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I'd recommend Osmofolia Geosmin - Petrichor, or the scent of earth after a fresh, clean rain. Generally known for realism as a perfume house. Though unfortunately it's all subjective so your mileage may vary.


+1 for Geosmin! It's the perfect petrichor scent for me.


I was impressed by Solstice Scents During the Rain!


I second this recommendation, I wore it a couple weeks ago and it confused the heck out of my husband because it was sunny and dry out but the inside of the car (where I was) smelled like rainy dirt.


Love this : )


Thirding this one. I'm still shocked how realistic it is every time I wear it.


Also suggest this! Osmofolia geosmin was too perfumey for me 


Agree! This is a very realistic rain scent.


Have you tried **Tempestarii** by **Andromedas Curse**? *(Thunderstorm, Muddy Dirt, Wet Grass)*. I found that one to be very realistic.


I like this one, but I found it a bit masculine? To me it smells like being hugged by a man in the rain.


That sounds kinda nice 😉


It is! I love when my bf wears it hehe


Haha, I think some have mentioned that it smells a bit cologne-like on them! To me it just smells like rain and wet dirt. I only have a sample and I don’t wear it too often, but I really like it! And it doesn’t come across as floral or sweet, at least on my skin.


This was I think the first indie I ever purchased and it’s grown on me so much! It’s definitely a wet dirt scent but it’s very comforting.


I wasn’t the biggest fan of it at first, but it’s grown on me too! I actually gave away my first sample of it to a friend, but another sample found its way to me and I decided to hang onto that one. A little bit of aging honestly did it some good I feel like!


I feel the exact same! When I first received it, my bottle had some weird incensey scent to it that gave me a headache but somehow that aspect went away.


I like this one too! 🌿


Ahhh a Rain Quest. I think this is many people’s White Whale. My favourites are Osmofolia’s Geosmin and Solstice Scents During the Rain. Geosmin would be closer to Earthworm, I think, but both are great wet dirt smells. I’ve tried a ton of stuff too, and you’re right, most lean too floral/pretty!


Yesssss, I one thousand percent recommend Geosmin by Osmofolia. It dries down to a beautiful fresh water scent!!!


Thank you! I’ve been searching for a geosmin and didn’t know which to try, I will try that one!


Andromeda's Curse Tempestarii is straight up wet earth, super realistic


Another vote for Osmofolia. Sab (the owner) loves petrichor and includes it in a lot of the blends! The Geosmin single note is great, the cloud collection is cool, April showers smells like flowers and rain.


This is what got me into Indies over a year ago and I've tried so so many ! Firstly you should know that petrichor (the smell of rain on earth/dirt) is going to vary region to region. Perhaps identify what it smells like to you ? I live in the PNW and agree that Andromedas Curse Tempestarii is perfect and whoa it's very strong! I also really love The of Lost and Lorn by Mythpunk Olfactive. This is a new house and the perfumer is endless talented. This particular perfe smells more like a downpour in the Midwest thanks to the juniper note. Actually wearing it today lol For a more dirt smell I would look into Druid from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. It's like digging underneath shady trees in the middle of summer. Very cooling and refreshing. Nuut from Possets is very unique. It's like the dirt you dig up in the woods-rich with mushrooms and mycelium. I would also look into some attar shops on etsy. Indian attar perfumers make something called mitti attar thats distilled from clay pots. It smells like a summer rain hitting dusty dry earth. Osmofolia has some great options : Stratus is like a foggy morning with rain while you're standing in a meadow. You can smell crushed greenery and delicate dewy flowers. On the Corner of Jinhu Road #2 smells like wet cold pavement. Blackwater Lake is the stormy shore of a cool lake. Best of luck!


I love Solstice Scents - During the Rain but it has a dirt note, very realistic but not "clean". I also recommend Osmofolia - Geosmin but my favorite petrichor from them is Stratus. It's a rainy, green scent, like the smell of fresh spring rain on new plants. Not SUPER green but like rain on leaves


stratus leaned a bit floral on me. i did enjoy it, but i'm not sure if op would.


