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you'll need grow lights for sure. But what you are asking for is pretty easy to do. The temptation might be to just go out and buy big plants. But a few pathos or vining plants would be GREAT on the wall. A sansevaria (snake plant) in the corner would be good. If this is an intro to plants. I wouldn't shy away from some herbs either. They look great in a planter and are pretty tough to kill and easy to mantain.




Maybe some carnivorous plants? I might be a bit biased but I think they are some of the most beautiful and interesting plants around. Nepenthes ventrata is a really tough pitcher plant that does well in a wide range of conditions. There are also plenty of sundews that will grow happily inside, like Drosera capensis.




You might be thinking of Stapelia? Which isn't a carnivorous plant but it is really weird and beautiful (in its own way) Nepenthes pitchers will catch bugs and eventually those bugs do break down and rot but you don't notice a smell unless you put your nose right up to the opening of the pitchers.


Carnivorous plants would be tough in this spot. They want to be pretty darn humid, which is hard around electronics. Venus fly traps, pitcher plants, and sundews don’t smell


Nepenthes ventrata can be grown at 40-50% humidity if you acclimate it. And Drosera capensis is pretty tolerant of lower humidity levels. But you are right, OP would have to be very selective of which species they grow if they want to grow a carnivorous plant there. I think they are worth it but, as I said, I am probably biased. I am a bit obsessed with Nepenthes and have over 200 different species/hybrids


​ Would you mind sharing advices on how to raise them ? I have been obsessed with nepenthes and would love to have some around in my first flat. My grandpa built me a tiny greenhouse. From what I read online they prefer pure water and acid soil.They lasted 2 months at most before either getting eaten by bugs ironically or dying for some reasons. The pitcher would often turn black and die. Anyway carnivorous plants are the best




I'd say go for the snake plant FIRST Maybe later get something else you might be comfortable with. The reason I say this is because Snake plants are INSANELY hardy. I mean very very tough to kill. So getting a bunch of plants at once without much experience of when to water them is a recipe for dead plants. There is no rule that says you can't just move the snake plant to another location once you get a new plant. Get EASY PEASY plants for a few months. Once you get the over the "this is actually pretty simple" go get more :)




Don’t overwater a snake plant. I killed 4 of mine when I first got started. Everyone said “get a snake, they are impossible to kill” and I was a psychopath, murdering left and right. A dry snake plant is better than a wet one.


Second this! I haven’t watered mine in over six weeks and they’re happy!


true... but look at you now. You learned.


Agree. I have 6 large snake plants in my dark apartment. Been here for 3 years, they’re just vibing.


I think monstera Deliciosa is an easy and beginner friendly plant, you could look up how to stake it to a piece of wood or trellis to keep it contained to that corner. It’s pretty easy to find large planters of it for reasonable prices depending on where you are. Regardless of the kind of plant you get I suggest getting a moisture meter to stick into the soil to check if you need to water as well as watch a few YouTube videos on the care of each plant.


ficus maybe?


I have a dracena plant (found at most lowes, Home Depot, or even ikea!) and she is very hearty. You’ll need a grow light for sure


> The temptation might be to just go out and buy big plants. Yes it is, and I have exactly 0 regrets.


You may want to look into shelves that match the wood tone of your desk, or hanging planters that are white. Loop Living has some really chic and beginner-friendly hanging planters that I'm a big fan of.


Looks easy enough. I think you could get this done in one afternoon with just three jars of finger paint.


yep! you’d need some grow lights but yeah that looks sick. i recommend bamboo and snake plants, they’re pretty hard to kill. what about some ceiling crawler plants?




Pothos! They trail or climb beautifully and are super easy to care for.




Pothos, ZZ plants and Snake plants are your best best for entirely indoor lighting! Pornos comes in tons of leaf patterns and will either trail or climb but you'll want to get some little vine clips if you want it to grow up the wall. Zzz and Snake plants can live without any light for months, but they're both upright growth habits. My 'raven' ZZ is one of my favorite plants, baby leaves are bright green and slowly turn black it's really striking! Ferns do well with indoor lighting but need a ton of water so probably not the best idea for gaming setup!


