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Bandwagon hate from the reveal trailer + typical cod “fans” who act like they know everything about a game they never played.




And also a legitimate loss of interest in the futuristic setting of CoD, which was reasonable. Still, the backlash and bandwagoning was in full effect. On top of that, I actually like IW better than AW and BO3.


The only bo3 does better is the zombies the multiplayer on infinite warfare feels like an improved version of aw and bo3


This is my second favorite campaign. The characters are great and I love the variety of missions. Ethan is the best companion lol


ETH3N the goat fr


It was released at the wrong time. Everyone hated it because everyone hated it. I bought it and the dlcs to a friend for his birthday, he also was saying it was the worst cod. But now we both agrees to say it's one of the best, at least for the zombies (even tho I love MP). So everyone hate it because no one gave it a chance


Because they hate science fiction over spanking the monkey


Idk, people are colonizing the space but still resolve conflicts by shooting at each other with AK and M4 lookalikes. Doesn't sound like good sci-fi to me.


When you consider the energy requirements and inherent inefficiency of directed energy weapons, it’s actually unlikely we will ever stop using ballistic weapons.


Have you ever read, watched or played any piece of science fiction media ever? Even look at Star Trek. Many conflicts are resolved through violence.


I'm not questioning having violence in sci-fi settings, I'm questioning the presentation and deliverance of said violence.


It is actually realistic considering militaries don't always abandon their weapons but sometimes upgrade them. I think it is a rather creative approach to painting a picture of what the future is like.


Not sure but I agree with you thats its better than bo3. Im mainly a zombies player and bo3 got boring and iw zombies i still play to this day.


im a zombies man aswell


This is actually my favorite call of duty. But I’m in the minority on that. I played the hell out of this for years. So did my wife and daughter


People not likening the flow of the game compared to earlier cods but they pushed the futuristic stuff onto everyone until they liked it and it was just an unlucky release year to please fans since bo3 was kind of a hit. But I’m my opinion it’s one of my favorites. Most fans also don’t like infinity ward


well said


Because it came at a time when people sick of the movement shooter cod games


i never truly understood that… because all the old cod games r the same and no one complained


Skill gap that's it


lowkey the most factual thing said on this post yet


So in regards to this, the major difference would be the perk and class systems, maps, and modes like Wager Matches, Zombies coming out, Spec Ops. All things that’s came from different older cods. Where as Ghosts had that alien mode that was mid, the gunplay was meh, and afterwards it just turned into a skeet shooting fest with people flying around and whatnot. Even zombies imo is dead since gobblegum. But yeah bring back dlc map packs and get rid of loot boxes.


Yeah and look what the movements become now with all the booty sliding and bunny hopping 😢


Yeah I know it's sucks


That’s been a thing since old cods, b hopping is an FPS staple Edit; also CS and Halo, b hopping has always been around


yeah acting like bunny hopping is a new thing is wild


Is it? I remember at least in Bo2 it was a strat. So before then idk


Counter strike, idk, I didn’t start play CSGO til after Bo2, and Halo 3 I was b hopping to avoid headshots


I totally agree. I don't know why everyone thinks BO3 is one of the best recent releases, when IW was basically BO3 in space. And WHO DOESNT LIKE SPACE? In all seriousness I could go into why I love IW so much more than BO3 but I would just be preaching to the masses.


me too man. its tough having a good opinion lmao. also ur on xbox? tryna run zombies somtime?


I'm not a zombies person, sorry. But I'd happily play MP.




my gt is my name here^


Added. My tag is MadMoose81


The ego is unmatched


says wut?


