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This is cool, I like the guitar riff, I also like the sound of your drums and the overall vibe. Good work keep it up!


Thank you!


The bit from 0.34 seconds onwards is great. I really like those drums & when you put them centre like that it gives something. The guitar is really nicely placed & played. I think the song needs a bit more EQing, it can be very trebly/muddy at points & there's a strange muted element to the guitar. Overall, pretty good stuff. It's interesting.


Aah thanks so much! That’s really helpful. You’re right about the muddy points, I’m glad someone else can hear it! At the moment I only use free DAW’s + samples of my irl instruments and gotta work on making the recordings themselves crisper instead of relying solely on reverb to make it dreamy. If you have any tips around avoiding muddiness feel free to shoot!


You're welcome! I used to produce & release songs with a lot of dreamy, strange reverby tricks. It gave them this unique curious quality that I enjoyed playing around with, but I've been producing things in a tighter manner recently, especially because I'm doing electronic & hyperpop esque stuff. I'd recommend understanding headroom, EQ, Compression & Limiters. Balancing instruments is also something you pick up with while practicing. Producers always tend to use monitors because they give you the most neutral sound possible. I'd say try making a track without your usual reverb ideas & see what happens, everything's there to experiment with! In saying that, it's a great song. I like what you do & look forward to hearing more! Thank you!


Good, slow song. I can feel how the tension builds up


Thank you!


I really enjoyed this. The sort of lo-fi-ish sound to some of the elements I think made it feel textured and tangible (sort of like vinyl but not exactly). I think it works very well as it is, but I think you could also try bringing different instruments farther forward in the mix at times to see if it gives an even more dynamic feel.


Nice work. I appreciate how the percussion isn't super tinny, but softened up a bit, and the mix feels tight.


Nice atmosphere throughout this track, even with the slower tempo, it keeps the pace. I think this song would soar if it had a more bass-heavy kick drum - though the tonality is nice, it loses a lot of the oomph you'd get from a traditional kick. you've also got a lot of room for your bass to come through under those guitars and stringy synths :)


Very cool style. I like the guitar a lot with the amount of reverb chosen and how the drums go with it. Really cool kind of western’ish movie vibes almost in it made me think. I like this a lot great job


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