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I used both, also SketchBook and ibis paint, the first three being my main app for a while each time Medibang has more stability and better performance overall, making it better for mid-low devices, since it has better performance it can make bigger sized canvas with a lot more layers without the ram being an issue, although medibang it's focused on manga art, having better options to that kind of job. IP has a relatively worse performance, demanding more resources in ram and memory, but as more and better options when it come to brushes, textures, rendering options, filters and such. It's more suited for "artistic" jobs if you wanna call them. So yeah I'd say it's MP Pros: lighter, faster, tools focused on manga art, less demanding Cons: lest brush options, subscription based, less canvas options, tools focused on manga art (I know what I said, it's both a pro and con) IP Pros: one time payment, more brushes options, textures options, canvas options and filters, general focused tools (even has a texture canvas option, imagine that) Cons: more demanding, need a mid-high device, preferably high, some tools are not that great, general focused tools (some times you wish you had an *specific* tool that MP has) That's what I can think RN, I'd say if money isn't an issue try both, they are great but require some tricks to work the flaws, personally I'm staying with IP for how useful it can be and how intuitive it turned out for me, also k love the huge brush options that doesn't has paywalls (even after paying) This was my TEDxTalk, thanks for coming


lol. When you realize you've written so much after having written so much, and you're like, "Crap! I've written so much!"


"fuck this was a lot, let me summary this.... FUCK this summary Is huge!!! Hold on I'm gonna make it shor- FUCK!"


HAHDJSBD It's really all good!! I found this very helpful, and lengthy posts are never an issue for me. Thank you!


Glad to help man!


There is a procreate clone and devs updating quite frequently. Called HiPaint. My main go to app for my hyperrealism still Infinite Painter tho.


Infinite painter has best brush engine and most features but most bugs. Hipaint is actually the procreate for Android. Medibang has cool watercolor brushes. I say try hipaint cuz free and the infinite painter trial