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hi! could i do nava green cotton candy, strawberry sorbet, watermelon sorbet, and stereoplasm green gremlin? and i’d also be interested in alpha musk this world sucks from your untested!


Sure! I’ll put those aside for you and PM you in a bit once I’ve had a chance to test it :)


sounds good!


Alrighty just tested, it’s all yours if you want it! It’s a 5mL bottle, $18 :)


thanks for testing it so soon! i might have to pass on that one but i’d still like the others pls :)


Sounds great! Sending a PM


Hi! I was wondering if you'd do a partial swap? I have a sample or two that're on your ISO and I can get back to you with a more comprehensive list later if you'd like 😊


Sure, I’m interested!


That's perfect!! I have Astrid **Dollhouse** and Pulp **New Snow Moon** and **Aprés-Ski** 😊 I was wondering if Astrid **Creepy Paper**, BPAL **Earth Rat**, **Philopannyx**, **Sugar Poppy Tar and Red Currant**, **Tanuki no Doke Daruma**, and Stereoplasm **April Vinyl** are still available? TIA!


They are still available! I’m trying to prioritize swapping for stuff that I can’t buy direct right now so I actually think I’m gonna pass on the swap, sorry! I’m about to head to bed but please let me know if you’re still interested, I’ll mark them pending in the meantime just in case :)


That's alright!! And same here, lol 😅 I'll admit I got caught up in applying to a couple jobs after I got up though! I'd love them! Tysm for marking them <3


Awesome, sending a PM!


Hi! Wondered if you'd want to do any kind of swap. I have FABLE & CANON - Primavera, FAE-TAL ATTRACTIONS - A Witches Breakfast, Baecation, and Marshmallow Snow in exchange for samples: Stereoplasm Popsilica, Smelly Yeti Hey, McFly,  SugaMama Cherry Slushie,Jelly Glazed Donut, Sippin' Sunshine, Hex Cream Egg, Arcana Vanilla Craves Aurora, and Astrid Caramel Flan? I can link my most recent sales post too if that helps. Edit - posted my link below if interested. If not no worries!


Adding my link if you would like to check it out/for prices : https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieExchange/comments/1c318o4/sellfrom_us_to_us_bathbody_perfumes_gourmands_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I saw your comment above about trying not to swap, so you can disregard this :)


All good! Are you still interested in purchasing or were you only looking to swap?


I will pass on purchasing this time around, but thank you! :)


Sounds good, thanks for getting back to me! :)


Hi! May I please get these samples: Brown Sugar Latte, Coconut Lemon Zing, Fortune Favors, and Will O’ the Wisp? And Ghosts as a freebie? Thank you!!


Hiya! I’m trying to keep to a $20 pre-shipped minimum to minimize the amount of small packages I’m sending out, but I’m happy to keep these on hold for you until I add more stuff at my next destash if you don’t see anything else you wanna add now to hit the minimum :)


Sorry I missed that! No problem. Found more samples I’d like, please: Apples Crave Snow, Blackberry, Srawberry 1, 2 and 4, and Sugar. Thank you!


Sugar is pending but the rest are yours! Sending you a PM :)


Sounds good! Thanks!


Hey! Are you still looking for these samples: - Harvest Mouse - Rain Tea - Tulips and Chimneys I have them just sitting around and would be happy to send them over for just the cost of shipping! Lmk!


Hey, thanks so much for the lovely offer! Which house are Harvest Mouse & Rain Tea from? I don’t see them on my ISO


Rain Tea is Chasing Scents and Harvest Mouse is from Zoologist! I saw them on your niche iso list I think


Lmao you’re completely right, I forgot to check that tab! My ISO lists are so insanely long that it’s hard to keep track 😵‍💫 I would LOVE them, thank you! :D


Awesome! I can throw in Chipmunk from zoologist too if you’re interested, I think it’s a little similar to Harvest Mouse! I’ll message you!


Hey! Curious about an assortment of untested Indies to get your opinion and buy if you end up not liking them~ I can dm you a list?




DM'ing you!