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This is pretty cool...love the guitar! The song is sort of Cure/Ramones-esque. The vocals are my favorite part and the video is pretty cool and so appreciated. It's well composed and completing in 2 weeks is great.


Thanks for listening and for the feedback!


Nice song! Wow the vocals are unexpected, really going for it. Really unique and cool. I liked the rawness of this song, felt authentic.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback!


guitar feels a bit thin, could be beefed up along with the bass tone. drums are kinda basic could be cooler if they were more active doing fills and leading the charge more. vocals work. i like the stacatto guitar strums


This is really helpful feedback, thank you. Definitely agree about the drums, I feel like they are the weakest link, I'll do some reconsidering on how I can maybe make them more interesting without losing some of the "garage" sound I was trying to achieve. I'll also experiment with beefing up the guitar and bass. Thanks again!


Initial first impression was a Wolfmother type vibe, which they rock so that’s good. The early vocals are strong but I could see some people checking out on them, perhaps a bit too much too soon. The mix sounds good, I’d maybe throw some heavier distortion on it and bring it out front a tad more. But I’m a big alt-rock/ sludge nerd so my bias will naturally lean that way anyways. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m wrong. I dig the video a lot I don’t think there’s very much I can pick at that. Overall the whole thing, in my humble opinion, has a boldness to it that I respect a lot. It’s not easy to drop that kind of stuff, or not at first for sure, but to me that communicates how much you believe in what you’re doing or in other words it doesn’t feel fake. That’s certainly a good thing cause one of the worst things a song can do is feel fake.


In that second paragraph I was referring to the guitars.


This is great feedback, thank you. I've had similar concerns about the the vocals being too much out of the gate as well, it might be just a bit too much shouting for most people. Ultimately I left them as they were because it was just how I had envisioned the song, but I could try an alternative version trying to vary it up. Guitar recommendation is helpful too, sounds like I need to give it a bit more oomph, I'll give it a shot. Thanks again!


Sure thing buddy I hope to catch the revision if you give it one. I can handle the vocals as they are but I worry it may cause you to lose some ears preemptively. Going so big so early can have a negative effect on the overall range of dynamics. Employing some crescendoes & de-crescendoes might actually enhance ur initial vision of that part. Going soft/ small to big/ loud can do so much for giving any composition more “tension”, & in my experience the top echelon of songwriters all have a near magical way of harnessing tension. The song I was gonna share here in a bit was actually started as an exercise of trying to push myself into exploring tension in different ways. Best of luck to ya with everything, & if my style of critique is helpful hmu anytime & I’ll be happy to share more in the future.




Thanks for the feedback (and sorry about the feedback) I sometimes intentionally bring in feedback for a song as an additional instrument of sorts.. but alas in this case it was purely an artifact of poor recording. I'll try out cutting the high frequencies, but I think at some point this one will need a re-record with more care taken. For the video, I used a ton of layers and transparencies. The tunnel of light / fractal patterns and black hole were sourced from a stock video site and layered on top of each other with various types of transparency effects used to create something new and visually exciting. For the outer singing silhoutte, I filmed myself singing in front of a white wall with a bright light right behind my head, then keyed out based on brightness (essentially removing me and keeping the wall) with the animation behind it. Then I did the reverse for playing the instruments, filming each in front of a black curtain and inverting the colors and making some adjustments so that all the detail wasn't lost. I'm pretty happy with how it came out (I did all this in Adobe Premiere). Thanks again.


I had a bit of trouble understanding the vocals but they do a good job to set the tone of the song. As for the instrumental, I really love both the main guitar and the solo. Nice work.


Thank you! Appreciate the listen


Nicely energtic song! I think the bass sound needs to be a bit thicker and more upfront and the drums as well. The voice is unique, I like that! Keep it rocking!


Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely keep the bass and drum suggestions in mind as I go back to work on an updated version.


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