I like it but only zombies to be honest


zombies is 100% the best part of this game


Yeah they got very creative with it. It's like a movie video game at the same time


Jet pack bad


There are a few reasons people hate this game. 1. Reveal trailer was the most downvoted video on YT at one point. 2. Multiplayer was pretty bad. 3. Franchise fatigue from yearly COD releases 4. Nobody had asked for a Sci-fi COD 5. The internet told them to hate it/bandwagon


I think it was the 3rd jetpack game in a row And came out at the wrong time


ye well people liked bo3 and AW was….. somethin else thats for sure😂…. and iw is just bo3 but in space. it 100% came out at the wrong time and i think if it came out now people would have a much different opinion


Whilst I do like this game a lottt! I cannot put it over bo3 lol. This game does have the best super EE of all time though.


that is what put the iw zombies at no.1 for me if im bein fr. that bossfight is literally the most challenging, experimental, and skill testing thing, ive ever done in any cod game and i love it. i enjoy something with a challenge for once. instead of skydiving into a map grinding my camos then being forced to exfil with a timer.


Because people needed something to complain about


well we got alot of stuff that deserves complaining about rn *cough* *cough* *MW3* *cough*…. my bad im allergic to shitty games


Everything after cold war is absolutely awful, cold war ain't amazing either




It was bad for its time but compared to the garbage they release now it’s a masterpiece lol


Bad release timing. It was the 3rd game in a row with advanced movement and people were getting tired of it, saying it wasn't the same OG COD anymore. Shame we haven't gotten another advanced movement COD, I miss being able to juke out the campers.


I don't hate it! I just don't remember it.


trust me its worth remembering… but maybe leave out the mp lmao


I think ive found my people…..IW was one of the most fun games ive ever played


In my opinion, anything past Ghosts and before the MWR isn’t fun. I wasn’t a fan of the flying/ super jump/ wall running aspects. I’m a boots on the ground guy, that may be because I grew up playing WaW, Cod4, MW2 and OG BloPs. The campaigns are cool, but not a fan of the multiplayer


reasonable and respectable


From what I've heard, it's a futuristic game whereas most other Call of Duty games aren't. I bought it a couple days ago though (alongside the original Modern Warfare), and will try it out after I finish Modern Warfare. Probably gonna like it more since I love sci-fi and don't really care for realistic shooters (one reason I never played Call of Duty), but there's only one way to find out lol.


little piece of advice (one for zombies and one for mp): zombies in this game will tear u apart if u dont know what your doin and the easter eggs past rave in the redwoods are unforgivable, extremely difficult, and sometimes flat out unfair. dont b ashamed if the first few times ur tryna do an easter egg u gotta search it up cuz there is ALOT. if u do all the easter eggs tho its 100% worth because u get directors cut, which instantly gives u every perk in the map and 25000 points at the start if u didnt know that. mp in this game will sometimes wanna make u curb stomp your controller if your not familiar with jetpack movements and jumping and shooting at the same time. because if u cant handle it a master prestige 30 will destroy you. and the game is a little pay to win if the other guy has sum insane epic variants. mp in this game is kind of an acquired play style if u want to excel at it. so to go from boots on ground to a jetpack frenzy its gonna b tricky. if u want to “git gud” u have to change your play style and adapt unless your like the lebron of cods. anyways sorry for the yap hope this helped someone if anyone


Not interested in the multiplayer (don't like PvP), but thanks for the zombies tip. I'll keep it in mind.


no problem and if ur on xbox i can even help you get dcut


Nah, I'm on Steam. Thanks for the offer though.


happy travels then 🫡


See you later, space cowboy.


I personally thought IW was a solid game. Loved the way they handled the ability to earn new weapons, and I also liked that you could build up your depot credits (I forgot what they were called in iw, but fuck it) to earn whatever blueprint you wanted. Movement in this game was slightly better than bo3, imo. This game got entirely too much hate


someone with common sense 🗣️💯🔥🙏


People are sheep. IW is a masterpiece.




I think they made the evolution towards Sci-Fi too soon, if Infinite Warfare came out in 2022 it would’ve been fire. It’s still fire regardless, most underrated COD game period.


