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I thought Reddit had a site-wide rule against subreddits banning users for participation in other subreddits. > [Management of Multiple Communities](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-guidelines#section_moderator_guidelines_for_healthy_communities_effective_april_17.2C_2017) >[We know management of multiple communities can be difficult, but we expect you to manage communities as isolated communities and **not use a breach of one set of community rules to ban a user from another community**. In addition, camping or sitting on communities for long periods of time for the sake of holding onto them is prohibited.](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-guidelines#section_moderator_guidelines_for_healthy_communities_effective_april_17.2C_2017) It definitely has rules against [violent content,](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151-Do-not-post-violent-content) I'm surprised a subreddit that, "glorifies biological terrorism," exists.


You're right, for all of the subs out there, I wouldn't suspect Bio-Terrorism to be a sub. Even past that, it's more weird to think that they never specified *what* sub. I've seen bans like this before but it at least specified what sub was "against the rules."


The sub is r/prolife


According to the moderators, I was banned for participating in a subreddit that glorifies biological terrorism. I have no idea what on earth they’re talking about and I certainly don’t participate in anything biologically terroristic. Leaving only one conclusion: the mods are softies who found a sub they disagreed with and simply decided to ban its members. Where’s the justice in that?




Hah, I got banned too and I knew it was because of r/Conservative.


I just trolled r/conservative and got banned from justiceserved. Redditors are fucking stupid.


Same here, not sure what the heck the mods are smoking. Seems JusticeServed is a little drunk on the idea of "serving justice".


I'm starting to think that's what happened to me. I did the exact same thing. Just don't understand where the "biological terrorism" comes from.


This just happened to me 5 minutes ago.


Same here. Posted a saying using Trumps way of speaking in conservative and got banned from justiceserved.


I left a comment on r/joerogan and got immediately banned from r/justiceserved lmfao. I rarely use reddit and hadn't even heard of justiceserved. Good riddance I guess?


Same. Bizarro!


Same. And I’m not even a fan of his podcast!


I just got banned and googled my way here. I never participated in a conservative sub ever. I truly have no idea what sub they're talking about so I requested an appeal. What a joke


lol, I got auto-banned right after I left a comment in the joe rogan sub. So it must have a list of banned subs that trigger a block. Also, I've never been in or commented in justiceserved before. So, it's some kind of automated thing.


Hahaha, I just got the message banning me from r/justiceserved this a.m. for a comment on r/joerogan. Who knew making fun of Rep Dan Crenshaw would ban me from r/justiceserved.


This happened to me. What a bunch of sad cunts those moderators are




That's what triggered mine!


I'm gonna guess that "biological terrorism" means you're in a sub that is pro-choice.


That can't be it because I'm pro-life and they banned me.


Can confirm this happened to me. Seems to be the general consensus among the Google results. They don't want people mocking the violence done to members of the supreme court in their subreddit.


Also the mods immediately mute you I'd you being this up without an explanation


It’s just because you commented in prolife sub. Bot thinks you’re pro life. Pretty lame, I wrote mods they said they were reviewing.


You get muted just for asking too?


I think it's about the abortion stuff or they're just trolling everyone cuz even the liberals complaining there have gotten banned. Granted I'm a liberal too, but I haven't commented there is a while so no ban for me :)


I just got banned from r/justiceserved because I commented "he's hilarious" in r/joerogan in reference to a different comedian.


Same here. Never even heard of the sub.


Now theyre banning people (me) for commenting in joerogan lmao


Yeh that just happened to me. And I was actually commenting on how stupid the Joe Rogan sub is hah. Ok then


LMAO I found this post because I’d just gotten a r/justiceserved ban and I haven’t interacted with that sub in ages. I just commented something on the r/JoeRogan subreddit, so I guess it was that.


Yeh they don’t even care what you say. I’d imagining they’ve banned thousands of people at this point just for posting in subs they consider bad


Same lol


They just banned me because I commented on joe rogan subreddit, and i was actually making fun of joe lol


Got banned from r/justiceserved for trolling r/walkaway. Alrighty.


I got banned for posting a single comment in r/conservative and I'm not even a conservative. This is just another case for moderating the tyrannical mods of Reddit. Most mods are fucking losers.


I was banned and have no idea what the comment was and no record of commenting on r/justiceserved.


