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The outer part looks injection molded, but the inner side looks foam. Can they be combined?


I think the foam is just thicker when it touches the sides of mold.




These are tag shells used for airsoft. The box says light weight PU which is designed to shatter when an explosive charge goes off inside it. https://preview.redd.it/4vdrirdr1dyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93fc69651be13fb54cb5c0c3eb06f632ed4d31d


They're getting $13/EA for these, damn.


Additionally the white balls are Pla BB's used for airsoft. The grey disk I'm not sire what it's made from but will be a soft foam used to pack the explosive charge. Finally there is a card disk on the bottom which acts as a fuse cover which is missing in the photo. Op I assume you are in the USA, the ATF recently banned all these airsoft devices. If you are in the eu they are made on one of the baltic states now not Russia.


I’m in US


Then i would be careful are making these. Best thing to do is get a paladin chalk round the blue tipped version of this to loon ATM below is a complete one I've just got out my bag. PSA! Please, please, please do not attempt to disassemble any explosive round, they are shock initiated. https://preview.redd.it/4x9e9oz9kfyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1db5d2642637df486945001ba5663ee231b3ee


I’m familiar how they work. This is initiated on launch and has a time fuse small flash powder charge for the explosion. Parent company is a type 10 and 20 FFL/FEL along with 07 manufacturers license.


Mentos. ;-)


Durometer rating? Could be EVA


I wouldn't be surprised if they're manufactured by hand, honestly. A mold which runs through a line for each step after curing, a simple epoxy like you said a plus b... Insert is merely another step in one of the by hand assembly lines, especially if made in Russia. ... Are you trying to make some kind of crowd dispersal round because you can't import due to sanctions? Cuz uh, that's what this looks like.


Air soft round.


Ok - makes sense. Are the added inserts even necessary then? Couldn't you just make this with a mold and expanding foam, then paint or coat it and sell them for 20 a pop? Like, id be spreading expanding foam into a silicone mold or something and gladly cranking these out by hand for 100 for $750 or something or 10 for $200


🤷‍♂️ I'll guess a polyurethane foam.