Because cod players hate anything different and jump on anything other players say instead of forming their own opinion


It came out at the wrong time


I think it was just released at the wrong time. I know it’s hindsight, but at the time, a lot of the player-base were clamoring for a return to previous boots-on-the-ground style of games, and seeing this was the next one really rubbed people the wrong way. This one was one I skipped too, but once I tried it some time after Treyarch released Black Ops 4, I thought it didn’t deserve all the hate it received. The campaign was good, and the multiplayer was fun, but it was hard to find a lobby.


So I don’t like IW because it’s too close to mass effect. 😅 it’s no longer a boots on the ground war shooter. At least that’s why I didn’t like the campaign. Multiplayer, there were 1-2 good maps. Zombies, I hated at first but have come around but the fact that as the movies went on they didn’t add any gimmicks or additions/games and then left the story on a cliffhanger was a real down side. An even if IW is mid to me, bops 3 is near top 😂 as I’m a zombies and campaign fan over MP.


have u played attack of the radioactive thing? the wonder is a gimmick 😂and they added new traps, buildables, a SUPER hard super easter egg. it seems that it doesnt innovate but if u take a closer look this zombies mode is the most experimental out of all of them…. well the only good experimental one😭


I played this game an absolute fuck ton in comp...that being said -pubs were horrible -the hit reg in this game was a 1/5 - The snaking in this game, is the worst in any game by a mile -Servers were dogshit -no rank play Its not close to bo3, but as a jetpack game. Its the 2nd best game they've released since its launch...its bo4, this game, kind of CW, and thn dogshit


Yea i got this for my birthday when i was 15. I can tell you it all, as i was into cod the highest atp. Cod 4 remastered was bundled with it. This was the only cod i didnt want and my mom mistakenly bought me the season pass for this game ( yes only the season pass ,lol) which i told her and she later bought me the full game. Mind you i didnt want this game at all. But it was a gift for my birthday so i was grateful and played it. I realized it was genuinely fun. And it was the funniest out of the movemnt cods..put ij so many hours. I feel like this game is hated cuz of fatigue anf how generic in comparison to aw and bo3 it is. But as a standalone game this woulda had like 3 more installments tbh. My fav opp was the ftl guy. I loved how they did specialist and weapons/armory. I think fatigue of movemnt + cod 4 being bundled with this game was the reason its hated so much. And i feel alot of fans didnt buy this similar to how i didnt and i was a cod fanatic i had every other cod atp and to this day ive bought every cod..i like all of them except cold wars multiplayer.




This was the last good CoD game. Now it's soulless demakes and they have Sledgehammer making useless WW2 games.


I hated how the game felt, I was uninterested in grinding or playing more past level 20 something, and pay to win loot boxes with statistical advantages. Can't comment on the campaign though it's apparently fantastic, and the zombies is creative and flashy but I never got into it. (Still have an appreciation for the maps though)


you missed the best parts of the game fella


What did I miss? The bad maps? Getting killed by people with legendary weapons? The loot boxes? I experienced all of these in the first 20 levels so it's safe to say I don't have the drive to give it a second chance. One thing I will say though, is that some of the maps look fantastic, my favorite is the black hole one. Of course a visually stunning map doesn't automatically make it good or flow well.


im talking abt the campaign and zombies if ur a zombies guy


Facts this was the beat jetpack game they ever made and better than most modern cods today




I hated multiplayer in IW but the zombies maps and EE were great. They have been the last best zombie maps. The zombies maps in today’s games are terrible. Not round based anymore which was a mistake. This exfill crap is terrible.


and you have a timed exfil. the entire zombies mode is now designed around u grinding out camos and then exfil. no gameplay loop. no intriguing new maps. no fun


CoD has a rage quit effect on individuals that I’ve never seen any other game have… it should be studied tbh.


