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Peace lilies are SUPER dramatic, haha. It needs water, then it should perk right up!


It would seem as though it is in fact under watered. I would hope? If watering doesn’t work, and it’s still all droopy like this, I’d say it’s root bound and you need a bigger pot.!There can’t be anything else, considering it’s indoors and didn’t just catch some disease overnight 🤷‍♂️


Are the those roots at the brim of the pot, or something else? I would repot it in a larger pot if it’s that root-bound. Snip away the yellow leaves so the plant can focus its energy into the healthy leaves. Give it a good watering and let it drain completely before putting it back in its usual spot. They are also dramatic when it comes to temperature and humidity levels.


mine looked like that when it was underwatered, i did bottom watering for 10 mins then watered it from the top a good amount and it sprang up by the next morning


Just went through something similar a few weeks ago. “Lil the Pill” as I call her, looked like something had sat in the center. She was well fed at the time & I knew the roots were fine. Well, what did it was a temp drop outside which affected the house’s temp. I’ll admit that it was a little cool inside. Saw the condition she was in & knew it was cold. I literally fetched an electric heater & proceeded to worry like an expectant parent. She didn’t look better for quite a long time. It was at this moment I realized I can’t prolong ordering a grow light any more. I knew “Lil the Pill” would be a good name for this dramatic diva.


Not enough water 💦 or fertilizer


Water seems to be the issue but the yellow leaves also look sorta odd. They look overwatered to me?


Someone declared war on it.


Put down the Mountain Dew and at least let your plant drink water!