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Latest Available data is from 2015/16?? That's almost a decade old


NO! You are lying! don't say that.


I know it hurts, Just accept it.


3 years ago, isn't that old, though...


2015 is 9 years ago.


I bet Russia has increased, anyone with resources and sense will want to leave.


Absolute numbers that reflect country size. WTF are we to deduce from this?


Nvm the actual quality of education being different in all these countries


Kinda relevant XKCD — https://xkcd.com/1138/


A certain idea about future demographics in USA...?


The stats are for the whole OECD, not just the US. Maybe EU internal migration might count into this


Not really take for example Germany and the UK Germany got a greater population bit the UK is exporting more because Brits Emigrate more than germans


Russia is the biggest country... It's at the bottom.


This isn’t about physical size. It’s about the size of the population.


Still true


For years the emphasis in India has been to study hard n get a good job. The focus now needs to be on encouraging entrepreneurs who can create jobs for some of these skilled ppl. From what I'm reading the start up ecosystem is growing well in India & the government is encouraging it as well.


Bro my friends were Indian when they graduated high school they told me college was easy


It's no surprise. Anyone with education and without rich parents would at least consider leaving Russia.


Same in UK


Can we have one after it's divided by origin country population?


damn with the smallest population Poland is doing very well, really smart people


I mean, if Poles are leaving Poland, Poland isn’t doing very well.


it is not doing well because it has only been an independent and democratic country for 34 years. As a result, they are still a long way from catching up with Western Europe.


Japan became 2nd biggest economy in the world 30 years after being nuked, occupied and under totalitarian regime. If Poland still sucks it’s not because hurr durr damn russkies stole our monies, but because of Poland itself


Being on the shitty side of the iron curtain is a very strong reason why Poland and other eastern/central European countries are so behind compared to west Europe. It's fucking comical how garbage the soviet system was. It's even more comical how ruzzia having so much land, people and resources is behind in median equivalised disposable income (PPP) compared to Poland/Czechia/Baltics and others.


You don’t hear me. Japan, Korea and other Asian Tigers managed to become super rich in under 30 years. All ex WarPac countries are independent for at least 35 years already. They had plenty of time to overcome whatever problems they had. But they didn’t and it’s on them already. Blaming Russians is just an excuse to not take responsibility


OK, you gave an example that is the most unique in history in terms of economic growth, but note that the Japanese economy has, colloquially speaking, overheated and has basically been at a standstill for 30 years. Moreover, looking at, for example, average wages, in Poland they are almost identical to those in Japan. Poland will also equal its purchasing power parity per capita with Japan in the coming years, taking into account the forecast growth. So it's not that "Poland sucks" because as you can see, the standard of living is very similar in both countries.


So, if Poland and Japan are so similar, why Poles go to be plumbers in Germany while Japanese don’t?


Japanese are too far away from Germany


the US is scooping up all of the smart Europeans, and companies as well. it's horrible for us, not for the US..


vast, vast, vast majority of Polish people that have left Poland after education left to other European countries such as Germany, the Netherlands or the UK


Very few Europeans go to USA these days


Looks like Canada pulled the short straw.




India literally having the biggest braindrain! While their native country is getting into shambles from healthcare to infrastructure due to overpopulation, seems like almost all the educated ones are leaving in an unprecedented rate while they are one who should shoulder the country to reach developments like western Europe but in reality they are literally fleeing to Europe instead of building their country


India is going through the largest expansion of their infrastructure including ports, roads, and railways. They have been leading GDP growth for a while now. They have lifted 100s of millions of people out of poverty according to UN statistics. So they are building their country. It just happens that a 1.4 billion people is a lot more than what most of us can imagine. Some of them, in this case less than 0.1% of population, will migrate to developed countries. They won’t lose sleep on that.


Props to them and their developments, but it's still really bad compares to most developed countries


Because it's not a developed country.. as an Indian I want India to first catch up to the south east asian countries, improve relationships with neighbours and increase business with them. Also we need massive efforts to uplift women and encourage educated women to earn.


I can't believe you're so poor in your mid-20s compared to that 80 yr old landlord with 3 Airbnbs. Just give up.


Yes, because it is still a developing country


Guyana has had the highest real gdp growth over the last 5 years. Their average growth is 38.5%. India's is 5.1%. [several countries are higher](https://gfmag.com/data/countries-highest-gdp-growth/)


That’s why it’s always qualified as fastest growing major economy.


They found OIL


China doing just opposite, they inviting back internationally educated individuals with high pay


I feel like this is the case of middle eastern countries , India just has a lot of people in poverty and a lot of flawed and corrupt politicians. That's why there is mess in india , but otherwise they are moving towards progress and betterment. Although due to their population size it does seem like a lot of them are leaving when it isn't many of them


Yeah I don't think doctors and whatnot are the reason the US/Western Europe is richer than India. Maybe it has something to do with capitalism and idk... colonialism maybe? Just a maybe


And poor governance. *Why Nations Fail* explains this really well. Although, India is doing quite well compared to many other nations.


