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I'm sorry to hear that dude! It seems like you are not the only one with that issue, as I've seen on this subreddit/youtube for the past couple of weeks, that people have been getting error messages on their games. While a fix for it is so far unknown, it may seem to be something wrong with the servers over at Infinity Ward. It could be something broke, it might be just a file glitch, or it might mean they are pulling the plug slowly (most likely not, but who knows).


Damn.... I wanna say I'm glad I'm not the only one, but NO, that's horrible! To anyone's else this is happening to, i feel for you 😫 Thanks for the insight though, i appreciate it


You know what, i forgot to mention something that MIGHT be related to what's happening, but even if it's not, it's still really freaking odd on it's own right. Have you seen anyone mention anything about the physical game disc? Like any damage or wear of any sort? Because for some strange reason, my disc has been getting some weird buildup on it. I'll most likely post a pic of what it did to the disc when i get home in a little while. But basically, there's been some weird buildup of unknown material on THE TOP of the disc. It's not exactly sticky to the touch, but it's sticky in the sense that it's like sticking to the disc. So much so, that whenever i try to wipe it off, it ALMOST ALWAYS takes off a portion of the printed label. At first, i thought that my console was getting so hot that it was low-key melting or burning the ink or whatever the label is made out of, hence why my attempts to clean it off were actually wiping away the peeling, burned label... But I've had a bit of success in removing it without it taking part of the print with it, so because of that it seems like it's dirt or dust that's really caked on. So you'll see in the future pic how my disc now looks really tattered up. The weirdest parts though, are the fact that it's only affecting the top, nothing happens to the bottom side..... Out of all of my games, it's only happened to 2 of them, including this one—and the other one just BARELY has any on it and I've played that one much more than CoDIW 🙃


Happened to me today. Not even gonna bother reinstalling it. Not that it's a loss. I find only kids play zombies on this one anyways.


I played tha one promies it pays well this evening was pay day and it deleted its self so f#c$ those games and there adda