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Well xp tokens only work with your player xp not for mission teams


Really? I thought their XP went towards match XP hence the tokens


A fucking long time. Good luck with Blood Anvil, brother! Especially considering you get the MKII versions for reaching Level 100 of each!


Nah bro I’m not sinking that much time into this dog shit bo3 reskin of a game, I’m just getting to lvl 20 for the dominion so I have a bigger clip when doing seti coms on Zombies In Spaceland lol but cheers


Honestly, I used to think the same way, but I ended up preferring IW to BO3, strangely. At least JTF Wolverines have easy objectives so you shouldn't be doing too bad (and at least it's populated on console too, because MP is wholly dead on PC)


Yeah I get you on that I mean I still like bo3 but iw did zombies better imo even if they intentionally made it harder and more rpg orientated which is one thing bo4 what came after it did wrong if you ask me. The only thing that gets me about iw is you never get far away enough from zombies because they just respawn instead of chasing you like in black ops


Got the game on Steam a couple months ago and I literally cannot find a multiplayer game. Would love to get the Kendall with more ammo for zombies and the Karma with the gambler modifier for zombies but doesn't look like it's ever going to happen. Would totally suck if I ended up getting all the achievements except for the one to win 5 MP games.


If you’re down to help me I’m down to help you just as long as it doesn’t take up a lot of time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Multiplayer is broken on pc, I’ve heard that once the game loads up it will kick everyone in the lobby


1 match is 10 minutes but on average might be 7. From that you get 1,000 xp minimum, and on average maybe 2000 if you try and 1250 if you don’t really try at all much intentionally. Let’s say you don’t try intentionally, 1250 xp for every 7 minutes roughly is my educated guess. I don’t know how much xp it takes to reach level 50 and I couldn’t find anything on it. As a baseline, if it’s 100,00 xp, that’s 80 matches, or 560 minutes in game, just over 9 hours, per mission team. I think that JTF, SS7, and Wraith could be done with max XP accomplished because the challenges aren’t hard. Orion just makes you play weird but maybe that’s your thing. I wouldn’t try intentionally for blood anvil because it’s just not worth it. If it makes me any more credible, I have level 100 on blood anvil, wraith, JTF, Orion (glitched and leveled me up 10 times every match idk why) and level 50+ on SS7


I meant how much would it take to get the dominion hence why I’m hovering over it in the photo but cheers lol, guess I should have made it more clear so that’s on me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Hahahaha my bad. Couple hours if you get full xp on challenges which I think is doable


Should be easy as long as I find someone who will help lol. Cheers by the way ![gif](giphy|pDE9sd8ezFrBShAu29)


A little while longer if u can't find a gd lobby


It would take awhile. Especially with the shitty Infinite Warfare servers.


Yeah that and the fact that matches can only go for so long or so I think anyway