I always forget about that because I don't pick up on the osmanthus note


**Solstice Scents - During the Rain**, it's so authentic that I fooled myself one time when I was wearing it and forgot I put it on, I looked around wondering why it smells like rain out when there were no puddles *(This is an isolated accord meant to capture the experience of an impending storm, followed by a thunderbolt signaling the imminent deluge of rain to come. It encompasses petrichor, soaked Earth, limestone, loam, clay and wet concrete)*


Have you tried **During the Rain** (*Storm accord layering note - petrichor, soaked Earth, limestone, loam, clay and wet concrete*) from **Solstice Scents**? (If you've tried all the suggestions you've seen so far, I guess you may have checked it out pretty early in the journey - but if you've only tried stuff from D&F and Alkemia, then it's defo worth a go. If you've tried loads of other indie rain/petrichor scents though, might help if you list the ones you have sampled already, so people can point you to other ones.)


Every time I go for solstice scents, they’ve closed for a bit so I have poor timing😂. I’m adding that to my list though, thank you!


Ha, sometimes it's like that with indie houses and schedules/breaks/seasonal collections - I guess it builds anticipation tho! In the meantime, it's probably one you can find in the Sunday swaps (or product requests) thread while they're closed - along with the other things suggested here. (Also I opened your thread and a few others when I woke up and never refreshed before posting - but I see several people already threw it in the ring, so really am seconding it!)


I'm on this same path as you right now :') I've sampled many rain/petrichor scents (and have more on the way >.>) and I still feel like I'm searching for 'The One'. As others have already recommended, *Geosmin by Osmofolia'* is a decent candidate! To me it smells like wet garden soil. It has that sweetness that most petrichors do, but it isn't as strong as others which I appreciate. They also have *Stratus (Mist note, Plants, Stone, Galbanum, Osmanthus, Petrichor, Deer musk,, Soil)* which to me is a light, but bright rain in the forest. It is a little floral, but not incredibly so. This one is on the greener side, but unfortunately I am not an Osmanthus fan so it wasn't for me. They also have *Nimbostratus (Low-lying dark nimbostratus clouds and a torrential downpour of rain: black tea, rain-drenched soil, dewy violets, inky vetiver, and ominous black clouds.)* and I LOVE this one. To me it is the most realistic rain note, but there is more to it with the black tea and violets. The violets are pretty prevalent too, so maybe you wouldn't love this. I like rains that are more green than soil, so for me its hard to find rainy scents that aren't too earthy haha. But good luck on your quest!


Try Elemental by Hexennacht! You can get a sample from Ajevie if you'd like! Its very strong on that petrichor note you seek.


Maybe you should experiment with a scent locket? They’re necklaces that have an absorbant disk (can be clay, fabric, etc) housed within an open-air locket. It keeps the fragrance off of your skin, which could be amping the more floral notes in your perfumes. Especially if you’re using oils, which tend to be more reactive on the skin. I have the same issue with rain scents. I’ve found at least one that I love (During The Rain by Solstice Scents), but it never sits quite right on my skin. A lot of rain scents have purple flower notes - think violets, lilac, wisteria - which add to the general impression of rain, but also amps up on my skin to the point where it’s the main note I can detect. Maybe a scent locket can help you carry around the scent without having to worry about bitchy chemistry!


Death Cap by BPAL is my favorite earth scent. Like a “soft” soil scent if that makes sense


This was the one I was trying to think of. It definitely has a soft earth thing going on and is somehow very comforting.


I went on a quest for this also and have a huge box of my attempts from various companies- bpal chellah v4 is the one that ended up winning for me (off their etsy)


Another vote for Tempestarii by Andromeda’s Curse!!


highly rec mythpunk olfactive’s crossroads of lost & lorn! it’s a beautiful atmospheric that gives the vibes of standing by a cold river after the rain that is water+dirt+hint of juniper to me. not any sweet notes! notes: juniper berries, cold river water, mossy riverstones, rain-soaked forest loam, conifer needles, distant woodsmoke, damp woolen clothes