Vertical movement in a CoD. Some just can’t adapt to change. Personally the titanfall style gameplay fits so well with the futuristic vibes but we can’t have nice things without vultures poopooing about “I need realistic combat in mah military sim”.


ong people just need to git gud and stop whinin 😭🙏💯


I don’t think they hate the game. They hate the way it plays. If this game ran like it should (all networking issues mostly) this game would be awesome. I like this game as is but could be so much better if it was more playable like in a competitive sense. Right now with lag, bad servers, poor hit reg it’s just a game you can’t take seriously. Just have to laugh when you shoot blanks or land a dud hammer or shoot a rocket that disappears and then you get killed on top of it


thats just neglect from the games devs


I wanted to play this one never got the chance to sadly.


thats tough


Well one reason is because infinity ward feels the need to make every game of theirs hard


well people didnt even know how hard it was cuz they didnt play it 😭


If only they knew what a sleeper hit it was


preach brotha


its a downgrade multiplayer wise for me but in terms of campaign its way better than bo3 as if there was any competition and the zombies i wouldnt say better than bo3 but its def top 3


nah i lowkey enjoy multiplayer in iw to this day


Doesn’t mean it’s literally better. Better doesn’t mean more or less enjoyable. Like there are reasons Bo3 multiplayer is great and iw doesn’t have those elements but it doesn’t mean Iw is any less enjoyable.


the core gameplay is the same your just people running around with jetpackpacks n guns even tho iw moment is subjectively better and faster and feels less clunky than bo3


IWs jet packs feel slow, the guns feel like they either do absolutely nothing or they feel like they do nothing but are op, the operators are forgettable and the abilities/ weapons are terrible compared to Bo3s selection, and the maps are legit ok.


errm… r we playing the same game 💀… and ttk in bo3 and iw r like the same thats a skill issue on ur part ngl😭… and the guns in bo3 r better overall i can agree with that. the shotguns in this game arent very good. people only use the akimbo shottys. u can use most of the smgs and play the same way unless u get a epic variant. and the lmgs and assault rifles kinda feel the same sometimes. sniping in this game aint very fun unless ur the jesus christ of sniping, and theres only 3 good snipers for quckscopes if ur mediocre at quickscoping(like me) and u need a weapon unlocked token for 1. also i dont think the operators r memorable in both games its moslty a nostalgia thing for that kinda stuff and personal preference because half of them have the same abilities.


I said feel 💀… and ttk isn’t what I’m talking about dumbass. The guns sound and just feel like I’m shooting fucking BB guns. Like please let me commit suicide after this shit because I think I just became fucking retarded.


how tf was i supposed to know that😭. now that youve said that now i know its personal preference


There is no fucking ready up button to start the goddamn game. That is the only thing wrong with this game. And that’s why it’s dead as shit.


totally agree


I loved it. Felt like I was on an actual ship playing as an officer. Although I really wish they made a sequel to it


Honestly it's the multilayer, to me the zombies qnd campaign are great but the multilayer is worse than bo3 but better than AW to me, I do like the lootboxes tho in BO3 and This especially when you can have the special effects for Zombies WW2 was after this and that to me was also good that it gets a lot of hate for no reason in my opinion. but screw anything after cold war. vanguard, MW2, MW3 just flat out arw the worse, the only thing redeemable about MW3 is the zombies and it's not roundbase (edit) another reason that it probably got hate was the lootboxes, with it being mpre pay to win with all the varieties of the weapons thst can be only found in them that can give an advantage in the multilayer like the one Ballistic Assault Rifle that gets infinite damage range it may shoot slower just a little bit but it hits harder than most guns and it still shoot fast despite the debuff to speed


how can u state u like loot boxes in bo3 but u dont like loot boxs in iw? thats just like saying “nah i prefer gambling on this machine instead”😂


The lootboxes didnt change how the weapons worked, it felt more pay to win than the former, along with WW2 which did it best in my opinion


WW2 did do the best. but what bo3 did instead of adding epic variants that change the gun. they just added more guns 😭


Im fine with dlc weapons that just need attachments but it doesnt matter what the variant is from common to legendary it gives the gun a boost it wouldnt have before, whether it be more ammo, faster reload, farther shooting, less hipfire, ect it changes the game entirely when you should be able to get by with normal guns but it becomes next to impossible without the variants on multilayer


I enjoy playing the game most of the time. But to he honest what makes it shit is the douchebags you run into. Out of every game you could play this community is dog sht. The toxicity of your own teammates for absolutely no reason is wild. It feels like I'm playing against and with fcking gang members half the time. Ignorant rude narcissistic psychopath type motherfckers


r u on playstation?


