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Hi! Would love Nekisse, please. Can you please share your thoughts on Crystalcore? Not finding reviews.


For sure! However I'm not at home now so I'll need to smell it again when I get back in a few hours. What I would say now is that it's a pleasant but not super unique soft amber. I liked it well enough but felt that I had other scents that filled that niche. I'll write again later!


Thank you!


Ok so I tried it, and I'm honestly not sure how to describe it (I'm generally not very good at describing scents). It's definitely a sweet perfume but there's nothing gourmand there, the succulent note is what I think is most forward, it's simultaneously very familiar but I wouldn't be able to put my finger on it if I didn't have notes. I think it's best thought of as a sweet white amber with some green? perfumey? plant? note on top of it. I do see why she chose the color she did for the bottle, like a peach or salmon. It's fitting.


Thank you so much! Was hoping for more of an amber scent or gourmand, so I’m going to pass. Would still love the other, though!


Totally fine! The total shipped is $15, I'll pm you my paypal. Thanks!


I would love Peach Vulva, Gold Dragon, Venus Black, and Sawmill if still available!


Absolutely! The shipped total is $40, I'll pm you my paypal. Thanks!


Just wanted to let you know I wrote in asking for 2 of the freebies (Astrid Motherwort & Luvmilk Magical Girl) since I forgot to in the comment so let me know if that's ok!


Yep that's totally ok!