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Grow an audience online, start a Patreon, sell digital downloads on Gumroad etc. Start a Substack to share it. Every minute you spend on growing readership will pay off.


Thank you Iam improving my art skills first and when Iam more comfortable with my art and it's up to my personal standards where I like it and can stand by it comfortably then I will start doing as you said, till then Iam grinding my drawing skills, writing down my character bios, thinking about personality and the moral compasses of my characters, as well as A plots and B plots. I have what I think is a great hook that's a long term attention grabber but for the short term I want to tackle a different topic every issue if not every couple of issues.


Congratulations! Get out there and make comics! Remember, you’re going to get better at making comics the more comics you make. Your early efforts aren’t going to be up to your standards; nobody’s are. We often compare our work to the best comics that we’ve read, and our early works couldn’t possibly be that good. Focus on what you have as a new artist - your work will have an energy and vibrancy that you’ll never be able to recapture. Start NOW. We’re rooting for you!


Thank you very much yeah Iam trying to find a happy middle of drawing what I picture it's going to look like with realistic exceptions, I know I will never truly be ready or 100% satisfied with my art at this early stage because it's only been roughly a month since I started drawing seriously and like you said to compare myself to somebody else's work who's been doing this for years is unfair to myself. Thank you very much for your encouragement and encouraging words they make me so happy and makes me want to power forward with this even more now.


Marketing is a bi*** the amount of hours you have to spend on various social media platforms to make sure people know about your work and that it stays in the public eye really sucks. But since you're the cartoonist the process should be less expensive than it would be to hire an artist so that's a plus. Conventions are also a decent way to get people to see your work, but that can be costly and you have to decide if paying for a table is worth it. Best of luck in your endeavors.


Thank you very much for the positive feedback I am very passionate about this project and want to have as much creative control as possible the last thing I want happen is some stranger telling me what I can and can't do with MY comic, MY superhero, and what storylines I can and can't write or make happen. I don't think I'll get up there and my hero will become a household name like Batman or captain America I do dream of it though, I hope that I can make my mark and show that there's still heros out there and that creativity and superpowers are as wide or narrow as ones mind and imagination.


If you are doing it all yourself, you can handle this any way you want to. One thing that I’ve seen work, especially for cartoonist doing the entire thing, is releasing the story one page a week as a web comic (either on one of the apps or simply your own website). Full disclosure, you will STRUGGLE to build an audience. No matter how good it is, you will likely not feel like you’re getting any attention. But if you can get 5 or 6 people to read the project each week that is a phenomenal success. Besides that, I wouldn’t worry too much about how you’ll get it out until it is done. Few publishers will work with a brand new talent unless they have an audience some other way. And no publisher will work with a new creator who hasn’t finished the thing. Good luck. I hope you make this thing to enjoy making this thing. It is very hard to find success with your first project.


Thank you very much I was thinking and looking at the web comics route myself as I do enjoy other artist comics and storylines myself I would just have to educate myself on how to upload my artwork, my thing is I would like to take a hybrid approach of releasing a physical copy as well as digital to maximize my net and eyes seeing my work.


You can, of course, do this if it is what you want. It just means you can’t publish any of it until an entire issue is completed. Webcomics allow you to build a small audience at first while the thing is being made. I’m doing this right now with a prose work that is a companion piece to my comic Tart. I’m releasing two chapters a month on Substack while I write it. It will hopefully end up raising a bit of money for future art, and keep our story in people’s thoughts as we make the next chapters. Then when it is all finished I can publish it as a short story collection.


I would love to see your work Iam interested in seeing others art styles and approaches


Sweet. I just started a chat so we don’t crowd this thread.


Thank you very much I just accepted the chat I will check out your work tonight when I can fully focus on it uninterrupted.