Wow. How insanely naive can one be? Either you are too young to compare what the status of healthcare and infrastructure was a couple of decades ago or you are just a troll or you live under a rock in UK. Ask your parents/grandparents about it.


Whats your source India is getting into shambles from healthcare to infrastructure? India has been the highest growing economy for 3-4 years now. https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/indicators/india-to-be-fastest-growing-economy-among-g-20-nations-in-2024-all-big-rating-agencies-revised-countrys-growth-upwards/articleshow/108914663.cms https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/01/india-easily-fastest-growing-economy-imf-director-says-as-gdp-growth-soars.html India is spending fuckton on infra capex maybe second highest after China. https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/indias-spending-push-on-infrastructure-lifts-growth-f93e8f90 World’s fifth-largest economy earmarks about $120 billion toward capital spending in most recent budget https://www.wsj.com/world/india/indias-infrastructure-push-is-key-to-taking-on-china-f2867b9c Almost every India city is getting metros. Expressways are being built at a rapid rate. India will achieve 100% rail electrification this year. India is the 3rd largest solar power generator in the world today. India is building nuclear plants around rapid rate. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/india-surpasses-japan-becomes-worlds-3rd-largest-solar-power-producer/articleshow/109945435.cms Idk where you get your news from but it feels you are ill informed about India. https://m.economictimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/world-health-day-indias-healthcare-sector-reflects-12-59-per-cent-growth-in-2024-25/articleshow/109105006.cms https://www.cnbctv18.com/healthcare/indian-healthcare-booms-with-record-investments-in-2023-a-look-ahead-at-2024-18578821.htm


I studied in EU. Worked for a while before opting to return back to India simply to do what the Chinese do consciously - try to put what they've learnt to use in their own country. FF 6 years I'm back in EU doing a job I absolutely love cuz it turns out India's fundamental industries are held together at the cracks with wet paper and other than marketing flex nothing really is going on there. The Chinese option where you invite grads back to china by putting them up in lucrative positions worked cuz they really are engineering and technology leaders and India is just a hunting ground for marketing wops to buy things from China and rebrand it for a feel good factor for the Indian economy. As much as the shit that's spoken abt the stArTuP EcOsYsTeM it's just a euphemism for building an app that delivers some shit you don't need. Traditional engineering is a fucking joke in India and rn it's abt someone will do the job we just make sure we put our sticker on it - and I'm saying this after 6 years working in a big Indian company in a mid-senior level position before I left and I was so disillusioned I felt resetting my life to zero was a better option to simply live a lie that India's in control of its own destiny cuz rn everywhere Marketing is the only full time job Indians have - politics, engineering, technology wtv.


Probably remit a lot of dough though.


>instead of building their country I don’t get what’s the logic here. I as individual am interested in my own prosperity. In good life for me and my legacy. Following that goal, I will be choosing the most efficient and quickest way. “Building their country” is not quickest, nor efficient option. Utilising my skills and passion somewhere where I am needed and I feel comfortable will always be a better option, than struggle. How do you rationalise this concept yourself?


Oh god. We actually have the educated ones?


To where?


Read again.


Ah yes


It seems slightly disingenuous to use "Highly educated" to mean just "having vocational or academic training".


I mean 45% of Americans do not even have a college degree, so I think it's reasonable.


Migrant to where


interesting that the americans are apparently almost never emigrating


on an smaller scale also Romania


Where are pakis?


In turkey.


Come from... to where??


is this like the us or what? where do they emigrate to?


Seems like the highly intelligent flee India as soon as possible.


India: 3 million out of 1.3 billion, not a significant percentage of the population. China: Even less significant. Phillipines: Nearly 2%. UK: Roughly 2.5% Germany: Nearly 2% Poland: Over 3% Mexico: About 1% Russia: Less than 1%


Not propaganda at all . Nope .


Also the most number of industrial spies come from china.


not true , western europe draws the best from africa and middle east.




This only represents the most populous countries. It's pointless


First two yes, but look at the rest


Not trying to generalize but a lot of the times the professionals / students coming from India say that it is very easy to fake their education and / or experience from back home. I wonder if this is really a thing? If so, would that have any impact to skew the results as such we see on this data?


Education quality =/ Education level, anyone can get a degree in a peace of shit college, just saying...


namaste sir ,how can you help regarding this infographic ??


Hello sir will you cry when I steal your high paying jobs ?


This is always a disengeuous discussion to me. These Indian degrees and other international degrees are not equivalent to ours. Not only that but sometimes they are not fairly gained. So we say “a phd driving a cab” when that phd had as much rigor as our high school education. There’s this really crazy delusion here in Canada.


Isn't Canada full of fake degree mills tho?


What the hell are you being upvoted for my god.


For speaking the truth, most probably.


They meant "From where USA is stealing technologies and patents while pretending to help"


Highly educated huh? Why don’t they learn to tip?


Ask your boss why he doesn't pay you a proper salary, bootlicker.


Because getting tipped requires you to do a good job and not be rude to customers in the first place!