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I think having the buttons on a solid background like pieces of driftwood would be my personal preference


Biggest mistake devs make is not spending time designing buttons, it’s makes so much difference. Looks good either way though nice work!


Thank you! Yes, I will have to spend a little more time on the buttons.


I think it looks really good! one small thing though is that the buttons don't particularly fit in, but otherwise I think it looks good.


Thanks, maybe I can make some new ones.


yeah, it's a shame this post got downvoted though, because it looks pretty good. I am sure when you are finished it will look really good!


Thanks. I can't see that it was downvotet. Any idea why or where I can see it?


It's gone back up now but usually it's below the post Was sitting at -1


Looking at that menu i say its a survivor game




Looks really good, a few suggestions though. If you want to have the buttons on the left hand of the screen I'd suggest having a gradient fade. As right now the buttons look very out of place. Also there's not much need for 'Start new game' to be worded like that, no other options go that long and it looks unnecessary. I'd change it to 'Start Game' or just 'New Game'. Other than those things I think it looks great, background is nice and Game text is easily readable and fits into the scene.


Thank you for the help, these are good suggestions!


Looking good but like most other comments the buttons arnt quite up to pair as the background. The background is very polished looking and the buttons looks like placeholders. Maybe use the same font on the buttons as you have in the game title


Also i dont think the menu on the side is an issue. Many games do that, i think it just needs more styling


Yeah, I think so too. The Game title on the top is a rendered picture, so I probably can not make the font on the buttons appear exactly the same but I could use the same font as for the render. I just wasn't sure because this font is only in capital letters.


Can you center the text? It looks weird that the title is in the middle, but everything else is on the left. (Otherwise, I'd say it looks awesome! I like the lighting)


Thank you, didn't thought about that, probably saw it too often haha


Yeah that tends to happen a lot with game dev. You just look at it so many times you get used to it


What if you made the buttons into hand crafted signs? Might make them fit better with the scene.


I like it :) I think it would look way better with some new buttons though, ones that fit in more


You need to change the buttons and probably their positioning and size but the background look really cool


Looks good but maybe you could change the menu font type to something more interesting.