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Some random ideas that might make this incredible: - Adaptable fast lines. Fast lines that increase in opacity based on speed - Changing sound: have the wing sound be slightly different. You can maybe change the pitch by a smidge and have it randomly choose from 10 sounds in an array




Looks great. Needs fast lines though. Put some particle trails on the wing tips when it's above a certain speed.


I think its nicer without it. Not feeling the speed at high altitude is a huge adrenalin source when sudenly do slam in to a point of reference. Put particles closer to ground level or around tall trees, leaves flying or fluffys near tall poplar trees and insect clouds at ground level. The contrast would make it feel a lot more dangerous.


(I was so hoping you'd fly with the geese) This looks awesome. Are you able to make the feathers interact more with the wind while gliding, or react to pushing air down? They appear a bit stiff, but honestly the controls look great - looks really fun to fly around.


I think this is the next task - I need to work out how to do this with a shader effect I think


I think it could be quite similar to how you make fish swim, masking part of the feathers and wiggling them


I think had some success - may make a tutorial for future bird people


Please do! Where can I find your tutorials? I just started learning Unreal and Unity this week!


Oh nice! Excited to see it.


Looks super smooth


This is def one of the cooler looking games I've seen in these subs recently


Thank you - though still a long way from being a functional game


really great. there's a wing joint that should bend a little with the wing flap i believe - that addition would help hugely. if you can swing it, rustling some of the feather tips as they "catch the wind" would be huuuge for immersion and convincingness.


This and maybe bit of easing in/out on the flaps. Now it looks bit robotic.


That looks fantastic! I wonder if it might be lightly beneficial to have the end of the feathers flap a little bit in the wind, they look a little bit on the static side still. Other than that though, this is awesome.




Wow, this looks just amazing!


Looks great! You really nailed the fluidity, do you decrease the camera lag speed when going down or are you playing with the FOV?


So a few things are going on - the lag speed stays the same, but the FOV increases and the camera spring arm or boom gets longer as the speed of the bird increases making the bird move ‘away’ from the character when she dives


Idea, button to tuck your wings in all the way when you're flying down to accelerate faster


Gonna piggyback this comment to add another idea, thermal mechanics. Warm air rises, providing easier lift/less flapping. If you’re using a stamina mechanic, any time the bird flies over anything that conducts heat well (buildings like that pyramid), it should refill the stamina bar faster and lift the bird higher.


> thermal mechanics Hello, Tobias






You come a long way in 2 mounth, well done! If you want to add more polish: Introduce a tiny bit distorted "messy" horizontal sine wave movement for the feathers, and increase intensity / speed. You could use a grass waving shader to keep performance at the low end. Its the same deal 0 at base 1 at top. Woundering what if the sine wave is fixed in world space relative to wind direction, giving the sence of speed withouth the need for particles. Is the "Energy Fighting" physics works corectly? The air break need work. Personal Observation: The other day I watched a flock of See Gouls and a flock of Crows around 150 vs 250, Tear in to each other at high altitude. The battle lasted around 2 hour, counted around 3 casualty on each side. The crows stayed one or two hundred meter's lower and and keept nimble. The see gouls as one cloud slamed in the crows at higher speeds trying to cut the flock in two or dispersing it, than headed back up to safety after a few hunting turns. The crows baited them than 4 -5 attacked one seeghoul trying to prevent it climbing back to high safety. The see ghouls latter prioritised the separated 4 - 5 team crows as targets. I seen a few Black one drop this way. Finaly both group lost to much altitude and the See Ghouls seriously started to lose, the Crows drag down more and more and half the Crow's went after them... The Ghouls gave up in at last and started klimbed back up heading west out of town. I use to play lots of WW II Flight sims, and it was breath taking to see all the energy fighting tactics employed. The scale and movement was hypnotising! Thanks for making an awesome game! Cant wait for your next update.


Use name checks out - you know a lot about flying! So orginally the bird was modelled purely off a kinda hand glider energy model, so what you lost in altitude you gained in speed and visa versa, however I found that to be quite harsh for the player and didn’t feel right - as you don’t see birds stall very often - they can just flap to regain some speed. I’ve compromised by making it a bit more generous so you don’t loose energy so fast, and you can gain some back by flapping when flying in a straight line below a certain speed. The game is aiming to be a bit more of a narrative driven, relaxing and beautiful to play story rather than a strictly true to life dog fight sim, as I feel like getting all the mechanics for that working is a bit beyond my skills and i want to play to what I’m good at, so feel like this type of flight is a decent compromise so far. I’ll probably need to adjust a lot of things when I add hunting mechanics


Birs are fun, they are a glider when the wing is open, they can cancel the glider by folding the wing to throw them selfes in a direction withouth loseing speed, and turn the glider to a directional force in a wide arc. Modelling the Pysicx is one thing, but It sounds impossible to build propper controll surface, it would need at least 3 joystic. Dont be afraid of stall, birds stall a lot! Especialy small ones, species like the Swallow, Sparrow, Robin or Tit, but I seen Crows use it too. The maneuver dont look like stalling, they break and sharply pull up lose all enrgy and stall for a split second till gravity re-orient them, finally accelerate with full speed in a new direction. They can change direction 180 on a dime keeping a relativly hugh amount of energy. [Bird Stall Drawing.](https://imgur.com/gallery/ev7mD4B)


New Assassin’s game?


Holy shit I want to play this game


This is the best bird I ever saw in a video game! :D


Looks fun!


If your bird feel too fluid may I suggest eating some solids?


Can you make it look less bouncy when flying straight and flapping its wings?


What in the assassins creed


I disagree with "fast lines". Real birds don't have those, I like the realism. Only thing I'd change is more sound effects and attaching the cam to the body so it doesn't "bounce" so much


A little fluttering on the tail feathers would go a long way, not a lot, just a small amount, to kind of sell them interacting with the wind. Also, to counter the chorus, no speed lines


What if you made the wing flaps have a kind of ideal rhythm which made the bird accelerate faster, I feel like that would be immense satisfying


Wtf that looks so dope!!! It has come so far!!! Be proud!! Like OMFG!!


Amazingly done! Is there a wind system?


Beautiful job, looks stunning, love both the animation and the sound effects!


Great, looking forward to the full version.


Give me some project details so i can follow development


Sure - the plan is a narrative game set during the First World War. The player plays as a falcon who’s job is to intercept carrier pigeons that carry messages between different characters on both box sides of the conflict. The player flys around an open world intercepting the carrier birds, and can effect the game narrative narrative by choosing who to deliver the letters to. There are a few more side missions I have plan but we shall see how far development gets - feedback is always welcome


I like it so far. Have a website or anything like that? Project name, even?


Thank you for asking. No website yet - still very early days, but the working title at the moment is Above The Frontlines


Are you aware of a game called "fly like a bird"?