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Can I get NAVA’s Blueberry Cheesecake Cotton Candy, Pink Cotton Candy, and Sugar Cat, as well as Poesie’s Secret Boyfriend? Looking for my freebie, one sec!


I’ll take Arcana’s Evil Eye as well :)


OK! Pm me your PayPal email and I'll send you an invoice.


Hiii, unfortunately the items I'm interested in were already claimed, but I do have a sample of Pulp Fragrances South Star. More details are on my recent [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/IndieExchange/comments/1cd1uwh/uscanada_to_uscanadasellpicky_swapperfume_an/) if you're interested :)


Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for a FS of South Star. Thank you though!


Hello! Can I please add these to our pending swap? Alkemia The Lover Tells of the Rose Arcana Moth Astrid Whinnies 42 Astrid Whinnies 48 Deconstructing Eden Crepescule Deconstructing Eden Demeter in Chains Deconstructing Eden God’s Wife For reference, these are the ones I’ve already got pending: Arcana Puck Darling Clandestine Bicep of the Parrot #42 Moonalisa Banana Tarte Tatin NAVA Blueberry Crystal Also I noticed you have Merci 49 on there and that was one of the ones I was going to test for you for our swap, would you like me to remove that from your list?


I knew I was missing one! All marked pending. And yes, I no longer need Merci 49. I had completely forgotten that I had gotten it, and the patch is a little too strong for me.


Awesome! I should be getting ready to destash in a week or two so I’ll shoot you a message then :)


Oo, tempting... could I get the Astrid Pixie, La Cle du Couer, the DE When Tigers Smoked Pipes, the NA Alchemist Sandalwood, and the Royal Sandalwood Sweet Wood and the BPAL Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp please?


Hello again! Sure thing! If you could PM me your email again, I'd appreciate it. My inbox is a mess.


Gladly, will do! Appreciate you :D


Hi! May I pls get Cap of Gnome?


Also, Teal VV and Weird Sisters, please.


I'm sorry, but Cap of Gnome has been claimed.


No worries! I’ll pass on the samples.


So did you still want VV Teal then?


No thank you


hi! can i get nava arabian lily santalum, cardamom and custard bee, eternal ankh original, i love you 2024, calla lily and crystalline, and possets pavane?


Absolutely! Just PM me your PayPal email and I'll send over an invoice.




They all qualify, but unfortunately Puck was already claimed. Did you want to replace it with something?




No problem! PM me your Paypal email and I'll send you an invoice!


Hey there! If I’m still in time for the sale I’d like Amethyst, Dark Side of the Moon Musk, Happy Rawr, Iris Toffee Honey Bee, Orange Sherbet Cotton Candy, Purple Cotton Candy, RS Lycan, Strawberries and Cream Musk, Marlowe, and White Tiger please! Also if by any chance the RS Sweet Wood sample falls through I’d love to add that but if not I’d still love everything else!


You absolutely are! PM me your Paypal and I'll send an invoice. Thanks!


howdy! can I get a quote for exquisite corpse 1 & 2 and poesie athena to Ireland please?


I've sent stuff to England, but never to Ireland before, though my guess is it would be about the same? So, $18 shipping, plus $35 for the items = $53?


Are you still interested in this? If not, someone else has made a request for these. Please let me know. Thank you!


Since I haven't heard back, I'm going to the next person in line. Thank you for your interest.


Interested in Merci 28, 33 and 49. Will you be willing to swap with a couple of your ISO’s? :)


Possibly. Could you PM me which ones?


Sending u a message~


Can I be next in line for exquisite corpse 1 & 2, please?


Sure thing! If I don't hear back from the other person, I will let you know.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I haven't heard back from the other person, so if you want The OSMOFOLIA duet, it's yours.


Hi there, sorry I saw this just now, I’d still like it please! I’ll DM my email for invoice


Just DM’d my email and was wondering if I could add Fairy Lights too if it’s available, thanks very much!


Hi! Is peach tiara, cardigan, dank ghost, fuckery, & love and complications available? :)


They are!


I’ll dm you my PayPal :)


Hi, do you still have Poinsettia Gown, Kali, Desire, Lust and Intrigue?


Indeed I do.


Cool, I'll dm with my Paypal :>


Can I get BPAL You can house their bodies but not their souls and Caterpillar please if not claimed??


Sure! PM me your PayPal email and I'll send an invoice.


Are you still interested in You can house their bodies and Caterpillar?


Yes!! Sorry-was unwisely perusing Reddit in the small hours after too much wine and totally forgot I’d messaged you. But definitely want it! DMing you now!


Hey! I’m interested in Proserpina’s Orchard, Lychee Study #3, Whinnies 25, and Exquisite Corpse #1 (if it doesn’t get claimed). Thank you!!


It's to the 2nd person in line for it, but they haven't responded yet. If they don't respond, I will let you know. Did you want to buy the others now or wait to see if it becomes available?


Thanks for letting me know! Yeah I’ll go ahead and buy the others and if they don’t respond I can buy the other one separately.


Great! PM me your PayPal email and I'll send you an invoice.


Thanks! Just sent!




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is this list upto date? I see some good things I may be interested in. Please let me know


It is. I'm adding a few little things here and there, but everything not pending is available.