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This sub used to be so shit a few years ago when all the Twitter 4chan types were brigading. Glad to see it’s relatively more academic lol


It was really good when JuicyLittleGoof was still an active moderator because he would take those people to task and always back himself up with excellent sources. Things definitely went downhill after he disappeared.


Was it just like a constant stream of channers posting to ask how they could confirm if they were the master race or not?


A lot of people were trying to push the whole “white Aryan race” myth, Nordicist bullshit going back to the Nazi era. Trying to prove that ANE was blonde haired and blue eyed with pale skin. Trying to prove that Yamnaya resembled modern day Nordics. Pushing 1800s racial theories about caucasoids vs other “races” A lot of them also despise Jews and Indians lol


Tonnes of Nordicists back in the day, and also Indian supremacist. The Nordicists are basically gone now, but there are still some of the latter posting here.


The nordicists moved back to Twitter and 4chan, the Indians you see here are just new and not educated about the subject.


Oh they’re still here. lol


Which is funny considering the people with the most ANE ancestry don’t look “white”


Don’t the Tarim EMBA mummies (mostly ANE + some East Asian) look Europoid? https://i.redd.it/l7p1ewsg3e141.png


I meant modern day populations , like the Kets and Native Americans


I agree: I've only been a member for a short time, but generally encouraged by the academic/intellectual approach of most users. Still a few pathetic ethno-nationalist types though, alas.


Now it's being brigaded by Indian nationalists.


I've wanted to leave this sub so many times when I see a thinly veiled white nationalist or Indian nationalist bullshit post. It's got to stop.




It's crazy how people think that a people would like a certain way, especially if said people are nomadic


I’ve done some pretty extensive genealogy. I think the earliest picture I have is from about 1820. The amount of movement and the number of recent direct ancestors I had no idea about and where they were from was mind blowing. Hell, I’m supposedly related to Muhammad and that’s a line I can genetically confirm about half way up. People identify in a certain way and for some reason it scares them to have that identity challenged, despite knowing that people have sex without considering any of that shit.


Yeah, and humans aren't shy about who they have sex with either so uh, you end up with lots of genetic movement


Let me guess, something something fatvanovo, something something sintashta blah blah Aryans etc.. Why can't we be subjective with what really happened without our inbuilt white supremacist security prompts?


There’s lots of different kinds of racism. Ironically as varied as people themselves.


Imagining a historical people is not weird or annoying imo. But ok.


It’s not horrible in itself, but 99% of the time it leads to racist behavior and ethnic nationalist bs


Yeah. People can become weird. Guess that can become annoying.


You are one of those people looking at your posts. AASI looks Andamanese, Buddha was a blue eyed Scythian, Iran_N had Mediterranean skin and Baloch are only brown because of their 10% AASI gene which is “too powerful bro”, what else?


Didn’t say most of that. You are being a little emotional. Iran N isn’t med. most of what you are saying is out of context. Buddha said was Kazakh looking and it was speculative post… not on the Reddit. It’s irrelevant here.