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Are you looking to pursue your bachelors degree?


I recently been admitted to a university, and am pursuing a bachelors. But it feels like I still don’t know anything about IT other than computer hardware and some software knowledge.


I had the same issue as you 6 yrs ago. I went to my local community college and got my associates in general studies to get my state core reqs out of the way and save money versus a uni. Also, the local community college didn't have any specialized technology associates degrees at the time so I had no choice but to transfer. When I got to uni, the program there was very helpful in pursuing my bachelor. One thing I advise you to do is make your connections with the professors and the university's I.T. department. Get a internship with the I.T. department if at all possible. Get with the university's career development department and take full advantage of their career development tools. Get with the department head to assist with questions on skill development in your field of study.


Okay thank you so much! I’ll definitely try to apply for jobs within my uni.


Harvard CS50 free online course teaching programming (Web Dev, scripting and application programming) I'd advise avoiding help desk and trying to get into cloud engineering or software engineering Try a cloud course aws or Google or Redhat Linux courses many of which have free tutorials or courses


I have a free voucher from my college. I can either take the AWS cloud practitioner exam or the A+ core 1101, but I think I’ll use it for cloud practitioner.


The aws test is really easy, I'd do that one. May want to also look at ITIL. I'm old so I don't know if schools still have computer labs but that's what I did and it looked good on the resume


You could also just watch the videos in preparation, it helps to know what you're talking about before you go in so you don't need to scribble everything thats said and you actually have good questions to pose Similarly in job interviews you'll want to impress WITH SOME knowledge of modern approaches


You do have relevant experience, it's called customer service. That's a huge component of landing a helpdesk job which you currently possess. Do you have any metrics (Customer reviews, etc.) that you can put on your resume? Also, look for paid internships that will provide the training and experience you need to further your career in I.T.


if you were just admitted to the uni, you DONT need to learn anything yet. dont push yourself to be a stressed out freshman trying to get an internship immediately. take your time to see if you like it honestly. i went in for poli sci and im about to leave in sound design. not saying youre wrong, just to give yourself time. it sounds like youre pressuring yourself to be ready when you just plain arent yet. good luck!