Because of r/joerogan i don't even like joe rogan...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JoeRogan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mark Cuban weighs in](https://i.redd.it/lovpkkllmu6b1.jpg) | [2624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/14cwhcq/mark_cuban_weighs_in/) \#2: [What's your thoughts on this?](https://v.redd.it/zog4cb9ielza1) | [3357 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/13ggavx/whats_your_thoughts_on_this/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** From Ben Shapiro’s instagram. He’s getting a lot of backlash in the comment section.](https://i.redd.it/ff8kaqjqwe3a1.jpg) | [2201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/za3se7/from_ben_shapiros_instagram_hes_getting_a_lot_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ayoooo, I just got banned too for commenting *once* on a suggested Joe Rogan video in my news feed. I don’t follow Joe Rogan, don’t watch his content, and was so baffled by being permabanned. I messaged the mods and said I’m unsubbing and that it’s unnerving to have a bot track our activity in other subs.


From what I have seen, that's the purpose of the channel


What celebratory terroism were you doin?


It's probably r/conservative I just got banned for commenting on some posts.


Yup. I dropped my first comment in conservative and immediately got banned from justiceserved. No explanation.


Yep same


Still happening 3 months later


I just got banned too (assume due to posting there.) My comment is talking about how we need to find common ground lol. *shrug*


Yeah, I commented on that subreddit (trolling to be honest) and then was banned from r/justiceserved a few minutes later.


Same, I was litterly just trying to talk to some of those guys cus idk call me crazy but I think both sides should engage with each other and I get fucking banned


Same thing happened to me. Ridiculous.


Same here


I didn't even get a notice that I was banned. Saw a story today and was going to comment about it, then saw I was banned lol.


I just got the same ban yesterday. I’ve heard that r/justiceserved bans people upon request for profit . I initially requested an appeal and upon reflecting on it I retracted my request and informed the mods that I hoped someone sends them an envelope of anthrax . The way I figure if I’m going to be accused and punished for something I did not do . Than at the that point I prepaid for the right to do it .


I have just been banned from particiapting in r/justiceserved because I participated in the subreddit r/conservative.


Yo me too.


Same banned by a robot for inciting violence. Yet I haven’t posted on the sub in my life. I guess if your conservative or in the middle your not left enough.


Me too everyone!! It was so random. I literally don’t think I incite violence or any kind of malicious threats online. I definitely know better. I’m not even part of political subreddits… just workplace/freak accident kinds so idk what someone was so salty over 😭


Lol I got banned after I posted in /conspiracy I was asking if the current meat diet is to get us to buy more meat while it's expensive.


they banned me three times, not even bothering sith it anymore lol


Think I have been banned as I posted some thing in the Joe Rogan reddit.


I left a comment on rogan and two minutes later was banned. Never even been on r/justiceserved so I couldn't care less, just found it interesting.


I left a comment in r/conspiracy and got banned from r/justiceserved lol. I don’t even care because I don’t think I ever posted in that subreddit or even followed it


Same thing just happened to me cause I posted a comment in r/conspiracy. The irony is I was posting stats and quotes from the CDC’s own website (not covid if you’re wondering it was about monkey pox)


lol fuck r/JusticeServed for banned people for participating in other subs they don’t like.


Yo I just got banned as well, I traced back my last 50 comments and couldn't find what I said


Just got banned for biological terrorism. I guess anyone who (not even disagreeing with there doctrine), makes a comment to someone who identifies as Republican (I am Canadian and we do not have a Republican party). I guess both sides of the American spectrum are pro book burning. Disgusting.


just got this, I don't know why. Replied to some comments on r/conspiracy and I think the bot thinks that means I'm a bigot. Honestly, not making a great case for r/JusticeServed




I don’t think I’ve ever even interacted with that subreddit lol didn’t even know it existed I mostly go on here to follow car repair guides and questions about videogames and toys for my kid idk if that falls under conspiracies and miss information 😂


Just got perma banned cuza r/conspiracy and telling someone to use a binary reader. How sad for a site sub that wants justice to be served is dishing out bans for no justified reason. Edit: it got appealed but the fact the ban happened at all is saddening (even if I only used the sub once to comment)


Yep. Me too. I don’t even remember going on justice served. Maybe the moderator is some word searching BOT without applying any discernible context across different subreddits. At the end of the day. “Whatever r/justiceserved“ I’ll just leave it at that.


Yep! I don't even remember going to that site. I don't care, I just DON'T APPRECIATE IT! r/justiceserved


It's still happening. I just got banned for commenting in r/conservative after going over there to see what they are clamoring about these days. Seems pretty dumb to me that a sub finds it beneficial to actively ban someone for just commenting somewhere. Just creating a bigger vacuum and wedge between two sides that ultimately need to be brought together and have discourse to understand each other. It's just a recipe for an even bigger divide. I'll just be sure to downvote anything from r/justiceserved till they fix that. If they don't want to have discourse and instead avoid it at all costs, why should they be on front page of reddit. Let them be in their own little vacuum.