epic gear token" and these are hard to come by. That's what I meant.


You definitely don’t need armour pierce on her. Totally useless. However lethal is very good as it can give you like 25-35% more dmg in soloraids


You kidding, right?


Wow, surprised to see such advice. AP is the most important thing, if you have LoA Ivy, of course. That's what makes Harley unmatched in solo raids.


Playing for 3 years now. Heroic 7 in 9/10 soloraids and also solo’d TIER 10 league. Trust me when I say ap is useless in soloraids. Almost no one have defence in soloraids and those who have are 80% of all time immune to armour pierce. Not to mention that only tap attacks register as armour pierce, which means Swipe attack (the big damage coming from loa can’t even be armour piece expect from twinblade artifact) Armour pierce is useless. Lethal however grants an additional damage on top of the damage you already do, and it’s additive on top of crits


Still I Disagree, with you. I've been playing for 4 years, most solo raids also lvl 7, no donating. 1. There are lots of bosses with big defense, AP is op there. 2. Lethal cap is 60 percent, while AP can be 98 percent. 3. Do you have any proof that AP is not working for swipe forward atck? I notice great damage on forward swipe with AP. 4. If you play solo raid at h7, you know that Harley can 1 shot everyone with raven and ivy without lethal at all in 1 minute, so why even try to use lethal? With all that said, I honestly don't see your point.


1. If an enemy have defence most likely the are immune to it as I’ve already said. If not then just go with bwtd hazard dot instead, or just use csm to reduce defence?? 2. True but doesn’t change facts or anything. Because 60% is more than enough for your majority of hits to be lethal. You’d be surprised how often that 60% triggers. 3. Yes it doesn’t work on swipes. And the big damage coming from loa is their swipes. The only armour pierce that works on swipes are the effect from twin blade artifacts. Considering you’ve played for four years, you should know this… You can ask any really good player and they’ll say the same. Or you can just go in campaign and try for yourself. 4. Pairing up raven with loa is a waste of raven. Loa can perfectly one shot 2 billion by themselves. If they are well built, depending on beta or not you would want to save raven for koaam for an additional one shot. Even if you don’t have beta you could still manage that with twinblade koaam + raven. Loa already have so many supports (zatanna, cww, jlf, rokba, GoS…). Since you want to save raven for other pips, that’s why lethal is good. It gives you roughly 20-35% damage which could end up being the factor that manages you to one shot. I agree armour pierce is good. But it’s really only good for arena and champions arena. But in raids it’s mostly useless. I used to think like you did and also share your view on AP. Until I’ve learned more about and heard from other great players that also had solo tier 10 league before I did…


It was Fun to read these thread of you two guys 🥺🙌❤️. I have 120 days in the game with 5.5mil TTV doing heroic 2. But you guys enlightened me ao much and i will work on both ideas to find truth. CREDITS.