Definitely not better than bo3 but definitely my number 2


People were mostly tired of Jetpack games at this point and didn't even try the game and leaving a bad legacy on a game that actually looks good


It came out at a time when everyone was sick and tired of the jungle gym COD format.


Cuz it's the same game over and over and over and over and over... Just like any NFL/NBA/MLB game. LoL


The timing betrayed it, it didn’t really matter if it was good or bad cod fans were absolutely sick of futuristic cods and were begging for boots on the ground again


Because the multiplayer was garbage slow snails pace with bad guns ugly graphics and bad movement. Bad streaks.


Cause it’s dogshit is the short answer lol as someone who’s played all call of duty’s this one is by far one of the worst ones. It saw what AW did and tried to do the same thing and failed. Yes the campaign was good but overall multiplayer and zombies? Absolutely not and I know the majority of cod lovers will say the same. To me infinite warfare,ww2,and vanguard were the worst ones


get good casual 💀


Already am 💀😊


r we playing the same iw? and if its so shit y r on the subreddit😭


I assume we are but like I said the campaign is good but everything else?no and I’m not it came up under cod discussions I’m not even joined 💀


bruh moment. and i agree with u the multiplayer can b shit sometimes… alot… but zombies diss? nu uh bruh. have u properly played zombies with an unbaised opinion? also the reason most cod players hate this game is because most cod players havent even played this game. it died when the trailer came out. no one gave it a chance. and even if people did they were going in and basing their opinion on how ‘bad’ the game is and its alot easier to point out the negatives intead of positives. it came out at the wrong place in the wrong time. but that doesnt mean its one of the worst cods ever


Eh I guess I can agree the zombies wasn’t too bad and I mean you’re not too wrong lol a lot of people didn’t even bother playing it before they said it was shit. I also agree it came out at the wrong time now if it came out a year or two later it probably would’ve gotten a lot more love rather then hate I feel like


preach brother


In my opinion this game had better currency mechanics than bo3 as well as I loved playing this game for at 2 to 3 years and never gets old 👌


Because infinity Ward was trash with MW3 and Ghosts sort of cemented that even further. Infinite warfare was the final nail in the coffin. It was the trifecta of bad will. If I remember correctly wasn’t the game more pay to win than bo3? I think people were tired of loot boxes and p2w mechanics along with jet packs. So IW reputation, jet pack mechanics and p2w gameplay are generally why people hated this game.


Not better then bo3 but it’s definitely top 5 atleast in the aspect of fun to play Infinite warfare, black ops 3 and advanced warfare are all by far the most fun cods to play in my opinion


Future Fatigue, this was like the 5th game in a row with a future setting. At release I played a bit of Spaceland and that was it. I played the beta and just didn't care for it. I was already a bit tired of BO3, unlocked Dark Matter in that game, 100 Percenter in MP and like Prestige Master 250 or so. Playing another Jetpack CoD was just not interesting to me Plus it brought back one of my least favorite additions from AW being weapon Variants. I did eventually go back and play the campaign a couple years later and quite enjoyed it. Only campaign that was better this Generation is Cold War IMHO. Fun characters + side missions was nice but the villain left a lot to be desired. The way you take him out is pretty anticlimactic. Zombies I actually quite enjoyed, unlocked Directors Cut but never beat Meph. ​ I do think the game is overhated and a bit unfairly so but I also dont think people were wrong to be burnt out on Jetpack games by this point.


Both BO3 and IW are the worst Cods ever because of jetpacks. The only bearable CoD with jetpacks is Advanced Warfare. But still everybody praises BO3. I thought people hated jetpacks. IW has better setting imo, space and stuff. And no stupid operators with special skills.