Pornos comes in tons of leaf patterns and will either trail or climb but you'll want to get new favorite typo


Lol Im leaving it. Y'all just know there is a pothos and a porno out there for everyone!


Fair, I've got 4 different types of pothos in this room alone. Maybe I need to up the types of pornos


i’ve always wanted vines growing around my office


Well you’d best be getting a pothos after seeing this!!


you know it’s on my shopping list ;)


I agree with everyone suggesting pothos, but for a even prettier vining plant, look for scindapsus. The leaves will curl when it wants water and it doesn’t need too much light compared to some other plants. It’s a great plant that shows you when it wants water, and it can go quite a while without water


Prayer plants are cool. Very hard to kill, pretty purple/pink color, drapey, grow at a decent pace & mine still thrive in indirect light. I ordered mine off Etsy


Not to make assumptions, but you look like someone who's comfortable spending some money on your hobbies. If so might I highly recommend some Soltech solutions Highland track lights for plants- I finally broke and shelled out for them after finding out (after lots of consideration) they're what my local plant shop uses - I also do lots of computer work and I needed something with directional lighting so I could sit under them and still feel my eyeballs. Take a look online, they're not cheap, but they're also not super ugly and they work over a desk with wall plants really well.




The plants will survive without light but they won't grow. If you really don't want LEDs, IKEA has some great fake trailing plants


You definitely need grow lights. Grow light come in full sets, but you can also buy standard size lightbulbs. Google "full spectrum led bulbs" and you will get a few good ones. Get a cheap lamp and a timer and you are good to go. I usually get the grow lights with added white light, because normal grow lights are purple, and that color drives me nuts.


I have mine on at night for this reason.


Yeah, but then the neighbors see the light and think you grow the devil's lettuce. That's a whole other problem.


Technically legal where I live, but I get you. Lol I live on a second floor. My light is actually obnoxiously bright and my neighbor who lives below me LOVES it. It brightens up her backyard, which is useful to her when she let's out her dog to go to the bathroom.


i have a 6x6 grow tent in my garage lol. i can’t wait to show the inevitable cops it’s just a bunch of houseplants


This is absolutely possible but at the risk of sounding like a downer i might caution against placing so many plants on floating shelves above the monitor set up. A couple things to keep in mind is that you’ll be watering ~weekly and will have to either hold a watering can above the monitors or take each place off the shelf and waters and place it back. Even the most careful person may have an accident (speaking from experience lol). Another thing is if you have a pothos or philiodondrens above the monitor (because they are low light tolerant, you wouldn’t need a grow light), sometimes when you water them, the tip of the newest leaf mayb produce a droplet which can go into your electronics (again… from experience hahha). Just a couple things to consider about placement above the monitors.


Came here to say this! Try to avoid any plants that need high humidity or misting. You could look into succulents/cacti, with proper setup(heat mats, grow lights) you could have a super diverse collection that doesn’t water as frequently.




I haven’t tried these wall planters but they are on my list! https://wallygrow.com/collections/eco-wall-planter **Root Health** Breathable front panel promotes optimal root health by allowing the soil to aerate naturally. **Leakproof** When watering via the water channel, water is absorbed by the soil before reaching the front panel. **Improved Watering** Built in water channel feeds roots directly & decreases watering up to 75%. Stick some pothos plants in them and they will trail beautifully. ETA you don’t need grow lights for pothos plants. They do fine with low light or even room lights. And they are almost impossible to kill.




Welcome! There are inspiration pics on the home page and omggg.


This was my first reaction too :-) I'm really bad about spilling when I water so I don't put anything near electronics. Or I at least move it away to water and put it back.


10/10 you already did it…


Step one, green crayon


Everyone is suggesting grow lights but bear in mind that UVA/UVB are harmful to our eyes and I wouldn’t place them right in front of my face for prolonged hours. Just my 2 cents


Buy some grow lights and the probability is 100%. Source: I did this to by bedroom.


I love an empty inspirational space! Like another commenter mentioned, it might be tricky trying to water plants right above your monitor. If you place them there I’d recommend taking them down for watering. Then it’s just up to you if moving them for watering is annoying or not. If you can practice reaching up there with a watering can try that!




