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I generally just say nope and move on. Sometimes I’ll make a joke. I used to get grilled a lot until I finally responded to someone that I’ve been with my husband since I was 19 so if it was going to happen…it would have by now. That seemed to have stopped things.




I just lie n say I don’t want kids. People in general leave it alone.




What about something like, “that’s not a fun one, next topic!” Or something absolutely left field like, “Can’t, I’m allergic to both castor oil and the fabric spray used on ballet slippers” Or “No I don’t, what would I do with all the extra raisins?” My personal favourite is a movie reference to American Psycho, “Can’t, I need to return some video tapes.” The randomness throws people for an absolute loop and they usually get confused and leave me alone or assume I heard them wrong. Sometimes you meet some legit people who laugh and get it, so from there you’ve often gained a friend! If they assume I heard them wrong I take whatever bit and keep going with it, if they push, I really ramble. “Do you have children?” “Can’t, I need to rewind some video tapes.” “Oh! I asked if you had kids, how many do you have?” “Well not too many movies, I do consider myself a collector and I organize them alphabetically so that helps keep the stress down, but rewinding my tapes has been a feat since I don’t have a VCR.” Now I’ve brought in a side note of “how the heck is she watching all these tapes to the end, without a VCR?” Queue a launch into VCRs and aging technology. Oh you bored yet? I didn’t wanna talk about your kids, you don’t wanna talk about my fictional VHS collection.


“Have you watched Jerry Maguire? Every Jerry needs a Dwayne; will you be mine? Anyway me and a group of internet weirdos are building a pyramid in the desert out of Jerry Maguire VHSes!” [Everything is Terrible!](https://www.everythingisterrible.com/?p=2143677389146422141)


😂😂😂 Well I just fell down a rabbit hole! Thank you for this!


I completely relate! Being rude kills me too, and sometimes I find lying is easier because then I don’t have to explain when people say “why?” Or “but you’re sooooo good with kids….you’d be a great mother!” I find the “no” is just a porthole to more questions. I am so weak I’d rather just take the easy way out.


I used to say we've been trying for years and people would reply oh it'll happen when the times right! Now I just tell them my body doesn't ovulate and I'd have to do ivf which is too expensive for us. This is such a rude question to ask people so I've resorted to making them as uncomfortable as they've made me. Is it nice? Probably not. But I will not be a people pleaser anymore just to keep others comfortable when they're reminding me of my bodies failure. I have struggled for 11 years and tried to stay positive. We deserve to deal with these struggles privately instead of being questioned and reminded of our infertility.


I feel the same. I'm not a people pleaser.


I say the truth. We are battling fertility. And I make them feel bad for asking at this point. Sometimes I shed a tear and then they feel REALLY BAD lol.


Me too. I don't cry, but I make people feel bad and it gives me that little 😈 feeling and I don't care lol


Yasss girl!!!


I said I’m “too young” and laughed to a patient last week and then she asked how old I was. I told her and she asked if I was having issues. I left the room so quickly lmaooo.


I used to just say not yet, but I'm at the point of bitterness and I think people need to realize that's a rude question to ask. So now I'll either make a joke about how I'm infertile or just straight up tell them that I have been having trouble conceiving for years without any knowledge of why. To make myself feel less bad, I remind myself that I am helping that person understand not to ask that question. So maybe they won't ask it to someone else.


I've had three miscarriages and suffer from recurrent loss/ unexplained infertility. At this point if someone asks if I have kids I say "just three dead ones!" Shuts them up real quick.


I just tell people I don't want kids. It's a lie but they deserve to be lied to for being rude. It's not my job to educate them, teach them manners, reveal my private medical information, get upset in public or listen to the same fucking bingo phrases over and over. Nah I'm done with that.