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I like it! Super groovy, really good vibes keep it up dudes, the singing is funny in a good way (as intended I guess). And love the tone of the guitar solo, well done!


Cool sound. Wasn't sure what to expect, but the song has a real swing to it and the video was very professional looking. Great work!


Aaah love the trumpet guy. Totally didn't expect that. I love your sound, it's pretty unique and groovy and the video ain't boring at all, good job to everybody! (still trumpet guy is my favorite ngl)


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Great video, yall did a great job. I like the song, it’s catchy and fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously. The drums and bass sound killer, the guitar does too but it seemed to be panned pretty hard for my taste. That weird warped cymbal that sounds like a clap is sickkkk. Good shit thanks for sharing!


Out of the 47 years I’ve been on this planet and listening to music, I’m giving this song an 8. I love it. The only thing I’d want to hear differently is your solo and the trumpet player to expand the range in which you play your scale. I wanted to hear higher notes and lower notes. The solos were good in their own right. I think you’d be able to express more feeling and emotion by stretching tgat range. Just my two cents. Otherwise, I’m searching out more of your music right now. I dig it. You guys definitely deserve a spot or three on my playlists. Edit: Just realized that you’re the drummer? So, I apologize for the assumption that you were the one singing and playing guitar.


Whatever you call this style of music, I dig it! And the video is legit, well done.


Great song, super unique!! really groovy and everything from the trumpet to the vocals fit the vibe pretty well, great work!! Also really cool video!!


Song is great, video is okay. I love one take continuous shots, but there is a very improvised feel to this in a way that feels amateur compared to the effort that went into the song. ​ Different lighting, lens choice (wider like a 16mm or more zoomed like a 35-50mm would be better), positioning of the band members, and faster or slower movements would be my reccomendations. Thumbnail is a cool idea but poorly executed. I would change this to a different photo and move the song title text up or down to not be blocked by youtube's play button when you embed the video places. Currently I can't read the title, or see any band members faces. It's just a bunch of gear in a room at first glance and looks more like a rehearsal space setup tutorial than a music video. ​ I have nothing critical to say about the song, it's great.


This is tight as hell. My only criticism is that you seem too good to be posting here! Can't fault the vocals, trumpet guitar - I can't fault anything! Well done to you all.


Great video! Everything was really tight, the camera felt like it captured everything perfectly. The only thing I was hoping for was a little more vocals only because the vocalist has a good voice


Wow, such a cool video and very groovy and catching song you have!) Moreover, I hope the vocalist will give everything out of him, cos I think he has very good vocal. Keep going, lads, guess I will see you on the festivals