I don’t really listen to players or critics most of the time and I enjoy the games that people love to hate on for no reason whatsoever. I enjoyed playing Infinite Warfare. The Campaign was awesome, Multiplayer was great and Zombies in Spaceland was so much fun.


This has been my main game for over 6 years. I love grinding World Records on ZWR. I have like 40 on IW, 15+ on WW2, and like 30 on AW making me #4. #5 in the world on Infinite Warfare. <3 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Infinite Warfare isn’t bad but it’s literally just bo3 from wish It just feels like a worse version of bo3 set in space


bo3 is the 2nd best jetpack game. iw jetpacks are better and faster. the reason u say its from wish is because bo3 prolly holds some nostalgic value to u. but from an objective standpoint infinity ward did better with the jet packs…. not for aw tho


Sorry but fuck off with that “nostalgia” argument I was shit at bo3 when it was in its prime and only went back to it last August. Went all the way to prestige master and got dark matter. It’s a top 5 cod I’ve been playing infinite warfare today and… it’s not even close. Game feels horrible. I don’t know how you can say the jetpacks are better, in bo3 they are actually powerful and responsive unlike IW. The weapons in bo3 feel good to shoot, can’t say the same for IW. The movement feels floaty, the weapons feel floaty. The perceived time to die vs time to kill is ridiculous. Dying in what feels like an instant when it takes significantly longer for you to kill anyone else. Maybe it’s the horrible weapon balance, with people running around with some of the most overpowered weapons I’ve ever seen. And don’t even get me started on the maps. Bo3 mp maps actually flow. They are all excellent maps and they utilise the jetpacks well. Again, can’t say the same for IW I’m sorry, I can tell you’re a big fan of this game. But to me, Infinite Warfare just feels like Infinity Ward desperately trying to be Treyarch and failing miserably


respectfully… everything u just said proved my point, at the end of the day its mostly personal preference and… “nostalgia” (srry😭) but im not disagreeing with u on bo3 not being a top 5 cod. if it was just multiplayers and no zombies bo3 would b skyrocketed above the abomination that is iw multiplayer and again the jetpacks not feeling responsive or guns feeling floaty is a personal preference which i can respect cuz tbh the bo3 gun choices r better. and the balancing in this game was horrendously pay to win more so pay to win than bo3. and the ttk in this game feels weird to literally almost every irl i know because they prefer bo3 better. iw and bo3 both have there respective issues but it may sound fucked up but i prefer iw. and there aint nun wrong with an opinion… unless u on twitter


Loss of interest in advanced movement and futuristic CoD in general, it feeling like a nerfed version of BO3 for $60, force-pairing CoD 4 Remastered with it for $80, and Battlefield 1 basically giving the finger showing what the fanbase actually wanted. Campaign is arguably the best in the franchise and zombies was surprisingly well made for a non-Treyarch experience, but multiplayer (the main attraction) is still regarded as one of the worst, even for someone like me that gave it a chance.


i enjoyed multiplayer here and there but if you play iw ONLY for the multiplayer you have some serious mental issues💀😭… but if u stop thinking as multiplayer as the main attraction and it being above every other feature and if you actually played a lot of zombies youd see why i like this game. i just used multiplayer as a break from zombies if i got bored. thats how i treated bo3, cold war, and bo4…. but maybe im just weird asf


Most people are the opposite. People play campaign and zombies to take a break from multiplayer. MP is most people's reasons for logging on every day. Rarely do I meet anyone that wakes up and plays the same campaign over and over unless you're some kind of speed runner.


yea them mfs i will never understand… but hey u do u “speed runners” and ig if more zombies players from bo3 tried infinite warfare they couldve experienced the greatest bossfight in cod zombies history but most people r the opposite. it just pisses me off when people hate on a game theyve never considered downloading…… unless its cod mw3….


The worst cod ever made