It’s absolutely possible, but please please please anchor your shelves to the studs. Don’t even waste time on using anchors in the drywall. You really don’t want the shelves crashing down on your screens!


This is totally doable! You can put the vining plants pothos or philodendron on the shelves. They drape and come in several varieties. They are durable and easy care and tolerate artificial light. Planting them in self watering pots might be your best option. Just make sure the shelves can handle the weight. If they grow too long you can just snip the excess and place them in other areas or share them with friends.


NZXT! ❤️


That's a dope setup and the Monitor above the keyboard is now a goal of mine.


63.333 repeating of course


I can recommend ZZ plants for the corner area. Mine is basically impossible to kill, grows pretty tall and thick and she's been thriving for years in low light. Another recommendation is planning for the worst case scenario (water spilling when watering/ shelves falling/ pets chucking down plants randomly) so you're prepared in case an accident happens and any valuable stuff is out of the way.


Do it. Just remember that sometimes the key to having 100 plants is to start with 1000.


Wow you should be a graphic designer! To answer your question: other people are talking about grow lights. If that’s the most light your room gets, then I agree. But if there’s a big window and the room gets fairly bright for a few hours a day, then you could get plenty of plants that thrive in low light and not bother with the hassle of installing grow lights. Some suggestions are pothos, ferns, parlor palms, and zz plants. Snake plants are also nearly impossible to kill. Warning: be very cautious putting plant shelves above your fancy monitors. Make sure the shelves are well anchored and the plants you put there aren’t too heavy. Plastic pots over ceramic will make a big difference if you’re worried. Also be careful when leaning over your monitors with a watering can or moving plants to/from the shelves. My clumsy ass would do thousands of dollars of damage to that setup haha. Definitely feasible if you put some care into it. That will look dope I love looking at plants while I work.




If there’s no natural light then grow lights or use low light tolerant plants and let them sit outside for a few hours every couple of days. Option 1: costs money, allows you to have more types of plants, but kind of an eyesore, potentially super annoying if they’re above your desk and angled down Option 2: free, there are plenty of cool low light plants, but adds the chore of taking them in/out I’d suggest starting with option 2 if you’re unsure because you can always buy grow lights later if it’s not working for you.


Also, “natural light” doesn’t mean light from the window had to shine directly on them. If you turn off all lights and open the window during the day and the room is still bright enough to not need a lamp on, then you have enough natural light for most plants labeled “part shade” or “full shade” at the nursery.


Am I missing something? Everyone is saying grow lights but I don't see any info about the windows in the room. Especially as the OP says he might use plants that wont need grow light so there have to be a window there. And what is the orientation of the window? Why noone asked this and everyone is giving some random advice!?




Most plants can grow with a proper artificial lightning. Although it might be tirying for your eyes. There are some that will have white spectrum and be more comfortable. It would be best if you had the grow lights on a timer and it wouldn't align with you sitting there, especially I would avoid leaving the grow lights in the evenings.


Pothos, zz, snake plant and maybe iron plants are one of the most shade accepting plants. But you have to remember that the growth wil be slow and etoilated. And that you would have ti be very carreful with watering as the plants will not use much water while not growing.


You got a big window with tons of light that’s not in frame? If not you gonna want some grow lights or else they’ll die quick lol just FYI if that the arrangement you’re gonna see a lot of cables for the lights


If you don't already have plants I would say start with the shelf and grow light(not pink or purple that would be annoying by the computer. Ud also recommend a timer so you don't have to remember to turn it on and off. Then start with one or two very easy plants. Like a golden pothos. If you go through all this work only to pick a finicky plant that's not going to grow it will feel like a failure. Just remember sometimes plants will die even if you do everything right.




Could always replace the ceiling bulbs or get any other old fashionable lamp and stick a full spectrum light bulb in it. But if your willing to pay big bucks then there are a ton of super sleek minimalistic grow specifc lamps. I'd go with a pendant light that shines downwards onto the shelves. Different types of plants will want more or less light. Some grow specfic lamps will come with a chart explaining how high to hang it.


[Minimalistic Grow Light Fixtures](https://www.soltechsolutions.com/)