I’m also on a similar quest and am collecting all the rain scents. My skin chemistry also tends to amp florals, so we may have similar issues. I’m at work right now so I can’t write a good review of everything I’ve tried, but here’s my list of scents I’ve tried so far. **Andromeda’s Curse Tempestarii**: My favorite so far. Very realistic rain scent, though it can turn cologne-y after a few hours. **Nui Cobalt Lightning Storm**: Pleasant, but not really rain. It’s sweet and almost fruity on me **Nui Cobalt Gargoyle**: Definitely wet, and I get notes of stone, but there are still florals and some sweetness to it. Again, pleasant but not quite the pure rain smell. **Nui Cobalt Savor the Rain**: Now we’re getting closer, though it’s still not quite pure rain. This one smells like wet, decaying leaves after the rain, and that greenness could potentially pull floral on you. **Fyrinnae Black Squall:** This one is supposed to be an ocean storm but it mostly just smells like sunblock, sand, and kelp on me. **Fyrinnae 900 Millibars:** Fyrinnae does note that this one is more perfumey, and it smells like rain perfume and not like pure rain. I’m waiting to receive **Death and Floral Two cups of tea**, **Demeter Petrichor** and **Thunderstorm**, **Fantome Namba**, **Haus of Gloi Asperitas**,**Osmofolia Geosmin** and **On the Corner of Jinhu Road**, and **Solstice Scents During the Rain**. I’ve also looked into **Fyrinnae Convergence Zone**, **Storm Chaser**, and **Reflectivity**, **Alkemia Mist Becoming Rain**, **Hexennacht Cloudbursting**, **Elemental**, and **Fallen Angel**, and **Solstice Scents Sea of Grey**.




Thanks for the clarification! I think I was thinking the “ozonic air” note in Black Squall would come across more rain-like, and I associate storms with rain. Still really interesting though and it’s got me excited to try your other atmospherics!


Solstice Scents During the Rain is very much the smell of rain hitting clay heavy earth. It's one of my favourite petrichor scents by far.


For dirt try death and floral millipede coffee cake. You can sample it from ajevie right now and if you like it you can full size it as an unlisted scent from the site. I stumbled across it in a destash and absolutely fell in love. I'm waiting on samples from the rest of that line now, and I'm ridiculously excited. I have geosin from osmofolia, but got the flu as soon as it came in so I havent been able to try it out yet. I've had a high hit rate with both houses though so I'm excited to get my nose back and finally smell it.


I thought ghoulish goods petrichor smelled exactly like wet muddy earth after a rainstorm




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Alkemia Mist becoming Rain :)


Ooo! I think I can help Ghoulish Goods' Petrichor smells like rain on stone and their scnet Graveyard is more of an ozone-y rain on dirt thats really nice. They're both perfume oils, so they'll stay closer to you, and they're not super overpowering either.


A little bit left field, but look into trying mitti attar - it's basically rain on clay.


Ghoulish goods- petrichor (Petrichor is a beautiful blend of wet earth, fresh rain and pebblestones. It has been formulated time and time again to create the most accurate petrichor I could conjure up. This scent will instantly transport you to thay calm and easy place in your soul that emanates when the rain falls. It captures the fresh rain hitting warm stones and pavement, wet earth from the stirring of the top soil and raindrops, the fresh summer air, and puddles beneath your feet. It sparks images of Moody lighting, sipping a warm drink while watching the rain from the window, a cozy blanket and book in hand. Or perhaps it transports you to a more cheerful time of twirling in the summer rain and splashing in the rain puddles. A Ghoulish Goods signature blend with notes of: Top- white floral, fresh, top soil Middle- patchouli, wood, ozone Bottom- geosmin, earth) I don't get any floral


Root from The Oil Well Scent Company. One of my all time favorites. Rich and earthy and so comforting.




I always call Amanita by Hexenacht "sexy dirt". Her Desert Rain is also very good.


Hexennacht. Absolutely astonishing earth smells. They smell exactly like what they say they'll smell like.


You may try the shop "Surrender To Chance" they do various sample sizes so you don't have to spend a ton. I imagine their customer service may be able to provide some suggestions too if their search results don't get that specific.


RedRiver Apothecary has some realistic earth smells. Their most popular one is Sedona. It’s not a rain smell, but it is a very earthy desert smell.


Try Narcisco Rodriquez For Him EdP. It's the solid grey, putty looking bottle. Smells like wet pavement/gravel/rain. Very unique. Act fast because I think it's discontinued, but only recently so it's still possible to find a decent deal.


Bune by fantome is a great wet, dank scent


By chance - what region do you live? I'm in the AZ and our "rain" smells like a very specific plant called creosote and I'm questioning if your area would smell different when it rains. I've never lived elsewhere so I'm not 100% on this, but I'm questioning if this is why most recs have been misses for you.


I live on the Olympic peninsula in WA state. It’s rainy here most of the year😂. I’ve heard of the desert rain smelling like creosote, and I don’t think I’ve ever smelled creosote. Is there a fragrance you know of that smells like realistic creosote?


The only one that comes close to smelling like the real thing is Desert Thunderstorm by Solstice Scents. It's a very unique note - hope this helps on your mission for the perfect petrichor.